KLRXO Stories

Chapter 112: Mom’s Favorite Sex Toy_1

Chapter 112: Mom's Favorite Sex Toy_1

Mom's Favorite Sex Toy

By Klrxo

"What's bothering you, Christy?" asked Tina, noticing her friend's frustration as they watched their sons play baseball.

"It's nothing important, really," Christy replied, fiddling with her glasses.

Tina raised an eyebrow. "I know that look, and it screams 'sexually frustrated'. What's going on with James?"

Christy let out a nervous laugh, feeling her cheeks redden. "He's been so focused on work lately. Our sex life is practically non-existent."

"We all have our ups and downs in the bedroom. You're not alone in that."

"I know, I try to remind myself of that. But sometimes it feels like I was just born with a high sex drive," she joked.

Tina chuckled, shaking her head. "Well, if James isn't satisfying you, maybe it's time to take matters into your own hands."

"Oh, trust me, I have."

"They do make things that can make it more interesting, you know," Tina noted.

"I don't know... I've never... you know..."

"Never used a toy?" Tina finished for her with a mischievous grin.

"I've fooled around with objects when I was younger, but never anything made for that particular purpose," Christy confessed.

"Maybe it's time to step out of your comfort zone," Tina suggested, her eyes glinting with excitement.

"You mean like...purchasing a sex toy?" Christy awkward asked.

"Exactly. If James won't satisfy your needs than why not purchase a little something to help yourself out," Tina winked, her tone encouraging and supportive.

"Alright, fine. I'll consider it," Christy agreed, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

"Great! There's a store downtown that has a wide selection of toys. We can go together this weekend and find you something that suits your fancy."

"Thanks but I think I'd rather buy online. I mean, what if I saw someone I know there?" Christy blushed, her voice barely audible.

Tina chuckled, understanding her friend's hesitation. "That's a fair concern. But don't worry, there are plenty of online stores that offer discreet packaging and shipping. I've done it myself and it's always been smooth sailing."

"That's good to hear," said Christy. "I would die if my son knew I bought something like that."

Tina brought up a website on her phone. "Here, this place is my go-to store for whenever I need a toy. They have a great selection and like I said, very discreet packaging."

Christy hesitated for a moment before taking the phone and looking at the website. "Good grief, I've never realized there were so many options. I don't know, all these fancy gadgets may not be my cup of tea."

"Then why not stick with something basic," Tina suggested, clicking on a fake penis, "like a dildo."

"Good grief, those things are huge!" Christy exclaimed, her eyes widening at the sheer variety on the screen.

Tina burst into laughter at her friend's reaction, the sound echoing across the baseball field.

"Not all of them are massive," Tina managed to say between giggles. "There are plenty of smaller options that are more beginner-friendly."

"I'll just choose a smaller one," Christy agreed. "I don't want Jim to find a fake penis in my drawer that's bigger than his real one."

"What about this one? It's seven inches," Tina suggested.

"Seven inches?!" Christy exclaimed, causing the other moms to turn and give her curious looks.

"Seven inches," she repeated, this time in a hushed tone. "That's too much."

"Come on, Christy. A seven inch penis is decent, but not overly large."

"What about this one, five-and-a-half. I think that's more James's size," Christy said, pointing to a smaller option on the screen.

"OK, but do you really think he'd be all that upset if you had a dildo that was a bit larger than him?" Tina asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Well, I would certainly be upset if he had a set of fake boobs to play with that were bigger than my real ones," Christy retorted, trying to make a joke out of it.

"What are the odds of that happening?" Tina laughed. "You have the hugest hooters out of all the women I know."

Christy blushed and chuckled, appreciative of Tina's honesty and support. "Okay then, I'll go with the six-inch one. It's slightly bigger than Jim, but not by much."

"Perfect!" Tina exclaimed. "I think that size will be a great starting point."

"Starting point?"

"Well, yes, most women start with something around that size and then work their way up to find their perfect fit," Tina clarified.

"I think six inches will work just fine for me."

"I said that once too," Tina chuckled, "then I ended up with a foot long monster that could knock over a small child."

"A foot long?!" Christy exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Yeah, it was a bit excessive, but it was still fun." Tina winked. "But like I said, start small and work your way up. Who knows, you might surprise yourself."

As the players sprinted off the field, Logan and Quinn's moms, Christy and Tina, were waiting for them with open arms. Both of the boys embraced their proud moms in tight hugs, lifting them off the ground with their strong, muscular arms. "Way to go out there!" exclaimed Christy as she hugged Logan tightly against her soft, curvy body. Her plump nipples tingled involuntarily at the scent of sweat and pheromones radiating from her son's hardworking body.

"Undefeated again this season," bragged Logan, squeezing his mom even tighter.

Meanwhile, Quinn was already thinking ahead to post-game celebrations. "Can we stop for burgers on the way home?" he asked eagerly. Christy and Tina exchanged a knowing glance and smiled. It was an away game and they all had a long ride back home so stopping for some well-deserved burgers sounded like a great idea.

"That can definitely be arranged," replied Tina with a grin.

"We need some sex advice," Quinn stated as he and Logan sat in the backseat of the minivan on the way home.

"Sex advice?" Tina asked, sharing a nervous glance with Christy as she drove.

