Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Chapter 188: Chapter 188 - Land Management

Chapter 188: Chapter 188 - Land Management

[Area Name: Slumdon Town]

[Mayor: Broken]

[Overall Score: F - An incredibly poor condition, almost entirely destroyed and seeminglyn/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

beyond salvation]

[Deputy Mayor: - ]


[Market Master: -]

[Diplomat: - ]

[Animal Keeper or Breeder: -]

Broken furrowed his brow as he examined the details of the Land Management status. The initial page displayed information about various positions that could be held within the town, including Deputy Mayor, Market Master, and more.

As he delved deeper, he confirmed that each position could indeed be filled by the same individuals. However, it was clear that not all positions should be handled by just one person. This indicated that Land Management was not meant to be a solo effort. Instead, it required the collaboration of a group or a guild.

Then, his attention shifted to the overall score of the land, marked with an F, indicating poor condition. The description even noted it was almost entirely destroyed. He felt a twinge of doubt and confusion upon seeing this. Did the King intentionally give him a piece of land that was nearly ruined? Was the gift less generous than it seemed on the surface? Why was the land in such poor condition?

Broken had yet to conduct thorough research on the land, as this was his first encounter with the name Slumdon Town. Nevertheless, he knew he would need to investigate further soon, especially now that the town was officially his responsibility.

But then, regardless of the condition of the land given to him, whether it was a thriving city or a town that needed to be rebuilt from the ground up, having it was still better than having nothing at all. Moreover, the potential of this game was enormous, and much of it remained unexplored by players. The area might house dungeons, valuable material sources, or ores worth a fortune.

He explored more of the land management feature, uncovering its various components.

[Resource Overview]


[Technology and Research]

[Military and Defense]

[Quests and Objectives]


There were numerous menus presented in the feature, each one indicating that managing a town would require significant time and effort to fully understand and utilize. Yet, this prospect excited him. The thought of city-building in Immortal Legacy promised a level of realism and challenge that would be far from ordinary. He would face unique challenges and problems, the solutions to which he would need to discover on his own-there would be no guidebook for this adventure.

"I'm going to need a lot of help to build this town, and who knows how far this will go," he mused quietly. But to start with, he decided to discuss everything with Freya first.

Broken lifted his head and noticed Princess Alora watching him.

"Is there something you want to discuss, Broken?" she asked.

He paused for a moment before gathering the courage to bring up what had been on his mind. "About Slumdon Town, Princess," he said.

"Do you want to talk about Slumdon Town? Alright, what would you like to know?" she responded.

"I'd love to hear a few things about this town from you," Broken said.

"Slumdon Town was a beautiful place. At least, that's what I remember most about it," she began.

She paused briefly before continuing. "Can you share the map of Dissidia Kingdom?" she asked.

Broken accessed the map feature from his system and displayed it for Princess Alora. She quickly pointed to the location of Slumdon Town.

Upon closer examination, it became clear that the town was situated in the western part of the continent, nestled in a dense forest and near the vast desert that stretched toward the Keseon Kingdom at the southern end of the continent.

The South Continent was expansive and uniquely shaped, stretching along the bottommost part of the world. The Dissidia Kingdom occupied the westernmost region, while the White Sand Kingdom lay to the east of Dissidia. Meanwhile, at the southern edge, the Keseon Kingdom extended eastward alongside two other kingdoms. In total, there were five kingdoms on the South Continent.

"Slumdon is indeed quite a distance from the capital of Dissidia Kingdom," Princess Alora explained, "but it was once a popular stopping point for those traveling to the Keseon Kingdom. Since the journey to the Keseon Kingdom passes through a long desert, Slumdon's position was quite strategic back then.

"However, things changed when Keseon built a city near the mountains and a large forest on its border adjacent to Dissidia. Many people began opting to stay in that city instead of Slumdon, which is situated in a more barren area.

"Moreover, Slumdon has suffered setbacks due to reduced clean water resources and the increasing difficulty of growing plants, making it challenging for residents to sustain their crops and livelihoods. It has been increasingly hard for the people living there to survive." Alora continued.

"While the town is located near a vast forest and ocean to the west, those areas are high-level zones teeming with dangerous monsters. The residents are too afraid to venture deep into the forest and only gather resources from its outskirts. Essentially, the town is perched on the edge of a desert.

"But the main appeal of Slumdon is the abundance of mineral-rich caves surrounding the city," she added. "Many of these caves are yet to be explored, and this is a resource that has not been fully utilized. I know that this is a challenging task, but I believe there is a lot of untapped potential in the town. This means there will be a lot for you to do, Broken."

Broken listened intently, absorbing the information. His mind raced with the possibilities and challenges ahead. The strategic location once held by Slumdon, coupled with its rich mineral resources and unexplored caves, could be the key to revitalizing the town.

"I will rebuild the city," Broken said resolutely. "Because it is now my responsibility." Though he had yet to formulate a concrete plan for building the city, the thought of the project excited him. After all, it would be his very own city within the game. Princess Alora paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. She halted her steps, prompting the two knights who followed them to stop as well.

"This should be the responsibility of the kingdom," she began slowly, "but this task has now fallen on your shoulders. However, you won't be working alone. The kingdom will

continuously support you in this endeavor."

"I'm grateful for this trust, Princess," Broken replied humbly. "I'm very excited to visit the town soon. While I can't promise immediate results, I will do my best to rebuild the city."

Alora smiled warmly at his determination. "I'll visit that town, too, and will strive to provide as much support as possible for you and the people of Slumdon."

"Thank you, Princess."

Princess Alora nodded once more, adding, "Thanks from me too."

After a moment, they resumed walking. "I want to discuss something more important with you, but I think you should first experience the royal cuisine. We have the best chefs in the kingdom who have prepared a meal for us. I'm sure you'll love it."

Broken nodded and smiled, though his thoughts wandered to Ivana, an Expert Rank Chef who had repeatedly served him exquisite dishes. He couldn't help but wonder how the palace chefs would compare to Ivana's exceptional cooking.

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