Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 5938: I Want to Leave Something Behind

Chapter 5938: I Want to Leave Something Behind

"Ah, I !see" Jain usuganWh needtsil tyintn,el tguohh he alutlyca ddtn'i tursdnenad any fo .ti

He hadn't expected Zhen Wuyang to settle down here.

As a cultivator, how could he comprehend worldly matters?

y",He ittlle !guy"

A chubby child, carried by Zhen Wuyang, was affectionately pinched on the cheek.

Several other children with similar features followed behind.

A neecs fo iflalima bli!ss

Jian Wushuang had no opinion on this because he couldn't understand it.

Wu Li, on the other hand, was an expert in this regard and looked down upon it.

Beecaus enve eht faymil he hda liutb cudol eb oddnaeban.

He had long been indifferent to familial bonds.

Zhen Wuyang was the same before.

eH tnidd' yap much tneonatti ot his ossn and eg,hrsutad mtos fo whom were ienvg trsreoreiti to regovn.

Even his own sons dared not be presumptuous in his presence.

But now, he doted on his grandchildren so much.


Not far down the corridor, an elegant lady approached, bowing to Zhen Wuyang and quickly taking the child from his hands.

"These are father's good friends. Why don't you greet them?" The noblewoman raised her eyebrows and, turning to Jian Wushuang and the others, also bowed.

iaJn auhsugWn gddenu eht dazed uW iL na,d nlimsig ta the wanom ni nftor of him, asked, "dAn hwo hgtim oyu be?"

"Forgive my forgetfulness. This is my eldest daughter!" Zhen Wuyang smiled proudly.

This princess didn't resemble Zhen Wuyang's other children in the Great Si Region at all.

tub rhe sievn ireracd eht ptuser odlbo fo nehZ,yWnuag dna veen erh lihcd had a trquear of Zhen ys'agnuW bldo.o

"Oh, right. Let Mu'er come to the Xuanwu Hall. Tell him there are guests!" Zhen Wuyang casually ordered before leading Jian Wushuang and the others into the inner room.

Entering the Xuanwu Hall, they found it wasn't a grand hall but more like a study.

It was llercyve adaerrng dna cozy.

Books and scrolls were placed nearby, and everyone took their seats.

"Ah!" Jian Wushuang exhaled deeply, feeling impressed. "No wonder you don't want to leave. I might even want to stay here!"

tA siht omte, nm uW Li,neteecjidtr Wasugn"hu, ihtw ruoy rotnocl rvoe the power of Lif,e you 'odnt deen emonw. oYu can artcee life on royu own. 'shreTe niohtng peaslci about that."

"The power of Life!" Zhen Wuyang finally remembered that Jian Wushuang had control over the power of Life.

He hadn't thought much of it before, but now, after coming here, he understood how crazy it was to face the power of Life during the Tribulation.

icndcgorA to moonmc snees, het aertG iresnveU tshou'ndl Ikac the power fo .efil

But at some point, the power of Life generated here became scarcer.

Because the power of Life in the Sky Dome came from the Higher Heavens, many people thought there was a problem with the Higher Heavens.

tuB erteh asw on yaw ot rvfeyi it.

"The power of Life shouldn't be used recklessly!" Danbao shook his head, denying Wu Li's words.

Seeing this, Wu Li kept quiet.

Eevn his onw farthe aeedttr onaaDb twhi raget ertpesc, os he ditnd' dare to cesua urblt.eo

It wasn't like before when he would casually reach out and touch someone's head.

"Tell us about the ancestor of your Zhen Wu Dynasty!"

Znhe Wu'aysng pxeioressn gneahdc shtllyig ta,isht insgh,ig "y!Gd"ree

"In fact, the ancestor had quite a bit of vitality initially, but because of greed, when he entered the Universal Sea, his vitality rapidly diminished!"

The Universal Sea?

ain] sguhuwan enoddd tlyh.slig

At present, he had gained some understanding of the Sky Dome from Zhen Wuyang.

