Iron Blooded Hound

Chapter 133 - 133: True-hearted

Chapter 133: Chapter 133: True-hearted

At 6 a.m., the wake-up bell rings in each dormitory at Colosseum Academy.

All students, male and female, gather on the field in front of the dormitory, and their morning routine begins with gymnastics.

After about 30 minutes of gymnastics, everyone goes off to eat breakfast, take a shower, and get some sleep.

At 8:00 a.m., all students will go to the lecture hall unless they have something else to do.

On some days, students were able to use gymnasiums, libraries, theaters, and other cultural facilities without classes or mandatory attendance.

Vikile and Piggy finished gymnastics that morning and were planning to go to the auditorium after dinner.

Well then.

Piggy was on his way home from gymnastics when he encountered patients coming out of the infirmary.

They were her same sophomores who harassed her in OT yesterday.


Piggy froze, and so did her six second-year students.



All six of them moved away from Piggy.


Piggy jumped up and turned to the seniors he was avoiding with a confused look on his face.

``Why are you all running away?''


Vikil saw Piggy's confused expression and the backs of the second-year students running around.

Suddenly, the events of last night came back to me.

``Try causing trouble at school again. ``I'll kill not only you, but your father, mother, and family.''



``If someone... If you make someone angry, you have to be prepared for the other friends to suffer as well.''

"If you're going to go to that length to bully someone., you must be a really nervous person."

But you don't have the courage.

People with such egos don't like to bully people who are weaker than them.

They disappeared, leaving everyone staring at them as if they were already causing trouble for too many people.

Vikir smiled bitterly.

In his previous life, Piggy couldn't stand the bullying and dropped out of school, leading a tough life as a low-ranking civil servant.

His parents borrowed money to send him to the academy.

Then, when the Age of Extinction began and the war against the demons began, Piggy volunteered for the front lines and made great contributions to the Allied Forces of Humanity, including implementing various supply strategies and analyzing and collecting information. .

Then, just a few months after the war began, Piggy was murdered.

Vikil still remembers the despairing look on his parents' faces when they saw their son's cold corpse.

``He was an honorable comrade.''

Vikir glanced at Piggy, who was yawning next to him.

He hoped that his comrades in this world would not lead such tragic lives.

Well then.

Vikiel and Piggy were about to enter the common general education classroom in the middle of the auditorium when someone stopped them.

"Stop. Wait."

What stopped her was a familiar face and voice.

St. Dolores Rune Quobadis. The third-year student council president was standing there with a stern look on his face.

"There's only one staircase in the middle." For professors. Students are prohibited from using it, so from now on, please only use the stairs in the left and right hallways.''

``Yes. got it. "

"Then, please deduct two demerit points for walking in a restricted area and tell me your name, rank, and grades."

The saint was strict. Both received negative points.

This is recorded on the enchantment scoreboard and updated in real time.

Well then.

Dolores looked at the error list and frowned for a moment.

"Vikir. What have you done to make so many mistakes already?"

Dolores looks up in surprise and realizes that Vikiru has made several mistakes since the first day of school. I did.

I have already received point deductions for the same thing several times because I wandered into restricted areas such as dormitories and lecture halls.

``You need to be familiar with the terrain of the academy.''

In order to transform into a nighthound and go hunting at night, you must find many holes that lead outside.

However, Dolores is unaware of this and thinks that Vikile is just a lazy student and a delinquent.

"No matter how many points you earn for your attitude, you know that making too many mistakes will have a negative impact on your grades. In some cases, you may have to miss class and do community service outside of school. there is. It also affects the image of the class. Therefore, try to be more diligent and careful in the future. Do you understand?"


Vikiel replied calmly.

He tried to sound as normal as possible, which made Dolores and Piggy wince.

``Vee, Vikir...Don''


Piggy punched Vikil in the side of the head.

When Vikil looked at him in confusion, Piggy let out a small sigh. He bowed 90 degrees to Dolores.

"Sorry, Senpai, I'll be careful!"

"...What? Okay, let's take a look."

Dolores nodded.

He frowned at Vikir again, then disappeared into the hallway.

``Ah, ah, this won't work?''

Unlike Piggy, who stuck his hand in his hair, which was thick with pain, Vikir

after that.

The auditorium window opened, and someone spoke to me in a flowing tone.

That is the mission of a true knight. It's your duty. no! It's not your obligation. Super privilege.

It is the mission and duty of a true knight. no! It's a privilege, not a duty.

Sonnyal, impossible Sonyal.

I'm dreaming an impossible dream.

Defeat an invincible enemy,

Defeat an invincible enemy,

Endure intolerable pain,

Endure intolerable pain,

Die for a noble ideal.

Die for noble ideals.

Know how to correct mistakes.

Know how to correct mistakes.

Love with purity and kindness.

love with purity and goodness.

Desiring, in an impossible dream,

falling in love in an impossible dream,

Stars can be achieved if you have faith.

Have faith and aim for the stars.

Romantic poetry is born from knightly literature.

The speaker was an aristocrat with beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes.

Don Quixote Tudor. Top member of the Cold Class.

Strength for strength, intelligence for intelligence, beauty for beauty, and toughness for toughness.

A perfect man who lacks nothing.

He leaned against the window and winked at Vikir.

"From the first day of school, you were discovered by the student council president, my friend. From now on, you should be a little more punctual. I heard that this student council president is very strict about being late."

At that moment, the student council president spotted you. A cold, cynical smile broke out from him.