"Yeah," Logan chimed in. "Quinn thinks you should give a girl one orgasm during sex, but I think you should aim for three."

Tina glanced back at the boys in the rearview mirror as she spoke. "If a guy can give a girl at least one orgasm, that's more than most men can do," she commented.

Logan, sitting next to his mom, chimed in. "But why settle for just one when you could give her three and make her feel even more satisfied?"

His mom chuckled and turned to smile at him. "There's no set number, honey. Every girl is different, so it's important to communicate during a sexual encounter. Don't be afraid to ask your partner what they like."

Logan then asked his mom, "How many do you like to have?"

The two moms shared a slightly embarrassed laugh. "I said to ask your date during a sexual encounter, not your mom on a car ride," Christy playfully scolded.

Tina then volunteered, "Personally, one intense orgasm is enough for me, but I wouldn't turn down the possibility of having three or even more if my husband was capable of delivering them."

Not wanting to come across as uptight, Christy followed Tina's lead and shared her thoughts. "I agree with Tina," she said, glancing at

Logan. "Having one satisfying orgasm is great, but if your father can give me more than that, I won't complain."

Logan didn't hesitate to ask for more details. "Does he though?"

Christy blushed and looked at Tina before answering. "That's a conversation between a husband and wife, sweetie."

Tina jumped in again. "It all depends on how much effort my husband puts into it. If he's just being lazy, I'll only have one orgasm. But when he puts in the work, three is definitely achievable."

Christy felt obligated to share her own experiences with Logan. "It's similar with your father. If he takes his time and focuses on my pleasure, then yes, multiple orgasms are possible. But if he's in a rush, I'll be lucky to have just one."

"What's the most you guys have ever had?" Quinn asked, addressing both mothers.

Tina and Christy exchanged a knowing smile, amused by their sons' curiosity. "I've had six," Tina answered, "but it wasn't with your father, unfortunately."

"You cheated on dad?" Quinn inquired.

"No, I didn't cheat. I had a life before I met your father, you know."

"What about you, mom?" Logan eagerly awaited her response.

Christy hesitated slightly before answering honestly, feeling a bit awkward talking about this in front of her son. "There was one time where I had quite a lot, but that was when I was younger and more adventurous," she admitted.

"How many is 'quite a lot?' I'm just curious."

"Sweetie," she chuckled at his persistence. "It was a considerable amount, trust me, but it was before I even met your dad."

"More than ten times?"

"Yes, more than that," she replied with a smile.

"More than twenty?!" Logan's curiosity continued to grow.

"If you must know, it happened twenty-six times, but those types of experiences are extremely rare," she shared, her heart racing at the memory.

Logan's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wow, that's... a lot," he muttered, starting to understand the significance of his mother's past. "Was this just some guy you were dating?"

"Yeah, Christy, please share," Tina urged, glancing back at her through the mirror with interest.

"I was only 22 years old at the time," she answered with a slight blush. "My friend and I were on vacation at a Mediterranean resort where we met two very attractive and well-endowed young men at the local beach."

"And then what happened?" her son pressed on.

"And then what do you think happened, honey?" She giggled. "Do I really need to say anything else?"

"Did you have sex with both of them?"

"Yeah, did you guys switch off?" Quinn added with a smirk.

"I'm not going into details, boys," Christy giggled coyly. "I'll just say there were many long, passionate hours filled with sweat and tears."

"Tears?" Logan questioned, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Yes, tears. But not all tears are from sadness, honey. Some can be brought on by moments of intense pleasure," Christy explained with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Twenty-six moments to be exact," said Logan, unable to hide his surprise.

"Like I said, it was a rare and unforgettable experience. Those two young men were clearly some type of sexual prodigies and my girlfriend and I just happened to be at the right place at the right time," Christy concluded smugly. The memory of that wild day still sent shivers down her spine.

"Wow, that's a high bar to reach," Logan exclaimed. "Now I feel like I have to make a girl orgasm twenty-six times every time we have sex."

Both Christy and Tina burst into laughter. "Oh honey, don't put that kind of pressure on yourself," said Christy, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly. "Sex isn't just about achieving a certain number of orgasms. It's about connecting with your partner, experiencing pleasure together, and understanding each other's desires."

"I know, I know," Logan agreed, acknowledging the truth in their words with a shrug. "But you know me, I always want to be the best at everything."

"You know what," Tina interjected with a smile, "it's great that you both care so much about making your partners happy. But remember, it's not about the quantity of orgasms. It's about the quality of the experience."

Christy nodded in agreement. "Exactly, instead of focusing on a number, focus on giving mind-blowing orgasms that leave her breathless and craving more."

"Hey there, handsome husband of mine," Christy purred in a seductive tone as she appeared from their en-suite. "Do you want to have some steamy, passionate sex tonight?"

James took a moment to admire his wife in her revealing baby doll nightgown. Her ample cleavage spilled out of the V-neckline and the skirt of the gown barely grazed her hips, showing off her smooth, toned legs. "You look stunning, but I might have to take a rain check for tonight. I'm exhausted from waking up so early," he replied. "How about tomorrow instead?"

"That's what you said last night," his wife pouted, "and the night before."

