Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 145: Strands That Connects

Chapter 145: Strands That Connects

Inside a huge mansion's luxurious room, Joe was standing before his father, while an old man was standing on the side.

Silence filled the whole room. Total silence.

However, even like this, Joe was standing in the middle of the room with a straightened back and a proud look while waiting for his father to say something.

Seconds ticked by when suddenly Joe's father stood up and said, "Congratulations on your breakthrough."

"Thank you my father.", said Joe with a slight, but respected bow toward his father.

Seeing that even though Joe successfully broke through not only the Creator Rank but also reached the Calamity rank, Joe's father looked satisfied.

"That's it. The more power you have the more responsibility you need to bear. When I heard what happened I was curious if you would turn into some kind of cocky person, but luckily I was wrong."

Hearing this, Joe raised his head and said, "I would never become someone so unfitting to this family. Never."

"Perfect.", said Joe's father with a satisfied smile, and after walking around the table and leaning against it, he crossed his arms and asked, "So? Where is your friend? He is already gone for several months now without any news from him."


Seeing Joe's confused expression Joe's father waved his hand gently and said, "Don't get me wrong, I clearly know where he is. You told me yourself that he remained in the Forbidden Lands to practice. I also know this decision of his is because of what happened in the tournament."

As Joe listened to this his expression softened and said, "Then what do you mean where he is?"

"When will he try to come back? Did you forget he is a part of my family? I can understand what kind of position he is in right at the moment, but still, if he wants to remain in my family, he needs to show at least a small respect toward me. Disappearing without saying a word... He has a few tasks to do and also I want to see that mask he has. The power it showed in the tournament intrigued my interest."

As Joe listened to this, suddenly his expression darkened while his palm tightened into a fist behind his back, but he made sure not to show any of these changes to his father.

"So? Will you go to him and bring him here or not.", asked Joe's father with an unquestionable tone as he looked at Joe's motionless figure.

Joe made himself to calm down and after a small while he looked up and said, "I... I will, but I can't promise anything."

"I didn't ask you to promise me, I asked you to do it."

Hearing this, Joe's expression hardened in an instant, but because he didn't want to make a fuss he bowed down slightly and said, "Sure."

"Perfect. Now you go. This time I won't ask anyone to protect you, so you are on your own."

With a nod, Joe turned around and walked out of the room without a word, leaving behind the old man with his father in the silence.


Someplace else, where mountains which in fact were volcanoes could be seen almost everywhere, Mila was standing under a huge gate with a bag on her back, while two figures were standing before her.

One was a woman in her thirties, while the other one was an old man.

"Are you sure about this?", asked the woman with a confused expression.

"Yes, Master.", said Mila with a determined nod.

The two adults looked at each other not knowing why Mila decided like this, but before they could ask the question, Mila answered them.

"I don't want to be disrespectful, but in fact, I feel that this place and both teachers can't help me any more than this. I am truly grateful for all the help even though it was for such a short amount of time. All the tips helped me achieve all of this I have currently."

Knowing that Mila meant nothing arrogant, the old man nodded and asked, "And what will be your plans now? The only place that has a better and also harsher environment than here is..."

"Yes. I will also go to the Forbidden Lands for practice too."

"Too?", asked the woman, finding strange that word Mila just said.

Knowing that she said something she shouldn't have Mila flinched slightly and said, "One of my friend is practicing there alone also, so maybe if I have enough luck I will have the chance to meet him."

The old man and the woman hearing this looked totally stunned and didn't know what to say.

The Forbidden Lands wasn't a place where anyone. Would go and come. Maybe some of its parts were not dangerous for Calamity ranked fighters, but almost 50% of it was filled with unknown threats. It wouldn't be a surprise if she meets with an Ascender or God ranked creature there. She wouldn't be the first one to die unexpectedly and she won't be the last one too.

"Please think about it again. That place is too dangerous. If you could wait for a bit more we could find someone suitable to protect you, but right no-"

"I'm sorry Master.", said Mila with a slight bow and continued, "My time is finite. I can't waste any more than this. Please give my appreciation to my father."

With that said, Mila turned around and without saying anything more, she started to walk away with steady steps.

The woman wanted to follow her and stop her, but before she could the old man grabbed her by the shoulder and shook his head gently.

"Just let her do what she wants. She has her reasons to be this determined. And also this is not a bad thing at all."

Listening to this, the woman frowned and asked, "Not a bad thing? She is literally walking right into her own grave!"

The old man shaking his head smiled and said, "Maybe, but maybe not. Can't you remember our family's motto?"

Knowing what the old man was talking about the woman straightened her back and after relaxing her body she nodded.

"I sure am. Pressure creates diamonds and fire refines gold."

"Yes", said the old man and with a smile, he said, "Talent only shows itself under dire situations while true power can be only obtained through several battles and hardships. I think this choice of her is not a dangerous and stupid decision, but a bold, while also a clever one. She has what it takes to survive out there."

Listening to this the woman stepped back and turned her gaze toward Mila and watched as the girl she taught for years finally took her own path without her being on her side.

As she thought back on all the things that happened in the past, the woman smiled slightly and with a small chuckle, she said, "That little girl... She really has grown up."


Outside of a broken and old looking house, Emma was happily smiling with a huge bag on her back, while her dad was walking out of the house with the same looking bag.

"Are you sure about it? Will you really come with me?"

Emma's father who looked really exhausted and his expression showed like he didn't sleep for ages, closed the house's door and nodded.


"Amazing!", said Emma happily and hugged her father from behind.

"I couldn't believe it when you said it, but it seems you really meant it."

Listening to this, the father smiled slightly and after turning around he said, "I didn't have a choice. I was getting curious about this boy who you were talking about almost non-stop. Also, I need to thank him for what he did for you."

Emma hearing this blushed slightly and stepping back a few steps she said quietly, "It is really not necessary. You will just make things awkward."


With a small laugh, Emma's father patted her daughter on the head and said, "Don't be so ridiculous. When did your father make things awkward for you?"

"Well, when I was at the age o-."

"Okay I changed my mind, let's not talk about this please."

Seeing her father's deferred expression, Emma smiled happily and after turning around, she said, "Then let's get going. We need to hurry!"

"Okay, okay.", said the man and started to walk forward, but after taking a few steps he halted and turned back to look at the house.

Looking at the broken and ragged wall's of it with the different plants growing everywhere, the man smiled and said quietly, "I won't make those mistakes ever again, I promise!"

"Daad! Don't be such a freak and come! Don't talk to yourself, it is kinda creepy."

Hearing this the man didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so after exhaling a deep sigh he turned around and started to follow Emma, leaving behind the house where he lived for ages all alone finally forever.

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