Legend of the Asura

Chapter 265: Bao Bao makes a move

Chapter 265: Bao Bao makes a move


Feng Yao rarely got angry, but facing this person that kept causing trouble for her big brother, she couldnt control her anger. There was even the impulse to kill him.

One and a half billion! Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds expression didnt change at all as he gave a large enticement that would make countless people go crazy.

Which was also his bottom line.


Big sister Yaoer, theres no need to care about this big baddie, alright? Lets go home. Bao Bao pulled on Feng Yaos clothes. She hated contacting men other than Feng Xiao, especially this man in front of her that she hated.

Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds face finally sank. This was his first time talking to a girl this respectfully, but he was rejected again and again without being given any face...If the soft method doesnt work, then he could onlyuse the hard method.

Do you believe that you would regret this!? Tearing up his gentle appearance, Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud revealed a cold look. There was a fierce look that made it clear that he wouldnt give up on his goal and an obscene look that couldnt be hidden in his eyes.

What a joke, are you worthy! Feng Yao looked into his eyes without showing any signs of weakness. Her left hand secretly covered Bao Bao just in case he recklessly attacked in the city.

Bao Bao was smart, so how could she not hear the threat in Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds words. There was a familiar and unfamiliar anger that started to burn in her young heart.

It had to be said, Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud had succeeded. Just a few words, just a few actions, and just a few expressions had successfully lit the flames of anger in Bao Bao. Bao Bao who had grown up in the worlds warmest bed had only been truly angry two times in her life. The first time, she had killed three thousand players that had surrounded Asura. The second time

The sacred glowing demon gun appeared in Bao Baos small hands. Her expression changed and with an angry grunt, she didnt hesitate to shoot a white shell at Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud.

Bao Baos actions were as pure as her mind, she didnt hesitate at all. Before Feng Yao could react, the Sacred Light Shocking Bullet had already hit Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud.


Bao Bao Feng Yao secretly thought that this was bad and immediately came in front of Bao Bao. If they initiated PKing in the city, they would face being caught by the guards and the righteous counterattack of the other side.

This big baddie! Not only did you find all those people to bully big brother Asura, now you even want to bully big sister Yaoer, you reallyyou really are too bad!! Bao Baos eyes sparkled! She never knew that a person could be this bad!

Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud was surprised before almost breaking out in laughterThings had gone too smoothly and now he could righteously counterattack! If a player was killed, there was also a chance that their pet would drop. He never thought that this opportunity would come so quickly.

He had experienced Feng Yao instantly killing a knight and had experienced Bao Baos shocking Heaven Weeping Bullet, but he was still fully confident in killing them! Just with the attack speed that people couldnt react to and the powerful attack power that he had!

Bao Baos angry voice was still the most delightful sound in the world, causing Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds mind to tremble. There was a strange sense of guilt and unwillingness that appeared in his mind, but that was quickly replaced with a fierce look. With a wave of his right hand, the Immortal Grade Mandalas Fatal Thorns stabbed at Feng Yao with a cold arc!

The ones that he could counterattack included the other sides party.

Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds speed was shocking, appearing in front of Feng Yao in an instant. When Feng Yao turned to protect Bao Bao, the Mandalas Fatal Thorns stabbed out at her.


There was no damage at all as the Mandalas Fatal Thorns hit Bao Bao, or rather the barrier of light around her and couldnt move forward in the slightest!

Eternal Sacred Light!

Big baddie, see how powerful Bao Bao is! Sacred Light Shocking Bullet!

In front of Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds stunned look, the white glowing shell hit his body again and pushed him back several steps


With the forced accuracy of the Tranquil Heart, Bao Baos attacks would no longer miss. Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds HP fell by half and his heart skipped a beat. He quickly ate some recovery potions. His eyes became even darker as he tried stabbing Bao Bao again.

Peng! It was the white light barrier again! His attack didnt have any effect at all. At the same time, there was a white glow that appeared in the corner of his eyes. Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds pupils shrank as he slid back several meters like a roach, dodging Feng Yaos Sacred Arrow.

Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds confidence had completely disappeared as his eyes turned cold and fierce.

He couldnt attack them and was being forced back like this!

Bao Bao, quickly go home. Feng Yao tried to protect Bao Bao again as she had already pulled out the Fuxis Zither. With her terrifying intelligence, she was confident in killing this low HP assassin with just a single arrow!