James let out a sigh, feeling guilty. "I know, I know. Work has been really demanding lately and I need to catch up on sleep before the big presentation next week. But how about this: I promise to make it up to you on Saturday. We'll go out for dinner and then come home for a long, sensual evening together."

"I suppose...whenever you can fit me into your busy schedule," she said in a dejected tone, taking off her gown, removing her robe from the hook and slipping it on.

"Oh come on, babe, it's not like that. I just need to stay focused and make sure my projects are completed on time then we can have quality time together."

Christy gave him a soft smile and leaned down to kiss him gently on the lips. "I understand. I'm gonna go down and lay on the couch for awhile," she said in a soft tone.

"Why? Aren't you coming to bed?"

"Do I really need to explain, James?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Let's just say I'm not waiting until Saturday for an orgasm. I need a little personal time."

"Oh, I see," he nodded suddenly realizing what she was up to.

It was well past midnight when Logan made his way down to the kitchen in search of a late-night snack. As he tiptoed through the quiet living room, his attention was drawn to the sound of heavy breathing coming from the direction of the sofa. Intrigued, he cautiously approached the couch which sat in the middle of the room, facing the fireplace. The sound of intense female panting only grew louder as he got closer. With a sudden realization, Logan realized it must be his mom on the sofa and he crouched down on all fours to get a better look. He couldn't see her face, but the heavy breathing gave him a pretty good idea of what she was up to.

Logan cautiously raised his head above the arm of the sofa and was met with a lascivious display of self-pleasure. Christy lay on her back, her robe haphazardly bunched up around her waist, revealing her hand eagerly exploring beneath her panties. The sight sent Logan's heart racing as he took in every inch of her exposed body. Her cute bare feet were mere inches from his face, arched in delight with freshly painted red toenails and toes that seemed to quiver with pleasure. His eyes trailed up her smooth, bare legs, muscles flexing beneath the skin as she indulged in the sensations emanating from her clitoral nerve endings. The frantic movements of her hand beneath her dainty panties caused her unfettered breasts to sway and roll enticingly beneath the fabric of her robe. Her pretty face was contorted in ecstasy, each breath coming in quivering gasps. Logan couldn't tear his eyes away from this thrilling display, feeling his own arousal grow as he watched Christy lose herself in pleasure.

Suddenly, Christy's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she caught sight of Logan watching her. She quickly removed her hand from between her legs, sitting up and drawing her knees to her chest. "Logan, what are you doing?!" she panicked, feeling ashamed that he had just seen her in such a vulnerable state.

"I just came down for a snack and heard the breathing," he answered, his cheeks turning red from being discovered. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Yes, I'm fine. I was just..." Christy realized there was no use in lying. "Well, I think you know what I was doing."

"Why do you need to masturbate? Isn't it dad's job to give you pleasure?" Logan asked incredulously.

"Well, yes...but sometimes your father gets too tired. He's been working a lot of hours lately," she awkwardly explained. "So, sometimes wives just have to take care of business themselves."

Logan moved closer and sat next to her on the couch. "That's crazy," he uttered.

"Why is it crazy?"

Logan's voice was filled with disbelief as he spoke. "It's crazy that he has the chance to have sex and is passing it up. I mean, who would do that?"

Christy let out a tired sigh. "Your father works hard all day and comes home exhausted. When you get older and life gets busier, you'll understand." Her words were tinged with a hint of sadness.

"But why do you make excuses for him?" Logan asked.

Christy looked at him with confusion in her eyes. "Excuses? What are you talking about?"

"All this talk about his work and exhaustion, it's just an excuse not to be intimate with you. You're his wife, his partner. If he truly loved you, he would never let work get in the way of giving you pleasure."

Christy couldn't help but laugh at her son's bold statements. "Are you a sex therapist now?" she joked.

"No," Logan replied, "just someone who cares about you and wants to see you satisfied."

"That's very sweet of you, Logan," Christy said, touched by his concern, "but my sexual well-being is not something that my son should be concerned with."

"Well, dad certainly doesn't seem concerned with it," said Logan boldly pulling her foot over onto his lap to begin massaging it.

Christy was startled by his touch, but then she let out a sigh of relief. "Logan, what are you doing?" she asked, her voice a mixture of surprise and gratitude.

"Just giving you a foot massage, mom," Logan replied, looking up at her with a warm smile. "I see how stressed you are, and I want to help."

As he gently massaged her sexy foot, he placed her heel right on top of the shaft of his erection as it bulged from beneath his underwear. "That does feel good, honey, but I don't know if this is too appropriate," said Christy.

"It's a foot massage. What's not appropriate about it?"

Christy couldn't help but smile at her son's innocent jest. "Sweetie, my foot is sitting on your, um...erection," she pointed out.

Logan laughed, feeling a little embarrassed. "It's not like that, mom. I'm just trying to help you relax," he said defensively. "My erection is just a guy thing. It happens all the time."

"I know how erections work, honey, I just...don't think I should be touching yours, that's all."

"It's not like you're reaching out to touch it," Logan pointed out. "Your foot's just resting on it while I massage it."

Christy thought for a moment, then sighed and shook her head, giving in to her son's persistence. "Fine, but just for a few minutes and then you have to go to bed, okay?"

