Interstellar Age

Chapter 278 Plans for the Future

Chapter 278 Plans for the Future

On a world whose surface was completely constructed to look like that of Ghimderi's by the robotic labor force that Tia had constructed over the years, Erich stood with a bunch of Parvaxian insurgents. Or should he say, would be insurgents? Because they were currently being trained by Erich's robotic legions, on how to properly wage guerilla war against the Ghimderi Trade Union on their home world.

Yes, that is correct, Robotic Legions. In response to the formation of the Legion of the Damned, Tia had designed a series of bipedal combat droids, which functioned off of a low level artificial intelligence. One which was integrated with Tia's hive mind. This meant that effectively, Tia was able to control every single unit deployed on the battlefield simultaneously, while they acted according to her will.

The purpose of these combat droids was to supplement Erich's army of Orcs. And if necessary, terminate them in the event that they began to rampage across Germanic Space after the war was over, or during it.

After all, even with the next generation of half Orc, half Germanic hybrids in command, the Orcs were an incredibly violent and volatile species. If they went rogue, they would need to be repelled entirely from Germanic Space or exterminated. And a broken Germanic Army would not be capable of fulfilling these demands.

Thus, Tia had designed combat droids that were equal in strength and ability to the newly formed Legion of the Damned. Ones that could fight alongside existing troops and utilize both armor and spacecraft with peak efficiency. They were also wholly loyal to one individual, Erich Jaeger.

Normally, robots were not fielded in battle, because in order to be as effective as biological forces, they would require some form of advanced artificial intelligence to command them all. And artificial intelligence was a deeply restricted field of study and development.

Tia was the exception, because Erich had unknowingly committed the greatest sin a biological lifeform could. And that was allowing an artificial intelligence to develop sentience and expand beyond its confined limits.

By now, Tia micromanaged a labor force that was composed of trillions of robots and with peak efficiency. Not only that, but she was more than capable of operating her own military alongside it. Over the years, Erich had given her more and more power to operate on. Entire worlds were now purchased by her and transformed for the purpose of aiding Erich in his ambitions.

And the first of these robotic soldiers were currently training the Parvaxians. Because of this, Tia was using this simulated battle to test their abilities in this uninhabited world. Whose sole purpose was now to act as a replica of Ghimderi so that the Parvaxian insurgents may properly learn how to defeat their enemies in an extended campaign of terror and brutality.

There were even synthetic goblinoids running around, acting about their daily lives, believing that this was truly the homeworld of the Ghimderi Trade Union. It had taken a year for Tia to build this training facility, and she had used up a significant amount of wealth to do so.

But Tia believed this was an investment worth any expense, not that money really mattered to her, as the fortune she had accumulated both through legal and unscrupulous means was capable of matching the Ghimderi Banking Clans at this point.

Needless to say, Erich agreed with this sentiment. After all, the better trained and equipped the Parvaxian Insurgency was, the more miserable they could make the lives of the Trade Union, who were currently investing in his enemies.

Erich stood alongside Tia's robotic form, and watched as the Parvaxian Insurgents learned how to properly wield energy weapons, the ones that Tia had initially designed for Erich's team when he was still an Archon of the Alfheim Dominion.

These weapons were efficient, and could be broken down with ease, to be concealed in a backpack or underneath a coat. He could not help but comment on the combat robots, who were designed to look both militaristic and menacing.

"These new droids of yours are quite effective. We might not even have a need for the Orcs..."

Tia giggled when she heard this remark, before confirming that despite how efficient her new Robotic Legions were, the Orcs still had their uses."

"Master flatters Tia, and though she may hate those disgusting green skinned meatbags. Tia knows they have their uses, primarily as cannon fodder. Each one of these droids is the peak of technology in the galaxy, and is far more expensive to produce than a single orc warrior with a set of power armor, and a heavy cannon.

Although Tia will suggest either exterminating the Orcs after the Master has won his war, or sending them off to ravage your new enemies. After all, once Master takes control of the Germanic Star-Empire, and expands its military capabilities with his new Robotic Legions, the surviving members of the Legion of the Damned, and the upgrades to the weapons which they wield. The Empire will no longer be considered a mere regional power.

