King of succubus

Chapter 221 Instant Kill!

"My king, you must regain the legacy by killing me and emptying me of my blood." She said while sitting on Alvine's knees while tilting her head to allow him to suck her blood to the last drop.

"??" Alvine had complex and indescribable expressions after hearing Assi's crazy suggestion.

But he immediately regained his imperturbable air, at least that's what his placid eyes seemed.

"Tell me one thing, little demoness, what are you asking me to do with u?" He asks in a monotonous tone.

At that moment, Alvine understood that he will not have the power to resist Assi if She uses her charm on him. Not to mention resisting her charm, it was already a real ordeal for him to keep his mind when he felt the sweetness, the intoxicating perfume, and the menthol breath of this demoness that sits nonchalantly on his knees.

"... My king, this is the only solution to satisfy your request." She responded in a low voice feeling Alvine's dissatisfaction with her.

As for Alvine, he not only had to resist the luxurious requests of his soul, who shouted for him to seize this opportunity, but he also had to dissuade the little demoness not to insist on it.

"Sigh, I don't drink blood." He gave this excuse.

Assi's eyes opened wide when she heard her King’s words. "In this case...what should I do? I don't know of any other means that will allow me to...

"Leave this detail aside for now. Tell me instead, how are you feeling right now? Speaking of your father's bloodline, what kind of power have you acquired?" Alvine interrupted her and he focused on what worried him the most.

"...In this's a little difficult to explain it; but for a simple explanation, I think I'm able to control people's hearts."

"Control the hearts?" He asked thinking he had misunderstood.

"Yes, my king. Mental, emotional, physical control, the power to read in people's hearts, on." She gave this brief explanation, seeing Alvine's confusion.

But even after hearing this explanation, Alvine was still confused. 'Control the heart? Is this the lust concept that Sabrina was talking about?' He wondered with a thoughtful look.

The more he listened to her explanations, the more confused and curious he became. "Finally, can you make a demonstration?"

"...Are you sure of that? Not that it's a problem for me, but you'll risk...

"Don't worry about that, as long as it's not intended to harm me, then you have my authorization; but don't exceed the limits either. We don't have too much time ahead of us."

Just after finishing this sentence, Alvine had a bad feeling when he saw the mysterious smile on Assi's lips. But before he reformulated his decision, he was amazed to see his hands entwined Assi’s waist!

'What is...!' Before he finished his thoughts, his eyes turned garnet red, followed by his transformation into his incubus form.

But what made him even more horrified was the insatiable thirst he felt. His confused mind, which could not have clear thoughts, shouted to him for one thing, ... quench this uncontrollable thirst that he had never felt.

He was horrified because he knew that the thirst in question was not an ordinary thirst, but a thirst for blood!

At this precise moment, Alvine's fangs have become visible, slightly protruding from his lower lips after his transformation into his incubus shape.

'As I thought, it's the same thirst I've felt since my awakening.' As for Assi, she said to herself when she saw Alvine's garnet red eyes.

On Alvine's side, he had the impression that he was going to die from dehydration as he resisted this desire.

No matter how he was retiring, he did not have the slightest willingness to resist. As a result, his grip tightened on Asis's hourglass waist, while he unconsciously sniffed Ace's neck who did not intend to stop him...

But as Alvine had ordered, she stopped using her powers; so as not to exceed the limits.

At the same time, Alvine suddenly stopped his 'madness'.

Seeing that her powers have ceased to affect him, she nodded her head with satisfaction mood.

"As you have just experienced, it's one of the things I can easily do; the skill of revealing part of a person's nature. No matter the rank of a cultivator, this skill will work on...!"

But before she continued her explanation, she suddenly stopped when she felt Alvine lick her neck!

"Huh?!" Even before she had time to stop Alvine, her body suddenly frizzed while feeling Alvine's fangs in her pulpit!

One detail she did not know was that by stimulating Alvine's vampire bloodline, who had not yet consumed blood since the acquisition of this legacy, she also plunged him into blood madness!


At the same time, on Alzania’s planet, his clone had reached the demons’ kingdom about thirty minutes ago.

But instead of hiding or avoiding the suspicious eyes of other demons who crossed his path, he walked nonchalantly and calmly in the medieval capital, which was a little darker, dull, and suffocating for anyone.

As he walked calmly towards the palace where Serena was, he could feel the dull and demoralized aura that emanated from the demons that had overtaken her.

'Sigh, it was predictable. According to the living doll’s memories, except for the elves and fairies; there have been more than ten million victims lately. At the same time, it’s understandable that they're so. They've practically become slaves lately. Forced to go to the battlefield, forced to give their lives, forced labor, subordination, and compulsory submission...etc.' He said to Himself while looking left and right as he continues on his way.