Eagerly, Logan's voice chimed in the air. "Deal," he said, his hands already reaching for her other foot. His touch was firm yet gentle as he began massaging her tired feet, his fingertips tracing along the arches and heels with expert precision. As she felt the tension melt away under his skilled hands, Christy couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Her first foot rested on top of the muscular outline of his cock, bulging through the fabric of his underwear.

Logan chuckled, breaking the silence between them. "At this rate, dad's certainly not going to break that twenty-six orgasm record of yours," he noted, recalling their discussion from the previous day.

Christy smiled softly at the memory. "That was a once in a lifetime experience," she said. "I didn't marry your father with any intention of him breaking that record."

"Isn't that kind of depressing though, knowing he'll never be able to top that?" Logan asked, his voice laced with concern and curiosity.

A slight frown creased the corners of her mouth as she considered his question. "Yes, it can be a little disheartening," she admitted, "but it's an unrealistic expectation to put on your father or most men for that matter. My girlfriend and I were lucky enough to have met a couple of young sexual prodigies that day. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience."

She paused, a wistful look in her eyes. "Every woman has one defining experience that marks their sexual peak, and while it's not something I'll ever forget, it's certainly not something I expect to ever happen again."

Logan nodded in understanding, his hands working magic on her tired feet. "So why do you think dad can't top that record?"

"Well, my dear...your father is 43 years old, not 18," she stated matter-of-factly.

"Like me?" Logan asked, feeling a surge of pride and arousal at her words. His erection strained against his underwear beneath her foot.

"Yes, 18, just like you," Christy confirmed with a knowing look in her eyes. "For men, sex is like sports. You don't see many professional athletes in their 40s."

"So basically, I'm a sexual athlete then?" Logan grinned, pleased with the comparison.

"I suppose you could say that," Christy replied coyly, glancing down at his still-erect member beneath her foot. "But don't let it go to your head," she teased with a playful wink.

Logan's grin was mischievous and his eyes sparkled with playful defiance. "Or what?" he challenged, not missing a beat.

Christy couldn't help but smile at his audacity. "Or I'll have to give you a spanking!" she retorted, trying to maintain a light tone.

Logan chuckled and playfully pushed her feet off of him. "I'd love to see you try that," he replied daringly.

Her gaze roamed over his toned muscles, the product of his rigorous weightlifting routine. "What, you think just because you're strong and muscular, you're too tough to be spanked by me?" she teased.

"I'll have you bent over MY knee way before you can bend me over yours, Mom," Logan declared confidently.

"Let's just see about that," Christy grinned, attempting to pull him onto her lap. But Logan didn't budge. Instead, he effortlessly yanked her over his lap and she let out a playful squeal.

As she felt Logan's cock press against the soft flesh of her tits, Christy couldn't help but gasp. Logan pulled up the hem of her robe, revealing a glimpse of her thong-clad ass, causing his eyes to widen in appreciation.

"Holy fuck," he breathed, admiring the perfectly rounded half-moons of her exposed cheeks.

Before she could cover herself back up, Logan landed a firm slap on one of her butt cheeks, making it ripple.

"Logan!" Christy gasped, sitting back up in shock. "You better not have left a handprint on my ass, young man."

But Logan was too distracted by the sight of her cleavage spilling out of the open robe. In her rush to cover her lower-half, the garment had slipped down and revealed nearly all of her breasts. She quickly fixed it, concealing them in silk once more.

Logan's cocky smile widened as he leaned back comfortably on the plush couch. "What was that you were saying about spanking me?"

Christy sat there with her jaw hanging open, unable to tear her gaze away from Logan's chiseled chest and perfectly defined six-pack abs. The way his body looked in the dim light of the living room made her heart race and heat pool between her thighs.

But as she followed the trail of tantalizing muscles down his body, her eyes landed on something even more shocking. Logan's briefs could no longer contain the length of his boner, and his pinkish-purple knob protruded proudly from beneath the waistband like a ripe plum ready to be plucked from the vine.

"Oh my God," Christy gasped, quickly turning her head and covering her eyes. "Logan, please cover yourself."

Logan chuckled, trying to adjust his underwear to cover his erection. "Oops, sorry about that."

Christy took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. "Honey, I think it's time for you to go to bed. If your father walked out here and saw you in that...condition, I'm sure he wouldn't be happy."

"You're right," Logan agreed, standing up from the couch. "I should let you...um...finish."

Christy nodded, still feeling flustered as she sat awkwardly on the couch. The soft glow of the lamplight gave her face a warm, rosy tint as she tried to compose herself. "Yes, I'll just be a few minutes and then I'll move back to bed as well."

"Goodnight," said Logan, his voice strained as he made a half hazard attempt to hide his boner by shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"Goodnight, honey," Christy smiled with a tinge of discomfort. She could feel Logan's eyes lingering on her, making her skin tingle with a mix of embarrassment and arousal.

Logan retreated but not far. He wanted to stroke his cock while listening to her get herself off. The sound of Christy's sweet voice breathing, gasping and finally squealing with pleasure made the seed start spurting from his own love organ as he pulled out a pent-up load, trying to catch it in his hand, but failing miserably as it landed on the carpet in front of him.

