Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Interlude - Gift

Interlude - Gift


Kri walked through the streets of Consequence, heading outside the city. All around her, people were in a rush, which forced her to bow hastily when people stopped to greet her, or just run by with apologies on her lips. She didnt have the time, and neither did they. Everyone was taking part in the war preparations, from the lowest to the highest ranked. Crafters were stocking up on weapons, armor, on clothes, and other kinds of logistical needs; farmers were increasing their yields, stockpiling food for the war effort. It had been illuminating, when Kri learned all that had to be done. The city was filled with activity, filled with visitors from other territories, making the streets hard to navigate.

The warriors were gathering, meetings were being held to decide on who should go. Kri desperately wished that she was chosen. She had already asked her mother, and had at least managed to convince her not to forbid Kri from being chosen.

Now, she rushed through back alleys and over rooftops until she reached the gates and got outside of the city. The guards noticed her, but they knew her, so when she waved at them, they just waved back with resigned looks on their faces.

She ran through the forest, heading to where the message said to go. It took her maybe half an hour of full speed running to reach the small clearing in the hills. It was a place where her mother often went to train, and where Tali would take Kri when she wanted to instruct her in something privately.

Neither of them were there now, though. As soon as she ran into the clearing, she saw him, Ryun was sitting on a stone, one knee pulled up and his hand and chin rested on it. The cracks in his skin were still prominent, the violet, black, and silver light shining from within.

Ryun! She yelled as she approached.

Ryun turned and smiled, then another voice spoke.

That was fast.

Kri came to a stop and immediately noticed the second person standing behind him. She cursed herself for not noticing, she still missed things sometimes when she wasnt paying attention, even with her skill. Especially if things werent moving. She had to work on that.

As soon as she saw who it was, she bowed at the waist. Greetings to you, Sect Leader, she addressed Selia Jhan Ekoa. She hadnt expected to find her here when she got the message from Ryun to come.

And greetings to you, young Lord, she said in return.

When Kri straightened, she glanced at her, trying to figure out why she was here. She had heard some rumors about Ryun, Selia and Erdania, but then again, she had heard the same about him and her mother, so she didnt give much credit to such things. No, Ryun wasnt like that at all. Before she could go further down that train of thought, Ryun spoke.

Hows your Cultivation going?

Kri brightened. Ive done everything that you and Tali instructed me in, I am ready to advance to the Mid Lord Realm, and beyond, but that she didnt say out loud.

Ryun nodded. Good. There are some things that we need to talk about. Did you think about your path, where you want to take it?

Kri nodded. They had offered her many opportunities, everything that the sect had to offer really. Once she reached Peak Lord, she would be able to pick from any Path in the sect, but she had narrowed her choice down to three: The Path of the Unbreakable Wall, the Path of the Empty Dominion, and the Path of the Clear Sky.

The first would put her on the same road as Ryun, and she couldnt deny that she was drawn to that. He was the first person to show her what one could do if they were willing to put their all into their Cultivation. The second and the third were Talis Paths, powerful, and both capable of pushing her high on her own Path. The question wasnt just about power, of course, it was about building a best overall build for herself.

Her Path of the Final End was powerful, it gave her hitting power. It was destruction, and though her Aspect flavored it significantly different than Ryuns did, it still could deal a lot of damage, if in a slightly different way. What it didnt give her was any real adaptability, aside from one enhancing technique that raised her stats. But that didnt give her any maneuverability. The Path of the Unbreakable Wall might give her that, in the same way that it did for Ryun, though she lacked a few other tools that he had to make his movements through the air work.

The Path of the Empty Dominion was at its core about area denial, which would be useful, but also clashes somewhat with the Path of the Final End, as it required her opponents to be closer to her. Though, perhaps she could make it work. The Path of the Clear Sky was it was a bit harder for her to utilize, lacking flight and all that.

In the end, she already knew what she was going to choose, she was just holding off on saying. Now, she told him her decision.

The Path of the Empty Dominion, she said.

A good choice, Ryun said with a nod, and she instantly relaxed. She was worried he would be mad that she didnt pick his.

Did you give any thought to your second Aspect perhaps? Ryun asked.

Kri blinked, a second Aspect? Of course she didnt, Ascended Realm might as well be a dream.

Ryun, Selia slapped his arm, and Kri saw him smiling.

Too soon, perhaps, Ryun said. But give it some thought, we do plan on you going all the way.

Kri blinked. Going all the way?

I would suggest a concept as your second one. Something that synergizes well with your current Aspect, Ryun said. Then, before she could even find the words to answer, he continued onto another topic. But now, we are here for your advancement.

Immediately, she brightened. Im ready!

To Mid Lord you go then, Ryun said.

Kri immediately got down to her knees and triggered the advancement. She had been ready for weeks. The change washed over her, less than advancing a realm, but still noticeable. Her core improved, and she was in the Mid Lord Realm.

Lets see what perks you got, Ryun gestured.

Kri took a quick look, then made it visible to everyone.

True BodyUntethered Cold

Your body has been reforged into your true self, adopting attributes to reflect your path. Your Path is that of transformation and advent of absolute cold, as such nothing under your domain may exert unwanted influence over you. Any foreign influence attempting to change your state does so at a reduced rate, any cold-related power attempting to exert influence over you does so at a reduced effect. Physical changes. You walk through the cold, absorbed in its laws.

True BodyDeath Enduring

Your body has been reforged into your true self, adopting attributes to reflect your path. Your Path is that of the deaths survivor, as such your body is forged in that image. Grants pain immunity, adds a second heart, doubles lung capacity, all stamina draining effects have reduced impact on you, stamina effectiveness doubled. All effects of Death Essence against you are reduced. Physical changes. Youve seen the other side, and walked back to the living.

