Legend of the Asura

Chapter 273: Rainbow clothes around

Chapter 273: Rainbow clothes around

Nonsense! If I knew, why would I have been an Asura for all those years! For three thousand years, Ive also been looking for the Asuras Second Job Advancement method, but its a pity that I didnt find a single thing. Moreover, it isnt just me. Other than Luo Jia, all of the Asuras in the history of the Heavenly Dragon Continent couldnt find the way to get their Second Job Advancement. Tian Xiu shook his head as he gave a sigh.

What? Feng Xiao was stunned.

Asuras Hand, Asuras Body, Asura Heavenly Return, Desperation Abyss, Asura Soul Self Destruction Killing Blow! The superiority of the Asura was only in these three passive skills. The two active skills that he had, one was a courting death skill that couldnt be used unless it was absolutely necessary and the other was also a death seeking skill. Its combined power was trash compared to the Magic Warrior, the Flying Dragon, and the Storm Ripper Jobs!

Feng Xiao always knew that if it wasn't for the fact that he used the Hexagram Scroll back then and he only had the Asura Job, he could only attack with cutting and might even be weaker than normal players.

But why was the Asura, why was Luo Jia so feared by the entire Heavenly Dragon Continent! Just based on what did he obtain this status?

Tian Xiu who had been silent gave another sigh from the other side of the Thousand Mile Sound Transmission Snail, I know what you are thinking. Indeed, since I lost the Asura Power and changed into an assassin, my overall power has indeed increased quite a bit..But, that doesnt mean that Asura is a weak Job! Its because this Job cant demonstrate its true power through us.

Asuras power requires having the Asura Heart. To Job Advance with the Asura Job, you need the Asura Heart. Only you Tian Xiu shook his head and didnt keep talking. Opening the Asura Heart, it required experiencing a hellish baptism. Wind Spirit who had dog shit luck and who didnt seem like he would suffer at all, not to mention hell, he didnt even suffer a little lossTian Xiu curled his lips and thought: Could he open the Asura Heart? Only if pigs could fly!

Alright, understood. Feng Xiao helplessly ended the call.

Alright, other than Asura, he still had three other powerful Jobs. It made it so that whether it was his attack, his range, his control, or his escape all outclassed others. Even if he didnt have the Asura Job, he was still an invincible existence among the Chinese players.

Tian Xiu also put the Thousand Mile Sound Transmission Snail back in his bag as he had a look of regret on his face, but then he continued lazily lying on the branch enjoying the sun.There was a sound that came from his right and Tian Xiu opened his eyes. He had only looked casually, but he became so excited that he almost fell off the branch.

There was a pig with pink wings that was calling out on the branch on his right, as it pointed its noses at him.

Tian Xiu rubbed his eyes and looked down before looking up. Finally he cursed out, Damn!! There really are pigs that can fly!!

No longer thinking about the Asuras Job Advancement, Feng Xiao fell silent. There were too many things binding himespecially today.

After continuing south for around ten minutes, he found that it was the same green scenery and beasts. Xuanyuan Waner didnt say anything, as if she was trying hard to sense something.

ZhuerFill the space left by Xiao LuLan Lan, circle behind it!

The voice was calm, gentle, faint, and indifferentFeng Xiao was pulled out of his thoughts as he looked forward with an interested look because he clearly remembered the owner of this voice.

The dense trees prevented him from seeing it, but the sounds of fighting and monsters shouting came from behind the trees. Feng Xiao thought Shadowless as his figure disappeared into the air.

Since he took the sealed Shennong Cauldron away, the Terror Forest had been filled with life. The monsters were no longer afraid or violent and countless natural traps disappeared from the quickly growing vegetation. Players could safely enter the Terror Forest and adding in the fact that most monsters here were between level 35 and level 40, it was suitable for most players to level here. So it wasnt strange for him to meet other people here

Scimitar Cat King: Level 38 Silver Boss

HP: 14200

Once the violent king of the scimitar cats, but it became gentle after the Terror Forest recovered its vitality. However, its abilities didnt drop because of this.

Innate Skills:

I Am The Tiger King: When it enters combat conditions, the aura of the king would be released. All attack and defense will receive a decent boost.

Weakness: None.

Skills: Tiger Tail Sweep, Tiger Hurricane, Tiger Roar.

Looking at the stats of the little Silver Boss that had been surrounded, Feng Xiao began looking at the little white flowers surrounding them.

The Rainbow World was worthy of the name Rainbow World as all the colourful girls bloomed like flowers. The girls wearing yellow carried heavy shields that didnt match their physiques as they created a perfect encirclement around this tiger king, taking potions while taking the hits of this tiger king. From time to time, they would be able to get a few hits in. When they couldnt take the hits anymore, they would retreat and another girl in yellow clothes would come forward to fill the spot, not giving the trapped tiger king a chance.

Not far away, there were several girls in green clothes that were shooting with their bows and purple clothed girls releasing all kinds of magic at the tiger king. Black clothed assassins used their quick speed to attack in the gaps between the tiger kings attacks, retreating after a single strike and waiting for the next opportunity to attack. The red clothed warriors had no fear as they charged in, recklessly attacking and then retreating when they were in danger, letting the knights block the attacks for them.

