Interstellar Age

Chapter 162 Understanding Fate

In what was perhaps the biggest scandal in recent memory, at least for the almighty Alfheim Dominion. A group of Banshees, led by a rogue prince, had attacked the elite operators of the Germanic Star Empire during what was supposed to be a mock battle.

Those women who participated in the event were said to have committed the ultimate taboo by submitting to a man, and becoming his personal task force. Which was a part of his plan to overthrow his mother and establish a patriarchal society within the borders of the Alfheim Dominion.

This was, of course, the official story that Celestia had given the Germanic High Command when they asked for an investigation into this incident. Three Germanic WRAITHs were dead, and well over a Hundred Banshees were killed in the process.

If there was one thing that this incident displayed to the greater galaxy, it was that the elite special forces of a galactic power failed to defeat a squad of warriors from a regional power. Despite having an enormous technological advantage.

Naturally, this incident would not have been possible without Erich, who used two of his special abilities to overcome the gap in military technology. But, nevertheless, it revealed to the galaxy that the Germanic Storm Commandos were a force to be reckoned with. After all, that was the official designation that Erich and his men had received, when they were referred to in any number of media outlets which covered this monumental scandal.

Celarion took the blame, and those Banshees who survived the encounter were rounded up and executed by Celestia, in order to prevent them from breaking the facade which she had carefully crafted to cover up her attempt to assassinate Erich.

As a result of this incident, the war games were put on hold, at least for a time, allowing Erich to have some reprieve after a well-fought battle. Though soon enough he would be sent to fulfil the initial purpose of his deployment to this part of the galaxy.


Celestia was currently sitting within her quarters, while on a call with her mother. Empress Lunaria Asterion was a wise woman, and naturally could see through the bullshit her daughter had crafted to conceal her scandalous actions. Thus, there was a stern expression on her otherwise beautiful face as the woman chastised her errant daughter for her misbehavior.

"What in the name of the Gods compelled you to do something so incredibly foolish? Attempting to assassinate the heir to the Germanic Star-Empire? Have you gone mad? I told you to keep an eye on him, and get an understanding of his personality. I don't believe I ever said to assassinate him and cause an international incident!"

Celestia had a sullen expression on her face. She knew there was no excuse for her actions, at least not one that her mother would accept. Nevertheless, she defended her actions quite adamantly in the face of her ferocious Empress.

"Mother! He's the one! I have seen it! The one which the Sages have foretold of! There is no way that he could have detected my banshees before they even landed! The GSE doesn't have that kind of technology! He has the foresight, and I had to do something before he set the galaxy ablaze!"

Lunaria was now more furious than ever. Her own daughter had acted so shamelessly out of a desperate need to stop a prophecy from occurring. Which was in reality nothing more than the fever dreams of a group of old mad men. Or at least that's what Lunaria thought of it.

For the first time, in as long as the galaxy could remember, Empress Lunaria Asterion lost her composure. After standing up from her throne with a particularly livid expression on her exquisite face, the Empress screamed at her daughter over her own stupidity.

"A fucking prophecy! You risked causing a rift between ourselves and our most powerful vassals over a fucking prophecy! You stupid, foolish little girl! How many times have I told that the sage's words are nothing but nonsense! You are just like your grandmother!

I thought better of you, but you never seem to grow up, now matter how many centuries have passed since your birth. Very well, your actions have left me with no choice. As of this moment, you are no longer my heiress! As disappointing as your sisters may be, they at least have the brains not to cause such a scandal while our Empire is on the verge of entering a war with a galactic power!

Do you have any idea of the damage you have caused to the reputation of our most elite unit? The Banshees will forever be a laughingstock to the rest of the galaxy, because they couldn't take out a squad of soldiers from a regional fucking power!

The whole point of these war games was to prove our power to our enemies. Now they will be even more emboldened to strike against us. Honestly, Celestia, how were you so stupid as to select the Germanic Star-Empire to defend the world?

You do realize that they defended their own worlds from a Naraku Hive Fleet, right? Even if our own fleet had severely damaged Terminus prior to their invasion of Germanic space, that is no ordinary feat!

You're just lucky the GSE isn't looking for compensation over this matter, or else I swear to the Gods I would have your pretty little head on a platter! Now, when the Centennial Ball occurs, you will personally apologize to that man for your stupidity, and will treat him as our most honored guest! Do you understand me?

If I hear one more word that you are considering acting against our allies because of some stupid fucking prophecy, I will have you expelled from our House!"

There was a lot to unpack with Lunaria's rant. But unfortunately Celestia did not have the ability to intervene, and was forced to listen to the entire thing, while reacting bitterly to the news that she had just been stripped of her status as her mother's heiress.

As much as Celestia wanted to blame Erich for this occurrence, she could not do so. After all, she had acted rather hastily after confirming that Erich did indeed have the power of foresight. If she really wanted to take the man out before he could gain power, there were plenty of opportunities to do so, ones that would not result in such a shit show.

Her lack of patience had been her undoing, and now that her mother knew about her plans, she could no longer make an attempt on Erich's life. For if something ended up happening to him, the Alfheim Empress would immediately suspect her errant daughter.

Celestia remained in a deep trance, and appeared to be sulking, at least from her mother's perspective. In reality, however, she was reflecting on her actions quite thoroughly. Her mind went into overdrive and connected the dots in a matter of microseconds.

After thinking through everything that had happened, and the likelihood of its occurrence. Including the sudden rash behavior that led to this incident occurring. Celestia truly believed that she had failed in her attempt to assassinate Erich, because fate had intervened on his behalf.

Having accepted the outcomes of her actions as the cruel hand of fate. Celestia realized that she should have known that she could not interfere with what destiny had in store for her. But she was young, and rash, and because of this, she rebelled against the will of the heavens. A mistake she silently vowed never to make again.

After all, Celestia now understood that fate had compelled her to do all of this, so that she could be stripped of her status as the Heiress to the Alfheim Dominion. Thus, getting her one step closer to becoming enthralled by Erich's charms, and eventually aiding him in his galactic conquest. A fate she had done everything to fight against, but could now only accept as her destiny.

With all of this in mind, Celestia bowed her head after taking a deep breath to calm her nerves before responding to her mother's words in a satisfactory manner.

"I understand, mother. It pains me to admit this, but I am afraid that I must apologize for my rash actions. I swear, on the royal blood that flows through my veins, that I will not make an attempt on Erich's life ever again. I know now the role that I must play, and I have come to accept that. Thank you for your benevolence, Empress...."

Lunaria had no idea that when her daughter spoke of her role, she was not referring to her position as an Alfheim Princess, but rather was referring to what she now believed that fate had in store for her. This experience had been a sobering reminder that destiny was all powerful, and that there was nothing she could do to resist it, so why bother engaging in such a futile exercise?

After hanging up on her mother, Celestia returned her attention to the combat footage from the incident. Her golden eyes never left Erich's figure, which, despite being shrouded by active camouflage, was easily picked up by the advanced cameras that were embedded in the Banshees' helmets.

Having observed the battle for more than an hour straight, Celestia finally paused it before speaking her thoughts aloud with a particularly sultry smile on her divine face.

"You really are an impressive specimen of man, aren't you? I wonder how you will go about charming me into becoming yours and yours alone? I must say, I may have been revolted by the idea in the past, but I am now looking forward to it. For whatever reason, fate has chosen to bind me to you, and I can only accept that. No matter how taboo such a thing might be...."

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