Legend of the Asura

Chapter 289: World martial tournament?

Chapter 289: World martial tournament?

The hall fell silent and the two just silently stared at each other. The room had so much pressure that it was almost as if the air stopped flowing and froze.

Are you very surprised? Long Wei broke the silence as he stared right at him.

Feng Xiao nodded before shaking his head, Im surprised, but also not surprised.

He wasnt surprised that he came looking for him because of the Asura identity. He was surprised that he would come so soon.

Long Wei calmly said with a faint smile, A young person that can stay this calm in front of me, you are the first. No wonder youre the famous Asura at the peak. Can you show me your true appearance?

Feng Xiao already expected this request from him, so he decisively shook his head, No.

Being rejected so cleanly by a person, Long Wei didnt reveal a displeased look. Instead, his smile became wider, As expected. Daring to talk to me like this, you are the first after all these years.

Ill just take this as praise for you then. Feng Xiaos expression was calm, not revealing any ripples in his mood. Long Wei who had been paying attention to him the entire time gave a secret nod.

Long Weis smile disappeared and his expression turned serious, You are a smart person. Since thats the case, Ill get to the topic

If its to sell myself to the country, then you better not say it. Feng Xiao calmly said with narrowed eyes. He had heard many rumours, but no one in this world could restrict his freedom, no matter who they were.

Long Wei gave a helpless smile before saying with a smile, Youre wrong, I dont have any intentions of forcing you or controlling you. My goal this time was to make a proposal to you on behalf of the country.A request related to the countrys future.

Request? Feng Xiao was surprised as his tense nerves relaxed. Long Weis voice, void of anger, made his heart feel a bit of guilt and his voice was no longer as cold, Since its a request, that means that I have the right to not accept it.

Right! You can indeed reject it. Long Wei focused his eyes to look right at him, But if you really dont agree, then that means that Ive misread you and I will find others to replace you.

The focused eyes gave Feng Xiao a bit more pressure and also made him curious. He looked right up at his eyes and waited for his request.

Regarding the future of the country.Just what kind of request would have such a large condition to it.

Long Wei stood up and walked back and forth aimlessly a few times. Then he said in a meaningful voice, What do you think about Rebirth?

Feng Xiao also stood up since if the highest official stood up, it wasnt right for him to keep sitting. He thought for a bit before replying, Ive only regarded it as a simple game before, but now I feel that Rebirth has completely gone beyond the range of just a game. Its not an exaggeration to say that it has become a second world for all humans.

Indeed. Long Wei turned to look at him, For people between the ages of 15 and 50, their online hours are longer than their time in reality. If the game Rebirth suddenly disappeared, it would create a global scale disturbance. This is something that no one thought was possible at that time. It should be said that no one had thought that a simple game would be this real, this attractive.

The popularity of Rebirth far surpasses our past expectations. This is related to Ying Luos fame, but the most important reason is because of its charm. This kind of epoch creating game has had an impact on various industries and even social values. The influence that it has had on entertainment and travel is even more devastating. Butuntil now, there hasnt been a single country that has acted to restrict this game. Do you know why? Long Wei observed his reactions as he said this.

Feng Xiao had a thought before knitting his brows to ask, Ive had some thoughts about this before, could it be that theres some hidden truth?

Right! Long Wei nodded before his expression became more serious, Everything comes from the basic reason why Rebirth was released. This is related to the future of China and the entire world.

Feng Xiaos heart skipped a beat as his eyes looked right at him, waiting for an answer. If the highest official said this, it definitely wasnt fake.

Seeing that his words had hooked his interest, Long Wei revealed a smile that was hard to notice. Then he turned around to be silent for a bit before finally saying, According to our original agreement with Ying Luo, this reason cant be told to others unlessyou agree to my request.

Agreement with Ying Luo? The curiosity on Feng Xiaos face became even stronger. There were too many secrets about Rebirth that he didnt know and he had always thought about his original reason for entering Rebirth. It was to follow his fathers last words and become the first person to stand at the peak. So he wanted to know everything about Rebirth because through his adventures during this time, Rebirth was no longer just a simple game in his heart.

He vaguely felt that Rebirth had something that could decide his life.

Tell me, what do you want me to do? Feng Xiao asked with a serious look.

Its very simple and also very hard. Long Wei gave a secret sigh before turning around to say in a stalling voice, Im requesting that you represent China and participate in the world martial tournament in Rebirth in ten months.

Oh? Feng Xiao was surprised as he revealed a doubtful look.

This is one of our agreements with Ying Luo. A year after Rebirth was released, every country would choose two players to participate in a world martial tournament. The result of this tournament would decide the situation of the world!

I understand. I agree, so please tell me the answer I want to know.

Oh? Long Wei revealed a surprised look. His sharp eyes fell onto his face and he calmly said, Dont you think that you agreed too fast? Our China is only allowed to win and cant lose in this competition. If you win, you will be Chinas hero, but if you lose

Then Ill be a sinner all across China, right? Feng Xiao said with a calm look. He slowly sat back down, Ill participate because I want to participate. Everything else doesnt matter.

You havent thought of the consequences of losing. Long Wei sat back down in front of him and looked right at him.

I believe in myself. Feng Xiao said with a serious look, As for the official, you wouldnt have come looking for me if you didnt have this confidence.

Long Wei silently looked at him for a long time before suddenly breaking out in laughter, Ha, ha, ha, ha, as expected of my Chinas Asura. Just your confidence and courage is something that normal people dont have. He stopped laughing, but there was still a trace of a smile on his lips, Youre very much like the young me. Youre filled with young, wildness, pride, confidence, and a bit of frivolousness, but under that, theres a calm and intelligence that the past me didnt have.

Feng Xiao just smiled without saying anything. But his heart was actually churning deep down.

Becoming the champion at this world martial tournament, it wasnt just a symbol of being at the peak of RebirthThat Slaughtering the Human World would also appearFeng Xiao slowly clenched his hands.

This was his opportunity and a challenge, it was the driving force for him to become stronger.

Ive studied the powerful players in each country. Each one of them has a power that is enough to break the balance and they all have fields they excel in. There are some that have very terrifying abilities and most of them Long Wei looked at him and said, Arent below you.

Feng Xiao was silent. Since he had been defeated at the hands of Slaughtering the Human World, he no longer believed that he was number one in duels. He would not look down on any enemy players.

I just want to know, what was the agreement between you and Ying Luo and what was the reason the Rebirth World was released? Feng Xiao asked.

Long Weis eyes moved before giving a sigh, You are qualified to know now.

He believed that since Asura agreed to participate in the world martial tournament, he wouldnt go back on his promise. A powerful young man with these eyes, this courage, and this aura wouldnt go against his words.

Everything came from the summit held by the worlds leaders a year ago. Long Wei carefully watched his reaction, but he didnt see any changes from his face at all. He gave a secret nod before continuing, My China and Japan have always had an irreconcilable enmity because of our history. I also have an irreconcilable hatred with the Japanese Emperor Tokugawa IchifujiAi, I wont mention my personal grudge. When he mentioned Tokugawa Ichifuji, there was a pained look that appeared on Long Weis face.

Feng Xiao felt a bit of sympathy as he had a rough understanding of his grudge with the Japanese Emperor. Their grudge could indeed be considered irreconcilable.

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