Interstellar Age

Chapter 150 Rise Of An Empress

Before long, Erich found that the fighting had ceased, and the hunters had ceased their pursuit. Obviously Ghost and his men had succeeded in their mission, and because of this, thousands of troop transports were landing, so that the Rebel Forces could secure the planet for their new Empress.

This also meant that communications had been re-established, and because of this, Erich immediately called in for support. As he got on the comms, he was quite embarrassed to admit that he had been knocked off course, but nonetheless, he told the true story to the officer in command.

"This is Colonel Erich Jaeger, requesting immediate support. I have fallen deep behind enemy lines after being knocked off course during my drop. I need extraction immediately."

Erich then provided his coordinates to the officer on the other end, who was quick to inform him of their current situation.

"It's good to hear your voice Commander, the Empress is throwing a fit and has ordered a search party to find you at all costs. I will redirect them to your current location immediately so that you can rendezvous with your unit at the Royal Palace. The Empress has requested your presence and refused to take the throne until you are by her side..."

Erich could only scoff when he heard about the lengths Yumi would go to, just so he could witness her take the throne. All he had to do now was wait for the search part to arrive, which did not take them long after he had given away his coordinates.


Contrary to what Erich was expecting, the moment he boarded the drop ship which was to take him to the Royal Palace, he was glomped by none other than the new Oni Empress her self. The woman practically bruised herself against the hardened power armor that Erich was wearing while she jumped into his arms.


Erich had never seen the woman so excited in his life. She immediately began to lightly pound his chest with her fists, as she scolded him for nearly getting himself killed.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was about you after I heard that you had missed the drop site? What happened?"

Erich informed Yumi of his brief adventure, while being pursued by the Loyalist forces, which only caused her to look at the man as if he were absolutely amazing. For perhaps the first time in his life, he saw Yumi blush as she expressed her thoughts aloud.

"I never knew you were so awesome.... Not only are you the greatest pilot I have ever seen, but you're an amazing warrior to.... I have chosen right after all!"

Yumi then grabbed hold of Erich's hand and led him into the drop ship, with the prettiest smile he had ever seen on her exquisite face.

"Come Erich, it's time for my coronation! I want you to be there to witness me as I claim my rightful place on the throne!"


Erich arrived at the Oni Royal Palace, where his men were waiting for him at the landing pad. He was forced by the new Oni Empress to carry her like a princess into the palace, an act which shocked everyone who witnessed it.

To most who witnessed this, it was a sign that an elite warrior of the Germanic Star-Empire had submitted to the New Oni Empress. Of course, to people who knew Erich, such as the men in his unit, they all dropped their jaws in disbelief. Because judging by the excited smile on Yumi's face, she was in fact fucking Erich behind the scenes.

JT could only scoff and shake his head with a wry smile on his face before voicing his thoughts aloud.

"This fucking guy... He bags himself a popstar, a top agent, and a fucking Empress. What next, a princess?"

Heavy could only curl his fists in rage, as he remained silent at the thought. The very idea that Erich was cheating on his wife with yet another woman was simply too much for him to handle. Especially since he was such a huge fane of Erika's.

Of course, the man did not display this rage openly, and instead forced himself to remain calm as he watched Erich carry Yumi into the Great Hall of the Oni Royal Palace and place her on the throne. Where he then took a position at her side, along with Ghost. Where they acted as silent sentries for the galactic announcement, Yumi was about to make.

The cameras were on Yumi, as she adjusted her position, and declared herself the new Empress of the Great Oni Empire.

"Greetings, citizens of the Empire, and the galaxy at large. I, Kondo Yumi, hereby declare the war between myself and my nephew over. Emperor Kondo Kenji has been deposed and is now awaiting his trial. For those who have fought beneath his banner, you do not need to worry about your safety, and that of your family. So long as you have not engaged in any war crimes, I hereby absolve you of any responsibility for the actions you may have taken against my forces, and rest the blame entirely on the chain of command.

I, Kondo Yumi, first of my name, now declare myself the new Empress of the Great Oni Empire. By right of blood, and conquest, the throne shall lie with me from this day, until the day I die. Since I do not currently have an heir, I hereby name my niece, Kondo Ayumi as my sole heir, until a time where I may give birth to my own.

From this day forward, the Great Oni Empire is united once more, and is committed to the alliance we hold with the Germanic Star-Empire. Without their aid in my time of need, I would most certainly be dead, and it is because of this I hereby pledge my niece's hand in marriage to a man whose heroic actions had lead to both her safety, and my own, despite the vile attempts on our lives by the previous Emperor.

Commander Erich Jaeger, please step forward...."

Erich was completely stunned by this turn of events, and gawked at Yumi from behind his visor for some time. While he did so, the atmosphere in the palace turned tense, as both the Germanic troops and the Rebel forces grew tense. After all, if what they believed was true, the Oni Princess was about to be married off to a Germanic War Hero, which was the biggest scandal that could take place in both societies.

Despite every fiber of his being telling him to remain still, the glare that Yumi gave him compelled Erich to move forward from his position by Yumi's side. He then stood in front of the woman at attention as she gave him another command.

"Please, take off your helmet..."

Erich sighed heavily before doing as commanded, where Yumi gazed upon his handsome face with a look of excitement in her eyes. She then said the words that would once more turn him into a hated figure, not only by his own people, but that of the Oni as well.

"Commander Erich Jaeger, for your heroic actions which lead to the personal safety of myself, and my niece, I hereby use the power invested in me as the Great Oni Empress to betroth my niece, Kondo Ayumi to you.

From this day forward, Ayumi shall be your fiancee in the eyes of Oni law and tradition. A proper wedding shall be held here in the Royal Palace of my ancestors, once law and order have been restored to the realm. But until then, I will continue to trust her safety with you. My great champion!"

Erich remained completely stoic as he heard these words. But inside his own mind, he was cursing up a storm. Polygamy was a crime in the Germanic Star-Empire, as was interracial relations, let alone marriage. With Yumi's words just now, he knew that he would go from the Empire's greatest war hero to its most hated citizen. But this was an order he could not refuse, and one that was likely orchestrated by Emrys behind the scenes.

After all, the Great Oni Empire was now a puppet of their allies in Germanic Space, and there was no way Yumi would make this announcement to the Galaxy without the approval of the Supreme Leader.

Thus, Erich had no choice but to play along, as he bowed his head in deference to Yumi's decision and spoke in a tone filled with respect.

"Your majesty, I am honored by your benevolence, and swear to fulfill my obligations as Ayumi's husband until the day of my death..."

While Ayumi's previous speech had been exceptionally shocking to both the Oni and Germanic people, her next words were as if a bomb had gone off across the entire galaxy. She wore a sultry smile as she beckoned towards Erich before making one final command.

"Come, Erich, place my crown upon my head...."

Erich had no idea what the significance of such a gesture meant. But the moment he stepped forward and placed Yumi's crown upon her head, he suddenly became a major player in regional politics. Because he was no longer just some war hero whose actions had saved his people from certain annihilation. Instead, it became abundantly clear to all the Galaxy's leaders that Erich was being groomed for command.

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