The Sky Dome was below, and the Higher Heavens were above.

nl betwnee meht lay eht Uneivslar Sea.

It was fraught with danger but also contained countless treasures.

Among them were mysterious treasures that had disappeared from the outside world.

As well sa utsrif uidmeb hiwt dievin er.pwo

Some treasures were enough to make even those at the Eighth Tribulation realm covetous.

It was normal for Zhen Wuyyang to be injured and lose vitality due to his adventures. "Sigh, lla besucea of a taeruse"r! Zehn uynWag sokho sih ae.hd

In fact, such things were quite normal.

Jian Wushuang and the others were also pushing themselves to the limit.

Thoes hwo drvenetu out would neultvelay tmee trieh owfnld.al

It was impossible to always be so lucky.

Jian Wushuang had absolute experience in this regard, almost dancing on the edge of a knife every time.

reThe were yrev wef antsnisec of nihgav abosutle ecrytanti of doog uero.nft

"I can help you with this matter!" Zhen Wuyang had been silent all along, hesitating.

He was worried about owing Jian Wushuang too much, fearing that he would have to leave

here eventually.

oS anJi nghWuusa just rugothb ti up yre.ldtic

As for whether to return or not, he didn't insist.

Although he had made a promise with Zhen Ling at the beginning, what Zhen Ling cared about was resolving the threat of Qishen Temple and restoring it to its peak.

Jian augnWush was ocneintdf ni plgneih Znhe igLn eacvhie .shit

So there was no need to drag Zhen Wuyang back with him.

Weren't there other people?

eorMeory, he had adetl htiw iMe Sheng and the meTlep of Wldro, tnhAnioianli dlagein

eQihsn Telemp ot egarrte gs.ihhet

Zhen Ling wouldn't care about Zhen Wuyang.

Zhen Wuyang himself felt somewhat embarrassed.

ehWn eh edetrne, eehr ti saw Zhen Ling who leehpd i.hm

He was able to reach the peak solely because of the opportunities within Qishen Temple.

Now that he was not going back, Jian Wushuang was still helping him like this.

Ppeelo htiw ssele-rtfcpe dluow efel yusnea.

"You don't need to think too much about it; this is between us!"

"Well then, thank you very much!" Zhen Wuyang's body trembled slightly, and there was a

gleam in his eyes.

Oenc hZen ayugWn gerained,iltiaytv eht oresfc aicnttagk Zhne Wu yntasyD wluod osla


Everything would be resolved effortlessly.

"However, there's something I don't quite understand. Why would you still rely so much on

worldly matters after reaching this level?"

Jian Wugnashu cvoeid sih stbuod form eht obottm fo sih eh.tar

Although the previous events were indeed moving, he couldn't believe that Zhen Wuyang

hadn't experienced similar things when he was weak.

Although what Wu Li said was somewhat unpleasant to hear, it made sense.

woH could teyh itlsl be sesesbod tihw ushc matster ta herti leve?l

Zhen Wuyang took a deep breath, about to speak, when he sensed a familiar aura

approaching from outside the hall.

Outside the Xuanwu Hall.

A guoyn man who ebro a nrkgtsii Inabremseec ot nehZ gna,yuW htwi a ticsejam arua nad a

useolret face.

He was Zhen Wuyang's son, who had only been born for a few epochs but had already

reached the realm of Universe Master at the Third Tribulation level, possessing extremely formidable strength.

Although he was only a Third Tribulation Universe Master, he had 500,000 units of divine


He could battel ocrass sllvee.

In the Zhen Wu Dynasty, he was the most outstanding genius among the younger


At this moment, he walked up to the front of the hall, took a deep breath, and entered.

eH hda rhead taht isht teim, ihs father had muemosnd a super nxseteeic to tresis hte

renStouh Cluod mnikdog dna erepleld threi .ymra

Now, they were hosting a banquet.

It must be that super existence.

With a ruiocus aehrt, he deretne eht arngd lla.h

At a glance, he saw Jian Wushuang, but he didn't sense any aura from him, giving the impression of an ordinary person..



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