"Oh, damnit, Logan," Christy whispered in frustration a few minutes later as she stepped in a pool of goo, squishing it between her toes. She knew exactly what it was and who it belonged to - evidence that Logan had stuck around to listen to her climax.

Rather than confront him about it, however, she just grabbed some paper towel and cleaning spray to wipe up the mess herself. It wasn't the first time she had cleaned up remnants of his nectar. She often did deep cleans of his filthy bedroom while he was in school, wiping up jizz-splatters and washing the crusty cum-rags he left beside his bed. She chalked it all up to it just being her responsibility - taking care of everything for him, even when it involved cleaning up after his sexual escapades.

After a long day at school, Logan walked up the front steps of his house with his friend Quinn in tow. As they approached the doorstep, they noticed a small package sitting on it. "Dude, sweet...this must be the new game controller I ordered!" exclaimed Logan.

"Finally," Quinn blurted. "Now you'll stop borrowing mine."

With excitement, they quickly brought the box inside and up to Logan's bedroom. However, when he opened it, he was shocked to find a large dildo inside. "What the fuck is this?!" he exclaimed, causing Quinn to burst into laughter.

"That's some controller there, buddy," joked Quinn. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

Logan looked at the label on the box, realizing he should have checked before opening it. He saw his mother's name written on it.

"Shit, it's my mom's," he revealed.

"Well, I should hope so, since everyone else in this household is male," replied Quinn.

Logan took a second to examine the toy displayed within its clear packaging. "I can't believe she ordered a dildo," he said incredulously.

"My mom has a whole damn collection of them," confessed Quinn. "Although hers are all much bigger than that."

"Yeah, this one seems kind of smaller. I wonder why she chose this size?"

"Maybe it reminds her of your dad's cock."

"Yeah, that must be it," exclaimed Logan.

"It was only a guess," retorted Quinn. "There could be other reasons. Maybe she prefers smaller sizes."

"No way. Remember I told you the other night I caught her masturbating on the couch?"


"Well, the reason was because my dad hasn't been having sex with her. That must be why she bought a dildo his size," speculated Logan.

"You don't know for sure if it's his size though. Maybe your dad has a massive cock and your mom just needs a break from it," suggested Quinn.

Logan burst into laughter. "Yeah, I'm sure that's it," he said sarcastically.

Quinn studied the dong through its packaging with a mixture of fascination and disbelief. The details were so incredibly lifelike, from the veins that ran along the shaft to the subtle curves at the tip. "It's crazy how realistic they make these," he remarked, turning it over in his hands. "Did you know there's a place that'll make them custom using a mold of your own cock?"

"You're kidding?" Logan's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"No, I'm fucking serious man," Quinn replied with a smirk. "A guy I know had it done for his girlfriend. They sent him a kit so he could make a mold of his dick, then sent him a custom dildo a week later."

Logan looked like a light bulb suddenly went off in his head. "Dude, wouldn't it be wild if we replaced this dildo my mom ordered with one that was fashioned after my own cock?"

"That would be totally perverted," Quinn exclaimed, but couldn't help feeling excited by the idea. "And extremely fucking awesome!"

"It would take time though and I'm sure my mom's tracking this thing. She may have even been alerted that it's already here."

"Don't worry," Quinn grinned mischievously. "If you're serious about doing this, I have a plan that could make it work." He leaned in closer, lowering his voice so no one else could hear. "Although I have to ask...what's your end game?"

"To fuck her, what do you think?" Logan replied eagerly.

"That's what I thought," Quinn chuckled. "I mean, we've hinted around about wanting to fuck them, but never really talked about it."

"Maybe if I can get her addicted to my dick in dildo form," Logan mused, "then she would at least entertain the idea of letting me fuck her once she saw how similar my cock is to her toy." The thought sent a thrill of excitement through him, and he couldn't wait to put their plan into action.

"How does this even happen?" Christy asked in exasperation, her disappointment evident on her face as she sat across from Tina at the cafe, their steaming cups of coffee untouched.

The package lay open between them, and upon closer inspection, they could see that the knob had been ripped completely off the dong and was now lying beside it in the box.

"I don't know," Tina scowled, her frustration mirroring Christy's, "but you just went from 6 inches to 5; barely exciting to almost worthless."

Christy let out a heavy sigh. "I swear to God, these postal people have no respect for packages anymore. No pun intended."

"Good one," Tina giggled nervously, trying to lighten the mood.

"But seriously," Christy continued, "how the fuck do you break a dildo? It's not like it's made of glass or anything."

Tina's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Well, I've broken a few dildos in my time," she admitted sheepishly, "but we won't get into that. You'll just have to send it back and have them send you another one."

Christy let out a deep sigh of frustration as she stared at the broken dildo lying in the box. "I suppose I've already gone without for this long, what's another week?" she mused, her fingers running over the smooth surface of the toy.

Tina let out a chuckle next to her. "Or you could always threaten to cut off James's balls if he doesn't satisfy you," she joked.

Christy couldn't find any humor in the situation. "Seriously, it's been almost a week since I've had any action."

Tina raised an eyebrow. "Well, I do get laid every night, but lately it's been pretty pathetic," she admitted. "Last night Rob barely lasted twenty minutes, and the one orgasm I had wasn't even satisfying enough to make my toes curl."

