Interstellar Age

Chapter 183 The War Room

Chapter 183 The War Room

Erich and Emrys made their way through the warp gate, along with the rest of their party. And quickly found themselves arriving once more within the grounds of the Alfheim Royal Palace, where they were quickly greeted by the Empress of the Light Elves herself.

Lunaria had a wide smile on her face, and it took everything she had to prevent herself from jumping into Erich's arms and kissing him. Meanwhile, Celestia was nowhere to be found. But there were several advisors, Generals, and admirals by Lunaria's side.

The greatest minds of the Alfheim Dominion and that of its vassals were gathering for a meeting, discussing the upcoming proxy war between the Alfheim dominion and the Svartalfheim Federation. Though, many were surprised to see that a mere Naval Captain had arrived. Which was the rank that Erich currently held.

Regardless, Emrys and his party were quick to bow before Lunaria to show their respect to the Alfheim Empress, who was perhaps the most powerful woman in all of the galaxy. Lunaria gazed upon the Germanic delegation and smiled before welcoming them to her domain.

"Welcome to the Alfheim Dominion, if you will follow me, I will show you to the War Room, where we will be gathering with the other delegations to dicuss this important matter."

After saying this, the Germanic host rose, and began to follow Lunaria towards her war room. The Alfheim Empress used this as an excuse to get close to Erich, where she whispered something to him in a voice so low that only he could hear.

"Stay with your host until our lunch break. At that time, you and I will sneak away for a bit of fun. I will leave Celestia in control of the meeting."

Erich liked the sound of this, and nodded his head silently, so that his lover knew that he understood her words. Before long, the group arrived at the war room, where there were several dozen other species. All of which were attractive by the standards of the Light Elven race.

However, when the Germanic host arrived, all these ancient civilizations gazed upon the upstart with a respect, and also a hint of envy. After all, the Empress had not come to personally greet any of them. But considering the fact that the GSE was going to be the spearhead in this war, they could tolerate this preferential treatment.

Thus, Erich sat down by Emrys' side in the large lecture hall. While Lunaria took the stage and began to speak with her vassals. There was a degree of authority in her voice that Erich had seldom witnessed. And while everyone else was wearing their military uniforms, Lunaria was dressed in an enticing summer dress. She was almost like an angel, whose delicate and alluring voice was as seductive as possible.

"You all know why we have gathered here. The Svartalfheim Federation, has during a time of weakness, invaded and annexed a total of four systems on our borders. Despite the fact that the Centennial War Games forced the Dark Elves to the negotiating table, we were unable to reach a satisfactory conclusion, and because of this, only war will be able to reclaim our lost territory.

As per all previous proxy wars, the Svartalfheim President, and I have agreed to keep our forces out of the conflict. Thus, it will be up to each and every one of you to secure this victory for your Suzerain! Captain Erich Jaeger, please step forward!"

Erich was stunned when he heard this, as was everyone else in the room. Emrys in particular narrowed his gaze, and activated his NeuroLink, which was an even more enhanced version than Erich's, which had a side effect of making his eyes gold. He was scanning Lunaria's expression and movements, as well as that of Erich's, to see if he could discover anything about the two of them.

As for Erich himself, he stepped forward, and did as Lunaria had instructed him. He then communicated with the woman via his telepathy and inquired about what her intent was.

"Lunaria, honey, what the hell are you doing?"

Lunaria simply smiled at Erich, and used her thoughts to communicate with Erich, though she was not telepathic, she knew that Erich was, and because of this she knew that he was reading her mind right now, which was something she had no problem with.

"Relax, dear, I am giving you a moment to shine. Just repeat everything that I say, and you will be able to upstage that Supreme Leader of yours."

Without his knowledge, Lunaria had begun to take steps to embolden Erich, and help him gain some proper ambition. Which was something he severely lacked right now, but would need if he wanted to become the Supreme Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire one day. Thus, she gave him control of the battle plan, and acted as if it was something he had come up with, in coordination with the Admiralty of the Alfheim Dominion.

"You may not know me, but my name is Erich Jaeger. I am a captain in the Germanic Storm Commandos and am the personal successor to Supreme Leader Alaric au Emrys. Although this may seem sudden, I have been working with Empress Lunaria, and her staff for some time to come up with a proper battle plan, in the event that the negotiations between the Alfheim Dominion and the Svartalfheim federation broke down.

As many of you may be aware, the Germanic Star-Empire will be the spearhead in this conflict. It is because of this that we will be taking on the bulk of responsibility in the initial engagement, especially in regards to the invasion of the disputed worlds. However, our Navy is not nearly large enough to take on all the Svartalfheim Federation's so-called Allies at the same time.

It is because of this that the rest of you will be aiding our Armed forces in the form of support roles. Whether you are ferrying our reinforcements, assisting with our logistics network, or simply aiding us in the naval battles, which will be critical to establish and maintain control over the disputed systems. Your job is to provide the support necessary for the Germanic Armed Forces to secure and hold the disputed territory."

When Erich said this, a lot of the Alfheim Dominion's vassals sighed in relief. Not all of them were known for their warlike tendencies. In fact, some of them only maintained a military powerful enough to fulfill their obligations to their Suzerain. And because of this, they were not as eager to engage in battle as the Germanic Star-Empire was.

The moment these Interstellar Civilizations and their leaders heard that they were being delegated to support roles. They were instantly filled with joy. Had they been tasked with leading the assault, they would surely lose a lot of men. But for whatever reason, the Germanic Star-Empire seemed wholly unconcerned with casualties. Thus, they were quite thankful that such a ravenous hound of war was on their side.

Upon seeing that there were no further questions, Lunaria allowed Erich to join his host in his seat, where an Alfheim Admiral then stepped forward to speak about the specifics of the battle plan. The meeting lasted for a long time and was not something that Erich was particularly excited about. Instead, he was eagerly waiting for the clock to strike noon, so that he and Lunaria could bugger off to someplace quiet, and enjoy themselves as lovers.

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