Legend of the Asura

Chapter 261: Retreating shark

Chapter 261: Retreating shark

Being defeated by the Azure Dragon, although it was filled with rage and unwillingness, it could absolutely accept it. That was because the other side was a Sacred Beast that surpassed its grade. But now it was actually suffering at the hands of a little human and it had even been sent flying by him!

It finally experienced the feeling of being able to glide through the air, which was what it even yearned for. That was because its incomparably large body had already decided that it was impossible for it to leave the water, so it couldnt do it itselfBut now that it actually happened, it was filled with incomparable shame!

This wonderful feeling only lasted a few seconds before its body landed on a piece of ice several kilometers away that hadnt been broken by it yet!

Feng Xiao was also filled with shock. The normal tail swing of the Vast Sea Rage Shark had actually dealt over a million points of damage! This meant that its normal strike was already comparable to a Divine Beasts ultimate skill! Moreover, it had a super large range!

As expected of a Super Divine Beast that surpassed normal Divine Beasts!

After using the two Revolving Star Battle Shift, Feng Xiao finally stopped being arrogant. Before the Vast Sea Rage Shark could come back from being sent flying, he hid under the Azure Dragon. He looked at the Azure Dragon flying there in the air and after giving a laugh, he suddenly called back Xiao Bai in the air.

Infinite Space Gate!

Feng Xiaos figure slowly appeared on the Azure Dragons head. Where the Azure Dragon was was where Feng Xiao had been sent flying the first time by the Vast Sea Rage Shark.

Standing on the head of the Sacred Beast, he was most likely the first person on the entire Heavenly Dragon Continent to do this.

The Azure Dragon strangely wasnt angry as she said in a cold voice, Just this once. If you dare be this audacious again, I have countless methods to fill you with regret.

Understood. Feng Xiao laughed. His heart settled as he safely sat between her two thorns, looking at the Vast Sea Rage Shark flipping on the ice. He knew that with the supreme dignity of the Sacred Beasts, such a large concession was already a big grace to him.

Being separated from water, it already cant pose any threat at all. The Azure Dragon gave a sigh. She used the Frozen World again and the hole that the Vast Sea Rage Shark created was closed again.

This was her second time making a move facing the Vast Sea Rage Shark. The previous her only blocked its attacks and the first time she made a move, she had frozen it in just a few seconds. This was the difference between Super Divine Beast and Sacred Beasts.

Without water, youve lost the source of your power. The consumption of this large body will only last a few minutes, so will you still resist! The Azure Dragon slowly lowered herself.

The emperor of the sea could only be the emperor of the sea. Although it was a powerful Super Divine Beast, its weakness was fatal. Large figures kept appearing on its head and Feng Xiao knew that if it didnt break the thousand meter long ice under it, it would slowly die.

The Vast Sea Rage Sharks large tail kept slamming the ice under it. This was its first time being separated from water since it was born because it never had the strength to leave the water before, but this one time was enough!

Powerful beings had their weakness and the Vast Sea Rage Sharks weakness was hard to grasp. But once it was grasped, it was enough to take its life.

The ice layer showed cracks again, but with a flash of the Azure Dragons eyes, the cold air froze the ice back to its complete state again. This caused all of the Vast Sea Rage Sharks struggles to be negated.

One last chance, leave or die!

The extreme pressure froze the Vast Sea Rage Sharks body. With its high intelligence as a Super Divine Beast, it knew that it couldnt defeat the Azure DragonNo, it should be said that human who had stolen its dorsal fin, if he hadnt knocked it out of the water, it was confident that the Sacred Beast couldnt destroy it while it was in the water.

This irreversible situation finally made its emotions relax. It looked at the small human on the head of the Azure Dragon with a look of resentment before the hostility slowly disappeared from its eyes. The giant shark head laid there on the ice and revealed a look of submission.

The Azure Dragons eyes flickered before she opened her large dragon mouth. Wild wind energy started to gather before with a howl in the sky, the layer of ice was strangely melted by the wind. In just a few seconds, the ice had turned back into the green sea and the Vast Sea Rage Shark finally fell into the water, quickly regaining HP.

You can leave!

With a roar from the Azure Dragon, there was an even more intense wind that swept over the Vast Sea Rage Shark, carrying it to the north. The Vast Sea Rage Shark didnt resist at all as it followed the current north. It was just that the terrifying dorsal fin that represented it as an emperor no longer appeared.

Why didnt you just kill it..Oh, I dont have any other intentions, I was just casually asking. Looking at the Vast Sea Rage Shark that turned into a black dot in the distance, Feng Xiao asked this in a thoughtful voice. It was false to say that he didnt have any intentions because the look of resentment that it had before leaving filled his heart with fear and apprehension. He had a premonition that this terrifying Super Divine Beast would bring him a lot of trouble one day.

