Interstellar Age

Chapter 216 The Royal Wedding

Two weeks came and gone, and before Erich even knew it, the day for his wedding to Ayumi had finally arrived. If he was being honest, he was slightly nervous. After all, he had never been to a wedding before. It simply wasn't a cultural tradition of the Germanic Star-Empire who saw such a thing as a monumental waste.

It had been years since Empress Kondo Yumi declared that her niece would marry Erich. And during this time, Erich had mostly been deployed overseas. In fact, the amount of time he had spent with the woman was actually a small amount.

There was still so much he did not know about Ayumi, but it was not like he could say no to this marriage proposal. Not only did he care deeply for the woman, but this was also a matter of supreme political importance.

And though both the Germanic and Oni people were initially hesitant to embrace the idea of this taboo marriage. Opinion had recently begun to shift in its favor. Especially in the Great Oni Empire, who saw the idea of the princess marrying an Archon to be an enormous benefit to their nation.

Meanwhile, the feelings of the Germanic people were mostly mixed. They were a staunchly conservative people who viewed aliens as inferior species. Yet, they were also a ruthlessly pragmatic people. And thus, they understood the need to forge a long-term alliance with their most powerful allies. Especially after the devastation that was caused during the Terminus War and the Oni Civil War.

Both nations had been set back quite a bit, and would take decades, if not centuries, to fully recover. Thus, if they wished to both maintain their current level of power and influence on the galactic stage, then a longer term alliance, free from internal conflict, was necessary. And the marriage of a prominent Germanic figure to the Oni princess was one of the best ways to accomplish this.

Not to mention the prestige that Erich had earned through gaining the title of Archon, had led many who previously spit on his name to change their tune. An Archon was a powerful figure, second only to the Alfheim Empress, and for a member of their species to be named to such a position, meant the GSE would soon become an even larger player than they already were on the galactic stage.

Currently, Erich was dressed in a satin black kimono. There was not an inch of color in his attire. While his silver hair had been combed back in a fashionable style. Erich looked in the mirror and admired his appearance. And just when he was about to turn around, he saw something interesting appear from the shadows.

His bride's Royal Aunt had stepped out, while dressed in an extravagant kimono, and approached Erich with a sultry smile on her face. As she leaned in and kissed him, she whispered to him in a passionate tone.

"My, aren't you handsome? I truly wish it were me getting married today... I might just have to visit you after Ayumi falls asleep tonight. Would you like that?"

By now Erich knew how to handle Yumi and her perverted personality. He simply kissed the woman and bit her lower lip gently, while reaching one hand through her kimono and squeezing her modest bust.

This made the woman dreadfully excited, and just when she was about to place Erich's hand on her moist kitty, he withdrew. Causing Yumi to look at him with a longing gaze while speaking in a playful tone.

"Fucking tease.... Alright I get it, today is Ayumi's big day, I won't spoil it... The ceremony should be beginning soon. So I suggest you get a move on, or else you will be keeping your lovely little bride waiting!"

After saying this, Yumi disappeared as quickly as she had come. As for Erich, he simply smile and shook his head, before stepping out of the room, and walking towards the shrine which was seated beneath the Oni Capital's largest mountain. After entering the shrine, Erich was pleased to see that Ayumi was not there yet, and thus he stood patiently with the priest.

Erich immediately noticed that there were cameras everywhere, undoubtedly broadcasting this event across the entire galaxy. Meanwhile, the guest list was rather exclusive. But there were two guests in particular who caught the attention of the entire audience.

Seated in the front row were the Alfheim Empress and her youngest daughter. Both of which were absolutely stunning and were, for whatever reason, wearing traditional Alfheim wedding dresses. Lunaria and Celestia gave Erich a smile, but did not even say a word to him.

There were many people wondering why someone like the Alfheim Empress would visit a regional power for its royal wedding. Of course, it did not take long for people to realize that she was here to celebrate her Archon's marriage.

After all, an Archon was an agent handpicked by the Empress. Perhaps she was showing off her favor to the newest addition to such an elite cadre of warriors. Of course Erich knew the real reason these two women were here, to scope out the competition. After all, they were both incredibly possessive, and did not enjoy the fact that Erich had multiple women by his side.

