Interstellar Age

Chapter 177 Waking Up from an Blissful Dream

177 Waking Up from an Blissful Dream

Nearly a year had passed since Erich and Lunaria had first started their journey among the stars. During this time, Erich had grown exceptionally close to the Alfheim Empress. After all, they already had good chemistry when they first set out on this vacation. However, after spending every day alone with one woman, Erich's feelings had blossomed into love, as had Lunaria's.

It took roughly six months for the two of them to finally sleep together, but after that moment, they were mating like a couple of rabbits in heat. When they weren't enjoying fine dining, or relaxing in the pool of the luxury yacht, they were going at it. And as much as the two of them wanted to go on for an eternity like this, Lunaria had responsibilities that would force her to return to Alfheim.

But Erich was also the same. By now, his child with Erika was born, and he had not had any contact with the woman since he first departed. He had no idea what this child's name was, or if it was a boy or a girl. He had completely abandoned Erika during her pregnancy to spend time with another woman. And as much as he enjoyed these peaceful days, Erich also felt guilty over this fact.

Not to mention he and Ayumi were supposed to have been married already, yet he had forgotten all about their wedding. And had spent every day in the arms of Lunaria. Thus, after a year of nothing but bliss, Erich and Lunaria finally sat down and discussed their future together.

Lunaria had a sullen expression on her face. She had known that blowing off her duties as the Empress of a Major Galactic power was a bad move. Especially when the Alfheim Dominion was engaged in a border conflict with their rivals. But she had not been able to help herself. However, it was time for this dream to come to an end, and thus she made an offer to Erich, one she was uncertain whether or not he would accept.

"Erich, my love... Come with me back to Alfheim. Though we will have to hide our relationship while we are in public, you and I can be together forever. I have the technology to make you immortal. As much as I would love to stay out here in space with you, I have responsibilities I must take care of, and I have been avoiding them for far too long."

However, Erich's expression was as sullen as Lunaria's and he simply shook his head, much to the Elven beauty's dismay, before explaining why he could not do such a thing.

"Every fiber of my being wants to say yes and follow you back to your homeworld. But alas, I can not. There is something I forgot to mention during our time together... When you picked me up, Erika was pregnant with my child. By now it should be born, and I have a responsibility to be a proper father to it. Even if that means going back to a life of war."

This news was shocking to Lunaria, who had, for the sake of political convenience, chosen to have safe sex with Erich after their first night together. She was deeply envious of Erika in this moment, and it showed on her otherwise flawless face.

And as much as Lunaria might want to forcefully take Erich back to Alfheim with her, she knew that would only make him bitter towards her. Thus, she sighed heavily, before speaking about her thoughts regarding their situation.

"I understand... Though it will pain me to be away from your arms for so long, I am afraid that reality was always meant to come between us. It appears that I have no choice but to drop you off back at your home."

Erich looked extremely depressed when he heard Lunaria say this, which caused the woman to wear a gentle smile, before assuring him that everything would be alright.

"Perhaps this is for the best. I would have a damn hard time concealing my love for you from prying eyes if you were to live with me on Alfheim. So, all I can really say is that you should look forward to my future summons. I promise to take you away from all your pain and misery once a year, on a private getaway, much like this past year has been. How does that sound?"

The idea of once a year being whisked away by one of the most beautiful women in the galaxy, on a vacation to get away from his troubles, sounded too good to be true, and Erich was quick to voice this sentiment.

"It is a better ending than I could have ever hoped for. Thank you, Lunaria, I will never forget what you have done for me. If this is to be our final day together, at least for a whole year, then I suppose we better use this opportunity to enjoy ourselves as much as possible."

Lunaria wore a sultry smile, as she immediately understood Erich's intent. Indeed, she wanted to make the most of their limited time together, and thus she grabbed hold of Erich's hand and stood up from her seat, before leading him back to their bedroom. All while the AI of the ship began to steer the craft towards the direction which Teutonia lie in.


