Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 292: Don’t Push Yourself

Chapter 292: Don’t Push Yourself

After saying goodbye, the woman finally brought her child home. 

Mia didn't care about the woman's words, she was still curious about what happened this time. She tried to remember if anything suspicious happened.

"I lost control and the brakes didn't work."

"Wait, I'll move your car first so it doesn't get in the way," then, under people's eyes, Ryan casually dragged Mia's car to the car park.

This incident really caught their attention!

Obviously, that man wasn't human.

"First of all, you must contact your headquarters regarding this incident. Not to mention that we've already made a traffic jam because the traffic lights collapsed," Ryan said while dragging the car.

Mia nodded, she almost forgot about the collapsing traffic light in the street because of the incident.

After putting the car down, Ryan went back to her.

"Are you okay?"

Mia's face looked very serious. "Yeah, I'm fine. I've contacted headquarters and they'll immediately fix it up," she then stared at the wrecked car. "Looks like the car is no longer suitable for use, how come it can pass the inspection?"

It sounded like an internal problem so Ryan didn't want to get involved in it. He immediately changed the topic of conversation. "Then why did you come to this area? Could it be that you want to be a student here? "

"You think I'm unemployed like you? I came here because of a case at this university," Mia said.

A case?

Ryan was curious, and at this point, Mia continued her story. "There was a robbery in a gold shop in this area this morning. After investigating and checking surveillance cameras, we found that one of the suspects was a student at the Avalerion university. I was sent to an undercover mission to this place to investigate it first,"

Ryan nodded. "Alright, I will accompany you."

The two of them then walked towards the university building. At this time, Mia suddenly stopped walking and knelt down while checking her legs.

"What's wrong?" Ryan immediately stopped and turned to look at Mia, it seemed like she had sprained her leg. "Is your leg okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine," Mia tried to endure the pain. Her feet were constantly hurting, it seemed the adrenaline didn't make her feel it at that time.

"Don't worry, I'll carry you," Ryan did not hesitate to immediately carry Mia in both hands. Mia wanted to break free but Ryan didn't let her.

"Just shut up and don't move too much, otherwise I'll throw you," Ryan said with a laugh. Mia didn't have thick skin like him, being carried like a princess obviously made her embarrassed, especially when people noticed them.

All the women around them looked at Ryan and Mia with meaningful eyes. It had always been their dream to be carried like that by their prince on a white horse and then they would fight on the bed! 

Ah. They must be heading to a room to have sex!

As long as no university officials knew, the female students would take their men to their rooms freely. They didn't need to worry that someone would expose this matter, it's like some kind of unwritten rule.

As for the men, they were amazed when they saw Mia wearing that casual dress. What a beautiful woman! Her beauty was on par with their beautiful lecturer!

It couldn't be denied, some people looked enviously at Ryan while he was carrying the angel. It looked like they were on their way to their room for sexual intercourse.

"I've called several students from this university. Seems like our suspect is named Willy from the faculty of economics," Mia said. 

Ryan himself did not hear it well, he was busy enjoying Mia's thighs that he was holding and her chest against his abs. Maybe he'd give this one pretty cop a score of 80 today.

Mia had absolutely no idea what Ryan was thinking, and if she had found out about it, she would've slapped him right away.

"Wait, how about we go to the Economics Faculty administration first? Who knows if Willy is still in class so we can catch him quickly," Mia said with a serious face.

After she stopped talking, she realized that Ryan was smiling while looking to the side. Intrigued, Mia turned to the side and realized that Ryan was smiling at a young student, even giving her a kiss bye!

"Huh! All men are the same. Head's filled with women," Mia said with a frown.

Ryan then replied with a smile, "Not all men are the same. Look at me, where in the world will you find a good and handsome man as me who even helps his police friend in an active case? Or are you jealous because I teased other women?"

"Why do you like to twist my words!?" Mia was getting confused.

"Hahaha our opponent is just a naughty kid, is it that hard to catch him?" Ryan said with a laugh.

Mia was really angry, when she was about to open her mouth, she suddenly closed it again.

"Mia, since I promised to help you, I will accompany you until this case is over. But there won't be any prohibition for me to tease a girl while I'm with you, right?" 

During the trip, Mia scolded Ryan again. Fortunately, they had arrived at the administration of the economics faculty. After getting the information, the two of them finally went to one of their buildings.

Not long after, the two of them had arrived at their destination. Mia couldn't hold back her embarrassment when students watched her while she was still carried by Ryan. Of course they didn't know she was a cop, but this kind of attention made her even more embarrassed. 

These students shook their heads when they saw Ryan and Mia. Did they think of this campus as some sort of love hotel?

Until now, Mia had never experienced something called dating. Even though she and Ryan had been going through hard times together, they were just friends. Now that she was being carried in a bridal style and felt a sense of security that she had never felt, a mixed feeling started to develop within her heart.

The stares of these students made Mia even more embarrassed. Then she said quietly to Ryan, "Ryan, please put me down..."

"I can't, I don't want you to get hurt. If your feet are getting worse, how can we walk towards the altar together?" Ryan deliberately raised his voice because he knew that Mia was embarrassed by people's stares.

"Wow, how dare that couple show off their intimacy out in the open!"

Great success! They were paying attention to the two of them even more!

Ryan couldn't stop laughing, he then whispered to Mia who was already blushing. "Don't worry, I'll make sure your suspect is caught. So rest assured and entrust this matter to me,"

Of course he was joking, he just wanted to feel Mia's thighs for even longer! 

However, everyone's gazes became even more intense since Ryan was deliberately joking about taking her to the altar. This made Mia even more determined. "Ryan, put me down!" 

"No, it is my job to protect you," Ryan did not want to quit enjoying these soft thighs.

"I'll count to three. If you don't put me down then..." Mia's face was really serious.

"It's useless, I won't put you down," Ryan's face was no less serious.

When the count reached three, Ryan's ear was suddenly bitten by Mia! It was not a light bite, she really did it with all her strength!

'Bastard!...' Of course, Ryan just shouted it in his heart. He would never swear at a woman because he was a gentleman!

The people who saw this were even more jealous, they thought Mia couldn't wait to have sex and started attacking Ryan's ears. Ah. Love birds were really oblivious to the place around them.

"Alright, alright, I'll put you down! Please stop it!" Ryan felt like his ears were about to fall off, he then quickly put Mia down. But when her foot touched the floor, Mia could not hide the pain.

"What did I say? Here let me carry you again," Ryan shook his head. Finally, both of them agreed that Mia would walk while leaning on his shoulder.

Not long after that, the two then arrived at Willy's classroom. "Leave this task to me, you better sit here and I'll catch the suspect," Ryan said.

"What do you mean? Only the police have the right to arrest someone. You are not one of us."

Ryan then answered, "Then, how about I represent you today? Or do you want me to bring that person here and you just have to catch him?"

Mia thought for a moment, to be honest she wanted to catch Willy with her own hands. But when she tried to get back up, her right leg ached.

"Don't push yourself like that," Ryan said.

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