It Starts With The Confession To The Beautiful Master

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Is your master the kind of person who goes back on her word?

Yue Yao looked up to the sky proudly and said in a cold voice.

So, does that mean master has agreed?

Zhang Yi jumped up excitedly, instinctively wanting to rush up and embrace Yue Yao, but he felt an irresistible force pushing him away, preventing him from moving forward even a little bit.

Just fulfilling a promise, dont get any ideas!

Yue Yao still had a cold expression, making it seem like she was keeping people at a distance.

Zhang Yi didnt care much about it. He knew that Yue Yao was proud and aloof, a woman with a cold exterior but a warm heart. Moreover, the Heavenly Fate Map had already determined his successful confession, so he wasnt in a hurry at the moment.

Its okay, take your time!

Zhang Yi smiled and scratched his head, feeling an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

Now that his cultivation had been restored and he had awakened the Supreme Bone, and most importantly, he successfully confessed to Yue Yao, this was definitely beyond his expectations.

Zhang Yi, dont be too happy too soon. Im just trying out the cultivation method you suggested. If its useless, youll be responsible for the consequences.

Yue Yao frowned and said in a cold voice.

I understand, Yaoer.

Zhang Yi subconsciously changed his way of addressing Yue Yao, while also carefully observing her expression.

How dare you!

Yue Yao was about to erupt, but then she saw Zhang Yi suddenly clutching his back wound, showing a painful expression and wailing, Ah, it hurts so much

As expected, I still need to take it slow. Master is still too aloof.

Zhang Yi moaned while holding his wound, thinking to himself.

Yue Yao frowned at Zhang Yi, suppressing her anger, and said, Turn around!

What is she going to do now?

Zhang Yi turned around with a nervous heart and thought to himself.

He only felt a cold and cool sensation on his back, as a pair of gentle and careful hands applied ointment to his wound. Does it still hurt?

The voice was still cold, but it carried a barely noticeable tenderness.

Zhang Yi couldnt help but smile as if the whip from earlier was worth it.

It doesnt hurt anymore. I remember the last time you helped me apply ointment was when I was ten and killed a tiger-striped giant python.

Only he could enjoy this kind of treatment.

Okay, with this Ice Heart Blood Jade Ointment, your injuries will be completely healed by tomorrow.

Yue Yao looked at the terrifying wound on Zhang Yis back and felt a little guilty, an emotion she had never experienced before.

Yaoer, you almost killed me just now. Arent you going to compensate me?

Zhang Yi clearly noticed that Yue Yaos emotions were off and suddenly turned around, smiling at her.

He was planning to take shamelessness to the extreme!

Whatwhat kind of compensation do you want?

Yue Yao frowned slightly, feeling a bit uncomfortable in her heart, but she still said it with great pride.

How about

Zhang Yi grinned mischievously, he felt like he had said everything he needed to say, both the appropriate and inappropriate things, and also passed the identity test, so he didnt believe that Yue Yao would still have murderous intent towards him later.

But before he could finish speaking, a commotion suddenly came from the entrance to the Dao Sect.

Sect Master Yao, Earth Sects Grand Elder Qinglian requests an audience!

Sect Master Yao, Heaven Sects Sect Master requests an audience!

Sect Master Yao, Feng Wuji of the Great Zhou Dynasty requests an audience!

The three loud voices sounded like thunder, and there were three terrifying figures standing in the void at the entrance of the Dao Sect.

Forget about the compensation for now. I didnt expect them to come so soon. No matter what, we cant reveal the fact that it was you who caused the Supremes Vision.

Yue Yao solemnly instructed.

Zhang Yi also nodded repeatedly but cursed the ancestors of those three people in his heart. Why did they have to come now of all times?

Yue Yao and Zhang Yi appeared at the entrance of the mountain gate, looking at the three imposing figures. Yue Yaos expression became extremely gloomy.

What brings the three of you to the Dao Sect?

Yue Yao put on an attitude of keeping others at a distance and spoke in an extremely cold tone.

We came to congratulate the Dao Sect for having someone capable of causing the Supremes Vision.

The three seemed accustomed to Yue Yaos icy demeanor and were not surprised.

What does it have to do with you and your sect? Mind your own business!

Yue Yao snorted and looked at them impolitely.