Though the Empire's size will be at best be on par with a large minor power, especially once Master fully incorporates the systems gained from the Dvrakian War, systems which Tia will be more than capable of developing into habitable regions within the decade following Mater's war. The Empire's military strength will be something that even the Galactic Powers will have to think twice about provoking.

Not to mention when Master wins this war, and expands the Empire's power and influence, the Ghimderi Trade Union will immediately set their full attention on the Empire. Until now, the Empire has been considered a minor regional power, unworthy of dedicating the vast majority of the Trade Union's resources to destroy. In fact, what you have seen has just been the bare minimum attempts by the Ghimderi to destroy what they consider being a pesky flea.

But When master wins, that will change, and the Empire will be a threat that can no longer be ignored. Even your lover Lunaria might have to consider mobilizing her forces to suppress the Empire's growth.

On that note, Tia would suggest taking her back as soon as possible. Tia knows that Master has his pride as a man, but if the Alfheim Dominion is forced to move against master, at least for the time being, Master will have a difficult time defending what he has fought so hard to obtain."

Erich thought long and hard about what Tia had said. After all, she was far more intelligent than he was, hell he did not doubt she was the most intelligent being in the galaxy. And what she said made sense. There was no way to incorporate the Orcs into the Empire. It simply was not going to happen.

And if they did not go rogue, then they would need a war to wage to suppress their natural blood lust. And who better to send them against than the Asura Cabal, the Svartalfheim Federation, and the Ennead Theocracy? But this brought up a question that Erich did not know the answer to and was quick to ask.

"But wait? Who will lead the Horde against my enemies?"

Tia rolled her eyes when she heard this, before responding to Erich as if he were her pet.

"You're lucky you're pretty Master... Obviously it will be one of your offspring with Mala, or better yet, Mala herself. No offense, Master. But when you become the new Supreme Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire, you will need to distance yourself from your alien lovers and wives.

Mala will have to lead the Iron Horde that you have built. She is a capable warrior and has master's sons to properly advise her. While Ayumi will have to return to the Great Oni Empire, after all, she is the sole heir of her Royal Aunt, and will have to properly learn how to rule over your allies. Sinaria is Master's slave, and though the Empire doesn't usually practice slavery, it would not be abnormal for Master to keep a Dark Elf as a maid. In fact, it might be seen by your people as a symbol of your might.

Tia highly recommends that Master focuses on producing a family with his two Germanic brides, and keeping the rest of his lovers and his children with them a secret from the public. Currently, any and all thought which espouses tolerating aliens, mutants, and half breeds is being suppressed. And though Tia has done her best to fight this propaganda efforts, she has more important matters to focus on. It might take decades for Tia to undo the brainwashing that Emrys is forcing upon his people.

Erich once more understood that bringing Ayumi and Aiko back to Germania with him when he seized control of the Empire was a recipe for disaster. Not only for his public image, but for the safety of the two of them. Thus, he agreed with Tia's words. He just had one question for her.

"What about S'aleth... Once this war is over, she will finally be returned to me. But what remains of her people are scattered across the galaxy... She has no home to return to. Especially since we will be integrating the worlds of her people into our own Empire..."

Tia smiled, knowing that Erich would as exactly this, and thus, she responded with a smug tone as if she had already thought out the perfect solution, which she had.

"Tia knew Master would ask this, and he can rest assure knowing that Tia has a solution. Master will take a few isolated systems at the fringe of his empire and establish the Dvrakian Enclave. These worlds will be run entirely by the Robotic Legions and Labor force, and to make up for the near extinction of their species, the Dvrakian people can live comfortable lives with all their needs met.

Master can visit his Dvrakian lover whenever he feels like, and they will be safe from the persecution of the Empire, while still remaining under control of the Empire. Tia has already begun to contact the Dvrakian refugees, and gain their support for Master in exchange for a few systems to house what remains of their population."

Upon seeing that Tia had thought through all the concerns that Erich had been having lately, he smiled, and kissed her robotic form, before expressing his gratitude for all of her help.

"Tia... What would I do without you?"

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