Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3747: Source universe

Chapter 3747: Source universe

Huang Xiaolong drives the boat of the universe to keep moving through these most primitive clouds of energy, but after a few days, the front, in all directions, is still the cloud of energy.

These clouds of energy float in the space of the universe, densely packed, and look far away, like the sea of clouds.

Huang Xiaolongs boat of the universe continues to fly forward on the sea of clouds.

From a distance, the silence of the sky, the deepness, the distance between the heavens and the earth, only Huang Xiaolong and one boat are constantly flying forward in these clouds.

So, it lasted for more than ten years.

If it is not certain that only the source of the universe can produce this most primitive cloud of energy, and the source of the universe is determined to be in front, Huang Xiaolong estimates that he has stopped the pace of his journey.

Ten years later, finally, Huang Xiaolong saw the end of the sea of clouds!

I saw the end of the sea of clouds is a bright light, even if it is far from the billion trillion miles, it is still extremely dazzling light.

Huang Xiaolong suddenly brightened his eyes and drove the boat of the universe to the end of the sea of clouds.

This is the case, Huang Xiaolong also took an hour to come to the end of the sea of clouds.

However, what makes Huang Xiaolong horrified is that the bright light that I have seen before is actually a waterfall that never stops! A waterfall formed by countless lights!

Huang Xiaolong has seen various waterfalls of water, and has never seen a waterfall formed by light!

This bright waterfall has fallen from the depths of the universe's void, and it has never stopped growing. I don't know how many miles, and I don't know how many miles, completely separating the world from the front.

Although I don't know how big this bright waterfall is, how many thousands of miles, but Huang Xiaolong can feel it, as long as you pass through this bright waterfall, you can reach the real source of the universe!

After the Bright Falls, it is the source of the universe!

Huang Xiaolong calmed down and drove the boat of the universe into the bright waterfall in front.

As soon as I entered the Guangming Waterfall in front, I only heard a loud roar, and I saw the bright waterfall at high altitude continuously falling down. The boat of the whole universe was slammed!

The ray of the universe is full of light.

Huang Xiaolong was shocked, the boat of the universe was strong and invincible, and the big array did not know that it was strong. Even if the master of the 20 billion battles had a full blow, it would not be able to shake the boat of the universe, but now the bright waterfall crashed down and the boat of the universe swayed. !

I think the horror of the impact of the bombing of this bright waterfall.

Huang Xiaolong quickly took out the best source of the universe and transformed it into the gas of the universe. The source of the universe continued to enter the universe of the universe. The boat of the universe was full of light and the hull was stabilized.

Huang Xiaolong carefully drove the boat of the universe forward.

However, the more forward, the stronger the impact of the Guangming Waterfall. Therefore, the speed of the boat in the universe is not fast, and it is slower than the mortal.

It has been more than ten years.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong drove the boat of the universe to successfully pass through the Guangming Waterfall and came to the other side of the Guangming Waterfall.

Just, looking at the front, Huang Xiaolong was awkward. There was a star in the universe, there was sunshine, there was a moon, and there was a turmoil, so that Huang Xiaolong had an illusion, as if he had returned to the thirteen universe.

But Huang Xiaolong can be sure that the universe is in front of the 100,000 points, definitely not the thirteen universe.

The aura here is more pure and contains one of the most essential and primitive energy.

The law here is higher than any place in the thirteenth space, and it must be precise and strict.

"This is the source of the universe?" Huang Xiaolong said to himself.

The source of the universe is finally here!

Huang Xiaolongs eyes sparkled with joy.

On this road, there are many obstacles, and finally it is still the source of the universe.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong calmed down his mind and put the boat of the universe away and flew forward alone.

A few days later, Huang Xiaolong saw a space black hole similar to the entrance to the universe.

Huang Xiaolong jumped into the body.

At first glance, the mountains are rolling, the sea is undulating, the breeze is blowing, the green grass spirits are like a fairyland, and the aura here is rich and pure, even better than the universe of the universe!

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath and felt refreshed for a while. After stopping for a while, Huang Xiaolong flew eastward.

Not long after, Huang Xiaolong saw a piece of virgin forest.

Huang Xiaolongs soul is unfolding, and this piece of virgin forest cannot be covered. This virgin forest is larger than any virgin forest that Huang Xiaolong had previously encountered in the thirteen universe.

In this virgin forest, Huang Xiaolong discovered the beast of the creation **** level.

Huang Xiaolongs heart moved to the sky above the virgin forest. He took a photo of the murderous beast of the creation **** level that he found.

The power of Huang Xiaolong's soul infiltrated into the other's body, and found that the other side has a kind of energy similar to chaos, similar to Hongmeng and similar to the origin of the universe.

The physical structure of the other side is different from the body structure of the fierce beast of the thirteen universe. This fierce beast is the **** of the great creation of the world. It is the kind that just broke through, but it is more than 9.5 billion in the thirteen universe. The body of the beast of the great world is even stronger, and the texture on this fierce beast is very mysterious.

The fierce beast, but looked at Huang Xiaolong with a look of fear, said: "Predecessors forgive!"

"Reassured, I will not be like you." Huang Xiaolong saw a smile, a little finger, branded his own soul imprint on the other soul, and controlled the other side.

This time, Huang Xiaolong came alone, did not bring the white deer, did not bring the sneaky king six strange king, so Huang Xiaolong conquered it as a mount.

After Huang Xiaolong controls the other party, he shares the memory of the other party.

From the memory of this great sacred beast, Huang Xiaolong learned that the people here are called the source universe!

Here, the beast of life is called the source beast.

Here, there are countless ancient races, besides the Terran, and many ancient species. This source universe is larger than any universe in the thirteenth universe. It is much larger than the unknown space than the universe.

Although this source beast is a great creation god, but I don't know how big the source universe is. In its memory, only one person walks through the source universe.

However, from this memory of the source beast, Huang Xiaolong found a message related to breaking the **** of the universe!

Every few years, the source universe, a dangerous place called the Golden Canyon, will rise up to a magic mirror hall. There is a magic mirror inside, which contains the essence and laws of the supreme source universe. As long as you can understand the mirror, you can see through The supreme ambition and law of the source universe contained in it can break through the **** of the universe!

And after more than ten thousand years, it is the time when the magic mirror hall rises next time.

"Magic Temple?!" Huang Xiaolong's heart was shocked.

Will the mirror in the mirror of the mirror, and the nameless mirror that I have obtained, be hermaphrodites? The nameless magic mirror that I have acquired contains the supreme magic and the law of the thirteen universes, and the magic mirror in the temple of the magic mirror contains the supreme truth and law of the source universe!

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