It did not take long for the private yacht to arrive above the oceanic world of Teutonia. Where it was quick to land at the star port which was nearest to Erich's home. With one last kiss farewell, Erich promised that he and Lunaria would be together again soon enough.

After which Lunaria departed from the Germanic Star-Empire and headed back to her homeworld, where upon landing she was shocked to find that her Empire was operating at peak efficiency. Lunaria burst through the doors of her palace, while wearing a formal dress. Much to the shock of everyone. She had been missing for a year, and since the day she left, Celestia had taken the throne.

But when Celestia laid eyes on her mother, it was not surprise which dwelled deep within her golden eyes, nor was it joy at the sight of her mother being alive and well. It was utter fury, because the moment the woman stepped through the door, she could smell Erich all over her.

Celestia's voice was shrill, as she shouted at everyone who was within the throne room to leave immediately.

"Out! Everyone out now! Get the fuck out!"

Nobody could understand why Celestia was acting this way, but they did not dare anger her, and thus they were quick to flee from the throne room. Once the mother and daughter were truly alone, Celestia began to throw a hissy fit.

"I knew it! I fucking knew it! This entire time you have been off gods know where fucking him, haven't you?"

There was a smug grin on Lunaria's face as she denied her daughter's accusations by playing stupid.

"I don't know what you are talking about. After the stress of managing the border conflict, I found myself in desperate need of a vacation and decided to take some time off while I travelled across the stars on my yacht. I have been alone this entire time, and it was quite lovely."

Despite Lunaria's words, her daughter did not believe a single bit of it. And was quick to point out so soon. A single year? Do you have any idea how little time that is when you are my age? It felt like I 14:23

had only been able to spend a single day with the man I love! And yet, now I have to come back to this what was so clear to her, despite nobody else seeing to notice.

"Cut the shit, mother! I can smell him all over you!"

This surprised Lunaria. She had done everything she could to wash off Erich's scent and cover up what was left. Yet her daughter still saw through the charade. Thus, the Alfheim Empress had no choice but to admit to her misdeeds.

"Fine... You win. Yes, I was with him. It was a wonderful experience, one which I did not want to end so soon. A single year? Do you have any idea how little time that is when you are my age? It felt like I had only been able to spend a single day with the man I love! And yet, now I have to come back to this place, and lead my people. Such a boring thing, is it not?"

There were a million questions flashing in Celestia's mind at this moment, but chief among them was a single word. Which she was quick to speak aloud.


Naturally, Lunaria knew why her daughter was asking this question, and thus she sighed heavily and shook her head before responding to it with the honest truth.

"Why did I suddenly drop everything to go on this little venture? Because he broke his promise to me. He said he was going to contact me within two weeks after the Centennial Ball ended, and yet he made me wait longer than that! I had to do something to hear his answer. And I am glad that I did. Needless to say, after a year together, that boy has fallen head over heels in love with me. But that is to be expected."

Celestia could not believe her ears. Her mother had seriously gone and abandoned her duties for such a petty reason? What kind of madness would inspire an Empress to behave in such a scandalous manner? Then again, she had often thought about Erich this past year, and was in reality not outraged over what her mother had done, but extremely envious of it.

It took Celestia some time to think through what had happened. Her mother had stolen the man she was interested in right from under her. It was truly a maddening thought. But after thinking things through rationally, the Alfheim Princess came up with a devious scheme that would allow her to get revenge on her mother's shameful actions. Thus, she put on a calm facade, as if she had accepted her mother's errant behavior, while secretly plotting how she could get Erich for herself.

"Very well... I suppose I have no choice but to accept your actions. But... If you want my forgiveness, you will have to tell me everything!"

Lunaria blushed ever so slightly. The idea of telling her daughter everything she had done with Erich was simply too embarrassing. But, if it meant that Celestia would keep her secret, she supposed she had no choice in the matter, and thus Lunaria sighed heavily before revealing everything that had happened during her year long vacation, and by doing so she had unknowingly fallen for her daughter's schemes.

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