Interstellar Age

Chapter 260 A Royal Summons

Chapter 260 A Royal Summons

Soon enough, the storm cleared, and Erich was able to drag his captive back to the shuttle. Which allowed him to head back to the Vigilance. Once on board, Erich strapped the Sage into the interrogation chair, while Tia administered the perfected version of her Truth Serum, which was wholly compatible with the unique brain chemistry of those who could see the future.

It took only a few moments for the drug to take effect, and when it did, the man was as docile and compliant as all of his predecessors. Tia did not hesitate to ask the first question she had, which was for the specific code which was required to access the Sage's unique communication network. Which the prisoner immediately handed over, not that he actually had a choice in the matter.

Because of this, Tia was quick to crack the code, and listen to the chatter between the Sages or at least that of those operatives who still remained in the milky way galaxy. Once she had this, she could monitor their communications at all hours of the day, until they finally slipped up and revealed the location of their leader. The so-called Great Prophet First Class who was in charge of the Sages who remained in the galaxy.

As for the prisoner, Tia left him to Erich's interrogation, and thus Erich grilled the man for everything he knew. Which apparently wasn't much. Though he was given a lead on the next sage on the food chain. Erich did not immediately make a move. Instead, he wanted to wait until he could catch the biggest fish of them all.

Thus, after conducting his interrogation, and learning everything there was to know, Erich handed the prisoner over to Tia, or more specifically, the prison complex she had built on her planet, for the purpose of experimentation. She had a few uses in mind for a Sage, such as finding out how to synthesize the essence of fate, which until now could only be created by extracting a fluid within a Sage's brain.

And while Tia worked on this project, as well as monitored the Sage's communications, Erich received an official summons by Empress Lunaria, who requested he visit her on Alfheim. As much as Erich felt he was too busy to entertain a booty call, he could not very well dismiss a royal summons. Thus, he did as he was instructed and piloted the Vigilance back into Alfheim space.


Lunaria and Celestia were both waiting for Erich in the palace throne room. They were both wearing rather revealing dresses, but this was not out of the norm of Elven women, and thus he bowed before the two members of royalty, while asking them why he had been summoned.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, it is a pleasure to finally see you both again, but may I ask why have I been summoned?"

Lunaria wore a rather stoic expression, as she requested a progress report on Erich's ongoing war with the Sages.

"I would like to know what you have accomplished so far in your struggles to fight the Sages. It has been nearly two years since I made you an archon, and surely you have made some progress in this regard?"

Erich had completely forgotten to keep the Alfheim Empress in the loop of his activities and nearly smacked himself in the head for making such a blunder. He then took a deep breath, and explained how far he had managed to come, but only after he made sure that they were all alone in the room.

Lunaria had obviously noticed that Erich looked different from the last time they had met. He was taller now, and even more handsome than before. And thus that was her next question, which Erich avoided answering honestly, simply because it would reveal Tia's existence, instead he smiled and made up a lie on the spot.

"I received an upgrade, you could say. After perishing in battle, I found myself resurrected in a cloning facility, where my body had been given the latest upgrades."

This, of course, caused Lunaria to raise her brow, before commenting on this matter with a hostile tone in her voice.

"Oh really? That's odd? I thought for sure I set it so you would be revived in one of my facilities, and yet, I have no record of you losing your life or being resurrected. Do you mind explaining this matter to me?"

Erich realized he had made a mistake, because after all, the moment he became an Archon, Lunaria had said she would be taking control of his revival from that moment on, yet Tia had hijacked control of this important aspect of his survival, because she did not trust his life in the hands of anyone else.

Knowing that he had been caught in a lie, Erich began to break out into a nervous sweat. After all, Lunaria was a deeply possessive woman, one who did not like the idea of sharing Erich, and one who wanted to assert her control over him.

Yet, now that his resurrection was no longer in her hands, and he was beginning to form his own power base by uniting the orc clans. She was starting to become quite paranoid, and this was clear by the look in her golden eyes, as well as the tone in her voice.

"Erich.... Do not lie to me! You promised there would be no secrets between us!"

Just when Erich could not think of an excuse to give the woman, Tia's voice resounded in his mind, informing him how to escape this matter unscathed. Which he repeated her words precisely to Lunaria, whose gaze was growing more fearsome.

"I temporarily gave control over to the GSE when they offered to give me an upgrade. Though full control has since been returned to your hands. I did not think you would be so angry. Please forgive me, my love...."

Perhaps luck was on his side, but Lunaria seemed to have bought into this line, especially after speaking it over with her daughter. Both of which seemed to be quite concerned about Erich, and the liberties he was taking as an Archon.

After several moments of silent discussion among themselves, it was Celestia who finally spoke, but there was a hint of seriousness in her golden eyes as she did so.

"You have been forgiven for your transgressions. However, in order to be fully absolved of your sins against the Asterion dynasty, you must perform penance...."

Erich immediately knew where this was headed and smirked as he gazed up at the two beautiful Elven women before speaking his thoughts aloud.

"Then shall we begin?"

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