The Heavenly Dragon Continents seas need to be balanced. Without the emperor of the sea, the underwater world will be chaotic!

Then youre not afraid that it would go back on its promise? Feng Xiao asked.

Super Divine Beasts have strong prestige. They can accept a loss, but they cant accept actions that will bring disgrace to themselves. Not to mention that it is the supreme emperor of the seas. The Azure Dragon calmly said as a sparkle appeared in her eyes again. Then she brought Feng Xiao back to the City of Ice.

The Azure Dragon turned back into the cold little girl with a delicate look that could fill a mans heart with love. But after experiencing her heaven shaking main body, Feng Xiao no longer had any intentions of harassing her.

You are very strong, much stronger than I imagined. The Azure Dragon suddenly turned around and looked into his eyes as she said these words that made Feng Xiao feel a bit embarrassed.

Feng Xiao quickly revealed a modest look. Being praised by this incomparably powerful Sacred Beasthow could he not be embarrassed.

If you hadnt knocked it out of the water, it definitely wouldnt have been that easy to chase out the Vast Sea Rage Shark.

Feng Xiao still gave a modest shake of the head, Actually, I didnt do that much. With your power as the Azure Dragon, you could have easily chased it away or destroyed it.

Oh? The Azure Dragon calmly looked at him and said with a casual look, If the Super Divine Beasts were so easy to deal with, they wouldnt be known as Super Divine Beasts. I can easily defeat it, but to kill it in the sea is very hard. The Super Divine Beasts are so few, but they all have powerful skills and life preserving techniques, so easily killing Super Divine Beasts is a fantasy.

Un? Feng Xiao had a doubtful look, Based on your defense and attack from before, they were all very casual. Your abilities should be more than a thousand times greater.

The Azure Dragon shook her head, Youre wrong! The defense that I used before, although it looked very casual, it used most of my divine power since I dont excel in defense. As for the freezingIt is the best method when facing the Vast Sea Rage Shark who is also water and wind attributed. It can absorb water, but it doesnt like ice. To easily kill it, perhaps only the earth attributed Black Tortoise can do something like that.

With your ability, can you defeat several Super Divine Beasts at once? Feng Xiaos heart was filled with curiosity.

I can defeat three, I can fight evenly with five, and if its above five, although Im not in danger, both sides would be mutually wounded. Although their abilities cant compare to Sacred Beasts, their special abilities and hidden power cant be looked down on. The Azure Dragon didnt hide anything as she calmly explained this.

This answer really surprised Feng Xiao. After thinking for a bit, he finally asked the question in his heart, Based on what Ive seen, around two months ago, the Purple Lightning Qilin was able to kill the Dual Headed Illusory Eye Nether Wolf while only having a tenth of its power. Based on this, the full powered qilin should be able to face over a hundred Super Divine Beasts. Are the qilins actually that strong?

That Nether Wolf is dead? The Azure Dragon looked over with a trace of relief in her eyes.

Seeing Feng Xiao give a nod, the Azure Dragon gave a sigh, It wasnt a coincidence that it died that easily under the qilins hand because among the Ten Super Divine Beasts, its attack abilities are the lowest. The reason why it could become a Super Diving Beast is because of its terrifying ability, the Illusory Eyes!

The Illusory Eyes cant attack at all, but it can drop the stats of any enemies by 70% as long as they dont surpass the user by two grades. Although we Sacred Beasts can cancel out some of that effect, it still greatly affects us. The only one that can ignore this is the qilin that can use the Qilins Light!

All stats decreased by 70%!? Feng Xiaos head was covered in sweat. Xiao Bais 10% stat decrease was already inhuman enough, but 70%......That was too inhuman!

Why is the qilin immune? Could it be that the Qilins Light negates all skills?

No! The Nether Wolfs Illusory Eyes are forced, so there are only skills that can resist it and it cant be negated. The qilins Qilins Light can raise its grade by one level, exceeding the range of the Illusory Eyes. So when facing the Nether Wolf, a Super Sacred Beast with only a tenth of its ability can easily kill it!

Speaking of Super Sacred Beasts, the Azure Dragon revealed a reverent look. This was a grade that was only in legends and she would never be able to reach it. Perhaps only the qilin using its special skill could touch that level temporarily, which is the reason why its the head of the Five Sacred Beasts. Adding in the Qilins Light, it could even resist four Sacred Beasts together, not to mention the Super Divine Beast Nether Wolf.

Increase by one grade? Its that powerful? Feng Xiao was secretly surprised. He suddenly had a thought and almost jumped up as he asked in an anxious voice, If the Qilins Light can increase the grade by one, then the Five Coloured Qilins Light, could it raise it by five grades?

Feng Xiaos heart beat fast. If it really was as the Azure Dragon said, then Xiao XiaoAfter it became a Sacred Beast and used the Five Coloured Qilins Light, how could the other monsters still even keep living!

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