This, of course, increased the pressure that Erich was feeling, and he almost began to sweat, that is until he saw his beautiful bride enter the shrine. She was dressed in a solid white kimono, which was the exact opposite of what he was wearing. And Ayumi appeared quite beautiful. Her makeup had been fully done, in a way that Erich had never seen on her before.

Ayumi's beauty had instantly stolen the spotlight, as the Cameras panned to her, rather than Lunaria and Celestia. Where Ayumi continued until she was standing in front of Erich and the priest of the Oni religion, which in many ways resembled Shinto from Earth's history.

With everyone gathered, Erich and Ayumi stepped forward, where they cleansed their mouths and hands with water. Which symbolized a purification in the eyes of the gods. Once they had done so, food and alcohol were offered to the Oni gods, where the head priest stepped forward and began to bless Erich and Ayumi.

"Oh, great gods of the Oni, hear my prayer, and bless this couple with your divine grace!"

He then went on to chant a mantra, which Erich could not possibly begin to understand, as it was in an ancient and dead language that even his universal translator couldn't fathom. After which the priest then brought out three cups of sake. Where Erich and Ayumi drank three sips from each.

The first cup was supposed to represent the couple's past and gratitude to their ancestors. While the second cup represented the present and the couple that they were now. Finally, the third cup represented the future and the health of the couple and their descendents.

The Oni did not believe in wedding rings like the humans of Earth did, nor did they believe in the married couple kissing at the end of the ceremony. After all, the Oni was a prudish person, and public displays of affection were considered taboo. Instead, there was an offering of a sacred branch of a tree in addition to more food and alcohol.

Before Erich even realized it, the ceremony was over, and the reception was being held where all the guests handed him gifts, usually in the form of money. As of this moment, he was married in the eyes of the Oni gods and men. Which was good enough for him.

Erich and Ayumi held a feast for the guests who had gathered, most of which were important statesmen and their families from the Germanic Star-Empire, Great Oni Empire, and other interstellar civilizations who were friendly with the both of them.

The feast lasted for many hours, and during this time Erich met a lot of relatively powerful figures, all of which were trying to get on his good side now that he was an Archon. Of course, Erich realized exactly why they were trying to butter him up. If he weren't an Archon, and was instead just the successor of the Germanic Star-Empire these people would not be so sycophantic to him.

And because of this, Erich simply paid them the appropriate amount of courtesy, but made no promises, or even showed any of these leaders any particular favor. This was something that both Yumi and Lunaria agreed upon as the two women stood side by side while sipping on sake.

Though Erich was too busy to entertain the both of them, and because of this, Lunaria had said something to Yumi which shocked the woman.

"So... How long will it be before you sneak into his bed? Will you give your niece a proper hour alone? Or will you be too impatient to allow even that?"

Lunaria had known for sometime that Erich and Yumi were fucking, but Yumi had no idea that the Alfheim Empress even knew who she was. Despite the position that Lunaria held, Yumi did not back down, instead she wore a sultry smile on her face as she spoke to the mighty Alfheim Empress in a tone which the woman despised.

"Well, now, that depends on how long you are able to wait before you do the same..."

Yumi was a cunning woman, and could tell by a single glance at Lunaria that she and Erich were also in a relationship. And her suspicions were indeed confirmed with the way Lunaria reacted to this.

"You insolent wench! You think you can talk to me in such a way!?! I could have you killed for saying that!"

However, Yumi was not the least bit afraid as she simply smirked and took a sip from her sake before calling Lunaria's bluff.

"You could, but you won't..."

Lunaria's brow raised ever so slightly as she gazed upon Yumi with a slight bit of admiration. There were few beings in the galaxy who would dare speak to her in such a manner. Because of this, she was naturally curious where Yumi had gotten the nerve to do so and was quick to respond to this statement.

"Oh? And why do you say that?"

Yumi then looked towards Lunaria with an eerie smile as she whispered something into the mighty Alfheim Empress that made her powerless.

"Because if you did, Erich would never forgive you..."

After saying this, Yumi walked away with a rather proud smile on her face. While Lunaria was left totally speechless.

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