Interstellar Age

Chapter 160 Forgiveness Part I

While Erich was off fighting in the Centennial War Games, which the Alfheim Dominion held once every century. His wife, Erika, was on a mission of her own. Unlike Erich, who was dispatched by the State to represent their Empire within this major intergalactic undertaking. Erika was on a mission of her own making, one which she had previously failed to conclude in a satisfactory manner.

Erika was in the world of Erich's birth, which had been ravaged by the Naraku Hive Fleet during the war with Terminus. Since then, the world had been restored almost perfectly. If it weren't for the fact that the majority of the original inhabitants were now deceased, one might not even have been able to tell that a major war had taken place in this world, and so recently at that.

Even Erich's old childhood home was restored perfectly to its pre-war state. Which is where Erika now sat as she sipped on a nice glass of cold milk. Sitting across from Erika was her mother-in-law, Krista. The woman had a stunned expression on her beautiful face as she asked her guest to repeat herself.

"What did you just say?"

Erika wore a joyful smile as she placed the cup back on its saucer, before repeating the bombshell which she had just dropped on her mother-in-law.

"I'm pregnant. It was not long after you left that Erich and I became intimate with one another and embraced our marriage for what it was. But until recently, he had always taken precautions... I don't know why, but it doesn't seem like he actually wants a family. Perhaps he is still hung up about what happened between us all those years ago...."

Krista was shocked to hear this sudden information. She already had several dozen grandchildren, from her oldest children, who had all gone off and married their own spouses. With the exception of Heidi's family, who died during the war with Terminus, all of those kids were happy and healthy while living not far away from Krista herself.

However, one thing in particular caught Krista's attention regarding what her daughter-in-law had said. She immediately misunderstood the young woman's words and became hysterical because of it.

"I don't understand. If he was using protection, then how are you pregnant? Have you been cheating on my son!?!"

An offended look appeared on Erika's face. Adultery wasn't just a major social taboo within the Germanic Star-Empire, but it was also a capital offense. Erich might be able to have his dalliances with other women, but that was because of his unique position in the Empire's hierarchy. If Erika were to even think about returning the favor, she would be executed on the spot. It was because of this that she was so offended by her mother-in-law's words, and was quick to refute them.

"Not in a million years would I ever consider the idea of cheating on my husband! Even though I know for a fact he is doing just that behind my back.... No, we ran out of condoms when he was last given leave, and the fool decided to simply roll the dice. Evidently he rolled snake eyes, because here we are...."

Krista sighed in relief upon hearing that her daughter-in-law was still faithful to her errant son. And was quick to change the subject to something more pleasant.

"So I take it things are going well between the two of you?"

Erika slightly nodded her head, before speaking of the complicated relationship that existed between herself and her husband. There was a look of longing in her eyes, as if the idea that he spent most of the year away from her arms caused her significant pain.

"At the very least, we are much better now than when we were first married. I have long since forgiven Erich for the things I once blamed him for. Unfortunately, I feel as if there is still something preventing him from truly loving me. Perhaps we just need to spend more time together, but because of the nature of his work, he is rarely ever home. And when he is, he wants to spend every moment of it in bed..."

Krista flushed in embarrassment when she heard this remark. This was not exactly a conversation she wanted to have with her daughter-in-law. As much as Krista may love her son, she was not the type of woman to have a Jocasta complex. Thus, she was quick to switch the subject once more.

"Oh, speaking of, how are you taking the news, dear? You know what I am referring to, right?"

Obviously, Krista was speaking about the news about Erich and Ayumi being engaged. This was an enormous controversy within both the Germanic Star-Empire, and the Great Oni Empire. Andwas something that personally affected Erika, as her husband's lawful wife, perhaps more than anyone.

Despite this, Erika did not seem to be too terribly distressed over the news, and was quick to voice her thoughts on the matter.

"What can I say? I already accepted their relationship a long time ago. Besides, Ayumi and I have spoken about it at length, and she has decided to show deference to me as our husband's first wife. Curiously enough, when Erich is home, he spends most of his time with me. Though I suspect that is because I can actually handle his libido, whereas Ayumi can barely get through a weekend without being sore for the rest of the week."

Once more Erika had started talking about her sex life, with a rather proud smile on her face. As if it was a symbol of her victory over Ayumi. After all, Erika was born and bred for the sole purpose of becoming a sex object to the masses. Sure, she might have a heavenly voice, and be able to dance well enough, but it was her appearance which had gotten so many men to worship her as their goddess.

Because of this genetic engineering, which was designed to entice the masses. Erika had the body of a fertility goddess. Her breasts were exceptionally large and perky, while she also maintained a slim waist and a perfect hourglass figure. Yet at the same time, she had a fat ass. There was a reason why so many men across the Empire desired her more than their own spouses, and it was not just because of her striking pink hair.

Of course, this conversation once more made Krista unfomfortable, as she shifted the subject of the conversation yet again in order to avoid thinking about her son, and his wife going at it like rabbits.

"Still, I can't believe that the party has accepted this betrothal. I mean, it spits in the face of all our traditions and culture. What the hell is the Supreme Leader thinking?"

Despite the fact that Krista was previously married to a politician, she herself did not have a mind for politics. And as a result, she was not able to see the obvious intent behind this arranged marriage, even if it was considered taboo. However, Erika was not her mother-in-law, and she had a few guesses about Erich's future, which she was not afraid to share.

"I know exactly why the party is turning a blind eye to Erich's actions, and has even approved of his polygamous marriage to an Alien Princess. It is because Erich is most likely the one who has been chosen to become our next Supreme Leader.

To put it simply, our current leader's reign is technically illegitimate. Emrys simply stepped up to fill the vacuum of power after those cowards fled from the Empire during our hour of need. He can't hold on to the throne forever. Eventually, someone will try to take it from him. Thus, he appears to be grooming Erich for leadership.

What exactly is Erich's claim to the throne that would solve this dispute of legitimacy? I don't know. But it explains why the party is tolerating his betrothal to Ayumi. And it also explains why he has been shipped off to the Centennial War Games to represent the Empire's interests.

By marrying Ayumi, who has been named her Aunt's sole heir, Erich secures power and influence over both the Germanic Star-Empire and the Great Oni Empire. This would undoubtedly increase our people's status in the Galaxy by quite a large margin.

Especially after we gobble up the star systems, which once belonged to the Dvrakian Consortium. The party is thinking about long-term expansion and solidifying our alliance with the newly established Oni Regime. With this marriage, they can achieve both of those goals."

Krista was bewildered by this news. She could hardly believe that her son was selected to become the next Supreme Leader, and was quick to voice this disbelief aloud.

"My son is the next Supreme Leader?"

Erika nodded her head before adding to her previous thoughts with some clarifications about her previous assumptions.

"Technically, none of this is official, at least not yet. Nobody in power has declared this to be true. But I am not the only one who believes this. It appears to be the common thought not only within our own borders but also across the Galaxy as a whole.

And you should be well aware of this, having previously been married to a politician yourself. The same rules that apply to the rest of us do not have to be followed by those in positions of power. I'll have you know that there are quite a few high-ranking members of the party who have taken alien lovers over the years. They just remain a secret from the public. And if Erich does in fact become the next Supreme Leader of the Empire, then I wouldn't be surprised if I have to consider more than just Ayumi as my sister...."

Even after hearing Erika's clarification, this whole conversation continued to amaze Krista. And as much as she wanted to scold her son for being so easily tempted by alien women, the man was not speaking to her currently. Thus, she could only sigh and shake her head while expressing her lament as a mother.

"Oh Erich, I have failed you as a mother..."

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