A student with long, raw hair tied back in a tight bun called out after Tudor.

"I don't care if you get jailed for being late or forced to do community service. Just don't ruin the image of the entire cold class. Apparently, something like the group's attitude and valuesAsher Bianca was a top member of the Cold Class.

While Tudor and Bianca were each saying something to Vikiel, the front door of the classroom opened, and a girl with messy white hair and a short skirt came out.

"Oh, what's wrong with you two?" Friends shouldn't fight each other on the first day of school! There, you're Vikir and Pig, right? Come in, you two, your seat is in the row to the right of the window!

The girl pointing at Vikiel was Sinclair, the top overall student in the principal's class and head of the joint general education class.

She remembered her name and called Vikil by his first name.

Her Piggy was similarly impressed that Sinclair remembered her own name and that she called him that.

Even if she spelled his name a little wrong,.

* * *

Class has started.

Comprehensive study is a subject that all students in hot classes and all students in cold classes must take.

This is a theoretical subject to learn about the ecology and culture of monsters and barbarians.

Many students are intimidated by the difficulty of the course and either frantically take notes or give up completely.

Some new students, frightened by the notorious difficulties their superiors had warned them about, decided to abandon their studies.


Tudor and Bianca, co-leaders of the Cold Class, glared at each other.

"Did you know I was just falling apart at the seams when I was talking to my friend who passed away? Please don't do that again."

"That's my job. I have to be insulted when I see something pathetic.''

``I don't like being late either, but I don't like being interrupted either. You should know that.''

"I know. Why do I need to know what you like and what you don't like? You're such an idiot."

As co-leaders, tensions were already high.

Is that the reason? Even in theory class, Tudor and Bianca listened with bright eyes and tried to outdo each other.

Also. In addition to each other, they had another common enemy.

Sinclair, the leader of the hot class, smiled at Tudor and Bianca, who were glaring at her.

She is very knowledgeable about theory, and she won second place in the class not only in practice but also in writing.

So Tudor and Bianca were keeping an eye on Sinclair as well as each other.

In other words, it was a battle between heat and cold, and a battle in the cold.

Well then. The professor turned to all the students and suddenly asked a question out of the blue.

``...This way. We have finished the general lecture on the culture of the Barak barbarian tribe. Now it's time to test how much you remembered and understood what I taught you."

The professor had a stern look on his face, his hawk-like nose fitted with small glasses.

Then he asked in a dry voice.

"I would like you to infer the location of the Balak hunters' home base from where they are said to have been found. Knowing where the enemy is based based on the location of operations is a militaryIt was difficult to answer this question without looking at the Barak culture, the way they fought, and the geography of the places where they were sighted. and the surrounding environment.


There was a moment of silence in the room.

None of the new students could answer this difficult question.

Finally, this question was difficult for even 3rd graders to answer.

No one answered the question, so the professor took a roll call.

"Who's number one in this year's cold class, Tudor?" Is it you?"

"What? Yes, yes, yes!"

Tudor reacts immediately at first.

However, the professor frowned and asked him for an answer, but he didn't answer.

``First of all, the clashes between Barak and the Empire took place on the 1st, 8th, and 75th Highlands of the Western Front...''

``The 1st, 8th, and 75th Highlands'' The highlands are all that?''


When Tudor didn't answer, the professor clicked his tongue.

Then he turned to the attendance register.

"Bianca, you're in charge of this cold class. Would you like to answer some questions?"

"Huh? Oh, that's..."

Bianca rolled her eyes.

She was about to add to what Tudor had said earlier about what she knew to be physical.

``Conflicts between the Baraks and the Imperial Army took place on Highlands 1, 7, 8, 75, and 207 on the Western Front, and hmmm... considering that these are all deep basin terrains.''. Perhaps the main base of the Barak tribe is in the lowlands."

"Wait. The heights are only 1, 7, 8, 75, and 207, and the forts I just mentioned are all in the basin area. Are you sure?''

``That's that...''

Bianca stammered like a tudor.

The professor clicks his tongue again.

He opened the attendance list and called out the next name.

"Sinclair, you're the head of this semester's hot class, right?"


Sinclair nodded, trying to be calm.

However, his expression was a little nervous.

The professor looked at the attendance register and nodded, then looked up at Sinclair and nodded again.

For your signal answer,.

Sinclair took a small breath and opened his mouth.

``According to military publications to the academic community, the locations of clashes between the Baraks and the Empire were the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 30th, 75th, and 207th Highlands of the Western Front. All of these locations are basins, with the exception of number 8, which is located on the top of a high mountain. Overall, this means that Barak's stronghold is located in a lowland deep in the jungle, as shown on the map.

That was a great explanation. This was also the theory that best fit the academic literature to date.

The stern professor nodded in agreement.

``This year, we'll add 10 points to your attitude rating, Sinclair, and we'll add 1 point to the entire class' attitude rating.''

The faces of all the hot students lit up.

All the cold students' faces became distorted.

Tudor and Bianca could only moan and groan.

Just then.

The professor's eyebrows were already furrowed, but he wrinkled them again.

He sounded a little offended.

"No, I don't think the hot class is outstanding, but the cold class is terrible when they see this devastation."

The students in the cold class were stunned.

All the students in both the hot and cold classes turned their heads to follow the professor's gaze.

I had a seat by the window on the right side of the auditorium. It was in the back, just below the curtains, fluttering in the wind.

A boy with bushy hair covering his face and thick, horn-rimmed glasses was dozing off with his arms crossed.

It was Vikir.



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