True BodyJotun

Your body has been reforged into your true self, adopting attributes to reflect your path. Your Path is that of surviving in the cold, as such your body is forged in that image. Grants high resistance to cold, increased size, your stamina regeneration is increased while in cold environments and reduced in warm ones. Physical changes.

Hm Ryun said slowly. I would say that Untethered Cold is the clear winner, but I am biased.

Kri knew that he had a similar body. Would I be able to do the same things you can?

Probably a bit more geared toward the effects of Absolute Cold, Ryun added. Stopping or lowering momentum for sure though.

And Death Enduring? Kri asked.

No, Selia said, and Kri turned to look at her. Pain immunity is a trap, never take anything with it. We need pain. Those who completely abandon it often end up dead from wounds they didnt even notice taking, or they survive and go completely insane.

Kri blinked, then nodded. The last one

Nothing special, Ryun said, and Kri had to agree.

She made her choice. She felt her body start to change, and she closed her eyes. She thought that it would be painful, but it wasnt. It was as if she was being washed in a gentle stream. As soon as it was done, she opened her eyes and looked around. She could feel the power of her body, yes, she would be able to do a few things. Experimenting was going to be required.

Well, what is it like? Ryun asked, but Kri noticed that he was looking at Selia when he spoke.

Her skin is a different color, and her hair, Selia told him.

Kri looked at her hands, then pulled a strand of hair in front of her eyes. Light blue skin, and white hairlike her mothers. She liked it.

Good, Ryun said. Now, to the next step.

Kri looked up with a frown. Next step?

Ryun smiled. Peak Lord.

Now? She asked, surprised.

We are going to war, Ryun said with a grim expression on his face. We are going to prepare you as much as we can.

Wait, Kri said. Im going?

Anrosh didnt tell you? Ryun grimaced. Shit, pretend that you dont know.

Kri grinned, she could do that.

I dont have the Essence to cycle, Kri said as she remembered, her smile faltering.

Ryun waved his hand and a small box with crystals appeared. Dont worry, weve been planning this for a while. There is enough in there for Peak Lord.

Kri picked one up and saw that it was Absolute Cold tier 8, just one higher than her own tier. Getting the Glimpse of Aspect had improved her Qi tier.

Without needing to be asked, she took them and cycled, deepening her core. Once she was done, she immediately advanced. Again, the familiar feeling washed over her, rising from her core. And then she was Peak Lord, and could choose a second Path.

Ryun offered her something and her eyes widened.

You have it? Kri said as she picked up the Path of the Empty Dominion, it was epic rarity, less than what it had to be for Tali. A part of her was disappointed by that.

As I said, weve been planning for a while, Ryun said.

Kri narrowed her eyes. Am I that predictable? You knew that I would pick this one?

Ryun chuckled, then pulled out a few other Paths. I am a Sect Head, it is good to have a few of these around, I can give out rewards if necessary.

Kri shook her head at that, and then she learned the Path. It was the same experience as the first time she learned a Path. Suddenly she just knew the Path, knew the techniques and how to use them.

Good, Ryun said, then he pulled out something else out of his storage. A small round object, the size of her open hand. It was beautiful. Split into three parts, each having an artfully carved image on it. First was a snowflake, the second was a skull, and the third a flower. But what really caught her attention was the center, it was the darkest black she had ever seen, and from it spread lines of silver and violet that filled the other carvings, giving them life. We, he glanced at Selia. Have a gift for you.

We made it for you, Selia added.

That made Kri pause. The Spear of Sorrow had made something for her? They hadnt spoken before today. This was slowly, Kri reached out and took it. As soon as she touched it a window appeared.

A spiritual tool? She asked, then read what it was, her eyes widening the further she read. What is this?

A special kind of item, Selia answered.

And the two of you made it? Kri asked.

Ryun nodded. You dont meet all the requirements, so you cant bond it yet, Ryun said, but Kri raised her head.

Uh, Kri said hesitantly. Yes I can. She could see the option.

Both of them frowned. But you are not Immortal, Selia said.

We never intended to make something for an Immortal, Ryun added. We didnt put that into it, it was not our intent. I thought oh.

Selia turned back to look at him. You think that its for she paused, her eyes glancing back at the object in Kris hands. Of course, that would make sense. She shouldnt bond it then.

Or Ryun started.

Ryun, no, Selia cut with her hand.

She doesnt need to use it, I would assume that she would still get the stats though, maybe the focus at a lower effectiveness.

Ryun Selia started, then grew quiet.

Ryun turned to look at her, and they just stared at each other, almost as if they were talking without opening their mouths.

Look, he said finally. Having it bonded could give her better perk options too.

Selia didnt look convinced.

She can remove it afterward, it isnt an awakened weapon.

Uh, Kri said softly. What are you talking about?

Selia met her eyes. One of the requirements is Immortal Realm. If that one is not referring to the ability to use the spiritual tool, then there is only one thing it can refer to. And that is the power you need in order to use it. It strains the soul, and if that means that it requires at the minimum an Immortal Soul in order to be used, it would probably destroy the soul of anyone on a Lower Realm.

Kri swallowed audibly.

You just dont need to use it, Ryun said.

And what if she activates it passively? Selia asked.

We are going to war with the dome monsters, Ryun said slowly. If she is about to die there, then might as well die from this than having her soul devoured by a monster.

Kris mouth opened. That she did not think about that part of the war. Even Immortals died in such wars.

Well, Ryun shrugged. Ultimately, it is her decision. So, Ryun turned to look at her. What do you say?

Kri looked down at the incredible item in her hands. She had no idea what to do.

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