Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 290: How Dare You Laugh At Your Boyfriend!

Chapter 290: How Dare You Laugh At Your Boyfriend!

It looked like the time for her to hold her grandchild would come soon!

On the other hand, Ryan and Megan were both silent. The two of them had no intention of doing it after being bullied like that.

... ..

At the large dining table, various kinds of food were already served. This time, Irene didn't ask any questions, instead she acted very nice and tried to get closer to Ryan.

"Ryan, try this fish."

"This chicken salad is my specialty, you know. Let's try it."

"Do you like duck or not? Just try it first, I'm sure you'll like it."


Ryan didn't know whether to cry or be happy, he was utterly helpless. Seeing his plate that was very full, Megan felt a little embarrassed. "Mom, that's enough!"

"Meggie, you take it easy. Ryan needs to eat a lot because he is a man. Hurry up and take your food," Irene couldn't stop smiling. "Later, when you are married to him, you have to bring my grandchildren to play with me at home, you know."

Ryan coughed non-stop, Megan's mother couldn't stop attacking him with the marriage matters. This could only mean that her purpose to fill his plate with food was to give him the energy to build a relationship with her child.

Hearing the words married, Megan could only blush and took her food in silence. She had not even thought about it, let alone having children.

"Eat slowly, how if you later choke?" Irene watched Ryan as the guy was eating. "Wait a minute, Mom will bring you the soup,"

Ryan was at a loss for words, since when did Irene call herself his mother? And did she not see that his plate was still full like a mountain?

Seeing Ryan helpless, Megan laughed inwardly. With him, Megan could feel a little relieved when she was with her mother. If that man weren't there with her, she would be the object of her mother's scolding. Now that they were together, she was free from Irene's lecture.

From this, Megan understood how important it was to have a partner.

But of course she didn't want just anyone to be her partner. Only someone like Ryan met the criteria as her ideal partner.


After eating, Megan intended to go to university for some sudden business.

"Meggie, be careful on the road," Irene said.

"Yes mom. Besides, Ryan is going with me, so you don't need to worry," Megan said as she bid her goodbye to her mother. She then left with Ryan.

On the way, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief many times. Noticing the look on the man's face, Megan laughed inwardly. "How's my mom's cooking?"

"You... Why didn't you help me? My stomach could explode at any time, you know!"

"My mother put the side dishes on your plate, not me. So it's your fault for not trying to refuse her," Megan said with a smile. Since she was with Ryan, she felt that she had changed and laughed more often.

Ryan looked around and realized no one was around them. He then quickly embraced Megan in his arms.

"Ah!" Megan's face quickly turned red. She was worried that someone would see them.

"How dare you laugh at your boyfriend!" Ryan said while holding her chin.

Megan could only blush when she was kissed by Ryan. She could only hope now that no one she knew saw her kissing her boyfriend.

After they kissed, Ryan hailed a taxi and got in with Megan.

"Aren't you off today?" Ryan looked confused.

"Yes, but there's a problem at my campus and I was asked to help," Megan said as she leaned her head on Ryan's shoulder. She really liked this comfortable feeling.

Not long after, their taxi had arrived at the Avalerion university.

"Call me later," Ryan said, kissing Megan's head.

Megan's heart felt warm as she watched him with a gentle gaze. Nodding her head, she had to get away from the comfortable shoulder to work. When she was about to close the door, Ryan caught her hand. 

"You forgot something."

Megan looked confused when Ryan suddenly came down and embraced her. The man then stole a kiss from her!

She didn't know how many times she received this kiss in one day but what's clear was that it gave her a pleasant sensation that she couldn't find in anything else. Some students passing their vehicle were shocked, even the taxi driver was also glaring at them both.

"Wow, how dare you kiss in public!" A young man who had never dated grunted angrily.

"You don't know what it feels like to have a girlfriend though. I guess you should stop locking yourself in the dorms and start hanging out more! You need to muster up your courage to go after someone you like," his close friend immediately showered him with scathing words.

The young man's heart ached, what his friend said was true. With a heavy heart, he had decided to change. "Okay, I will confess my feelings today!"

"Oi, relax! Take it easy first!" The young man had left his friend. "She doesn't even know your name!"

The two boys finally ran towards the campus, while the others who had just arrived could still see Ryan and Megan deeply kissing. They could not help but be jealous.

"Bastard, how could you show off your relationship out in public!"

"Just say that you envy them bro, they didn't bother anyone either. Come on let's get in quickly or we'll be late."

"It's a shame that someone as beautiful as her already has one."

If Ryan could hear the jealous cries of these men, his head would be far above the clouds. Nothing felt more pleasant than flexing your girlfriend in front of others!

Among those who saw them, several women also commented on this hot scene.

"So romantic!"

Ryan originally noticed everyone's gaze, he became a little uncomfortable. However, he didn't want to let go of Megan's lips that were still locking his.

However, the students' whispers grew louder.

"Hey, hey, isn't that person familiar?"

"Yes, yes, after you say that, I thought I've seen that woman's face somewhere!" One of the students said.

After she saw it well, suddenly someone exclaimed, "Geez, isn't that a pretty lecturer from the Psychology department?"

After hearing the word 'beautiful lecturer', the boys around them immediately woke up and were shocked. "Wow, it's Miss Megan! Is that her new boyfriend? I heard she's been single all this time. Damn! If only I had been born earlier, I could have confessed to her!"

All the students immediately talked about the same topic, some even intended to take photos. By this time, the taxi driver Ryan was already a little annoyed and honked his horn.


"Excuse me sir, if you want to come down here, can you pay first? I still need to catch up with my daily quota!" The taxi driver looked irritated. "I'm also tired of seeing you guys making love in my car, at least pay first so I can continue with my work again."

Ryan immediately let Megan go, they were both a little embarrassed when they were reprimanded like this. The man then paid for the taxi. Megan realized that many people looked at her and Ryan, it seemed that their kiss had become the hottest topic.

"Don't worry," Ryan smiled at her. "I also want them to know that you are mine, I don't want anyone to dare to think weird things about you."

Megan's face turned red, it seemed that she could no longer hide their relationship from her students.

"Crazy, crazy, isn't Miss Megan very cold with boys? Her boyfriend easily made her blush, what a legend!"

"Damn, if only I had the ability like that man..."

Ryan then escorted Megan inside while catching people's eyes. After escorting her inside, he intended to leave from here.

But he forgot that he already paid for the taxi and now he had to wait for another taxi.

While he was waiting, Ryan's cell phone suddenly sounded.

"Hello, second grandfather? What's up?"

"How are you my son?" The second grandfather's voice sounded happy.

"Thanks to your help, my life has become peaceful," Ryan laughed. He recalled an incident in Batavia that involved the Kruger and the Lacroix. If it weren't for his grandfather, he would have been killed on the spot.

"You should never rely on the help of other people, I see you also lack training so you can be easily overwhelmed like that," the second grandpa sighed. "Wait, wait, that's not what I want to say."

"Hmm? What do you want to say?"

"So you see, last month the third grandfather should have told you about us going out right? We found other ruins so we want to go immediately to investigate the place."

Ryan originally forgot about this problem, his grandfather's departure coincided with him going to Japan so he didn't pay much attention to it. 

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