Christy groaned in frustration. "I just hope that when this new dildo finally arrives, it will make me cum harder than I have been. Rubbing myself off three times a day just isn't cutting it anymore."

"What the fuck is going on with our husbands?" Tina scowled. "It's like their libidos are slowly withering away."

"And OUR libidos are raging almost uncontrollably," Christy added. "It's like some sick biological joke that nature is playing on us."

"We can't back down though," Tina stated. "We need to demand that our husbands have sex with us as much as we want it."

"Well, we know that's not gonna happen," Christy giggled. "Otherwise they wouldn't be going to work and we'd be getting fucked all day."

"True, so maybe we won't get it quite as much as we want it, but I don't think two hours of sex every night and a quickie every morning is too much to ask."

"I agree," Christy nodded.

The custom dildo kit arrived in the mail, and Logan was filled with excitement. He eagerly opened the package to reveal a variety of materials and instructions for making a mold of his own erection. But first, he wanted his dick to be as hard as possible so that his mom could feel every vein and contour of his manhood when she used the finished product.

With determination in his stride, Logan made his way downstairs to the basement where Christy was working out on the elliptical machine. Her face was flushed and glistening with sweat as she pushed herself on the machine.

"Hey there, honey," she grinned as she caught sight of him.

"Getting a workout in?" he asked casually, but inside he was thinking about all the ways he could use this opportunity to tease and taunt her.

"Just part of my routine," Christy replied, still breathless from her exertion.

Logan couldn't help but admire her figure as he stood there watching her giant breasts bounce beneath her snug yoga top. The sight was enough to make his penis twitch and grow hard within seconds.

"You know," he said with a sly smirk, "since it's Saturday, you should have skipped the machine and had dad give you a workout instead."

Christy's expression turned from playful to serious at his words. "I like that idea," she stated firmly. "If only I could count on him as much as I can on my trusty elliptical machine." The disappointment and frustration were evident in her voice.

Logan shook his head in disbelief at his father's obsession with golf. "Dad's crazy," he confessed, rolling his eyes. "I'd much rather be spending the day having sex than chasing a tiny white ball around a huge field."

His mom let out a laugh, her lips curved into a mischievous smile. "I'm sure you're doing just fine in that department. Maybe better than I am these days."

Feeling emboldened by her flirtatious tone, Logan leaned in closer and decided to impress her with some fabricated stories he knew women loved to hear. "Actually, I've been more focused on quality over quantity lately," he said confidently, his gaze fixed on her bouncing tits.

She raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by his boldness. "Well, right now it seems like you're focusing on something else entirely," she chuckled, tilting her head towards his staring eyes.

Flustered, Logan quickly looked away, feeling a slight heat rising to his cheeks as he realized she had caught him gawking. "Sorry about that," he mumbled sheepishly.

Her laughter filled the air once again as she playfully teased him. "It's OK. I realize they're hard not to notice," she quipped, "especially when I'm working out on this machine."

"I wanna do more than just have a quick session of sex with a girl, ya know," Logan continued with his earlier train of thought. "I really wanna make sure I please her over and over."

"That's really admirable, honey. Most guys just want to get their rocks off and move on," Christy said, sounding impressed.

Logan nodded in agreement. "There's this one girl I met recently, and she's so adventurous and open-minded. I want to show her just how far I can take her; give her the type of experience you had, you know...when you got your twenty-six orgasms."

Christy's eyes widened at the mention of her record breaking experience and Logan's desire to replicate it.

"Wow, that's quite an ambitious goal," she stated with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

He nodded confidently, his eyes shining with determination. "I know it sounds crazy, but I've been working hard to be able to perform at my peak sexually."

She couldn't help but smirk at his bravado. "Just keep in mind that giving a girl twenty-six orgasms is no easy task for any guy. It takes hours of intense, stamina-filled sex."

He leaned in closer, eager to impress her even more. "But I have techniques that can make her come harder and more frequently," he boasted.

Her eyebrow raised skeptically as she continued her workout on the elliptical machine. "Techniques? Do tell."

He eagerly explained, gesturing animatedly with his hands. "Like angling my thrusting just right to hit her sweet spot, using different rhythms and speeds...it's all about knowing what works best for each woman."

"That's true, but it's also about controlling your release when a woman uses HER techniques on you," advised Christy in between deep breaths, sweat glistening on her forehead. She paused her workout and reached for a towel to wipe away the moisture.

"Her techniques?" questioned Logan, intrigued by the idea.

Christy stepped off the machine and made her way over to her exercise mat. "Well, yes, honey. Guys aren't the only ones who have techniques that they use when making love. All I'm saying is that when your lady friend employs some of these techniques on you, it may truly test your staying power."

"Will you...um, show me a few of them so I know what to expect and how to prepare for it?" asked Logan with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Christy let out a small laugh. "And how exactly am I supposed to do that?"

"Show me on your peanut ball," suggested Logan, pointing to the large peanut-shaped exercise ball next to the mat.

Christy hesitated, looking slightly uncomfortable at the thought. "I don't know, Logan...that could be kind of awkward," she stated.

"Oh, come on, help me out. I won't be able to reach my goal unless I know what women have in store for me," pleaded Logan.

