Legend of the Asura

Chapter 263: Huge Super Divine Grade Materials

Chapter 263: Huge Super Divine Grade Materials

He had almost suffered two similar tragedies in two days.

Seeing the various coloured glows that were either blue, bronze, silver, gold, and even a few red dots on the sea, Feng Xiao trembled with excitement. He didnt dare waste any time as he used the Spiritual Water Dance of the Water Spirit Boots to move across the water, charging at the various equipment without any owners.

There was a large range to the fight with the Vast Sea Rage Shark, so there was no end in sight of the various equipment on the sea. Feng Xiao quickly rushed across the water, only picking up equipment that were over level 40 and above the Silver Grade. The luck of the Super Divine Beast and the Sacred Beast definitely werent low, so there was a higher drop rate for the high level monsters that they killed. One out of every thirty pieces of equipment was at the Gold Rank.

This drop rate was several dozen times higher than a normal player.

Chasing the Vast Sea Rage Shark Away and talking with the Azure Dragon for a while, fifty six minutes had already passed. Feng Xiaos eyes locked onto the high grade equipment and his hands kept moving without stopping. Finally, after a few minutes, the equipment on the sea disappeared and Feng Xiaos inventory was almost completely filled.

Hei, hei, I really earned a lot this time. Feng Xiao stood on the sea with a proud smile.

He used the Infinite Space Gate to return to Bing Xue Ers private room. Bing Xue Er who had been silently waiting for him came in front of him with a joyful look and tightly hugged him. If possible, she really wanted to hug him forever and never separate from him.

The Vast Sea Rage Shark has been chased off and the City of Ices weather should slowly warm up. Feng Xiao softly said.

Un! I know, the Sacred God Azure Dragon already told me. She also said Bing Xue Er looked up with intoxicating blue eyes that were filled with charm and love, .....All of this was your doing. The one who chased off the Vast Sea Rage Shark was you.

Feng Xiaos expression froze as he felt a bit awkward. That Azure Dragon really was good at sharing fame, even pushing this large merit onto him. Without him, she could have still chased him away, but without her, he would have been suppressed by the Vast Sea Rage Shark.

Feng Xiao revealed a modest smile which was considered silent agreement before he quickly changed the topic, Come, I want to bring you to see something.

Without waiting for Bing Xue Er to reply, Feng Xiao called out Xiao Bai and pulled Bing Xue Er on before teleporting with her to a vast field of snow.

My man, do you like this place? Looking at the pure white around them, Bing Xue Er revealed a faint smile. She grew up in the snow, so her body had an aura that was even more pure than the snow.

Feng Xiao revealed a faint smile and didnt say anything. He was satisfied with how vast this place was and he had a thought.


The giant sound scared Bing Xue Er and she tightly held Feng Xiaos hand. This Snow Empress that always handled things calmly would unknowingly put down her intelligence and her calm, willingly becoming a normal girl who only loved him.

A dark blue item was placed there in the snow, releasing a faint glow. Being this close, they could only see that it reached the clouds. They couldnt see the ends of it, it was as if this easily cut the field of snow in half.

Vast Sea Rage Sharks Dorsal Fin: Super Divine Beast Material

The dorsal fin on the back of the Vast Sea Rage Shark, incomparably hard and can destroy all defenses, while also containing a powerful reflecting ability. This is the symbol and the greatest weapon of the Vast Sea Rage Shark. It has many uses, it can be made into various types of weapons, armours, machines, gates, or walls. Because of the lack of divine power in this dorsal thing, it can only be used to make one thing.

Damn! Such a large piece of Super Divine Grade Material!!!

WaitOnly one thing!? Feng Xiao rolled his eyes and almost fainted. He was thinking that if he made a bunch of Super Divine Grade Items, he would be destroying the balance of this world, but he never thought that the system wouldnt give him this chance! Such a large piece of material could only be used to make one item!

Moreover, would it make a large item if it was used! If it succeeded, who would be able to use it!

God, its actually the Vast Sea Rage Sharks Dorsal Fin! Seeing the stats of this dark blue giant time, Bing Xue Er called out in shock. The way that she looked at Feng Xiao became even more passionate.

As expected of her man, he could actually do such an incredible thing.

Thats right, I took it when it was careless. Feng Xiao was a bit proud before feeling a headache. Such a big thing had become a useless thing and it took up three hundred spots in his inventory!

Oh? City gate? City wall?

Feng Xiao had a thought before his depressed look disappeared and he casually put away the Vast Sea Rage Sharks Dorsal Fin. If possible, he really wanted to see how the small bag that made things disappear and appear with a thought could hold such a large thing.

It was more than the size of ten airplanes.

Xueer, lets go back. Feng Xiao enjoyed stroking her smooth as jade hand and suddenly noticed that her face had an infatuated look.

My man Bing Xue Er turned around a bit and there was a blush on her snow white cheeks. Her tender lips parted as she said, Do you want to take your Bing Xue Er again in this place

The world of snow and the beautiful as jade Bing Xue Er bloomed in front of him. The endless flames of emotion were lit and it couldnt be stopped. The snow like body integrated into the pure snow and took many different forms under Feng Xiao. The countless wild turns in the snow, the heavenly moans and the roars of a man lasted for a long time, as the flames of passion left marks on the snow.

Being wildly ravaged by the man she loved the most and in the snow that she loved the most, the excitement and satisfaction that filled her heart made her want to faint several times.

