Legend of the Asura

Chapter 299: Asura’s Evil Seal (part 2)

Chapter 299: Asura’s Evil Seal (part 2)

Feng Xiao was surprised as he secretly thought that this was bad.

Who is it!

Feng Xiao didnt have time to run away as a dry voice exploded in his ears. The other person was also awakened by this voice and looked over in his direction before his eyes also flickered.

These two should be at the Immortal Grade. Feng Xiao helplessly released his Shadowless state and stood there looking at the two old men with a harmless look.

The old man called the Void Spiritual Daoist looked at him with a dissatisfied look and curled his lips, I say, kid, its fine if you come up our mountain, but youre hiding yourself like this. Could it be that youre a wanted thief?

His expression didnt become vigilant because of an outsider coming in. It was still listless, like a grasshopper hiding itself.

Dont mind him, lets keep playing. Ai, day by day, theres nothing to do. The Earth Spiritual Daoist looked away and was too lazy to care about him.

Feng Xiao was surprised by their reactions before letting out a sigh of relief, Ive disturbed the two seniors. I was just curious and came for a look. Ke, ke, Ill leave now.

The red lights on his hand were still flashing. When he walked out of the building, the flashing light disappeared and was calm as if it had never been there.

ThisCould it be Feng Xiaos expression became serious. After thinking for a bit, he walked back in and as he had expected, the same glow appeared around the Asuras Reverse Scale.

To create a reaction with the Asuras Reverse Scale, it had to be a piece of Asura Equipment!

Kid, why are you back? Were poor here, theres nothing good to eat. The Void Spiritual Daoist looked at him as he said this. He had seen many people looking for things to eat. In this poor Thunder God City, many people couldnt take the pain and hunger. Even they hadnt eaten anything good in a long time. It was a good thing that as cultivators, they could rely on absorbing the heavenly spiritual energy to replace eating.

Feng Xiaos Heavenly Eyes kept scanning around the building as he ambiguously said, I just felt that this buildings scenery isnt bad and the design is quite novel, so I wanted to experience the spiritual energy here.

This was clear flattery that even a fool could see through. The two old men didnt care about him and focused on the chess game in front of them.

From the ground to the roof, there was nothing that could be equipped and he didnt get the information he wanted. Finally, his Heavenly Eyes fell onto the statue in the center of the building and his heart skipped a beat.

Asuras Evil Seal! The red dot on the forehead of the statue was actually..a piece of equipment!

After Asuras Illusion and Asuras Reverse Scale, he had finally found the third piece of Asura Equipment. His heart couldnt help being filled with excitement, but he suppressed his fast beating heart. After giving two coughs, he aroused the attention of the two old men, Two seniors, can we discuss something?

Kid! We already said it, theres nothing good to eat here, so go look somewhere else. The Void Spiritual Daoist waved his hand with an impatient look.

No, no! My intention was. Feng Xiao pointed at the fierce looking statue, Can you give me that red thing on the statue? I can give you something good for it.

No! The Void Spiritual Daoist didnt even look in the direction he was pointing, The things here were all handed down through the generations by our sects founders. Each one is incomparably precious and no one can think of taking them.

Oh! The Earth Spiritual Daoist looked at the statue before shaking his head and patiently explaining, Youre talking about that Divine Item called Asuras Evil Seal? That was found by our founder on the edge of the Forbidden Thunder God Area. Its said that it was used by an evil god many years ago, so our founder put it on the spiritual god statue to slowly break down its violent energy. Its a very ominous thing and even if you obtained it, you wouldnt be able to use it.

Feng Xiao looked down on them in his thoughts. They didnt even know about the great Asura!

I just felt that it looked good and theres no other reasons. Feng Xiao looked at them and said, I can definitely trade the things you want the most for it.

Brat! We already said no! If you keep chatting, well have to chase you away! The Void Spiritual Daoists heart wasnt like the word void, his voice even had a bit of anger from impatience.

OhI feel that you should see what I have to exchange before replying. Feng Xiao gave an uncaring laugh before suddenly disappearing which surprised the two old men.

Ten seconds later, Feng Xaio was back and he had many white and round things in his hand that released a faint steam.

This smell almost made their souls fly out and their bodies trembled. They couldnt help rubbing their eyes as their drool and tears came out at the same time.