Giving in to his persistent requests, Christy let out a sigh and agreed. "Fine. Let me take off these sneakers and I'll demonstrate a few things."

With a graceful movement, she untied her sneakers and peeled off her socks before gracefully settling onto the mat. Logan positioned himself next to her, eagerly awaiting Christy's demonstration.

"Alright, honey," she began, "I'll show you four techniques that a woman might use on you during sex - two when she's on bottom and two when she's on top." With practiced ease, she brought the inflated peanut onto her voluptuous body, its smooth surface contrasting against her creamy skin.

"Now let's say the two of you are in the missionary position," Christy continued. "Instead of just wrapping her legs around you like this," she demonstrated by securely folding her legs around the inflatable, "she may bring them higher up around your back, like this."

Logan's eyes were glued to her as she effortlessly lifted her shaven legs high around the back of the peanut, interlocking her ankles and showcasing her flexibility. A surge of desire shot through him as he imagined what it would feel like to be cradled between her legs, pressed against her soft breasts.

"Now, once she's positioned this way, she can use her legs as leverage around your body to pull her pelvis up and meet your thrusts," Christy explained. She demonstrated the motion, smoothly pumping her hips from the mat.

Mat's eyes widened as he watched her, completely entranced by the rhythmic humping motions of her luscious curves. He couldn't help but admire the flexing of her sexy legs and the way her cute feet with their perfectly painted red toenails gripped onto the back of the inflatable.

"This adjustment causes deeper penetration and will increase the friction around your penis," Christy stated matter-of-factly. "It could make it much more challenging for you not to ejaculate."

Logan nodded, still gazing at Christy's movements with wide-eyed fascination. She brought her feet flat to the floor, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Another technique she might try is called the CAT," Christy continued, turning to address Logan directly. "Have you heard of that before, honey?"

"No...I never have," Logan replied, his interest piqued.

"It stands for the Coital Alignment Technique," Christy explained. "She might try this one in order to bring herself to orgasm by providing more contact with her clit. It won't necessarily provide greater friction on your penis like the first one, but it will definitely raise your excitement level and could result in a quicker orgasm."

Logan eagerly leaned in closer, ready to learn this new technique.

"How does she do it?" he asked eagerly.

"Watch carefully," Christy said with a sly smile. This time, she wrapped her legs low around the inflatable and began moving as though she were literally pulling the top person up into her vagina rhythmically.

Logan's eyes widened in awe as he watched her move her body with such skill and sensuality. "Damn, you must know a lot of tricks," he remarked, feeling both impressed and turned on.

"Well, climax is different for men and women, honey," she replied with a smirk. "While a man generally has one orgasm, a woman can have multiple. And from what you've told me earlier, it seems like

you want to get a woman into a state of hyper-arousal so she can stack her orgasms."

"Stack them?" Logan asked, his curiosity piqued by her words.

"Yes, it's when a woman has one orgasm, but before it subsides, they begin ramping up for the next wave. It's like an endless cycle of pleasure," she explained.

"That must be what you experienced when you had twenty-six orgasms that one time when you were younger," Logan surmised.

"Yes," she confirmed with a smile. "My partner at the time knew how to make me stack my orgasms for several hours."

"Damn," Logan couldn't help but utter in amazement. "Will you show me what a woman might do from the top now?"

With any bit of embarrassment now gone, Christy gracefully straddled the exercise peanut, her movements fluid and sensual as she settled onto the mat. Her knees planted on either side of the peanut, she perched atop it as if she were astride her lover.

"So, traditionally a woman would just move up and down in this position," she stated confidently, demonstrating the technique with ease. Her huge, ballooning breasts jostled heavily with each humping motion, drawing Logan's gaze like a magnet.

"But in order to provide even greater genital friction," Christy continued, "she would create more of a rocking motion, like this." Her hips swiveled and rolled with graceful precision, stirring desire in Logan's core as he imagined the sensation of his erection moving inside the tube of her vagina that way.

Logan's eyes widened as he suddenly remembered that his plan was not to be impressed, but for him to be the one impressing her. He couldn't help but puff out his chest and brag, "Yeah, it looks cool, but

I could probably last a long time that way. Plus, I would hold onto the woman's hips to guide her thrusts."

Christy's eyebrows raised in interest as she continued to ride the inflatable with increasing fervor. "So, you've had a girl on top of you doing it this way?"

"Oh yeah, for well over an hour," Logan boasted confidently.

"Over an hour?" Christy echoed, her eyes widening in disbelief. "The way I'm doing it now?"

"Yeah, she was even moving faster than that at times," Logan lied smoothly.

"You mean like this?" Christy asked, her swiveling hips becoming a blur as they thrust up and back rhythmically.

Logan's jaw dropped as he watched Christy's impressive display of sexual technique. Her breath came in short huffs as she continued her fast-paced rhythm, her body a blur of motion.

"As you may already know," she panted, "When a woman moves this fast, it can become quite the challenge for you not to cum."

"I'd hold out for a while and at least let her stack some orgasms before I cum," Logan replied confidently.

Christy smiled at his words, but as she stopped rolling her hips, she noticed the bulge beneath his shorts. "We should probably stop now, honey," she said, climbing off him.

