Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Chapter 85: Chapter 85 - The Bow of Artemis

Chapter 85: Chapter 85 - The Bow of Artemis

Broken and Freya rode Polly, the white fox, across the arid expanse of the savanna, her pristine fur catching the breeze as she deftly maneuvered between small, thorny shrubs. The sun blazed overhead, casting a harsh golden light that highlighted the sheen on Polly's coat.

As they transitioned into the forest, the environment changed dramatically. The towering trees formed a canopy, their thick foliage creating a twilight atmosphere below. The air here was rich and earthy, a sharp contrast to the parched savanna. Each breath was filled with the scent of moss and damp wood, mingling with the occasional hint of wildflowers hidden beneath the underbrush. The change in scenery was sudden, almost as if they had entered another world altogether.

"We can slow down here," Broken shouted over the rustle of leaves and the thump of Polly's steady pace.

Polly's speed dropped to a more manageable pace. The vibrant greens and browns passed by in a blur, with chirps of birds and the distant calls of unseen animals providing a natural soundtrack to their journey.

"So, what is our plan?" Broken asked. He turned slightly to look at Freya, feeling her arms wrapped around his waist.

"So, here's the concept. In this game, gaining stat points is tied to specific achievements or quests. Given this place's wild and unexplored nature, quests might be hard to come by. But certain achievements are within our reach. For instance, defeating monsters with a level difference of 100 could be a viable challenge."

Polly's pace continued to slacken until she nearly came to a complete stop.

Broken hopped off Polly's back, with Freya following right behind him.

He took a moment to put on his battle gear. He scanned the various combinations available to him, weighing each option against his skill set. After a few moments, he settled on a configuration that felt just right.

"I possess access to the Mystic Evasion skill, similar to Dash, thanks to the Mage Stride Boots, which allows me to dodge and reposition myself in the thick of battle."

"However," he added with serious emphasis, "should circumstances leave me with no other alternative, I will resort to donning the full Warrior's Call set, thus activating the Furious Last Stand skill. This will temporarily boost my stats by a formidable 30% for precisely 20 seconds," he revealed.

Freya replied, "I'm certain this will suffice for our survival in this forest. You really maximize every resource available, huh? I believe you have what it takes to become a top player."

"Heh, really? Thanks for the compliment. Is there anything you want from me?" he responded with a playful tease.

"What if I show you something extraordinary?" she countered.

"What is it?"

"Now's the time for Ms. Super Assistant to demonstrate that she's not only useful outside the game but also within it," Freya declared with a confident smile. Suddenly, a bow materialized in her right hand. It was a shimmering silver metallic weapon, intricate carvings of crescent moons adorning its surface.

Handing it over, she smiled warmly, "This is my way of offering our in-game friendship gift to you."

"What is this?"

"I know a weapon like this will be easy for you to craft in the future. So, I can only give it to you now, at a time when you'll genuinely need it. There's no better moment than now. This way, you owe me quite significantly," she explained, pushing the bow toward him.

"But I don't wish to be indebted to anyone," he declared.

"You can repay me by being nicer to me!" she suggested with a playful smile.

Broken furrowed his brows. "Am I not nice to you?"

"No, you are so cold, and you need to learn to be more considerate to women. Otherwise, you might end up dumped again," she finished with a light-hearted chuckle.

She insisted, "Go, check the bow's details."

The details of the Bow of Artemis materialized before Broken's eyes in shimmering, ethereal text.

[+9 The Bow of Artemis]

[Grade: Epic]

[Attack Power: 306~354

Accuracy +23

Attack Speed +11

Movement Speed +17]

[Durability: 89/100]n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

[Weight: 370]

[An ancient longbow crafted from a mysterious dark, silvery metal and adorned with intricate crescent moon carvings.

It is said to have the power to shoot arrows with extraordinary force and accuracy, so much so that even novice archers can hit their target with ease.]


[Piercing Arrows: A powerful arrow that can penetrate through both enemies and obstacles, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Upon firing, the arrow will split into five projectiles, striking multiple targets and creating a powerful shockwave that will stagger and disrupt nearby enemies. Each strike deals 200% of physical damage.

Mana Cost: 600

Cooldown: 20 Seconds]

[User Restriction: Level 120 or higher.

Archer class or a similar one.]

His eyes scanned the specifications and skills. The attack power was formidable, with a range that made it a versatile tool of destruction.

Piercing Arrows, the skill, was equally awe-inspiring. The raw power encapsulated in this ability—an arrow that could cut through enemies and obstacles alike, splitting into five devastating projectiles-was nothing short of extraordinary. The idea of creating shockwaves that could disrupt and stagger foes gave him an edge that could turn the tide in even the most

dire encounters.

"Freya... This is Epic-grade and +9 enchantment. This must be incredibly expensive. Is this also a gift from the Golden Age company?"

"I want it to be like this," she said, her voice calm yet resolute. "And actually, I don't want you to ask me such questions. I would feel like a pushover if you found out that this was purely a gift from me. But please understand, I did this purely because I wanted to, with no other motives. I want to support you, not bind you with obligations."

"Then, I'll pay for it."

"Hey, can you just accept the bow already? You're destined for incredible achievements in the future, and all I ask is to be right there, witnessing it all unfold from the front row," she

pleaded earnestly.

"I felt uneasy accepting such a gift from you."

"Shut up and take it. I will need your expertise as a blacksmith in the future, and I want to avoid paying for it when that time comes. Will that be enough?"

"Okay then, that's the deal," he conceded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Thanks, you're

incredibly generous."

"I knew that."

"What if I appraised the bow? There might be a hidden feature we haven't discovered yet," he suggested, slightly intrigued, before reaching out to take hold of the bow.

"The value of the bow can increase if there is a hidden feature on it, so I would be thrilled if this bow could be more useful for us to survive in this forest," she said, giggling.

[Blacksmith's Appraisal (Active Skill)]

He ran his fingers along its polished surface, admiring the impeccable craftsmanship evident

in its intricate details. The bow seemed to hum with a quiet, pulsating energy under his touch, resonating with a latent power eager to be unleashed.

Suddenly, a notification materialized before his eyes, startling him with its unexpected


[A hidden feature was discovered for the Bow of Artemis]

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