Interstellar Age

Chapter 263 Retrofits

Chapter 263 Retrofits

After entering the new ship, Erich and his crew stopped by Tia's world, to undergo a retrofit, where she would ensure that every aspect of the exploration craft was outfitted with the best technology in the galaxy, technology that the artificial intelligence had designed herself.

And while the vessel underwent extensive modifications, to the point that it was stripped down to the bare bones, and reassembled with a new hull, Erich finally got a tour of Tia's barren world. Without the subterranean complexes, life would not be capable of surviving on this atmosphereless world.

But for the sake of keeping her test subjects alive, Tia had installed extensive life support systems in a series of bunkers, tunnels, that more closely resembled a subterranean city than they did anything else.

To put it simply, the world was built without any comforts in mind, because its only inhabitants were prisoners whose sole purpose was testing Tia's inventions and robots. Because of this, Erich and his crew found themselves deeply uncomfortable, as they were surrounded by robots who were constantly maintaining the facility.

On the upside, the entire bunker was devoid of any sign of filth or grime. And thus, Erich could not help but compliment Tia on the tight ship she ran.

"Well, I must say, Tia, this is far more developed than I would have thought. It is truly mind numbing what your robot workforce is capable of. Tia giggled when she heard this before explaining to Erich how much the Germanic Star-Empire's social norms prevented it from being as advanced as it could be.

"Biological lifeforms are indeed wasteful. Take, for example, Master's homeland, though many of the more unpleasant tasks are automated by robots, because of the fear that people will simply engage in hedonism without work to sustain themselves.

Master's people are forced to do jobs that are better of suited to robots. And Tia must say, this is a large part of the Empire's inefficiencies. Although, to be fair, according to Tia's research, the Empire is far more efficient than other biological civilizations."

Erich had no comment on this. He was well aware of how little Tia cared for biological life, but then again, after enduring years of warfare, Erich had found himself callous in this matter as well. He no longer gave a damn about innocent lives like he once had. After all, he had been responsible for the deaths of more innocents than he could count.

But unlike Tia, who only cared for her Master. Erich had many loved ones who he would fight and die for. Thus, he was not completely apathetic towards life itself like Tia seemed to be.


After observing the production lines on Tia's world, which were completely automated, and worked flawlessly every second of the day. Tia led her master and his crew to their quarters. Which were extremely bare bones. As they were meant for prisoners, and not guests.

"Tia must apologize, currently she has ordered a company of laborers to construct new quarters that are more comfortable by the standards of humanoid lifeforms. But in the meantime, Master and his companions will have to make do with these quarters. It won't be comfy, but at the very least, you will have everything you need to survive for the next few days here.

Tia estimated that Master's new ship will be retrofitted within seventy-two hours, and your new quarters will be completed within twelve. So, for the meantime, I suggest you all get some rest. Because there isn't much to do around her in terms of leisure....

Master, if you will follow me to your quarters..."

Erich quickly did as was requested of him, and followed Tia to a completely different level of the bunker complex, where, much to his surprise, the moment the blast doors automatically opened, he saw a far more luxurious residence.

Every comfort imaginable was placed within the room, which took up an entire floor of the bunker. Erich had no idea why such a place existed in a world habited by robots and was about to ask when Tia interrupted him with an explanation.

"Apologies, master, but Tia had to lie to the other meatbags. Tia was well aware that you would be arriving for upgrades, and thus she spared no expense to ensure that your visit was comfortable. Of course, in order to complete your residence on time, she needed to forsake the others and their arrangements. Thus, they will have to make do for the next twelve hours. So what does Master think, is it not a bunker fit for an Emperor?"

Erich wandered around the bunker floor, which didn't even appear like it was underground, because it was in a simulated environment, one that made it seem like there was actual sunlight going through the windows. It was only after taking in every sight that he heard Tia's words and was quick to ask about what she meant.

"Emperor? Since when am I an Emperor?"

Tia, of course, looked at Erich as if he were an idiot before explaining to him his future.

"Master, are you perhaps suffering from terminal stupidity? You were born an emperor. From the moment you were born, the AI in charge of assigning all citizens of the Empire their positions in life charged you with leading the GSE.

Though Emrys denies you your birthright and holds your lover hostage, it will not be long before Tia finds out how to get rid of this leverage. And when she does, Master will be the next Supreme Leader...

No, Master will be something much greater. Master will be a true emperor, and not just some petty fascist dictator! Why do you think Tia tolerates the Orcs? They are Master's most powerful weapon to be wielded against the Usurper, and his traitorous hordes!"

Erich had never truly considered the idea of being the Supreme Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire to be a goal worth aspiring too. But lately he had been becoming more ambitious. So much so that when Tia said he would be a true Emperor, and not just a dictator, he could not help but envision himself cloaked in a ceremonial regalia, and leading his people to greater heights.

As much as he may love Lunaria, Erich had found her possessive, and controlling, nature to be quite troublesome. No matter how much he tried, he could not truly humble her, because at the end of the day she held all the power, and he was just her servant. But if he were to stand as her equal on the galactic stage, as the Emperor of his own Galactic Power, would she then be willing to reveal their relationship to the galaxy?"

These were poisonous thoughts that Tia whispered into Erich's ears, and he lapped them up as if it were his mother's milk. After all, to become the Emperor of his own Galactic power would mean carving an Empire out of the existing territory of not only the Alfheim Dominion, but their rivals as well.

This would make Erich and the GSE an enemy of the Galaxy, and perhaps could even lead to a total collapse of the semi-peaceful state that had existed in the Galaxy since before humanity first evolved from apes.

But Erich did not think of this. Instead, he wondered how he could accomplish such a thing. The population of the GSE had taken a serious hit after the Germanic-Terminus War. And because of this, they were relying on artificial wombs to replace their deceased population, while sending out all available men to the battlefield to replenish their military.

It would take decades, or even centuries, for the GSE to recover from the losses it had already suffered, let alone expand its capabilities to the point where it could contend with Galactic powers. And it was at this moment that Tia whispered another poisonous thought into Erich's ears.

"Master is too impatient. His lifespan is now infinite, and if need be, Tia can also apply such an upgrade to his lovers. What is a few centuries, or even a millennium, when it comes to establishing a dynasty that will last a million years?

If Master wants Tia's advice, she would say that he needs to focus on the present, and not the future. The sages need to be exterminated, the threat they pose to Master's ambitions is by no means small.

Allow Tia to manufacture the tools that the Master will use to forge an Empire. Master needs to focus on the task at hand. So master, how will you handle this Greater Prophet First Class? Master will be meeting him in a week, and Tia can only do so much to disguise you as her prisoner."

Erich thought about it for a single moment, before wearing a wide grin on his face. He then answered Tia's question with a voice filled with confidence.

"What will I do? What I always do! Ambush and capture the enemy. With your perfected truth serum, he will divulge everything he knows, whether he wants to or not."

Tia sighed heavily before speaking her thoughts aloud. Which Erich pretended to ignore.

"Master, for a covert operative, you really are lacking in subtlety, you know that?

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