Seeing these valiant figures with their flawless coordination, Feng Xiao was a bit stunned. His eyes were quickly captured by a white figure. The yellow knights, the red warriors, the green archers, the black assassins, the purple magicians, and the blue clerics, but only she had white clothing. Although her immortal figure was among these hundred flowers, she still blooms bright, attracting everyones gaze and making one be sucked in by her.

Seductive Rainbow. Even if one couldnt see her face, with the peerless grace and nobility that she released, it would make one lose their minds and would make all women feel inferior.

The world lost its colours, the sun and moon lost their light, and the flowers all dimmed. Feng Xiao couldnt help praising this charm before he looked away and added, But no matter what, she cant compare to my Yaoer!

The Scimitar Cat King couldnt take it for more than a few seconds before falling to the ground with a wail. The over a hundred young girls didnt reveal a single look of happiness or pride as they quickly dissolved their formation.

Feng Xiao gave a yawn. Indeed, defeating a Silver Boss with these hundred people wasnt something to be proud of. But if it was a Gold Boss, it would be a different matter. Feng Xiao estimated with an obscene look, if these hundred girls with their ability met a level 40 Gold Boss, they would be able to defeat it, but at least a third of these girls would be wiped out.

Lets go. Seductive Rainbow waved her hand and the white as snow horse under her headed south. The fine white lace danced in the wind, giving off a figure that was like a fairy falling to earth.

Her little white horse isnt bad. Oh, its actually an Eighth Grade Mount! Could it be the Thousand Miles of Snow on the mount ranking? Watching the white mount gradually disappearing, Feng Xiao patted Xiao Bai, Go, follow them.

He had no choice but to follow since they were heading south just like him.

After casually following behind them, he watched their figures with an obscene smile, but his eyes had been focused on Seductive Rainbow most of the time. Although he really didnt want to admit it, he had no choice but to admit that she who hadnt revealed her face already had a charm that could shake heaven and earth.

Although they were all females, the team of over a hundred people moving through these silent Terror Forest had a powerful aura. The girls didnt hold back when fighting monsters, killing any that they saw. Normal monsters would be hit with countless attacks the moment that they appeared.

Big sister, based on the map, well be there in a minute. Rainbow Clothed You You came up to Seductive Rainbow and spoke in a crisp voice.

I know. Seductive Rainbow softly replied, Let the sisters prepare themselves. Since its a Hidden Quest, it should be very hard.

Understood, we will be careful. Rainbow Clothed You You gave a giggle before returning to the team.

As expected, its a quest and its a Hidden Quest. Feng Xiao gave a laugh, What benefits can I get?

Feng.Big brother Feng! I can sense it! Its an ancient divine artifacts aura! It really is an ancient divine artifact! Xuanyuan Waners voice was filled with excitement that couldnt be held back as it had a clear tremble to it.

What is it! Feng Xiaos eyes filled with excitement.

Its a mysterious and illusory feeling, it should be the Kunlun Mirror! Its the Kunlun Mirror that can even travel through time!

Kunlun Mirror!?

In this small Terror Forest, there were actually two ancient divine artifacts hidden! Feng Xiao couldnt help looking at the trees around him. This Terror Forest, was it really just a normal forest?

Heavenly War had also told him that the Heaven Defying War God Scroll had also been obtained in this Terror Forest.

Only it would be forever impossible to get the answer to this question. Feng Xiao looked forward. Since he was lucky enough to meet this ancient divine artifact, there was definitely no chance of letting it go. He would do all he could to get it!

Traveling through time! It made his blood boil just thinking about it!

Look! Its over there!

A delighted cry pulled Feng Xiao out of his daze. Not far away, there was a strange shaped cave entrance. The cave entrance was very big, but it was so dark that people couldnt see into it. Feng Xiao wanted to rush past them to see what was hidden in the cave, but then his heart skipped a beat as he stopped. That was because he felt a sense of danger. Although it was very weak, it did make him feel a trace of danger.

Big sister, this cave is like the old grandpa described, so it should be the target for the quest. As long as we defeat the bear inside, we can finish the quest. The black clothed Rainbow Clothed Piao Piao said in an excited voice. At the same time, a gold glowing dagger appeared in her hand as she revealed an eager look.

Seductive Rainbow gave a nod, but her expression didnt relax at all as she said in a calm voice, Everyone, be careful. Theres a level 40 Gold Boss inside, so you have to work together. I dont want to see a single sister being hurt.

She felt a bit of regret over only bringing a hundred people. Although there was a chance of success, it was almost impossible for no one to die if they faced a level 40 Gold Boss. At least once it came close, other than the knights and warriors, no one could escape being instantly killed.

Level 40 Gold Boss? Feng Xiao knitted his brows. A level 40 Gold Boss couldnt pose a single threat to him, not to mention making him feel danger. These little girls who innocently believed the quest prompt might all be taken out here.

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