Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 158: Asking For Help

Chapter 158: Asking For Help

Greg and Joe were flying atop of the Typhoon Beast high above the clouds.

As they were flying in silence, Joe turned his gaze from the trees below his feet at Greg, and after a small, while later he asked, "Why are we in such a hurry?"

Joe asked this question because it was quite confusing for him to see Greg act this hurriedly.

The moment Eliana and Zane went away, Greg's behavior changed instantly. He raised his guard up entirely, but for some unknown reason, he decided to run away without a second thought.

It was like something targeted him, but no matter how hard he tried to think back, Joe couldn't remember that anyone would have been in their close proximity.

Greg looked at Joe behind his back and after looking down at the woods below their feet, he started to explain.

"Someone was targeting me."

"Targeting you? Should it be another of those Light and Dark Creatures? We could have fought them.", said Joe with a calm gaze.

However, Greg shook his head and said, "No. It was something else. It was far scarier than those creatures."

As he said this Greg started to think back about the sight he saw a few minutes ago.

The moment Joe asked the question back when the two experts flew away, he wanted to answer him, however because of his Silver Wolf's Sixth Sense suddenly activation, he needed to raise his guard without hesitation.

At that time, he thought someone or something was about to attack him from the trees, but he was wrong. 

No matter where he looked, there was no one around him, indicating whoever targeted him was far away from him.

And because of this, Greg decided to activate his Silver Wolf's Prey ability to see if he could notice anything in the distance, however, he didn't expect to see what he just saw back then.

The moment he activated his Soul Creature's power, what he could see in the far distance, which was about a hundred miles away, was a vast amount of swirling gray cloud.

From such a distance that sight could only mean one thing.

"I don't know who or what was targeting me there, but it was definitely on the God rank."

Just thinking about the fact that he would have relaxedly chat with Joe while an approaching calamity was on its way toward him, made Greg instantly sweaty.

"This Silver Wolf Soul Creature... It has saved my life countless times.", thought Greg calmly and after looking back into the distance with his Prey Sense ability and seeing the swirling gray cloud, he said quietly, "It seems I need to be much careful from now on."


Back on the small island in the middle of the lake, Greg and Joe jumped down from the Typhoon Beast's back.

"You are finally back. How did it go?", asked Russ from the side, as he walked out from the house with Wayne following him from behind.

"Well... It didn't go as we planned, but we could get what I wanted.", said Greg with a wry smile and started to tell the two what happened.

After almost 20 minutes of detailed explanation, Greg sighed and said, "So this is what happened."

When Greg finished talking, Russ and Wayne looked at each other with disbelief on their faces.

"That place has been found? Are you for real?", asked Russ as he stepped closer to Greg with visible excitement all over his face.

"Well... They said that, so I guess it is true. I don't think they would lie about something like this. Especially not Kuragari.", said Greg with a bit of surprise because of Russ's excitement.

"I see.", nodded Russ and after calming down a bit he said quietly, "Then what they have told you should be true. Also, now that I think about it, it makes sense."

"You mean that I could obtain the key back in the temple?", asked Greg and summoned the key above his palm.

"Yes.", said Russ with a nod as he looked at the key that was made out of pure flames and continued, "If the words on the wall are truly valid, then clearly you have the blessing. It was no surprise at all that you were able to obtain the key while we couldn't. Also, now we also know why those Higher Beings are looking for you... or if I want to be more specific your Guardian. Well... I suspected it for a while now, so it was not a huge surprise to me."

As Russ said this he looked at Greg and said, "As I see things currently, if you wouldn't have agreed to help them, they would have forced you in the future no matter what. So that wish you asked for is not a bad thing at all. It would come in handy later."

"But unfortunately I can't use the wish against them in that place, so..."

"I know.", said Russ with a smile, and raising his fingers he said, "However you don't need to stop them at all. You know why I say that, don't you?"

Hearing what Russ was talking about Greg nodded and said, "Yes I do. I realized that too. But still..."

Joe on the side hearing the two's conversation realized something suddenly and looked at Greg.

"So the reason you smiled back then because..."

"Because Eliana and Zane forgot that there are still two requirements to walk into that place. You can remember that too right?", asked Greg with a small smile.

Now that Joe heard what Greg said nodded and said, "Yeah. The legend said that only those can enter the Altar whose soul was pure and whose past has been cleansed completely from any curse. Those who have failed to achieve these requirements will die without a second thought. Or at least that is what I can remember if I'm right."

"Exactly.", said Russ with a nod and looked at Greg.

"I don't quite understand these two requirements yet, but one thing is for sure. Until those two don't succeed with the requirements, they can't enter the Altar for sure. So no matter how I think about it, the one who reaped the most was you. Great job kid!"

"Thank you. However...", said Greg with a wry smile, but the next second he lowered his hand and looked at Russ and Wayne with a serious expression.

Noticing his change of attitude Joe, Russ and Wayne knew that what he was about to say was important, so as a result all of them remains silent.

"I would like to ask from you a selfish request."

"We are listening.", said Russ while he crossed his arms before his chest.

With a bod, Greg looked at all the three of them and said, "As may know, I can breakthrough with all of my elements and create their Core Territories. I did this already with five of my elements and there is only one remaining."

"And you want us to help you breaking through with your last element? Do you want us to fight you?", asked Wayne on the side.

However, as an answer, Greg shook his head and took out a book.

"This book is from Kuragari, the Uncrowned King. He is specialized in the darkness element and he wrote down his experience in this book. With this, creating my Core Territory shouldn't pose a problem."

"So what do you want us to do?", asked Russ calmly.

Lowering the book in his hand, Greg started to explain.

"I get this feeling that the moment I make my last Core Territory, something will happen with me and my body. So the favor I want to ask from you is..."

Understanding what Greg wanted Russ nodded and said, "You want us to protect you from any danger."

"Yes.", nodded Greg without hesitation.

Hearing this Russ put his fingers below his chin and started to think.

After a small while, he looked around and asked, "But why do you ask us to protect you when you are in the middle of the Alphas territory? This is the safest place to do your breakthrough."

"I know, but unfortunately I can't do it here.", said Greg as he shook his head gently.

"Why?", asked Russ and Wayne at the same time.

"Maybe you can remember but my very first breakthrough I caused a small ruckus in the house, breaking several things. With my second time, I burnt a huge amount of area outside here and if it wasn't for the Thousand World Tree, there could have been a bigger accident. Everytime I break through, I cause unknown incidents, and to make it worse my final element is darkness. That element can help me travel through darkness itself, so after the breakthrough who knows what will happen."

As he finished talking he thought instantly, "Alice said that the moment I get into the Soul Grade all of my elements will break out together, creating a huge calamity around my proximity, so doing this here is a huge no. Also, I can't tell them this, because that would only bring suspicion in them that is for sure."

As he thought about this he looked at Russ, and with a determined expression, he asked, "So will you help me?"

Russ looked at Wayne on his side and after thinking for a whole minute he turned his gaze back at Greg.


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