Interstellar Age

Chapter 198 Formulating a Plan of Escape

Chapter 198 Formulating a Plan of Escape

Erich sat alone for the rest of the lunch period, where he used his NeuroLink to scan through the prison complex's security systems. Everything from the cameras to the myriad of locks that existed within. Erich slowly began to infiltrate the system with his cyber-kinesis, as well as the aid of Tia. Who assured him that soon enough, every security measure, other than the prison guards, and their weapons would be under his control?

After Lunch, Erich went to the yard, where he realized after looking outside of a vast Fairfield which simulated an atmosphere, that he and the other prisoners were not trapped on Alfheim like he thought, but were instead located on an asteroid, which was dedicated to maintaining control over the inmates.

This presented a much larger problem to Erich than he initially thought. Because even if he could escape from the asteroid, he did not have a way to get off planet. Perhaps there might be a shuttle or two meant for the security team, but Erich doubted he would be able to make his way to whatever hangar may theoretically exist, and steal a Svartalfheim shuttle, without triggering an armed response.

Thus, while working out with the weights that were provided to the prisoners in the yard, Erich began to conspire a way to escape from the asteroid.

"Tia... Have you located a shuttle bay yet?"

Tia's adorable voice appeared in Erich's head, as she confirmed that she had indeed found a shuttle bay, but there were several problems presented with gaining access to it.

"Yes, Master, Tia has indeed found a shuttle bay. And there is at least one transport constantly on the premises. But the problem is that the hangar is constantly guarded by an elite team of security personnel. While I might be able to help you escape your cell and direct you to the shuttle bay without the security cameras detecting you. Unfortunately, the only way out would be to fight your way through. Which Tia does not recommend you do. The odds of survival are below ten percent..."

This naturally presented several questions for Erich, which he was quick to give voice to.

"Suppose I formulate a team of the most battle hardened prisoners. And send them after the security as meat shields. What are my odds of success, then?"

Tia shook her adorable little head, as she confirmed that this plan was also not without significant risk.

"Sorry Master, but the odds of such a thing succeeding without your untimely demise are less than twenty-five percent. Tia believes that the only way to escape this facility safely is with the aid of one of your captors. Fortunately for you, Tia believes that Ms. Bloodwhisper is warming up to you. And is likely to give you a visit tonight after you return to your cell. Perhaps you can work your magic and make her fall for you as well? You seem to have a way with woman that my logic processors can't explain..."

There was a bitter tone in Tia's voice as she made this suggestion, and Erich knew exactly why. The adorable artificial intelligence had begun to develop feelings for him, feelings which he had previously rejected.

Now she was suggesting that he coax another woman into his bed so she could convince her to help him escape. Undoubtedly, it was not something she would have suggested unless she had no other ideas.

But Erich did not want to step on this landmine, and thus he feigned ignorance as he accepted Tia's plan, as the scenario that was most likely to succeed.

"Tia is such a smart girl. I wonder why I didn't think about that. If you believe I can succeed with this strategy, then it is the one I will enact!"

Tia did not seem the slightest bit happy with this compliment, which was perhaps the first time a compliment from her master had failed to make her happy. Or at least not since she had first started to develop sentience.

Of course, Erich avoided this and continued to act like nothing was wrong.


Later that night, after returning to his cell, and taking a shower. Erich could hear the door to his room unlock. Where the exotic Dark Elven beauty known as Sinaria Bloodwhisper, was quick to greet him. Like usual, she wore black robes, with a gold trim. She appeared happy to see Erich, despite how their last encounter had ended up.

With a particularly gorgeous smile on her face, Sinaria spoke to Erich, as if nothing had happened between them.

"So, Erich, have you thought about my proposal?"

Erich, however, smiled wryly, as he responded to Sinaria's question with a one of his own.

"I have indeed, but I am afraid I can't agree to your terms. However, I do have a counter-proposal if you are at all interested?"

Sinaria scoffed. She was just barely willing to entertain Erich's nonsense, because she truly believed the better the rapport she built with this man, the more likely he was to turn to their side. After all, it didn't make sense why a mutant would cling so tightly to an Empire which had only ever mistreated him.

Thus, she raised her brow, and with a sultry voice, answered his question.

"Oh? How every interesting... Alright, I will entertain you for now. What is your offer?"

Erich immediately rose from his seat, and closed the distance between himself and Sinaria, where he firmly grabbed hold of her cheek with one hand, while also having a confident smirk on his face as he gazed into her caramel eyes.

"Become my woman... Do this for me, and I will tell you everything you want to know about me!"

This remark caused the woman to blush and turn her head away. She could not even look Erich in the eyes. Instead, she stood up and walked to the door with a pouty gait. Sinaria did not even look back as she slammed the door behind her, but not before leaving her final thoughts with the man.

"I will be back when you decide to be serious!"

Once he was all alone in the room, Erich chuckled and shook his head before asking Tia a question.

"I think she likes me! Do you think she likes me?"

Despite the fact that her master was just flirting with another woman, Tia could not help but giggle at what had just transpired, where she quickly agreed with Erich's assumption.

"Indeed, Master. I do believe she likes you!"

With this said, Erich had begun to formulate a plan. He would woo this Dark Elven beauty until she was puddy in his hands, and then he would coerce her into helping him escape. It seemed like a reasonable enough plot, especially since he was almost entirely certain that the woman already liked him.

As for Sinaria, the moment she shut the door behind her, she rested her back against it until she fell to the floor, where she hugged her knees. She could not help but whisper her thoughts aloud, which luckily nobody was nearby to hear.

"What the hell is that idiot thinking? Does he really think I will fall for him so easily?"

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