Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Interlude - War Path

Interlude - War Path

War Path

Several Months Ago

The minotaur frowned at her change, but she didnt bother with him anymore. With her telepathy, she reached out far behind her to her army, to her champion.

Get ready. She sent to Trklak.

Monarchs Enduranceher endurance increased by 500%.

Unstoppable Monarchher stats rose by 100%.

War Sovereigns Restorationher dexterity, vitality and intelligence rose by 30%.

War Sovereigns Swiftnessher dexterity rose by another 30%, her cooldowns halved.

War Modemight filled her, her physical stats rose and she readied herself.

War Titanher stats and body grew.

[Path to Victory]she saw the lines guiding her toward what she wanted.

Before anyone could react, she soared, in an instant reaching the sky and the clouds. Fire tried to lash at her, but it did nothing. She closed her eyes and then.

|I Dive and Shatter Mountains|

She fell through the sky, shattering the air and banishing the clouds. The fire winked out and the sky cleared. She pulled her hand other hand and added her he [Might of an Empire] as she crashed into the gate of her fortress with both hands extended forward.

She smashed through the gate that had repelled armies, and then through the walls behind them, through the second gate and into the large cavern-hall inside. The world shook, the cracks spread around the walls and the army inside exploded in blood and gore as the shockwave passed through them.

The Essence of blood rose and seeped into her gauntlets. She dismissed her War Form to better maneuver in the tight space, and then she roared and dashed into the mass of the enemies ahead of her. Dazed as they were, they werent prepared, not that that wouldve saved them.

She struck, a punch after a punch, each vaporizing dozens of the enemy soldiers with her Shattering Strikes. Fire was coming from all around her, weapons and powers hit her, and deflected off her armor or simply failed to do anything. She didnt dodge, she had never been the most graceful.

An old song was awoken inside of her, and she welcomed it. How long had it been since she had heard its tune this deeply? She didnt know, but she relished in the sensations. She opened herself up and pulled from the Aspect Plane of War, she felt it fill her up and make her better, stronger, faster, more powerful.

She felt someone strong nearby, the War inside of her singing the song of their soul. She turned and saw a tall demasi, their spear raised high.

Heart Piercing Star

/Oath of the Hollow Stars: Barrage of Stars/

Powerful trails of falling stars raced after the thrown spear, its tip glowing with a wicked red light. War thrummed inside of her.

Grand Queens Shield and a sphere manifested around her, then Defense of the Sovereign making it stronger.

The stars shattered against her shield, but the spear struck and released a terrifying amount of energy, sending a surge of air all around it flowing in all directions, sending soldiers tumbling to the ground. It hung against her shield, trying to pierce it, it probably would eventually manage it.

She walked forward and broke her own shield, then caught the spear with her hand. An awakened weapon, it fought in her grip, but War filled her entire being she was only getting stronger by the moment. It turned to mist in her hand, dismissed.

She glanced at the demasi as he readied another attack, and she charged.

[Flight of War] she surged through the air, casting [Burden of Rule] at the spearman. The air around him became heavy, forcing him to his knees. An Oathbound power flared around him, but she didnt wait for it to form[True Shatter Power] and it broke before it even had a chance to come into existence.

His eyes widened as she swung her fist.

[Strike With My Sphere]his body disappeared as his body splattered across the few hundred meters of stone behind where he used to be, painting them orange.

The army around her had rallied, she felt the thrum of battle and more powerful individuals coming. With her reset [Flight of War] she soared into the air above them all.

Falling Mountain

She flattened a few hundred soldiers marching on her in formation, filling the area with the colorful mist of their evaporated blood. A wall of Earth Essence rose, trying to give them room, or to box her in, she didnt know. She fell on the wall and hit it with Earth Shatter, cracking it in pieces that fell on the soldiers bellow, crushing them to death.

Someone called for a retreat, but she focused on clearing the room and letting them go. This was only the first defensive chamber, there were many more beyond it.

Once the cavern was cleared, she focused as Aspect of War shrouded her, and then she called.

True LinkSummon Army

Trklak and his squadron appeared around her, as if they had always been there. She felt his link to them all, skreen and notand she reached out too.

True LinkHive

She pulled on their stats, and commanded them forward. The reached another gate, and without any spoken word, Trklak understood. He charged, his body glowing with a red light, he smashed into the gate and the earth around it gave even though the gate itself did not. Their obstacle fell forward onto the ground, and they walked over it into another cavern.

One that was empty. She listened to the song of War, trying to figure out what they were doing. Retreated to another more defensible place? Then, she realized it as she sensed arrays that hadnt been there when the fortress had been hers.

