Interstellar Age

Chapter 241 Uniting the Orc Clans Part I

Chapter 241 Uniting the Orc Clans Part I

The Ironhand Clan's raid on the Asuran despot's world had far larger consequences than Erich had initially estimated. For starters, the message was received loud and clear by the galactic community. Harboring a Sage was considered a crime by the Alfheim Dominion and its Svartalfheim counterpart.

But what was perhaps the most terrifying thing was the fact that an individual Archon of the Alfheim Dominion now possessed his own army, and fleet which was loyal to him, and him alone. And of course, this was the Ironhand Clan.

Nobody really knew how the Orc Clan had managed to raid an Asuran world so quickly. Even if it was a sovereign planet owned by a single despot, the amount of power each of such individual wielded was no small amount. And yet in twelve standard galactic hours, the planet had fallen, and the despot surrendered to the Warchief, which just so happened to be the newest Archon of the Alfheim Dominion.

In recompense for the Sage's death, Erich demanded that the Asuran Despot swear her undying loyalty to him, not only did he force her a contract which essentially made him the new Warlord of the planet, but he also left behind a peacekeeping force of combat oriented robots, which Tia had been manufacturing on the side. Permanently establishing a foothold and a territory of his own.

This, of course, alerted the Asuran Devas. While there were plenty of non Asuran species who held independent domains within Asuran space, none were owned by outsiders who swore fealty to another realm. And thus, the Asura Cabal become quite concerned About Erich's new planet. Especially since this meant that Erich now had personal representation within the Asura Cabal as a despot himself.

Of course, for the time being, Erich was not concerned with the act of governance, and thus left control of the planet in the hands of the despot he had conquered. This had only mildly helped ease the anxiety of the Asura Cabal.

As for his immediate goals, they had shifted from hunting down the Sages. After all, he was back to square one in hunting down their whereabouts. Instead, Erich realized just how effective an army of Orcs was, and had desired to challenge the other Orc Clans for dominance. It had been so long since the Orcs were united in a common purpose that most of them could not even remember it.

But if they were to become united beneath Erich's banner, and outfitted with the weapons and ships that Tia was capable of manufacturing, Erich might be able to gain enough power to force Emrys to release S'aleth. At the very least, this was Erich's best hope so far.

Thus, he summoned Mala to the bridge. The woman's stomach was bulging. It appeared with each passing day that she was closer, and closer, to giving birth to a child, or perhaps a whole brood of them.

Erich did not mind this, specifically because Orcs grew at an absurd rate. In less than ten years they would be adults, and would be the heirs to whatever Orcish horde he created.? Thus, he paid this no mind, and instead expressed his thoughts to the muscular beauty.

"Mala, I have little information about the Orc clans and how they interacted with one another. I would like you to enlighten me on your culture..."

Mala seemed excited that her husband was taking an interest in her people's customs, and was quick to inform him of what he wanted to know, specifically because she had already guessed his intent.

"If you wish to incorporate another clan beneath your border, then you will need to create a horde. A horde is two or more clans working together for a single purpose. If a clan is led by a chieftain, then a horde is led by a Warchief. Luckily for you, you already hold that title. Which gives you more prominence among the Orcs."

Erich looked at Mala with confusion and was quick to interrogate her on this matter.

"Wait, hold on a second, I thought that you were a Warchief, and that was the title for the leader of an orc clan?"

Contrary to what Erich was expecting, the woman shook her head before informing him more about how her society functioned.

"Yes, and no... It's a bit more complicated than you think. I was referred to by my people as Warchief, because my father united the Ironhand Clan, and the Stonereaver Clan into a Horde. Though most of the Stonereaver Clan was wiped out in the battle that killed my father. And the rest were incorporated into the Ironhand clan.

Because of this, I retained the title of Warchief, even if I was not the leader of a horde. The same can be said for any Chieftain whose clan once led a horde. It's more of an honorary title in my, or should I say, your circumstances.

Warchiefs, even honorary ones, are unwilling to back down and follow another clan except through brute force. But a smaller clan, who is ruled by a Chieftain, might be more willing to do so. If you convince them that you are worth following."

Erich was about to ask how to do that when Mala looked at him as if he were an idiot for even thinking of such a thing. Thus, Erich sighed and nodded his head before thinking his thoughts aloud.

"Right... A show of strength.... Let me guess we have to raid a powerful enemy...."

Mala nodded her head in confirmation of this statement, where she then informed Erich of just how meaningful his recent actions were.

"Correct. Luckily for you, you just led your forces into leveling an Asuran Despot's domain, without even suffering any serious casualties. Your reputation is at an all-time high among my people, and when they see that I am pregnant, they will also know that your seed is strong. Giving them more hope in the future of your dynasty.

I would suggest searching the galaxy for small clans that are struggling to survive, and offer them glory and bloodshed if they were to join your horde. Even if they are small and struggling to survive, a single orc woman is capable of producing several hundred offspring in just a handful of years.

In a decade or two, these clans will be revitalized, and so long as we can provide them with ships, they will be a valuable asset to your future ambitions. You know, if you wanted, I could give you several dozen women of my clan to impregnate.

You are perhaps the first alien ever to become a Warchief, and your stamina is on par with the men of my species. You could create your own clan if given enough women and time! Imagine how that would be? Half-Orcs are usually inferior to Orcs, but your people are nearly equal to mine in terms of strength, and are much smarter. Your clan would be legendary!"

Erich laughed at this notion. As tempting as that might sound, he already had enough women by his side, and did not intend to add anymore to his harem. And he was quick to voice this sentiment.

"You surely jest, in case you haven't noticed, I have enough women by my side.... Anymore and I might go mad. No, I think I will just conquer as many Orc clans as I can and incorporate them into my horde. Do you know where the nearest orc clan is which might be willing to accept my offer?"

It was at this moment that Tia's voice interrupted the conversation, providing some insight that Erich was not expecting.

"Tia has already calculated the route, and we will be departing when Master is ready. Tia also suggests bringing the Ironhand Clan along with the Vigilence. Also, Master... You should accept Mala's offer.

After doing some brief calculations, Tia can confirm that crossbreeding the Germanic and Orcish Races might very well create a new species that is superior to both. At the very least, these offspring of Masters would be loyal to Master, and would be able to lead his Orcish Horde to new heights as not only Generals but also as engineers, mechanics, and medics.

In other words, by having Master impregnate as many Orcish women as he can in his spare time, Master would effectively be solving the low intelligence problem that leads to the Orcish race being little more than nomadic raiders who are incapable of providing an organized assault, let alone maintaining their equipment."

Erich looked at both Tia and Mala as if they were both crazy, before sighing heavily.

"I'll think about it. Now can we please just go already?"

Tia then nodded her head with a pretty smile on the face of her holographic projection.

"Of course, Master! And while we drift through space, Tia will inform Master about everything she has been up to, like she promised!"

After hearing this, Erich could sigh in relief. He did not want to discuss the idea of being a breeding machine any longer. Instead, he wanted to focus on what Tia had been keeping a secret from him, which she was now finally willing to answer. Of course, when Erich learned the truth of the matter, he would be unsure how to react to the news.

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