Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 90: The Uncrowned King

Chapter 90: The Uncrowned King

"The... Who?", asked Greg with a confused face.

Mila hearing Greg's question and seeing his ignorant expression, didn't kniw whether to laugh or cry.

"The Uncrowned King, Kuragari. The puppet master of the shadows and one of the strongest sword fighter in existence. The man with two Soul Stones, who is on the verge of breakthrough to the last rank! Don't tell me you never heard about him."

Seeing that Greg had no reaction at all after she said who Kuragari was, she hit her head softly and with a long sigh she asked,"Where the hell are you living? Under a rock or what?"

Emma on the side stepped forward a bit and asked,"Then I think you didn't hear about his fight where he got the title of The Uncrowned King, am I right?"

Looking at Emma, Greg shook his head and said with a wry smile,"Unfortunately... no."

The girls looked at each other after hearing Greg's answer and after a sigh, Mila started to talk.

"The man who reached the summit of humanity with his white Soul Stone, Zane. The young and beautiful woman with her heaven defining powers, Mistress Of Fortune or you can call her Eliana. And lastly, the man who had obtained two Guardian's powers, The Uncrowned King, Kuragari. These three has a legendary story, which everyone should know or should have heard about it at least once."

As Mila started to tell her story, Greg started to listen very carefully, because he really wanted to know what this tale really was about. Maybe he can understand the reason behind why the three acted that icy toward each other as they did back there.

"Back in the past, when they were only teenagers, those three were best friends since the beginning. They were like a real family, who looked and cared toward the other with kindness."

Listening to this, Greg frowned, but instead of asking anything he continued to listen.

"The three of them fought together in life and death situations and broke through the ranks with each other's help. The three were geniuses, who were meant to reach the peak of humanity, however nothing is perfect in this world and there will be always hardships for everyone sooner or later. And this is what happened to the three."

Mila after taking a deep breath looked at Greg and continued,"The two men had feelings toward the woman and because of this their relationship started to get worse as time went on. They vied in every matter just to show Eliana who was the best choice for her. Everything started with small things like gifts and helping her as much as they could, but there came a time, when Eliana started to notice these changes and she too admitted that she has feelings, but can't choose between the two."

Feeling where this stroy was going on, Greg looked a bit shocked, but still continued to listen.

"And because that she admitted she can't choose, the two men made a bold deal, which was a fight between the two and the one who lost, should never meet Eliana again, while the winner gets the opportunity to fight for her heart."

"Eliana wanted to stop them, but before she could have the chance to do so, the two have already went into the Forbidden Lands and started their fight."

Hearing this, Greg opened his mouth slightly and asked with disbelief,"The Forbidden Lands? Are they crazy?"

Greg was shocked, because he knew what that place meant. It was a very restricted territory, where multiple zone breaking occurred with thousands of different ranked and type of creatures inhabitating that place. Those who wished to walk in there below the Ascender rank or at least at the top Calamity rank, needed to prepare themselves for death.

"That place isn't for sightseeing or for simple battles like those two have done. What have they thought?", thought Greg with shock, not believing that the story was real.

"Yes, the Forbidden Lands.", said Mila with a nod and continued,"They went there and fought against each other for almost a week without rest. Both of them sustained grave injuries and there were times when they killed the other one, but in the end they couldn't, because they still felt like they were friends and not enemies."

"And who won?", asked Greg curiously after seeing that Mila didn't continue the story after finishing her sentence.

Mila looked at Greg and after thinking for a while she said quietly,"It ended in a draw."

"D...Draw?! What?", asked Greg with a frown, not understand how it could be a draw.

However Mila still nodded and said,"Yes. A draw. After fighting for so long, when the victor was about to be decided, Eliana suddenly appeared and protected Zane. Seeing that Eliana choose Zane to protect, he was a bit disappointed and simply chose to walk away without determining a winner. After that, no one knew where he dissapeared to or what he did until now. After so many years he finally showed up and you were lucky enough to see him in person!"

Understanding now why the atmosphere between the three were so strange, Greg nodded and was about to say something, when suddenly a voice, which made his body to froze up in an instant, sounded from behind him.

"That story is nothing but a mere joke."

Turning their heads toward where the voice came from, Mila's and Emma's eyes widened, while Greg started to sweat slightly.

Before the three, Kuragari was leaning against the wall, while he was holding a small cigarette in his right hand and blowing the smoke out into the air.

"Now why is he here?", thought Greg a bit annoyingly as he looked at the man before him.

Watching the three kids before him, Kuragari sighed and after throwing the cigarette in his hand into a shadow below his feet, he stood straight up and said,"That tale you just said is not wholly true, but to tell the truth I don't really care about it. What happened has happened and you can't change the past no matter how much you want to."

Looking at Greg he said,"However what you can change is the present and future, because everything you decide to do is fully up to you.", after saying that he looked at Greg from up to bottom and continued,"Kid, unfortunately I couldn't see your fights, because I was somewhere else, but after seeing how you escaped from me, I went and asked a few about you and..."

Seeing as he walked closer and closer, while talking, Greg steadied himself and waited. After Kuragari's robust body finally arrived before him, he felt like his already grown height before this man was like an ant before an elephant.

As he waited for something to happen, suddenly Kuragari raised his hand, making Greg to tense up instantly.

But what happened the next second wasn't an attack that he expected, but just a simple hand landing on his left shoulder softly.

"And what I can say is that I like you kid! I want you to become my student."


Not knowing how to react at that, Greg just stood there with a confused expression, while Emma and Mila watched him with their mouth wide open.

Kuragari seeing Greg's stupid expression smiled and said,"Don't 'huh?' to me. I said I want you to become my student and no, you didn't hear it wrong."

Listening to this, Greg looked at Kuragari's face and thought,"This is some kind of joke? Not long ago he wanted to kill me and now he wants to teach me? What is he even thinking?"

Thinking for a while, Greg raised his head and said,"Sir, I know it will be sound crazy or strange, but I don't think you can help me get stronger with my Guardian's power. It's a bit special."

Hearing this Kuragari laughed and said,"Haha! I know kid, but who said I want to make you stronger by your Guardian's power?"

Frowning, Greg was about to ask something, but suddenly Kuragari's expression became serious.

"Everyone has secrets and past, so I don't want you tell me why it's special. I also don't want you to tell me the cause behind what you did yesterday. I know that you have a strange Guardian and also have powers that not even the wisest man on earth can explain, so that's why I say, I don't want to make you stronger by your Guardian's abilities, but instead I want you to become better in another way."

What Kuragari said made Greg frown slightly, so he asked,"In another way? What that supposed to be mean?"

Smiling, Kuragari stepped back a meter and said,"Kid, what I heard is that you are using too much of your physical strength, while ignoring the fact that you have extreme talent with weapons."

"Extreme talent with weapons? But didn't Sir just say he didn't see Greg fight before?", asked Emma on the side with an embroiled expression.

Turning his head to the side, Kuragari smiled and said proudly,"Maybe it's not so obvious, but one of my abilities are related with cold weapons and I can instantly tell if one has a talent with them or not."

As he said that he looked at Greg again and after pointing at him, he continued with a smile,"And what I can say for sure, is that you kid have incredible potential, which is so big that you can't even imagine it!"

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