ThisThisThis smell, this shape, could it be

Thats right! It must be the legendary mantou!

The sounds of drool dripping filled this silent building. The two old men stared at the mantous in Feng Xiaos hands as their eyes almost popped out. This delicious food that only existed in legends, they never would have dreamed of it!

Finally, the Void Spiritual Daoist couldnt take it and appeared in front of Feng Xiao with a shocking speed. He looked at him with a pitiful look and wished that he could snatch it from his hands, Little brother, lookAh! I was wrong, I shouldnt have said that I would chase little brother outCan you give me a bit of this mantou?

Thats not a problem. Feng Xiao reached his hands out, As long as you give me that Asuras Evil Seal, Ill give all of these to you.

AllAll of them? The Void Spiritual Daoist was so excited that his tears and drool came out before he quickly said, AlrightIf you really give them all to me. Not to mention what Asuras Evil Seal, you can even take away the spiritual god statue!

Feng Xiaos legs went soft and he almost fell down. He started doubting if this person was the one that said no one can take away the founders things. He generously gave him the mantou and the Void Spiritual Daoist quickly took it before taking a few steps back as if he was afraid that he would regret it.

The two old men excitedly held the legendary mantous in their hands. Feng Xiao went over to the statue and reached his right hand out, carefully taking the red glowing Asuras Evil Seal.

Asuras Evil Seal: Divine Grade Equipment

Requirement: Asura Job

This was Luo Jias Immortal Equipment Mind Purifying Seal, but after soaking in the blood of ten thousand people and being bathed in killing intent, it gradually evolved into the Divine Equipment Asuras Evil Seal.

Stats: Defense +300, HP +50%, HP Recovery +50%, Strength +30%, Vitality +30%. Resistance to all status ailments +20%, all MP costs are reduced by 30%, and all attacks have a 3% chance of instant death.


Asuras Evil Eyes: Uses the Asuras evil intent to send out a glow filled with evil energy to temporarily destroy the enemys defense. Has a 30% chance to drop all enemies defense by 100%. When used on a single enemy, that chance increases to 60%. Lasts for 3 seconds. Costs 300 MP and has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Evil Seal Protection: Uses the Asuras power to protect the head from harm. After activation, negates all attacks to the head. Lasts for 1 minute. Costs 100 MP and has a cooldown of 30 minutes.

Feng Xiaos hands trembled. This red dot was actuallya head accessory! Moreover, it was truly worthy of being an Asura Divine Equipment, its stats were so strong!

Feng Xiao didnt hesitate to take off the Heavenly Water Headband and put on the Asuras Evil Seal. Without being tied by the headband, his hair that wasnt that long scattered and a red feather could be seen hidden in it. The Asuras Evil Seal was like a finger nail on his forehead which was like a blood red dot, as if he had been pierced by something.

Every time he obtained a piece of Asura Divine Equipment, Feng Xiaos stats exploded. With this Asuras Evil Seal, his base attack had jumped from 5991 to 7198 and his HP was close to fifty thousand.

His strength had greatly increased again. His heart was filled with anticipation as to how strong he would be after he collected the complete Asura Set.

The thing that he needed that the White Tiger mentioned should be this Asuras Evil Sea!

Feng Xiao turned around in a spirited manner. The two old men still held the mantou in their hands with excited looks as their drool fell down, but they werent willing to put it in their mouths. Feng Xiaos lips twitched and he slowly took out the stir fried potato strips that he bought for one gold coin at the Heavenly Dragon Imperial Citys system restaurantThe two old men instantly almost flew out of the building when they smelled this fragrance.

Little, littleLittle brother The Void Spiritual Daoist even wanted to bow to this mysterious and all powerful young man. His eyes stared at the stir fried potato strips that gave off a smell that made him even want to die.

Ke, ke, theres no need to say anything. I can give this all to you if you answer a small question for me! Feng Xiao coughing made the Void Spiritual Daoist swallow his pleading words.

The two old men quickly agreed. Anything that their ancestors taught him wasnt worth anything in front of these stir fried potato strips.

Actually this question is very simple. Feng Xiaos voice became serious, Do you know anyone that can use the Light Forbidden Spell, Angels Tears?

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