Interstellar Age

Chapter 265 An Extra Galactic Massacre

Chapter 265 An Extra Galactic Massacre

Now that Erich knew the location where the majority of the Sages were hiding, he had instantly called upon the horde of Orcs he had gathered to march to war. Luckily for them, Tia was completely in control of their fleets, or else they would never have figured out how to pilot the damn things to another galaxy, or more specifically, a satellite dwarf galaxy.

Luckily for them, the dwarf galaxy which the Sages had fled to was the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, which was the closest of the milky way's satellite galaxies. And thus, Erich regrouped with his fleet of Orcish dreadnoughts, before leading the charge towards the distant star which the Sages now called home.

The journey between the two galaxies lasted far longer than Erich had anticipated. In fact, it was a whole year away from Tia's world, even with the advanced technology of the ships that Tia had created. Luckily for Erich and his army, they had ample provisions for such an extended journey, and were easily able to make their way across the Milky way, and to the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy.

Without the Star Map, it would have been damn near impossible to find the world, as it was located in an extremely dense nebula which affected the readings of all sensor technology. It was no wonder that the Sages had chosen this world to take refuge in.

Unfortunately for them, Erich was able to extract the information from one of their senior members, and thus they now had to deal with the consequences of their actions.


The day that Erich's fleet was supposed to arrive in orbit, the two Great Sages of their respective races gathered in a sacred temple which had been built eons ago by their order when they first discovered this world. They both had an ominous look in their eyes, as if they had felt a sudden disturbance after gazing into the weave of fate.

Velarion was a Light Elf who was ancient beyond memory. Few knew how old he was, or whether he predated Lunaria. In fact, neither he nor the Alfheim Empress could truly remember which of them were older. But like Lunaria, he did not look a day over twenty. The ancient sage looked at his Dark Elf counterpart and sighed heavily, before making a wager with his long-time partner.

"Well, today is the day... Either brother Felenar joins us here in exile, or the Dark Sage will bring with him the wrath of a hundred million howling Orcs, and damn our Order with it.... Which do you suppose will occur?"

Like Velarion, Velaria was a being older than galactic history had recorded. She also looked no older than twenty and was quite the beauty in her own right. However, her lovely appearance was obscured by the defeated expression that currently marred her otherwise pretty face as she gazed up into the stars above and shook her head before admitting defeat.

"I am afraid the Answer is already above our heads..."

For a moment, the Velarion looked confused after hearing Velaria's words, but that was for no more than the second it took him to look above and realize that the light of the moon was blotted out by over a dozen massive starships which hovered above the primitive world and its three continents.

With an equally defeated tone, the man sighed heavily before revealing his thoughts on the matter.

"So it would appear.... It has been the honor of a lifetime being your companion...."

Despite the fact that they both knew that they, and everything they had worked so hard to achieve over a lifetime that spanned longer than recorded history, were about to come to a bloody and brutal end. Velaria did not have a look of anxiety, fear, or trepidation on her face, instead there was only solace, as a slight smile appeared while she expressed the same sentiment as her Light Elf counterpart..


The Orcish dropships descended from the skies, like commets ramming towards the earth. Tens of millions of Orcish warriors fell from space at a rapid speed, their war cries practically reverberated throughout the entirety of the world's skies, as their bloodlust engulfed the planet and all living beings in it.

There were only a few millions sages who had been born since the dawn of time. And nearly all of them were currently residing in this world, gazing towards the skies in fear, knowing that their time had finally come to an end.

When the first dropship hit the ground, it was not an Orc who jumped out of its bay, but rather a Germanic Male, dressed in Power Armor that had been modified with those things the Orcish clans considered to be trophies. In fact, his helmet was shrouded with a skull of a small raptor like creature.

In his hand was a power hammer, which he wielded in one hand, as if it were simply a medieval war hammer. On the other hand, was a large explosive weapon that the Orcs seemed to favor over more conventional energy weapons.

It fired 30mm rocket propelled explosive projectiles at a rate of 250 rounds per minute. The projectile was designed to penetrate through armor and flesh before detonating within the body cavity in order to cause maximum damage.

And the moment Erich fired the weapon towards the unarmed and untrained Sages, their bodies exploded like water balloons that were filled with blood, bone and sinew. While the bulk of the Sage's tried to flee, there was nowhere to run to, as the entire planet had been covered with Orcish warriors equipped with the best weapons and armor in the galaxy.

Meanwhile, Erich led the charge, as he swung his power hammer into a crowd of Sages. The explosive blast was so powerful that within a 5 meter radius, all life was snuffed out, as the bodies exploded upon impact. All except for the man who wielded it.

Erich found the war cries of the Orcs beneath his command to be absolutely intoxicating as he himself began to shout like a wild beast.

"Kill! Maim! Burn!"

In one hand he fired projectiles of death upon his enemies, and in the other he beat them into meat paste with a power hammer. It was only now that Erich realized why the orcs preferred such brutal weapons. Energy-based weapons were so boring compared to the carnage that such brutal weaponry inflicted upon the enemy.

As the Orcs rampaged their way across the world, killing every living thing they came across, a rain of blood began to fall from the sky. Covering the once luscious and green world in a viscous coating of red.

By the time Erich found his way to the Great Sages, he was covered in blood. His white skull helmet was a deep sanguine, while his black power armor matched it. He looked like a literal god of war and bloodlust, as he stepped forward and tossed aside his ranged weapon. Choosing to wield his power hammer in two hands as he brought it down in one fell swoop and ended an Order that predated even the earliest ancestors of humanity.

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