Without a word, her people reacted. A drake in the middle of her army turned and jumped on a small human woman, one of her commandersElisha Senna. He embraced her and was then embraced by those around him, as they piled on top of each other around her.

She focused her will and threw it out over her people.

|I Shielded All That Are Mine|

The explosion was great, almost rivaling a reaction engine. The cavern was filled with fire and she knew that her will was not strong enough to hold it off. She would survive, but her army The cavern would collapse on top of them even if they survived.

You Will Not Die

Her perk took hold as her skill collapsed. Her people had cast their own defensive powers, but the red fire engulfed them all. It roared for what felt like minutes as she used her War Titan to cover them, and shield her squadron from the debris.

Her injured soldiers held on, her perk preventing them from dying.

Elisha was let out from the protective shell and acted immediately.

/Oath of the Greentouch Light: Restorative Weaves/

Green light spread through her army, healing them to full health. Her geomancers stabilized the earth around her, and then bore a hole to the next cavern, with Trklak punching through yet another door. They fought through another army, smashing them to pieces, even though they were outnumbered.

She settled into the rhythm of War, listening to its song and leading her people. Three ideals were thrown at them, and she shrugged them off, before destroying her enemies. Nothing that they had could touch her, they were so beneath her. This wasnt a challenge. It was why she hadnt fought wars from the front. She would rather her people get the experience they needed.

And yet Trklak was right. They had to see her, had to be reminded what it meant to cross her.

She walked through them, bringing only carnage, her armor soaked in their blood.

The fortress fell within the hour, and the city followed soon after.

Covered in blood, she sat in what had once been the seat of her governor. He had been killed years ago, when her enemies had taken the mountain. She was still feeling the song from the Origin Plane of War, urging her on, wanting her to call on it. She let it pass over her, draining as it found no purchase. She was the master of it, not the other way around.

She was right, her people had largely been enslaved. Those who had called the mountain their home. But many had been brought here by her enemies, their people. She would have to decide what to do with them now, she would kill non-combatants, but they had been complicit, some of them at least.

But that was a question for later. Now, she looked through the documents that her enemies had hastily tried to destroy, looking for any clues as to why they thought that was so important.

My Queen.

She raised her head to see Trklak standing in the doorway.

What is it?

He raised a hand and showed her a Far-link Orb.

Lord Eratemus wishes to speak with you, he believes it urgent.

Grey Horde narrowed her eyes, then relented. She took the orb from him and spoke.

What do you want Eratemus?

I apologize if I was interrupting you, Eratemus said respectfully, robbing her of much of her annoyance.

It is done, she simply said. Speak.

Id like to invite you to a gathering, Eratemus said slowly.

The last time you invited me somewhere, it stranded my army half a world away while my people needed me.

There was no foreseeing that, but, I believe that this is important.

Grey Horde closed her eyes, her mandibles waved around in anger and annoyance, but then they stopped as she felt the song of War intensify inside of her. There was a sound of dull and distant drums somewhere in the song.

After a few minutes of silence, she finally spoke back.

Tell me.

Grey Horde Sheet


The Grey Horde


Skreen (Hivehome - Iteration 1)



Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence


Create an outpost

+3 to all stats, 1000 Essence


Upgraded outpost to a town

+3 to all stats, 2000 Essence

World Leader

Upgraded a town to a world capital

+20 to all stats 10 000 Essence


Unite your entire race under a single banner

+200 to all stats, Rulers Presence Aura, 5 000 000 Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

One Against Horde

Fight against more than 100 opponents and win

+10 to all stats, 10,000 Essence

One Woman Army

Fight against more than 1000 opponents and win

+40 to all stats, Indomitable, 500 000 Essence


First in the world to evolve a skill to tier 6

+10% to all stats,100 000 Essence

True Understanding VI

Evolve a skill to tier 6

+20 to all stats, 20,000 Greater Essence (per tier 6 skill)


Become the sole ruler of a territory.

+5 to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence, Small Mansion unlocked (Territory Upgrade)

Class Evolution IX

Evolved your class for the ninth time.

+500 to all stats, 900 000 Greater Essence

True LinkSkreen Horde

Attain a true link with a type of being

+100 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence

Beyond Understanding IV

Focus and specialize your understanding of a tier 6 skill.

+250 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence (per focused skill)

Skill Lord

Three skills evolved to tier 6

+For every 3 skills evolved to tier 6 gain: 2% to all stats

Monster Hunter

Kill 5000 different monster types

+50 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Queen of the Triumphant Hive

Reach at least a combined power level of nine tiers. And embody an ideal.

