Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 155: An Ancient Story

Chapter 155: An Ancient Story

Greg was calmly consuming the crystal while Eliana, Zane, Joe with his two Soul Creatures were looking at him.

All five of them watched as the white area around Greg started to look much stable than the first time, and also as Greg's painful expression slowly turned much relaxed too.

"That was close.", thought Greg with a bit of anxiety, as he thought back just how close he was to die.

If it wasn't because of his light element that slowed down the creature and also because of Zane's help, his head would have been already rolling on the ground.

"Why did it start the breakthrough though?", asked Greg calmly from Alice as he consumed the crystal in his hand.

"Nothing special happened at all. You breakthrough just like with your earth element. Realizing what your power can do through battle is also a good solution. However, it is also risky too. Just like what happened with you now, if you don't have a friend to guard you against danger or you don't have energy crystal to stabilize your Flow, then you will die without knowing what happened."

After a small silence, Alice sighed and continued, "This is why it is very important to be in a safe place when you breakthrough with the last element. Not only do you have to be safe from any threat around you, but also because that will be the moment you break right into the Soul Grade."

"The Soul Gade. I can't wait to see what that Grade can give me.", said Greg with anticipation and continued to consume the energy crystal.

Bit by bit, as time went on, the crystal melted into his skin and after almost 20 minutes of consuming and stabilizing the Fifth Flow, Greg has finally finished consuming the energy crystal.


With a quiet sound, the light area around Greg started to move slowly. Gradually, it shrunk back to its original look, which was covering Greg's body and under a blink of an eye, it disappeared.

After this happened he opened his eyes and looked at his body.

"Not exactly how I planned, but it seems everything ended perfectly. The only thing that now need to do is...", thought Greg calmly and raised his head.

"Finally. I thought you will never finish consuming that crystal. It took you 19 minutes and 46 second to consume a simple energy crystal.", said Eliana with a sharp gaze, and after a small silence, she sighed and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Well...", started Greg and after standing up he moved his body here and there and said, "Except for small pains around my muscles, I feel okay... I guess."

"I see...", said Eliana with a nod and took out a scroll from her pocket.

"Here. Read this.", said Eliana and threw the scroll at Greg.

Catching it with a smooth move Greg looked at the scroll with a somewhat confused expression and asked, "What is this?"

As Greg asked this from Eliana, Joe on the side was also curious about the scroll so he stepped closer to Greg and looked at it to get a better look.

"Just open it and read it.", said Eliana without an answer.

Not knowing why she was so mysterious Greg did what she said and opened the roll.

After rolling it open, Greg was surprised to see that it has reached a meter in length, while on it, small words could be seen written with ash black colors.

Because the surface and the edge of the scroll were visibly very ragged, Greg could guess the wherever Eliana took this from, it was from a very old place that was for sure.

Greg raised his head to look at Eliana and Zane, but after seeing both of their calm and waiting expressions he sighed and started to read.

"Millions of millenniums ago, when there was still no universe, where there was no existence and life, where there was no space and time, where the end was the beginning, an unknown deity was born, called the Creator."

Just after reading the very first sentence, Greg felt instantly confused but still continued to read.

"The Creator wielded absolute power, the power to create anything and everything that it wanted or thought about. So with that power, it created the universe and with that, it created life."

Seeing the name Creator, suddenly Greg's expression froze because he remembered something.

Back after when he unlocked his Limiter, he could remember that Alice said she was called exactly the same.

"Alice... Is this you who they are talking about?", asked Greg from Alice with a bit of disbelief.

"I... I don't know.", said Alice and after thinking for a while she said, "I can only remember a few things, but I already told them to you back in the past. I can also recollect this name, but something like that I have created life... I can not remember anything like that." 

"I see...", said Greg and continued to read.

"The Creator gave each life unique powers, and as a result, beings with never seen strength have been born throughout the universe. Time passed by, and the moment came when beings with power that could rival the Creator itself has finally appeared. Each of them wanted to defeat the Creator and use its power to their advantage."

"However, no matter how hard they tried, and no matter how many times they have attempted to overcome its power, the only result for them was merciless death."

"After the unknown amount of endeavors, the Creator got disappointed by its own creations, and as a result, it decided to seal itself away to a hidden place, far away from any other life forms."

"But before it vanished for all eternity, it made sure to leave behind a final verdict to all beings in the universe."

"I, the one and only, who was born as existence itself, shall vanish from this place that I have created. But before I do disappear from this place, where only malice and avarice exist, I will seal my Soul away to a place unknown to any other. There, I will wait for the only pure soul that deserves my power. Remember, only those can enter my Altar whose soul is pure and whose past has been cleansed completely from any curse. Those who have failed to achieve these requirements will die without a second thought."

"With these last words, the Creator finally vanished from all sight, sealing itself away into an unknown place..."

Getting to the end of the story, Greg turned the scroll around to see if there was a continuation, but there was none.

"Where did you get this? And why did you show this to me?", asked Greg as he handed back the scroll to Eliana.

"It was found inside an ancient ruin. This legend became almost every expert's dream to find. Thinking that the place where this Creator has been sealed is somewhere on the surface of the earth, because if not, why would have we found this here on earth?"

"That is true, but this doesn't mean it will be here. Or did you found the place already?", asked Greg.

However, for some reason, Eliana didn't answer Greg but simply looked at Zane on the side.

Seeing her reaction, Greg looked surprised and asked, "What? Are you for real? Is it really on earth?"

Eliana hearing Greg's question sighed and wanted to say something when suddenly Zane started to talk.

"We didn't, but Kuragari did. Or at least he thinks that is the place that the legend is talking about. But there are two problems."

"Problems?", asked Greg and Joe in unison, curious what the problems could be.

"The first which is not such a problem is that the moment Kuragari found that place he noticed that it wasn't only him who found it. There were others also. But for some reason, they are only moving from the shadows and wait for that person to appear."

"That person to appear?", asked Greg with confusion, not understanding what was Eliana talking about.

"Yes. And this is our second problem. On the walls of the place, there were ancient words. Kuragari confirmed that the words stated the exact same things that this scroll told, but..."

Before Elian could finish the sentence, Zane looked at Greg and said, "But there was one extra piece of information too. It claimed that only those can open the place who has the Creator's 'blessings'.

"Blessings? What kind of blessings?", asked Greg with curiosity.

And it wasn't just him who looked curious, but also Joe on his side. After listening to this story, he too wanted to know as much as he could.

Seeing both of their curious gazes, Eliana looked at Greg and shrugged slightly.

"Unfortunately we don't know that yet. But we do know how to open the place. On the door, there are six keyholes that Kuragari saw on the."

"Keyholes? Don't tell me...", thought Greg with surprise as he thought back to the key that he has obtained in the temple not long ago.

However, knowing that this wasn't the time to be surprised, Greg calmed down and said, "I see. But you still didn't tell me why you did bother yourself to find me and show that scroll. Don't tell me you just were in the mood to tell me all of this, because I won't believe it."

Hearing this, Eliana smiled and said, "Of course not."

Instantly as she said this, Eliana pointed at Greg and said, "We didn't tell you these things just for fun, but because everything has a connection with you!"

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