"Why? You were really helping me understand a lot," Logan protested.

"Well, I know, but it looks like you're having another one of those 'guy thing' moments," Christy answered with a glance down at his

tubular-shaped bulge. She was even more surprised to see a wet spot on the knob, where precum had soaked through.

"Oh...um...sorry," Logan blushed, though he couldn't help feeling excited by her gaze on his arousal.

"I hope I was able to help you out," Christy smiled. "It sounds like you have some pretty lofty sexual goals and now you know some of the things you might be in for."

"Thanks for your help," Logan said quickly before rushing back to his room. He already had the mold for the custom dildo mixed up and ready to dip his hard cock into. As he removed his shorts, his boner sprang upward, proud and powerful. He gazed down at it with admiration, watching as it stretched upward from his loins like a mighty phallic column. The knob was shiny and bulbous, the fat blue veins pulsing prominently along his lengthy penile shaft. "I hope you enjoy it, mom" he said out loud as he slowly inched his cock into the solution.

Logan anxiously awaited the return of his custom dildo from the company, fearing that it wouldn't arrive in time before his mom's replacement dildo was set to arrive. He kept a close watch on the delivery status, hoping to intercept the package before his mother could receive it. Luckily, it arrived while she was out running errands.

"Houston, we have a problem," Logan whispered urgently into his phone, careful not to be overheard by his mother.

"Did she get the package before you did?" Quinn's voice crackled through the line.

"No, I have it here and I'm ready to make the exchange, but how am I supposed to fit this 9 inch monstrosity into a 6 inch dildo box?"

"Can't you just swap out the labels and keep it in its original box?" Quinn suggested.

Logan let out a relieved sigh. "Oh yeah, just switch the labels. Why didn't I think of that?"

"You're too focused on how much she's gonna love it," Quinn teased.

"Well, she's definitely in for a shock when she sees the size of this thing," Logan chuckled.

"The real question is, will she even use it?" Quinn posed.

"I mean, with all the detail and effort put into making it look like the real deal, I can't imagine why she wouldn't," said Logan, admiring the intricate design and lifelike features of his custom dong.

Tina's jaw dropped in awe as she took in the sight of the giant dildo resting on the coffee table in front of them. "Holy fuck, it's beautiful!" she exclaimed, unable to tear her eyes away from its impressive size and lifelike features.

"I won't disagree, but it's not really the size I ordered," Christy stated, her gaze fixated on the toy as well. Ever since she opened the box, she had been mesmerized by its appearance, feeling almost drawn to it in some strange way.

"Then I'll purchase it from you, but you are not sending that thing back," Tina insisted, her fingers grazing over the intricate cock-veins that ran along the length of the flesh-colored dong.

"It's almost 3 inches longer than James's erection is," Cathy chimed in worriedly. "If he finds it in my drawer, he might get upset."

"Just...hide it somewhere where he can't find it then, or...you can keep it here and just take it when you need it," Tina suggested with

a sly grin, already imagining all the possibilities this new addition could bring to her sexual adventures.

"Yeah, right, you'd be using it more than I would," Christy teased back with a laugh.

After a moment of contemplation, Christy spoke up again. "I'll hide it down in my sewing room. He never goes down there." The thought of sneaking off to use her new toy whenever she pleased made her heart race with excitement.

"A word of advice," Tina said with a sly grin. "Only use it when you're home alone, because trust me, you're gonna cum so fucking hard that you'll scream like a banshee."

Christy couldn't help but laugh at her friend's words, already feeling herself getting aroused from the thought. "I'll keep that in mind," she replied, feeling the anticipation building in her loins.

But then another thought crossed her mind. "Since we're on the subject of penises," Christy began hesitantly. "Does Quinn ever...get an erection around you?"

Tina burst into laughter. "When doesn't Quinn have an erection around me?" she joked. "But then again, he is a young man and they're almost always erect."

Christy nodded in agreement, her mind drifting to her own experience with Logan. "Yes, Logan too. Maybe it's just my penis-deprived brain playing tricks on me, but lately it seems like Logan is almost flaunting them in front of me."

Tina fed her an understanding smile, her long curls bouncing with the movement. "Look, I know they're our son's, but we're women. Our brains are designed to recognize signs of attraction in men, and they give off subtle pheromones that we can't help but be drawn to. It's not their fault or ours, it's simply biology."

"I know, I know," Christy sighed, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. Her fingers toyed with the hem of her shirt as she spoke. "But it still just seems odd. I constantly catch Logan staring at my breasts and then I look down and he's...aroused."

Tina couldn't contain her laughter any longer. "Christy, we both have H-cup breasts. Any guy, son or not, who doesn't stare at them is either blind or gay."

"I guess you're right," Christy snickered. "Our boys are only human."

"And if you ever wanna give you and Logan a secret thrill," Tina said mischievously, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Take off your bra, put on a thin lacy top, then give him a long, tight motherly hug and watch his fucking eyes light up."

"Tina, that's terrible," Christy stated firmly, though the thought intrigued her.

"Hey, don't knock it until you try it," Tina countered. "Besides, there's no harm in it. It's not like we're scarring them for life by letting them feel our bare breasts." She winked playfully at Christy before taking a sip of her tea.

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