+1200 to strength and dexterity stats,+5% to all stats, Shatter All,100 000 Greater Essence


Kill more than 80% of race from a single IterationKreacean Iteration 3

+250 to all stats, 200 000 Greater Essence

Immortal Skill Master

Achieve three tier 7 skills

+50 to all stats, Aging process halted, 100 000 Greater Essence

Combined Understanding II

Combine two of your tier 7 skills.

+50 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence, -1 skill slot,

(per tier 8 skill)

Great Ruler

Hold over 100 territories

+50 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence, Great Mansion unlocked (Territory Upgrade)

Eternal Understanding II

Improve a tier 8 skill.

+50 to all stats, 10 000 Celestial Essence (per tier 9 skill)

Lord Ruler

Hold over 500 territories

+250 to all stats, 500 000 Greater Essence, Territory Essence Upgrade unlocked (Territory Upgrade)

Superiority - Burning Lake

Defeat the Burning Razhes in The Burning Lake scenario, while not yet at the peak of a focus and with less than 5 people attempting.

+100 to base strength, vitality, wisdom, +10% to all stats, 5,000 Immortal Essence

Personal Feat: Glimpse of Aspect

Glimpse of the core concepts of your Aspect and gain a deeper understanding.

+5% to all stats, (Aspect Improvement) 50 Celestial Essence


Hold over 1000 territories.

+1000 to all stats, 50 Immortal Essence. Fortify Territory (Upgrade)

Personal Feat: Grasp of Aspect

Gain a grasp of the core concepts of your Aspect and gain a deeper understanding.

+7% to all stats, (Aspect Improvement) 50 Celestial Essence

Aspect Mastery

Master your Aspect and improve it to tier 9

+150 to all stats, 500 000 Greater Essence

Grant Me Fuel For My War

Your achievement, drive, or effort is recognized.

+100 to base intelligence, Grant Me Fuel For My War (Grand Perk), 10 Celestial Essence

I Call The World To My War

Your achievement, drive, or effort is recognized.

+100 to base intelligence, I Call The World To My War (Grand Perk), 10 Celestial Essence


Great Command (Class Perk)

You are able to send telepathic commands to those who are sworn to you regardless of their race or distance and hear their answer.

Grand Queens Shield (Class Perk)

Once per day you may summon a shield of energy to protect you. The shield will manifest as a sphere around you and its power is equal to 8x your intelligence.

Grand Commanding Presence (Class Perk)

Others feel more comfortable in your presence and are more likely to follow your commands, their mental resistances are increased by 20%. Strength of effect depends on your intelligence stat.

Inspiring Presence (Class Perk)

Once per week give everyone in a radius around you a morale boost. Dispel harmful mind effects depending on your level. Size of the radius depends on your intelligence stat.

Rulers Presence Aura (Title Perk)

You may unleash your Rulers Presence Aura, making it harder for people in your presence to go against your will. Strength of effect based on your will.

Queens Vision (Class Perk)

You may look through the eyes of anyone who is sworn to you.

Greater Inspiration (Class Perk)

Once per two months give everyone sworn to you a morale boost, a +10% increase to all stats, and a temporary skill |Pain Tolerance| allowing them to ignore pain. Dispels harmful mind effects depending on your level. The effects duration depends on your level.

Indomitable (Title Perk)

You are immune to all mind-altering effects from opponents that are of a lower level or the cultivation stage than you.

Improved Learning (Class Perk)

All those sworn to you can improve skills at 50% faster rate.

Warrior Queens Fortification (Class Perk)

Any fortification you are in, has +150% to its durability.

Hive Born (Class Perk)

While inside your Hive you gain +20% to all stats.

Power of the Hive (Class Perk)

For every 2,000,000 people that serve you, gain 1 to base stats. Current: 3506

Fertile Fields (Class Perk)

All growth inside the territories you rule have a +10% to fertility, including monster and people reproduction rates.

Monarchs Grace (Class Perk)

Once per two months you force reality to bend to your will. You may temporarily grant one of your subject's great powers. Their highest way of power will temporarily be advanced to two tiers above their current one. They will gain perks, powers, and stats equal that of the most direct evolution of their current tier. It cannot give power beyond tier 9. Duration of the effect depends on your level.

Great Monarchs Strike (Class Perk)

Five times per day strike with great power. Your strike with the power of 500% your stats.

Monarchs Endurance (Class Perk)

Once per day increase your endurance by 500%. Duration depends on your level.

Monarchs Sense (Class Perk)

Once per month you may sense your entire domain, you will know everything that occurs inside the lands that are under your control.

Battle Born (Class Perk)

When in combat gain +20% to all stats.

