It Starts With The Confession To The Beautiful Master

Chapter 37: Barbarian King Mirror, Barbarian King Bone

Chapter 37: Barbarian King Mirror, Barbarian King Bone

Ye Haoran, you hid well enough! Long Tian snorted coldly, feeling a bit unhappy. No one liked being used.

All my means are prepared for Zhang Yi, no one else qualifies. In Ye Haorans eyes, his only opponent was Zhang Yi, even Long Tian was not good enough.

Ridiculous! Even if you comprehend the Life and Death Void, what can you do? You are a narrow-minded guy! Long Tian couldnt stand Ye Haorans attitude and scolded him.

Two big brothers, Zhang Yi is too monstrous. Shall we team up to get rid of him first? Hu Zi, caught in the middle of the two, felt uncomfortable and immediately stepped forward to mediate.

Forget it, lets deal with Zhang Yi first, and then Ill deal with you. Long Tian suppressed his anger. Besides Ye Haoran, he had no better ally now. Both his identity and strength qualified him to work with Long Tian.

Ye Haoran, however, sneered. Who will deal with whom is still uncertain. They had reached a consensus to deal with Zhang Yi, but Ye Haoran didnt expect this kind of alliance to last long.

That night, they discussed how to deal with Zhang Yi after entering the Forbidden Land. Meanwhile, Zhang Yi and Chen Xiaokui were also discussing how to deal with them.


The next morning, on the 15th of September, the Great Barbarian Forbidden Land opened. People from the human and monster races who had been waiting here for several days rushed in.

Some entered to change their destiny, while others entered to seize the ultimate opportunity.

However, Zhang Yi was only lured here by the Heavenly Fate Map.

Zhang Yi and his companions had already entered the Forbidden Land, but strangely, they did not see Long Tian and the others at the entrance.

Inside the Forbidden Land, it was desolate with creepy white bones piled up everywhere. Even the spiritual energy was much thinner than outside.

Wow, this is the legendary Forbidden Land, but its so barren. A look of disgust appeared on Zhang Luoyans face, as she weakly hid behind Zhang Yi.

Is this everyones first time in the Forbidden Land? Actually, its not that scary as long as you dont provoke those taboo-like existences, Zhang Yi said.

Chen Xiaokui was not visiting the Great Barbarian Forbidden Land for the first time and seemed to have already gotten used to everything here.

We will get used to it too.

Zhang Luoyan puffed up her cheeks and said in a huff, Senior Brother, let me take you to find the Barbarian Kings blood first. We must find it before they do.

According to their speculation, if Ye Haoran joined forces with Long Tian, they would definitely be waiting in ambush at the location of the Barbarian Kings blood or the Nine-tailed Saint Blood. Time was particularly precious to them.

To obtain the Barbarian Kings blood, we must go to the Barbarian Kings palace.

With Chen Xiaokui leading the way, they saved themselves a lot of trouble. Suddenly, Zhang Yi felt like he was running a dungeon in this Great Barbarian Forbidden Land, and the so-called Barbarian King was the boss of this dungeon.

Along the way, Zhang Yi and his companions encountered many demons and monsters, but after the battle between Zhang Yi and Long Tian in the Great Barbarian City, people dared not provoke them, and the journey was smooth sailing.

*Swoosh..* Just then, a bone-chilling wind blew unexpectedly, catching them off guard.

Chen Xiaokuis face changed drastically, she whispered, When the Yin wind rises, the Barbarian soldiers appear, lets go!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground shook violently, and a group of sturdy men marched towards them with a menacing aura, riding on the chilly gusts of wind. Their aura was incredibly terrifying.

Although Zhang Yi could leave with the Wind and Cloud Boots, he obviously couldnt abandon the others. He calmly shook his head and said, Its too late.

Its rare to encounter Barbarian soldiers under normal circumstances. How come they appeared so soon after we entered? This must be related to Long Tian, Chen Xiaokui said, looking gloomy. Her Nine Tails appeared and spread behind her as she instantly entered a state of battle.

Wherever the Barbarian soldiers passed, even a blade of grass rotted away, and some passers-by were crushed into bloody pulp before they could react, dying inexplicably.

Big brother, we can only fight our way out. The Barbarian soldiers dont know how to avoid us, Chen Xiaokui said, her Nine Tails shaking violently. The soldiers fell as she passed, but the number of soldiers was too large, and it was impossible to create a path.

Zhang Yi once again took out his Yang Sword, and with one stroke, the sharp sword energy burst forth. The Barbarian soldiers were annihilated wherever the sword river passed, and a bloody path was cut open by Zhang Yis sword.

Zhang Yi picked up Zhang Luoyan and Shen Chenyu and floated lightly through the blood path, without a trace of blood on them.

Chen Xiaokui looked at Zhang Yis extraordinary figure, and was stunned for a short time. It was only when Xiao Gu called out to her that she hurriedly followed behind Zhang Yi.

The people behind them also wanted to take advantage of the bloody path, but the Barbarian soldiers did not give them a chance. When they just stepped onto the bloody path, the soldiers quickly gathered together and buried them all.

Lets not go to the Barbarian Kings palace first, lets find Long Tian!Zhang Yi said. If the Barbarian soldiers just now were indeed the work of Long Tian, then he would directly solve the root of the problem.

Big brother, do you want to solve the problem directly? Chen Xiaokui instantly saw through Zhang Yis thoughts, mainly because this time the Forbidden Land was too unusual, and the only one capable of causing waves was Long Tian.

Yes, do you know where the tomb of the Barbarian King is? Long Tian was too reckless, and he successfully caught Zhang Yis attention, as he intended.

The tomb of the Barbarian King is a forbidden place in the Great Barbarian Forbidden Land. Those who set foot in it will not have a good end and will be cursed by the Barbarian King! Chen Xiaokui looked fearful and said seriously.

A curse? Do you mean that Long Tian will be cursed if he enters the tomb of the Barbarian King? Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows. He knew that if Long Tian wanted to mobilize the power of the Forbidden Land, he had to find the corpse of the Barbarian King or some treasure that could directly control the Forbidden Land.

I dont know, and I dont mind going to the tomb of the Barbarian King now. But if I get the Nine-tailed Saint Blood, I can ignore the power of the curse.

Chen Xiaokui pondered for a moment, Big brother, dont misunderstand me. I dont want to go for the Nine-tailed Saint Blood first. If you dont trust me, we can go for the blood of the Barbarian King first.

If Big brothers strength breaks through another level, I estimate that the tomb of the Barbarian King wont be able to stop you! Worried that Zhang Yi might misunderstand, Chen Xiaokui explained repeatedly.

Take me to the tomb of the Barbarian King first. Its always unsettling to have someone messing around behind me. Zhang Yi didnt like the feeling of being stabbed in the back at any moment. If he was betrayed at a critical moment, it would be too troublesome.

Seeing Zhang Yis firm attitude, Chen Xiaokui did not say much, and could only lead the way ahead. She promised to follow Zhang Yis arrangements in the Forbidden Land and obey his every command.

As Zhang Yi expected, while they were heading towards the tomb of the Barbarian King, Long Tian and his team were facing a bone-white mirror in the Barbarian Kings tomb, and Zhang Yi and Chen Xiaokuis images were reflected in the mirror.

This mirror was called the Barbarian King Mirror, which could view everything in the Forbidden Land.

And in Long Tians hand, there was also a golden bone emitting an unparalleled pressure. This bone was the Barbarian King Bone, which could control the creatures of the Forbidden Land.

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