Yue Yao, youre mistaken. Our Earth Sect, Heavenly Sect, and Dao Sect are all from the same lineage. Now that the Dao Sect has suddenly caused the Supreme Vision, we naturally came to congratulate and see who caused it.

Earthly Sects Qinglian Daoist smiled alluringly, emitting an air of desire with every move.

If Yue Yao was a fairy who didnt care about the world, then Daoist Qinglian was a demoness who brought disaster to the people, emanating an alluring aura from head to toe.

Oh, isnt this little brother Zhang Yi? When did you break through to the Spirit Transformation realm?

Qinglian Daoists gaze fell on Zhang Yi, her alluring eyes flashing with a hint of surprise as she asked with a smile.

Breaking through to the Spirit Transformation realm at eighteen years old was a shocking existence even in ancient times.

Little brother Zhang Yi is truly a dragon among men. Staying in the Dao Sect is somewhat beneath you. Why not come to our Earth Sect, so as not to waste such a good appearance?

Daoist Qinglian covered her mouth and smiled as she said.


Zhang Yi glanced at Daoist Qinglian and said coldly.

His attitude was just like Yue Yaos, cold and noble.

How boring, you and your master are both so cold. Its really a waste of such a good appearance.

Daoist Qinglian did not get angry, only smiling brilliantly.

Qinglian! Get lost!

Yue Yao appeared with a sword shining with a cold light in her hand, pointing at Daoist Qinglian and scolding her.

Why are you so agitated? Did Zhang Yi cause the Supremes Vision?

Daoist Qinglian was calm and composed, staring straight at Zhang Yi with a smile.

Supreme emerges, chaos in Wuling, immortal path destroyed!'(TL: Its a prophecy)

Yue Yao, are you sure you want to make enemies with the entire Wuling continent for the sake of one person?

In the midst of laughter, the aura of the Daoist Qinglian became incredibly fierce, and a great emperors power burst out, making the atmosphere even more oppressive.

What? I can cause chaos in the Wuling continent? Destroy the immortal path?

Only now did Zhang Yi realize how big of trouble he had caused, and he understood why Yue Yao did not want him to admit that he triggered the supreme beings vision.

If this were to be exposed, he would become the public enemy of all the great emperors in the Wuling continent.

No wonder Yue Yao was so nervous and took him to the Moon Shadow Peak, to avoid more people knowing about this, but it still alarmed these few people in the end.

What touched Zhang Yi the most was still Yue Yaos attitude, knowing that he caused the supreme beings vision, she still defended him so much.

Who dares to say that Yue Yao is heartless?!

Yue Yao, there should not be a supreme being in this world, and the supreme beings bone should not exist in this world either.

Feng Wuji, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, had a solemn expression and tried to persuade her.

You and I are only one step away from the immortal path, and the existence of the supreme beings bone will only bring chaos to the immortal path. You need to think about the consequences!

The Emperor of the Heavenly Sect also strongly advised her.

As the three of them spoke, they all looked at Zhang Yi subconsciously. It goes without saying that they all believed Zhang Yi triggered the supremes vision, and only he had the ability to do so in the entire Dao sect.

Zhang Yi, no matter what happens later, dont look back and leave the Dao sect! Hide your identity!

With her eyebrows furrowed, Yue Yao secretly transmitted her voice to Zhang Yi.


Zhang Yi felt warmth in his heart. He couldnt help but feel that Yue Yao really cared about him. Even at this critical moment, she was still defending him.

Yue Yao! Sacrificing one person, Zhang Yi, to spare the entire Wuling, is it not worth it?

Hand over Zhang Yi, destroy the supreme bone, and this matter will have nothing to do with you.

Daoist Qinglian stared at Zhang Yi with a covetous smile on her lips, but the killing intent in her eyes was not concealed at all. She was just like a femme fatale.

What supreme vision, supreme bone, you just want his life, do you really think I, Yue Yao, am easy to bully?!

If you want Zhang Yis life, ask if the sword in my hand agrees first!

With an angry shout, the green sword lightly hummed, and the green light turned into sword shadows, and the supreme Dao intent flowed down like a galaxy waterfall.

Go! Never come back!

Seeing that Zhang Yi still had no movement, Yue Yaos brows revealed a touch of anxiety, and she urged him with a voice transmission.

However, Zhang Yi was caught in a dilemma, and his mind was full of the scenes of being with Yue Yao, especially the scenes of today

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