Battle Presence (Class Perk)

Once per day give everyone in a radius around you and yourself a 80% boost to all stats for one hour. Size of the radius depends on your level.

Battle Trance (Class Perk)

When in combat all your senses are sharpened and you gain a +50 % resistance to all mind altering effects.

Greater Life of the Hive (Class Perk)

Everyone in your service has their life expectancy extended by 80 years.

Unstoppable Monarch (Class Perk)

Once per day increase your base stats by 100%.

War Titan (Class Perk)

One per month quadruple your physical size and gain 50% to all stats. You are immune to stat sickness and impairment and have a perfect control over your body.

Greater Weapons of War (Class Perk)

Once per two months increase the quality of your armys weapons. All weapons that your army wields improve in quality, gaining +150% to durability. All weapons gain repair. Can be used on max: 100,000 soldiers.

True Link Hive (Class Perk)

Allows you to link with members of your Hive that are near you and enter Linked State. While in the Linked State you gain an awareness of all the linked Skreen in your Hive and you may drain 5% from their stats and add them to yourself. Allows for the activation of True Link perks. Can only be linked to 500 Skreen at a time. Depth of awareness and the amount of Skreen in the link depends on your level stat.

Shattering Strikes (Skill Perk)

All strikes with your fists hold a fraction of your My Fists, To Shatter the Mountains and send out a kinetic force beyond your fists. +10% to strength. Strength of effect depends on your strength stat.

Improved Hive Born: Immortality (Class Perk)

Your Hive protects you. You no longer age. The center of your hive has a spawning point. If you die, your soul will be sent back to your spawning point and your body recreated. Rebirth will make you lose 10 levels, plus 5 more for every time you died. If you have no more levels your soul will linger on the Ethereal Plane.

Shatter All (Title Perk)

Once per month you may unleash a massive kinetic force all around you with power equal to 300x your strength, shattering everything in your way. 25% of this damage is dealt through any phasing powers. 10% of the damage will resonate through the Ethereal Realm and deal soul damage.

Greater Battle Knowledge (Class Perk)

While in combat you gain a knowledge of the flow of battle around you, letting you anticipate your opponents attacks 0.2 seconds in advance.

True Link Summon Army (Class Perk)

Once a week you may summon the closest skreen battalion of your army to your location.

You Will Not Die (Class Perk)

Once every three months, issue a command that prevents the soldiers under your command from dying for five minutes. If their wounds haven't been healed before the time runs out, they will die after the time runs out. Can be used on max: 5,000 soldiers.

Telepathic Sense (Skill Perk)

You are able to sense any intelligent mind in your presence. Works through minor stealth. +15% to intelligence.

Mental Defense (Skill Perk)

Your mental defense is further strengthened by your willpower, minor confusion attacks are ineffective against you. +10% to intelligence.

True Link Borrowed Power (Class Perk)

Once a day, you may use a perk available to any skreen under your command.

War Sovereign's Restoration (Class Perk)

You gain +30% to dexterity, vitality, and intelligence.

War Sovereign's Swiftness (Class Perk)

You gain +30% to dexterity, all ability cooldowns are decreased by half.

Aspect of War (Unique Perk)

You are in tune with the Aspect of War, in truly focused moments you can draw from the Aspect of War's Origin Plane and increase the effectiveness of all your related powers. Effectiveness depends on your understanding on War.

Grant Me Fuel For My War (Unique Perk)

Once per War, summon Supply Logistics points at key locations along your faction's supply chain stocked with all materiel and resources required to support 6 months of total war. Cooldown is 6 months + the total duration of the war in which the perk is used.

Group Resistance (Skill Perk)

Your mental defense is further increased based on the willpower of any allies in your presence. +15% to intelligence.

Through Air Resistance (Skill Perk)

Your My Dive, Unhampered reduces the effects of Air Resistance on your body based on your will. +15% to dexterity.

Earth Shatter (Skill Perk)

Once per week you may hit any earth-related Essence and deal 200% more damage to it. +10% to strength and dexterity.

Monarch's Will (Skill Perk)

Once per week you may lend your willpower to anyone in your presence. +20% to intelligence and wisdom

Grand Titanic Force (Class Perk)

Your blows deal damage equal to your striking stats plus 80% of your combined endurance and vitality.

Today We War (Class Perk)

Once every five years, force an army to attack you.

Defense of the Sovereign (Class Perk)

Five times a day, increase your durability by 15x of your endurance for 5 seconds.

War Mode (Class Perk)

Enter the state of absolute war, gain +25% to physical stats and all your attacks deal x5 increased damage. Lasts for 1 hour.