A slender finger created circles on the lawn, touching the gentle green grass. Without Feng Xiao here, Bao Bao felt that there wasnt anything interesting here.

Feng Yao revealed a loving smile and sat in front of Bao Bao, Youre thinking of your big brother Asura again?

Un! I really miss him. Bao Bao looked up with eyes that were a bit blurred and a bit dimmed, Hes only gone for a day, but why does it feel like hes gone for a long, long time? Why does it feel like my hearts empty?

The tender flowery lips were gently bit as this kind of emptiness that she never felt before entered her immature heart. Before meeting him, she just entered Rebirth to play around. Now she was infatuated with Rebirth because she was infatuated with him. The only reason for entering Rebirth each day was just so she could be with him.

Its already been a month and she has been by his side every day. The sweet happiness had filled her heart. Once this feeling was lost, she learned that she was already used to this happiness and couldnt leave it anymore

Feng Yaos heart turned soft as she revealed a sweet smile. She knew that Bao Bao was already completely dependent on him and it couldnt be cured. The feeling that she described was the same feelings that she had.

This girl who had a mysterious origin and a mysterious background who seemed to be favoured by the heavens would definitely be very helpful to her big brother!

Ten meters away, the pitiful level 58 Flame Blue Crystal Ants were currently being devastated by two Super Divine Beasts. This was the tragedy that the Flame Mantises had once faced.

After the terror and mysteriousness of the Death Volcano disappeared, there was no longer a powerful flame barrier blocking them. One could freely use normal City Return Scrolls to go between Heavenly Dragon City and Fire God City. But the place Feng Yao chose to level was still in Fire God City. It was because it was only them who had been to Fire God City and it was only them who had City Return Scrolls for Fire God City. They wouldnt need to be worried about being disturbed by other players if they leveled here.

Fire God City was bathed in the heat of the Death Volcano year round, so the monsters here had a certain amount of fire resistance. But even so, the Flame Blue Crystal Ants that had 50% fire resistance still suffered after having their stats decreased by the aura of the Butterfly Emperor. Whether it was the Outer Space Meteor Shower or the Phoenix Flame Dance, these giant ants were being killed in batches, leaving corpses all over.

The more tragic thing was that they couldnt flyThey could only stand there and watch themselves being burnt.

The Golden Winged Phoenix was level 32 and the Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly was level 40, but their magic attack reached over ten thousand. Faced with these monsters that had their stats decreased by 30%, they were just playing around.

Bao Bao, dont be sad, big brother will be back soon. There is nothing he cant do in this world. Feng Yao said with a faint smile, Right, Bao Bao is third on the level ranking now, thats incredible.

With 30% increased experience and the large amount of experience from the Immortal Beast Heavenly Water Turtle Emperor, Bao Baos level was only second to Feng Xiao and Hen Tian.

Bao Baos heart was empty and she didnt cheer up because of Feng Yaos consolation. After playing around with the grass, she opened the level ranking.

Level ranking: (At same levels, higher experience points is ranked first.)

First Place: Name hidden

Level 52 Asura

Second Place: Hen Tian

Level 47 Slaughter Soul

Third Place: Name Hidden

Level 46 Demon Gun Angel

Fourth Place: Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds

Level 45 Assassin

Fifth Place: Hand of God

Level 45 Thunder Attributed Magician

Sixth Place: Whistling Moon

Level 44 Archer

Seventh Place: Wild Demon Wolf

Level 44 Knight

Eighth Place: Scarlet Flames Burning the Heaven

Level 44 Warrior

Ninth Place: Maple Leaf Roaring Waves

Level 44 Wind Attributed Mage

Tenth Place: Seductive Rainbow

Level 44 Archer

The little mouth couldnt help pouting and she didnt seem interested at all. Bao Bao closed the level ranking and pulled on Feng Yaos clothes, Big sister Yaoer, lets go home, alright? I want to see if big brother Asura is back.

Feng Xiaos house had already become her home in her heart. Whenever she thought about the home that she shared with him, her heart would beat faster, but she liked this feeling, she liked it very much. If she could always be by his side, being pampered by him, then she would always want to stay in her and his home, counting her fingers as she waited for him to come back.

No one could reject this request. Feng Yao nodded with a smile and stood up while holding Bao Baos little hand. With a wave of her left hand, she called back the Golden Winged Phoenix.

Xiao Feng, were going home. Feng Yaos voice was very gentle, as if she was afraid of scaring it. There was a strange and unbelievable mental connection between her and the Golden Winged Phoenix, they could even feel what each other were feeling.

Xiao Feng gave a cry before looking at Feng Yao with a yearning look and then turning into golden light to disappear into her body. Its biggest hope was to evolve to the Sacred Beast Grade as soon as possible so that it could become a person, telling her everythingletting her remember everything.

A Super Divine Beast evolving into a Sacred Beast was without a doubt filled with hardship. It might not happen even after ten thousand years or millions of years, but it had a reason that it had to evolve into a Sacred Beast. Even if it was just for a minute, even if it turned into ashes afterwards and its soul scattered, it wouldnt hesitate at all.

Feng Yao and Bao Bao vanished into white light at the same time. Seeing that the terrifying fairy and elf in the distance had finally left, the Flame Blue Crystal Ants gave a long sigh of relief and secretly prayed that they would never come back

Even if they came back, they hoped that they never brought back those two abnormal Super Divine Beasts!

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