Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 320: The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 320: The Uninvited Guest

Though this was only Ghost Marriage, almost all core family members attended except those who were currently abroad. Not to mention the aristocratic families and all prominent figures in Batavia had also been gathered in this place!

Therefore, when Ryan's figure got out of the car, many people stood up from among the guests. They had the aura of martial artists.

Since their safety was also under threat, they happily lent their strength to Nicholas. It was a good thing to make him owe them a favor, after all.

Surrounded by these people, Ryan's face did not change at all. It was clear because he could easily win this battle.

When he traveled around the world long ago and met Rayden, he was once trapped in a city. Hundreds of people were after him and he single-handedly obliterated them!

When he was in Japan, all people, be it police, politicians, other martial artists, did not dare to walk in front of him. When they saw Ryan, everyone would turn and run from his sight!

When he was in Europe, everyone was subject to his abilities. Not to mention the women they were all defeated by Ryan's abilities! Of course the ability in question was his skill in bed.

When compared to all that, what he faced now was nothing.

These people were roughly the same as those of the martial masters on the God list, whereas Ryan had never been defeated by anyone of the lower ranks like them.

This was proven when he fought 5 people at the same time at the Orla Bar. And now that Ryan's strength was no longer what it used to be, he could see himself annihilating his enemies in a blink of eyes.

"Anyone who dares to enter this house uninvited will never make it out alive." 

A bodyguard shook his head and gave Ryan a disgusted look. The Kruger family had their roots in Batavia for a long time. Never before had anyone as brave as Ryan barged into the residence of this aristocratic family.

"Whatever your reason for coming here, death will be the only way out for you."

Seeing the arrival of the uninvited guest, everyone seemed to whisper to their sides.

"It looks like that person has strong support, but the problem is which family dares to challenge the Kruger family so openly like this?"

"Looks like this is also the interference of the global elite, what kind of person dares to challenge Nicholas?"

If Ryan decided to fight them, he'd have to face the power of the Kruger family. Coupled with the bodyguards from their guests, hundreds of people had surrounded him, including the elite assassination team privately owned by the host family.

Even so, Ryan's expression remained calm. His eyes were staring at Nicholas whose face was grim, then looked at Renault who seemed surprised. His gaze then moved to the joyful face of Mrs. Susan and the guests who were disgusted by his presence. 

And in the end, his eyes fell on Irina who was wearing a bridal gown.

He saw his wife in tears when their eyes met.

Ryan was still alive, her husband was still alive!

Colors returned to Irina's monochrome world, her dead heart also bloomed when she saw Ryan.

She thought that she would never be able to see her prince on horseback again in this life. 

At this time, Irina wanted to jump into Ryan's arms but the man suddenly said to her while smiling, "You stupid girl, why are you crying like that? Didn't I say that you look beautiful when you smile?"

When the guests heard Ryan's words, everyone had their own guess.

"Interesting, it looks like that kid has a relationship with Irina. The Lacroix family deserved to fall."

"Hahaha this is his fault for forcing Irina to marry his dead son, now the boy has come to take revenge."

"But that brat is definitely crazy, how could he possibly get out of here alive?" The guests could only sigh. "Looks like this world has gone crazy."

When the people looked at Ryan, their eyes were already filled with condolence. After all, the enemy of the Kruger family was also their enemy. 

However, Ryan didn't care about them. His eyes were only on Irina. When his wife heard his words, her crying intensified and she couldn't stop her tears from falling down.

"My husband..." Irina said in a soft tone.

With a warm smile, Ryan replied, "Leave this matter to your husband, we will return home together tonight."

Nicholas stood up and stared at Ryan closely, his heart couldn't take it anymore. How presumptuous of that damn boy thinking he could run away with Irina! Nicholas would surely kill his son's killer.

As the head of the family, Nicholas must eliminate enemies before they harmed his family. And now, Ryan was his number one enemy and he must immediately eliminate him.

Nicholas kicked his chair and made it hit the table.

"Since you dare to show up to this place, be prepared to die!" Nicholas shouted.

Hearing these words, everyone who surrounded Ryan prepared to attack. After all, their enemy was only one person, so there should be enough of them to kill him.

But those who'd witnessed Ryan's rage beforehand had traces of fear in their eyes. They could vividly remember the man's strength that day. If they attacked rashly, they would definitely die in an instant.

When everyone was expecting the blood to start falling, suddenly the sound of police sirens came back. As they turned their heads together, they were all shocked.

Why were there so many police?

The police had blockaded the gate to the house with their cars. Hundreds of cops were already aiming at Ryan, and at the same time, more than 15 helicopters were already in the air and aimed their machine guns at jhim.

Not far from there, dozens of snipers were already in position and ready to shoot.

What kind of situation was this?

These guests were already terrified, they had never seen this many police forces. Would they also be destroyed with the Kruger family?

However, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that these cops had come for Ryan. Hundreds of red dots were pinned all over the man's body.

Seeing this, everyone immediately stepped aside and hid themselves. Irina also went into hiding under Ryan's order.

The cops were ready to fire at any moment, and at this point, one of them picked up the loudspeaker and said to Ryan, "You are surrounded! Surrender or we will shoot."

However, Ryan didn't care about them. His eyes were still on Nicholas. His thick killing aura was all directed towards Nicholas, and it certainly made the man's guts shrink. It was clear that Ryan had come to take his life.

The policeman frowned and said again, "Calm down, we won't shoot you as long as you don't fight. Raise your hands and kneel on the ground. "

Nicholas suddenly had an idea, why didn't he use these cops to kill Ryan?

"You were arrested on charges of breaking the law for hijacking a plane, injuring dozens of law enforcement officers, stealing police cars and causing chaos in the city. And now that you've broken into someone's house, you better give up now before we have more victims and casualties," the cop then snorted coldly. "Don't think you can run away again."

"Diavolo, is it true that this person has committed that many crimes?" Nicholas suddenly shouted.

This policeman named Diavolo looked at Nicholas and was immediately shocked. Then the expression on his face immediately changed.

"I didn't expect that this criminal was hiding in your house," Diavolo quickly walked over to Nicholas, they seemed to have a close relationship.

Nicholas nodded, Diavolo was one of the Kruger family's allies in the police force.

"Such a criminal does not deserve to go to jail, it is better to kill him in this place!" Nicholas said casually.

Diavolo hesitated, then he finally nodded and smiled. "Looks like you are right."

At this point, Diavolo knew that if he succeeded in killing this man, the Kruger family would be indebted to him. What's more, Ryan had committed so many crimes, so it was okay to kill him right now.

Guido frowned as he watched the situation, he had been chasing Ryan from the airport but he knew that the man was not a terrorist.

Since he knew that Ryan was not a dangerous person, Guido was reluctant to intervene. His job was to protect his country, not a rich family. 

Nicholas looked at Ryan with a smile. However, Ryan suddenly said to Diavolo, "This matter is my problem with the Kruger family. Don't interfere or don't blame me if I use violence."

When he heard Ryan's words, Diavolo was immediately angry. He did not expect that this person would still dare to speak presumptuously.

With his hand raised, all the police were ready to fire and the helicopter machine guns were pointing at Ryan.

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