Falling Mountain (Skill Perk)

Once per week summon a powerful attack from above. Deal kinetic damage based on your strength, damage increased based on willpower. +20% to strength and dexterity.

I Call The World To My War (Unique Perk)

Call upon every being in the world who knows your name to join a war under your command. All who look favorably upon you will be pressed into temporary service to you and will be considered part of your army. Cooldown depends on the amount of people called and the result of war.

True Link Love of the Hive (Class Perk)

Your defensive power is equal to the endurance of every one of your skreen subject in your presence. Range: 5 kilometers.

Tide of Battle (Class Perk)

Every time you use an ability to kill someone within three tiers of power of you, reset the cooldown of one of your Class perks.


Relentless Herald of War; Sovereign of All Battlefields ( Et )



Combat Ability

Burden of Rule

Movement Ability

Flight of War

Support Ability

Path to Victory

Additional Ability

True Shatter Power

Additional Ability

Strike With My Sphere

Additional Ability

Might of an Empire


Great Hive Queen

All Skreen in your hive gain +15% to their stats. Slightly lowers requirements for first three tiers of Class evolutions. Gain +15% to intelligence and +15% to wisdom.

Greater Monarch

Your territories are more bountiful, crops and births are increased by 20%. Trade through the Framework Interfaces is discounted by 2%. Gain +15% to intelligence and +15% to wisdom.

Greater Warriors Soul

Gain -25% to all ability cooldowns and +25% to stamina regeneration when in combat. Your daily perk limits are increased by half. +15% to strength and +15% endurance.

Greater Battlefield Presence

Any soldiers under your command gain +15% to their stats while in combat. Their stamina regeneration is increased by 25%. +15% to strength and +15% to endurance.

Greater Triumph

Winning a war gives you a permanent +1% to all stats bonus. All those under your command when you attain victory gain a permanent +0.5% to all stats bonus. +15% to strength and +15% to endurance.

The Walking War

Gain +25% to all stats when fighting a war. Everyone fighting in the armies under your control gains +15% to all their stats while in a war. +20% to strength and endurance.

Goddess of War

You thrive in combat and war, all abilities are 100% more effective. When on the field of battle you gain The Living Combat which grants you increased skill and knowledge about all forms of fighting, strategy and tactics, and you can sense death. +30% to strength and vitality

Tenet of War

Perk Improvement, Attunement Improvement. Your presence is that of honor in war. All ambush powers don't work against you if they are not used on the battlefield. Anyone attempting to utilize dishonourable powers within your territory gains a -15% penalty to all stats. Those who die on the battlefield you walk on, on either side, will be directly transported to the gates of a warrior afterlife. Gain +60% to wisdom.

Passive Skills

Active Skills

I Shielded All That Are Mine

I Dive And Shatter Mountains

Perfect Threat Assessment

Perfect Blink

True Balance

Enhanced Sight

Greater Soaring

Stunning Roar

Greater War Mastery; War Gauntlets

Greater Stomp

Greater Sphere of Awareness

Greater Barrier Block

Greater Poison Resistance

Greater Inspiring Presence













WAR PATH Awakened Gauntlets

Consecutive Strikes

Each next strike with your gauntlets deals 1% more damage to the maximum of 50%. This effect works on all striking powers.


Every strike you make while in combat grants you a stack of Juggernaut that lasts for 10 seconds. All stacks are refreshed when another is gained. Every 5 stacks give you +10 to base strength, dexterity, endurance, and vitality. Every 10 stacks you gain +1% to physical damage resistance. 200 maximum stacks possible. gaining over that will refresh the stack.

Kinetic Barrier

Every strike you make while in combat grants you a stack of Kinetic Barrier that lasts for 10 seconds. All stacks are refreshed when another is gained. Every 5 stacks give you +10 to base intelligence and wisdom. Every 10 stacks you gain +1% to special damage resistance. 200 maximum stacks possible, gaining over that will refresh the stack.

Blood of My Enemies

The Essence of blood and death seeps into the gauntlets with every kill, when worn they release a killing intent in the direction of the wearer's gaze that is the sum of all those they had killed.

Yield of War

When in a war, killing enemies grants 20% more Essence.

War Gear

Completely envelops you in a suit of armor. Durability of the armor equal to 50x your endurance. The armor has no increased resistance for any Essence and is considered Metal Essence for the purposes of incoming damage calculations.

Soul Quake

Once per hour your next physical attack deals damage directly to the soul.

Blood of War

Every kill in combat fuels War Path and grants you increased health regeneration.

War Path

Upon fully fueling, you may unleash your full power. Every 10 seconds until depleted, you can reset the cooldown on all of your abilities.

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