Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 294 PM - Hasan !

YM Capital, Sanaa

Liu Yong arrived in YM's capital alone. As he disembarked from the plane, he hailed a taxi and commanded, "Take me to the Prime Minister's Office."

The taxi driver stared at Liu Yong in astonishment and asked, "Sir, are you really going to the Prime Minister's Office?"

Liu Yong nodded firmly and replied, "Absolutely."

The taxi driver remained silent, but his thoughts were in turmoil inwardly. He pondered over the identity of this passenger, which led him to proceed directly to the Prime Minister's Office.


This man is no ordinary individual.

The taxi driver's awe for Liu Yong intensified. While driving, he occasionally stole glances at Liu Yong through the rearview mirror, trying to unravel the mystery of his identity.

The journey from the airport to the Prime Minister's Office was considerably extended, lasting about 40 to 50 minutes. Throughout the ride, Liu Yong gazed out the car window, observing the cityscape of Sanaa. Even in YM's war-torn capital, remnants of conflict were omnipresent, with unrepaired ruins serving as poignant reminders.

"Sir, we have arrived at the Prime Minister's Office," the taxi driver announced.

Liu Yong noticed a small contingent of heavily armed soldiers stationed at the entrance of the grand and opulent building.

He handed the taxi driver a hundred-dollar bill, prompting profuse gratitude from the recipient. Earning such an amount would likely take the taxi driver an entire day.

Ignoring the driver's repeated expressions of gratitude, Liu Yong strode toward the Prime Minister's Office. However, before reaching the gate, he was intercepted.

A middle-ranking individual stood in Liu Yong's path and inquired, "This is the Prime Minister's Office. Who are you?"

Liu Yong confidently identified himself, stating, "I am the CEO of Global Shipping Group, and I need to meet Prime Minister Hassan."

The individual eyeing Liu Yong exhibited suspicion, doubting the authenticity of his claim.

Liu Yong retrieved his passport without uttering a word and presented it to the individual. Unexpectedly, his gesture was met with indifference, and with a sweeping motion, the guns of the armed men at the door were trained on Liu Yong.

Witnessing this, Liu Yong couldn't help but let out a mocking laugh.

What a lack of respect!

Suppressing his anger for the time being, Liu Yong reiterated his identity, "I am the CEO of Global Shipping Group, and I must see Prime Minister Hassan."

"Go away! Our prime minister is not someone you can see just by saying so," the individual retorted, displaying a disrespectful attitude.

Having witnessed the exchange, the taxi driver marvelled at Liu Yong's self-control but sensed the mounting anger within him.

YM was a small war-torn country, and Liu Yong's standing far surpassed that of their so-called prime minister. It was quite an honour for them that he had come here in person.

Liu Yong reaffirmed, "I am the CEO of Global Shipping Group. If you hinder me any further, you will face the consequences."

After speaking his mind, Liu Yong stepped forward, advancing toward the entrance.

Besides relying on sheer strength, opting for such a direct approach was the most efficient and hassle-free method.

The embassy would have been the best route, but Liu Yong sought to avoid unnecessary complications.

Witnessing Liu Yong's movement, the middle-ranking individual immediately launched an attack.

However, they were no match for Liu Yong. In less than a minute, he had effortlessly incapacitated the guards, including the middle-ranking individual, without inflicting fatal injuries but merely leaving them with minor wounds.

Consider it a lesson.

The commotion quickly drew the attention of numerous onlookers, including passersby on the street outside the Prime Minister's Office. Timid individuals swiftly retreated, seeking safety. Yet, the brave turned their heads towards the scene, astounded by Liu Yong's effortless defeat of many adversaries.

A true master.

They were in awe of his incredible prowess.

The unfolding spectacle garnered the Prime Minister's Office's attention as well. A large group of people promptly made their way towards the disturbance.

Among them, a high-ranking individual, likely a general, led the charge. He surrounded Liu Yong with his subordinates and bellowed, "Seize him!"

The soldiers prepared to attack, but Liu Yong raised his voice to halt them, "Hold on! I am the CEO of Global Shipping Group, and I need to meet Prime Minister Hassan."

"Global Shipping Group!"

Indeed, Global Shipping Group enjoyed great renown in the Middle East as one of the top ten shipping companies globally. Furthermore, the company operated numerous large tankers transporting crude oil.

The general scrutinized Liu Yong, then inquired, "Are you truly the CEO of Global Shipping Group?"

Observing the general's demeanour change, Liu Yong realized that his identity had made an impact.

"Yes, I am the CEO of Global Shipping Group. We have eliminated Rhodes Armed Forces' leader, Alfred," Liu Yong confidently responded.


Was Alfred killed?

The general's attitude improved further, and a visible expression of surprise adorned his face. "Is what you're saying true?"

Liu Yong retrieved photos from his mobile phone and presented them to the general, solidifying the truth.

Immediately, the general's enthusiasm surged, treating Liu Yong as an esteemed guest.

The middle-ranking individual who had been battered earlier struggled to rise from the ground, bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

What just happened?

Why is the general treating him with such respect?

He failed to comprehend the situation entirely but understood one thing: his plan had gone awry.

Regarding Liu Yong as an honoured guest, the general personally escorted him to the presidential palace and arranged for him to be seated in the reception room.

Liu Yong received a warm reception.

Sitting in the reception room, Liu Yong reflected on the efficacy of his direct approach. Although somewhat risky, it yielded favourable results.

Liu Yong understood two key factors that had earned him this distinguished treatment. First, his status as the CEO of Global Shipping Group commanded respect even in YM, a small war-torn country. Secondly, the elimination of Alfred carried significant weight.

The Rhodes Armed Forces had been a thorn in their side. Despite numerous attempts, the YM government had failed to neutralize them. Little did they expect Liu Yong and his allies to succeed in eliminating Alfred.

After a brief interval, Yemeni Prime Minister Hassan arrived, accompanied by a sizable entourage, mostly comprised of soldiers.

Donning a military uniform, Hassan exuded the air of a general, which would mislead those unaware of his position as the prime minister of YM.

"Mr. Liu, welcome to our country," he greeted, speaking in Arabic, promptly followed by an interpreter.

Both parties exchanged pleasantries before delving into the matter at hand.

Liu Yong retrieved his mobile phone and displayed the photos to Hassan.

Observing the evidence of Alfred's demise, Hassan visibly rejoiced.

They had dispatched troops several times to encircle and suppress Alfred, but each attempt had failed. They never expected Liu Yong and his comrades to succeed where they had faltered.


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