Kidnapped By The Crazy Duke

Chapter 36

Chapter 36


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I couldnt breathe easily. The air was cold and we had a fireplace, but it felt hot from inside my stomach.

Washing up first was a signal that was all too obvious to me, having originally lived two years and experienced numerous relationships in my life.

Noah leisurely pulled his tie loose and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, one by one. But that was all. After unbuttoning just enough to reveal his neck and collarbone, he lifted his chin and looked at me with a peculiarly odd expression.

I had never seen or heard of such an atmosphere of stoic sensual contradiction except from that man.

"Aren't you going to take a bath?" (Noah)

"Oh, I'm going to take a bath." (Diana)

I was a puppet tied to that man's strings. Just as he said, I moved my body awkwardly, grabbed my pajamas from my suitcase, and quickly ran into the bathroom. After the bath, I came out in my nightgown, Noah looked back at my squirming figure, put down his newspaper and stood up.

"I'm going to take a bath too." (Noah)

I nodded nervously and lay down on the bed, pulling the covers over me.

Don't sleep first."(Noah)

I sighed low at Noah's words. I could feel my heart beating faster than usual, as if I had an arrhythmia. Why did he say I can't go to sleep first? I didn't do anything and now it was already lethal. I was  going to have a heart attack in just a few words. 

He seemed to be taking a long shower. It had been 20 minutes. My mind was clearer and crisper than at any time, though not because of the words "don't go to bed first. I jerked at the sound of the bathroom door opening and closed my eyes. The freshly washed heat and the scent of his body rushed to my nose.

"Are you asleep, princess?"

I tried to pretend to be asleep, but who was I fooling? So I gently lifted my eyelids. As commonly seen in dramas and novels, I was afraid that I would see a primitive figure with only a towel wrapped around the lower body, revealing the muscular body without filtration (although it's a difference in taste, I don't like it).

However, perhaps because he was an educated aristocratic man, he was cleanly dressed in a shirt made of a flexible material that did not wrinkle, and monochrome cotton pants. As he leaned toward me, he smelled of the same soap that I smelled, and his clean shirt smelled freshly washed.

The buttons on his shirt were moderately loose, and the more subtle he was, the more it felt crazy. It was a strange fascination, the more he hid it, the more seductive.

"I'm going to bed now."


Noah pulled up the covers higher and patted me. I replied softly, glancing up at him.

"You should go to bed early, too."

"I'll watch you sleep."

He sat down on the edge of the bed with a kind look on his face and looked down at me. Sure enough, it was a wholesome night as usual.

I don't know what to think of this man who has the eyes of a ferocious beast with the prey he wants in front of him, but the demeanor of a meek herbivore.

Was he being cautious or too skillful? Why was it that I was the only one who had strange thoughts like a lecherous demon? I turned to another topic to change the delicate atmosphere.

"Noah, when will we arrive at Medea?"

"We have to go through the neutral station, so it will take a few days. We'll probably do some sightseeing during that time. There are many nice places to see on the way."

Noah looked troubled for a moment, and then, puzzled, he asked again.

"You'll stay with me forever, right?"

"Yes. I don't have anywhere in particular to go. I don't even know anyone.

If you did, would you go?"


"You know, the king of Medea is only supposed to marry people of Medea's bloodline. That's why they mainly marry the most prestigious nobles of their constituent countries."

I heard that before. It's a clich. It's perfect for passing on a genetic disease, like the imperial families of the Roman Empire.

Where is the Roman Empire?"

I paused for a moment, thinking, then chuckled.

"It's the country in the novel."

"I see. Medea is very proud and self-assured of their race. That's why Medean cannot be treated carelessly in any country."

I frowned a little.

Why do you treat me so well? Is it because I have Medeans appearance?

"That's why I kidnapped you." 

"What? I"

I told him about the time I almost died in prison. I had never revealed to him the fact that the Admiral used me as a kitchen iron, which was crude and enormous. The Admiral had no intention of negotiating with him after the abduction and sent mercenaries to kill me. But the way Noah spoke like he knew everything.


I raised my upper body and tugged on Noah's sleeve and he pulled me easily towards him. I let out something I always thought was funny but never asked.

"How long have you had a spy in the Admiral's mansion? And why did you kidnap me?"

Noah had all the smile he could spare with a serious expression on his face.

The fairy tale writer.  I put her there. It was a long time ago."

"A long time ago?"


Why did you take me and not Celine?"

Noah slowly tilted his head to my sharp question. His hand wrapped my cheek.

To date and marry.

Noah smiled with his eyes like a charmed fox. He apparently had no intention of answering seriously. I decided not to ask any more questions, since I was certain that if he was bleeding enough to come to my aid single-handedly, he didnt have a bad intention. Everything happens for a reason, and probably there were reasons he couldnt tell me. 

My princess. The day I came to rescue you again.

"Yes, what about it?

Noah's fingers slowly made their way to my neck. I flinched a little at the sensation of his fingertips rubbing against my skin, but I purposely kept my expression in place. He grabbed the rose diamond necklace that was on my neck and peered at it.

I was happy to see that you had been wearing the necklace I gave you.

I remembered the day we parted. It was Christmas day, when the snow was falling and the farewell song was playing. I had the feeling that maybe that song was the one that made us break up. If I had waited for Noah at the fountain, I would not have met the Lieutenant Colonel.