No! Bao Bao slid out from behind Feng Yao and stood in front of her. With the ten seconds of the Eternal Sacred Light, she didnt hesitate to raise the magic gun again and aimed it at Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud who had an unstable look on his face.

Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud clenched the Mandalas Fatal Thorns in his hands and realized that he had made a mistake. Even if he had skills and power that were far beyond a normal assassin, he still couldnt gain any advantage when it came to these two girls.

After staring for a few seconds, Bao Baos expression slowly relaxed and she didnt attack. The faint layer of white light around her had also finally faded away.

Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds eyes lit up and the hand holding the dagger started movingBao Baos keen eyes saw his movement, but she wasnt surprised at all. When Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud charged forward, there was a dazzling white light that was centered around her that was released.

Sacred Light Dazzle!

Sacred Light Dazzle: Releases a dazzling sacred light that blinds all enemies in a range of 50 meters for at least thirty seconds. Can only be used once a day.

With this beautiful voice, there was an intense white light that cut into Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds eyes like blades. After that sharp pain, everything in front of him had turned white!

Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud also stopped as he gave a cold snort. The dagger in his hand gave a green glow which quickly surrounded him. With this green glow around him, his move speed had increased by 100%!

With a strong unwillingness, Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud who had been completely defeated had his face twist. He forced himself to keep his reasoning and with the green glow, he charged in the direction of the Heavenly Dragon Square.

He had finally tasted the shame of defeat and having to run and it was at the hands of this little girl.

Humph! Want to run! Watch my Eternal Lonely Light!

Eternal Lonely Light: The user releases a sacred light that covers all enemies within a fifty meters range that sucks their life energy. It doesnt work against light attributed creatures and doubles damage to undead or dark attributed creatures. Has a 20% chance of decreasing enemys Light Resistance by 30%.

Lasts for a minute, can only be used twice a day.

A light halo that had a radius of fifty meters appeared with Bao Bao at its center. With the slight parting of her lips, the sacred halo immediately formed the ring and completely covered all the space in this range.

Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud who hadnt been able to escape this range in time trembled. The sacred white light without any impurities fell onto him and there was a feeling of being swallowed by the light that came from his heart, which caused it to beat much faster.

-500, -500, -500

Looking at Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud who quickly escaped the range of the Eternal Lonely Light and disappeared out of sight, Bao Bao pouted her lips in a dissatisfied manner. She raised her little fist to shake in the direction of the hateful back that had already disappeared.

Bao Bao, so powerful! Feng Yao looked at her with bright eyes as her heart was filled with surprise. She knew that no one could match Bao Baos AoE attacks, but she never thought that she would be able to easily win even in a duel. She rarely made a move because she didnt like fighting at all, but once she did, she reacted with keen reactions and used the best skills, showing her intelligence.

The man in the distance had seen the few seconds of PK completely and he had a shocked expression on his face. After watching the two enter the Feng House, he finally slowly came back to his senses.

So strong! Too strongNo, I have to get it as soon as possible!

Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud just dashed forward without any goal until the terrifying white colour that blinded his eyes slowly faded away. He panted a few times before looking at his HP, finding that there was only a sliver of it left.

If it wasnt for that doubled move speed, he would have died being swallowed by that light.

He slammed a fist onto the ground as his face kept twitching. It took a while before he slowly calmed down.

Is this the difference between a normal Job and a Hidden Job? It seems like I have to speed up that quest. When the time comes He turned to the west and his sinister eyes flickered a few times as if he was thinking up some evil plan.

Hiding in a certain place, two guards holding giant blades secretly wiped the cold sweat off their forehead. They were level 100 guards of Heavenly Dragon Imperial City and were in charge of catching players that PKed in the city. When Bao Bao had attacked, they had already teleported nearby, but it was good thing that they stopped themselves from appearing.

Xiao Er Hei, I was right, they were people related to the Heavenly Dragon Secret Envoy. If we were to catch them, we might have suffered a tragedy. The white faced guard wiped the cold sweat off his forehead before patting his chest that was beating faster.

Xiao Er Bai, its a good thing that you recognized them or we might really have suffered a loss that we couldnt handle! The black faced guard also had a bit of lingering fear as he was also secretly filled with joy.

I heard that sir envoy and the honoured majesty have some kind of affair

Damn! Do you need to say this, the entire palace already knows about thisSir envoy will become our emperor one day, so we have to be careful when we see him

Right! Right!

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