​ As he up the outside stairs that led to the royal palace, one of the six divine guards, who are directly under King Brave's orders, stopped him.

"Get away from here, bastard vermin." The guard pronounces these words in a disdainful tone when he sees Alvine's audacity.

He was dressed in a set of silvery white armor and a helmet that left only his ocean blue irises through. With a simple glance, Alvine's clone instantly knew that he was a low-ranking divine mage.

'Sigh, I see, even the low-ranks divine mages are also arrogant...huh? Tsk, I have no problem killing him or the other guards who are at the same level as him. it a good idea to cause chaos here? Not to mention that the longer I wait, the more time my original will have in front of him.' Weighing the advantages and consequences of his decision, he finally sighed and sat down the stairs to patiently wait for Serena's messenger.

But on the other side, the guard walked towards him in an irritated mood, seeing him sitting instead of leaving as he had ordered.

"Hey, you're deaf, aren't you? This is my last warning, if you don't want to die, you'd better get out of here in speed!" He declared while trying to push him with his spear.

But before his spear touched Alvine's back, this latter grabbed, with his right hand, the rod of the spear, which was a celestial grade’s weapon, and bent it as if it was just a prank plastic spear.

He looked at the guard with garnet eyes: -If you care about life, don't bother me, I'm waiting for someone who will pick me up soon." He replied in a monotonous voice that could not hide his irritation.

If it were before, he will find it difficult to defeat several divine low-rank mages at the same time. But since his original had reached the emperor rank, his strength had also drastically increased.

Unlike other shadow soldiers, his strength is not only linked to him and the body he possesses, but also to Alvine’s power. With every little step that Alvine took toward the top, he also evolves.

But what made him more dangerous actually, was his characteristics as the owner of the clone that Alvine had created, coupled with the fact that he has shadow’s energy; he did not need Alvine's assistance to regenerate himself even if he is reduced to nothing!

And on the other hand, if unfortunately, he manages to run out of energy, he can at most rely on his original’s assistance to regenerate himself.

When the guard noticed the eyes and the suffocating pressure emanating from Alvine, an inexplicable fear emerges at the depths of his soul. But this made him even madder, realizing that he felt oppressed and threatened by a simple insect.

He then looked at Alvine with decisive eyes while letting his light golden aura surge in all directions.

But Alvine was always sitting nonchalantly while keeping his expressionless mood and looked at the guard with his eyebrows contracted.

Whether it was the guard's colleagues or passers-by; Alvine and Bilom had drawn everyone's attention to them. But the other guards did not intervene because they were convinced that it was not 'necessary'.

The guard flung his curved spear while punching Alvine's face with an imperceptible speed for any emperor mage, with his punch!

"!" Then, at that moment, he regretted his decision, when he noticed that his target had not moved an inch despite having taken his attack head-on.

"Kekeke, Belom, even if it's an insect, it was still exaggerated on your part thinking that you could defeat it with a simple air stroke." One of the guards, who was closer to them, retorted these words while making fun of his colleague.

But the latter did not have the luxury of listening to his colleague's mockery. Only he knew the power he had used to hit his enemy. He knew more than anyone that even if he had not used all his strength, it was still enough to knock out and send waltz any low-ranking mage.

'Sigh, this body is strangely stronger than My original’s main body; I now understand how my original managed to defeat the four divine beasts by being in the holy rank.' He said to himself while getting up slowly and showing two black small daggers in his hands.

Seeing that Alvine was going to attack, the guard tried to take a reasonable distance to prepare to counter him. He could no longer afford to underestimate his mysterious opponent who is obviously stronger than he seemed.

“HUH?!” He yelled worrying after realizing that he could not move as he wanted! His movements have become as slow as those of the emperor mages!

"What is...? Ack!!!" Before he finished his sentence, he saw one of Alvine's daggers stabbing his heart!

As he staggered back, the other dagger decapitated him properly before he used the slightest skill!

All this did not take more than a thousandth of a second.

'As my lord is used to saying: the best time to kill an enemy is when he underestimates you.' He said to himself, looking at the headless body, collapsing to the ground followed by the spraying of his blood like a divine fountain.

Next, he looks at the other guards while frowning.

"I have changed my mind. Let's have fun before my escort comes to pick me up; after all, your souls will be able to evolve some mates." He said while smiling diabolically at the guards who are always in their daydreams.

Then, he hardly gave them time to wake up, his body flashes instantly and appeared in front of the guard who had spoken to Belom rather!

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