Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Chapter 173: Chapter 173 - Basketball Challenge

Chapter 173: Chapter 173 - Basketball Challenge

"Leon Chambers," Viktor called out. He was a tall, blonde-haired man with piercing blue eyes. "You think you're a hotshot at basketball, huh? Why don't we settle this with a game? And let's make it interesting-how about we place a bet?"

"I'm not interested," Leon responded. He tried to walk past Viktor, but the larger man placed a firm hand on Leon's shoulder, halting his progress.

Leon glanced at the offending hand, contemplating whether to brush it off or push Viktor away. However, he knew that causing a scene in the middle of the campus could attract unwanted attention, and he wanted to avoid further complications.

"Come on, Leon..." Viktor goaded. "It's just a simple one-on-one game. What's the worst that could happen? You won't get hurt over a little competition, right?"

Viktor's friends, who had gathered to watch the confrontation, burst into laughter.

"Let him go, Viktor. Maybe he's scared."

"He probably just plays for fun. Don't mind him, hahaha."

Viktor's eyes gleamed with amusement. "Come on, Leon... the loser has to kowtow to the winner. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Just think, there will be lots of people watching, maybe even some pretty girls. Wouldn't it be something if I had to bow down to you? Hahaha." Leon felt an annoyance wash over him at Viktor's taunt. Viktor and his gang loved these sorts of challenges, especially when they could humiliate someone like Leon-someone not quite as popular as they were. Picking on the new kids seemed to be their favorite sport.

Viktor caught a basketball thrown by one of his friends and tossed it toward Leon.

"Go on, take it. You get the ball first. One on one. Don't tell me you're so scared you need to run home to mommy, hahaha."

"He doesn't have a mommy, Viktor, hahaha," another friend chimed in.

"Oh, sorry, Leon, I forgot you're an orphan," Viktor added.

Leon tightened his grip on the basketball, feeling his heart race. He couldn't stand it when people brought up his parents just to get under his skin, and Viktor knew exactly how to hit him where it hurt.

Leon walked to the center of the basketball court, determination etched on his face.

Viktor followed, readying himself in a defensive stance. "Alright, let's see how good you really are, Leon..."

Leon had no option but to accept this challenge. He wasn't the type to walk away from a confrontation, even if it meant facing off with a peer. In fact, he had quite the history of standing his ground. Back in elementary school, he frequently fought boys who bothered Lily or taunted him for being an orphan. The pain had become a familiar companion for Leon over the years.

Perhaps it was this tolerance for pain that allowed him to endure the grueling martial arts training. He was used to pushing himself beyond his limits.

Leon squared up, gripping the basketball tightly as Viktor lunged to snatch it away. Viktor's face showed a twisted sense of enjoyment, clearly reveling in the abuse. Meanwhile, Viktor's friends gathered around the court, adding to the pressure with their jeers and taunts.

Moving deftly, Leon feinted to the right, then the left, before darting forward and dribbling the ball. Viktor, towering over Leon at about 1.9 meters (6.2 feet), shadowed him closely, using his height and reach to his advantage. Just as Leon prepared to shoot, Viktor lunged and swatted the ball out of his hands effortlessly, a smug smile spreading across his face.

"Come on, Leon... barely a struggle, huh? Hahaha," Viktor mocked.

The roles reversed, giving Viktor possession of the ball while Leon prepared to defend.

A whistle blew, signaling the start, and Viktor immediately began dribbling with an air of confidence. Leon tried to stay close, but Viktor's movements were fluid and quick. He leaped towards the basket for a layup. Leon, desperate to block him, jumped as well, but Viktor's release was swift. The ball bounced off the backboard and circled the rim before finally dropping through the hoop.

Viktor sprinted over to his friends, celebrating their triumph with high-fives and laughter.

"You sure are amazing, Viktor!"

"That was pure talent, hahaha."

The whistle blew again, signaling another round. Viktor took possession of the ball while Leon scrambled to intercept. In a swift maneuver, Viktor body-checked Leon from the side and dribbled past him.

Leon chased after him, attempting to reclaim the ball, but Viktor's confidence only grew. He performed a behind-the-back dribble trick, catching the ball effortlessly before leaping for another layup. Once more, Leon's block failed, and the ball kissed the backboard before slipping through the hoop.

The whistle sounded again. 2 to 0.

They erupted into more cheers and high-fives, relishing the easy game.

"This is going to be a breeze, Viktor, hahaha..."

"You might as well give up, Leon. You'll never beat Viktor."

Viktor, grinning with delight, readied himself again. He would keep possession of the ball until Leon could force a turnover-if that ever happened.

The whistle blew again. Viktor caught the ball and, with a quick leap, sent it flying from his hands. Thanks to his towering height, the ball easily soared over Leon's extended arms. Leon jumped, trying to block it, but he was just a bit too short. The ball swished through the hoop with ease.

The whistle blew again. 4 to 0.

Another round of cheers and chest bumps erupted from Viktor's friends as he secured another impressive point.

"You'll never score a single point against me, Leon... do you understand that?" Viktor taunted.

Leon had played basketball since he was a child, although he had never been in a professional team. He was used to casual pick-up games at the park with random people; certainly, nothing that compared to Viktor's experience as a member of the school's team. This challenge, in truth, was a suicide mission for him. Viktor had the advantage in almost every area: height, skill, and experience.

Leon knew he'd rather go down fighting than walk away and face their sneers-backing down just wasn't in his nature. So, he steeled himself to keep going. Maybe, just maybe, he could score a point or even pull off a surprising win. He had a strong build from lifting heavy stuff all the time, and though it had been a while since his last game, his resolve hadn't faded one


A growing number of spectators began to trickle in through the gym doors, drawn by the commotion. Many voices floated over the court as onlookers gathered to see what was


"Hey, is that a one-on-one game? Who's going up against Viktor?"

"Uhm... I don't recognize him."

"Looks like they're just having fun toying with a rookie."

"Hahaha, Viktor always does stuff like this..."

"He sure is having the time of his life."

The new faces crowded around the court, watching as Viktor repeatedly sunk baskets and added to his score. The game truly seemed one-sided; Leon was being easily overwhelmed.

The whistle blew again, marking the score at 7 to 0. Leon hadn't even had another chance to

touch the ball.

"Viktor, you're just bullying a newbie... hahaha."

"I wonder what made him think he could take on Viktor?"Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"He's Leon... someone from my class. I know him."

"So he's into basketball?"

"Not sure, but he's always been a loner and a bookworm, a nerd."

"Hahaha, a nerd trying to take on a basketball talent."

But gradually, Leon began to find his rhythm, tuning into the tempo of Viktor's game. This

time, he was determined to steal the ball.

Viktor, dribbling quickly, performed a trick, weaving the ball between his legs, his face showing pure enjoyment as if he faced no resistance at all. In a flash, Viktor leaped, ready for another successful shot. However, Leon's jump was stronger and higher this time. He

managed to block the ball in Viktor's hands.

Viktor was momentarily stunned, but his surprise quickly turned into a grin. With a forceful shove, he sent the ball spinning wildly, bouncing erratically off the rim.

Both Viktor and Leon landed back on the ground, their eyes immediately following the hoop

as the ball continued to strike the rim repeatedly, as though it was searching for its final

resting place.

Not only was Viktor shocked by Leon's defense, but the crowd also collectively gasped. Leon had almost stopped the shot. All eyes were glued to the ball as it tapped repeatedly against the rim, each bounce heightening the anticipation. Would it finally sink in?

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