"The song played by the band on the day of the engagement ceremony. Was it No More Love? Do you know that song?"

"I heard that song when I was a kid. A princess who stayed at my house for a while used to listen to it on a gramophone and even played it for me on the piano. "

A princess?"

Yes, she's the current Queen of Medea. The three of us listened together. "

Noah said she was there for a few months. He didn't say who 

the third person was.

the rest of us were. He was a man who only told you what he wanted to, so I didn't try to understand him, I just asked him about the song. I was not going to interrogate him about using the engagement ceremony to kill the Lieutenant Colonel. I already knew the reason. But that was the kind of person he was. He was the kind of person who chose no means to achieve his goals.

I guess Progen has a different interpretation of the title.

"In Progen, it means no more love. Each country interprets the title differently.

"Yes, I asked because it's a familiar song." 

"I'm sure you've heard it often. It's famous."

I covered my mouth and yawned, feeling tired. When Noah saw me, he laughed in a low voice and leaned back.

Get some sleep. We have a long ride ahead of us tomorrow.


He kept a reasonable distance and said something like, "Good night, conservative," as he sat up properly. I felt a strange sense of regret and resentment under his gaze. He said that for no reason.

Eventually, I just blinked and fell asleep.


I woke up to something soft on the tip of my nose that tickled a little. It was still early dawn, it seemed. I rubbed my nose and gently opened my eyes and was surprised to see something.

A black haired man with harmonious features was next to me and sleeping peacefully. I still couldnt get used to that black hair. It was Noah's hair that tickled my nose.

I looked under the covers just in case, and was relieved to see that I was still properly dressed. Did he sleep next to me because I asked him to sleep with me? Carefully, I closed the distance and surreptitiously observed him.

He frowned a little, but he was beautiful in his sleep. I felt sorry for his face, which had bandaids everywhere. Somehow, I felt like poking his cheek. Hsi skin was smoother and plumper than I expected.

Noah furrowed his brow and gave a strange sigh. Oh no. I wanted to hear it again. My hand, once again going to his face, was stopped in its purpose and held firmly in his hand. His dark blue eyes, visible through the narrowed gap, stared at me with an agile gaze. I smiled awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.

"Im sorry. Sleep more.

" You're awake already?

Noah, who had a drowsy voice, covered my cheek with his hand. I swallowed hard and answered. 

"Its been a while."

Did you have a bad dream?"


He stretched out like a cat or a beast and let out a deep breathing. His hand dug into the stuffy blanket. He grabbed my hidden hand and held it.

It's nice to sleep together.

Noah, who was holding my hand, slightly squeezed it and let it go, smiled with his sleepy face.

"Let's stay together like this."


I was about to say, "What?" But I said it differently. I dont know why even his sleepy appearance was sensual. I took a small deep breath and closed my eyes, suppressing my heart that was about to jump out of my chest.

The moment I dozed off again, I felt something warm and fuzzy touch my eyes. While I was off guard, Noah lightly kissed my eyes.

My face burned hot from the heat that spread from where his warm lips touched me. I pretended to be asleep, closed my eyes, and immersed myself in thousands of thoughts. Innocently, I couldn't sleep well with just a kiss.

In fact, it was true because I was not naive.


It was morning and the winter sun was shining warmly in the room. Noah was already up early, dressed and ready to go, as he was an industrious man with a military background. As I lifted my heavy eyelids, I could see Noah's wide back standing upright and drinking water.

As he was drinking the water, he turned around and smiled softly. Dressed in a shirt and neat tie, a dark blue vest and suit pants, he looked as seductive as a hero in a movie.

Are you awake? Have you eaten?

Yes, I woke up early."

I brushed my messy hair roughly with my hands, then washed up and changed into my activewear. I ate the breakfast that was brought to me like room service, packed my bags and went outside to get in the car.

On the way, we stopped at a money exchange in the city center to exchange my winnings and also bought a ham sandwich to eat on the way. The weather was cold, but perhaps because it was a neutral country, there was little of the war weary mood. There was a sense of peace and relaxation.

A white, snow-covered mountain ridge passed like a moment from the car window. I could see the indigo lake bordering the sky and the wide winter hills where herds of grazing sheep were gathered. It was a marvelous natural landscape that could not be compared to the modern world.

We arrived at the next city and entered a crowded square.

After Noah parked in front of the hotel, he opened the trunk of the car and pulled out two rather large travel bags. He carried them so lightly.

What are they?"

Noah didn't reply, but smiled at my question. He entered the hotel, which was also overly luxurious. I silently stared at him checking in. Noah and I walked into the room and as soon as I saw the contents of those mysterious bags, my mouth dropped open.

Those two large bags were full of money. It was a scene that I had only seen in dramas and movies with hundreds of millions of won.

I asked in a very quiet voice.

"You just rented a room and pretended to be poor, didn't you?"

He said he was going to sleep outside, and pretended to be sad, was it all a ruse? Noah's eyes wavered thinly, as if he read my gaze. He rubbed one hand around his mouth and smiled beautifully.

"It's true that Ive become poor. I told you there was a reason."

"What is it?"

"It's that I want to be with you forever."

This manCan I trust him?

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