Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 359: Nayra

Chapter 359: Nayra

To War

Nayra stabbed forward with her spear, and had it met by that of her opponent. She danced to the side. Her |Flowing Spear and Buckler Style| letting her do circles around her opponent. Not that she wouldve had any issues without it either. She had to hold herself back quite a lot just not to harm the little twerp. But, that wasnt the point of this spar. Frost and cold assaulted her constantly, but she barely felt it as her Scorching Mist Qi circulated through her body.

She sent short and weak bursts of it with {Mist Burst} forcing her opponent to dance away, keeping her on her toes. She was forced to use her Qi, that at least she could control, make the output of her techniques weaker. Though, even if she wanted to, she couldnt touch half of her powers. With the Ethereal closed, she lost access to nearly all powers that drew power from it. Crossing over? Blocked. Pulling in power from the Ethereal? Blocked. Even her newest perks were mostly useless to her. She hadnt even had a chance to test them. She had known that the Ethereal was blocked when she evolved her Class and got them, but her mother had advised that she take them anyway. If she was being truthful to herself, she wouldve done it anyway. The perks were too powerful for her to ignore. And everyone had assumed that the Ethereal wouldnt stay closed forever.

Its been a long time now.

A moment of inaction had her miss her opponents sneaky stab, which forced her to raise her buckler quickly up and then bash the spear away. She did it with a bit too much strength, because she sent the spear and its holder stumbling to the side. She used {Mesmerizing Mirage} while her opponent wasnt looking. She recovered and for a moment froze before turning to the real Nayra. Her skill told her which one was which, but a moment of indecision while she checked was all it took. Not even a moment really, but she was still far to slow for Nayras stats.

Nayras spear was on her neck before she could respond.

Good try, she told her with a smile.

Kri grimaced, but then stepped back and bowed. Thank you for your instruction.

Nayra got serious too, and bowed in return. Sometimes, she could hardly believe that Kri was nearly thirty years old. Once, she wouldve considered that old enough, grown. But now she knew better. Still, the sect had been treating Kri as a younger generation. But the new Monarch was quickly rising through the ranks and in power. Her cold white eyes held the promise of what the future would hold for her. And Nayra often wondered if Kri herself realized what she was becoming.

Anatalien and Ryun were raising a monster.

Not that it was surprising at all. They were monsters themselves. Their standards were so far above what was the norm that it was laughable. Yet Nayra had benefited from that too. She had advanced far as well, both because Ryun and the Sect helped her, and because of her family. It took the war and losing her sister for her to realize that all those things that she used to care about so much about were unimportant. Thinking on Reyla still brought an ache to her heart. The hole that was inside her head which would never be filled. They fought, they disagreed, but they had always been sisters.

Power to keep those you love safe was all that mattered. It saddened her to know that she had gained that power too late. All the trials she had endured. Killing two generals nearly on her own. Fighting a war for more than a decade, leading people, leading souls. Her familys training and her fathers great fruits. It had all culminated in the achievement her family had sought to have her achieve since birth. It was funny that she had managed to achieve it by trying to move away from their teachings. In the end it was all too ingrained in her. All that she did was add Ryuns philosophy to it.

You getting ready? Nayra said as the two of them walked out of the training arena.

Yes, Kri said with excitement in her voice. Im leaving in three days.

Nayra nodded. Kri would be going with the other lower warriors. Most below Immortal are going to head to the meeting spot in caravans. The Twilight Melody Sect had bought some airships to transport people too, and most of the higher ups would be taking those. Though some had already left, carrying crafters and people to set up their area in the joint force camp. The supplies and equipment, had been sent ahead, by way of teleporters in nearby sects. It was cheaper to transport goods than people.

Her mother had gone ahead to prepare and organize their troops, she had experience with that. And Anatalien was with her, the majority of their troops were sect trained, so it made sense. In truth, the Twilight Melody Sect wasnt fielding a big force, not really an army, something close to a warband. The Ornn Dagda family was sending most of the crafters and some of their guards, which were now Sect Warriors. The biggest numbers came from the Woll family, of course, those were the core of what the Twilight Melody Sect used to be.

Nayra would be leaving on an airship, leading some of the elites of her family, along with those of other families. Ryun, Selia, Erdania, and the rest of their warriors would be coming as well. The war, or rather the march through the core, would start in a few months, when everyone was gathered.

You afraid? Nayra asked as they walked.

Kri didnt answer immediately. A little bit, she admitted after a while. I just was never part of anything like this, you know? I fought in battles, and in war against the undead. But this

Smart, Nayra said. War is a terrible thing.

Yeah, Kri said, looking down at her spear. Im worried that I wont be strong enough.

Youll be fine. I am sure that Anrosh annoyed Ryun into putting you someplace safe.

I dont want to be safe, Kri said, perhaps a bit more hotly than she intended. I want to be of use. To make the Sect proud.

Nayra chuckled. You should know by now that Ryuns idea of safe is a nightmare for others.

Kri blinked, then a small smile twitched on her face. Right. With my luck he will throw me straight at one of the monster generals. Did you know that he threw me down a hole to fight a viper, blind?

Nayra did know about that. He is peculiar.

Kri opened her mouth to say something else, but a sect member ran up to the two of them interrupting her. As soon as he reached them, he bowed.

Sect Leader, he greeted her. I have a message for you, from the Sect Head.

Nayra raised her eyebrow, then glanced at Kri. The man offered her a small envelope, which nearly made her roll her eyes. It was elegant and decorated, and completely unnecessary when words or a small slip of paper would suffice, but that was the Sect life. She shook her head and took it from him, thanking him. He ran off as she opened and read through it.

It was obviously not written by Ryun, he didnt care for such things. It meant that someone transcribed his words just in order to give them to her. The message was simple, just asking for her to meet him in the forest outside the city.

She glanced at Kri. I guess that I should go, she said. See you later kid!

Kris eyebrows furrowed at that, and Nayra just chuckled as she walked away.

She found him exactly where he said he would be. Sitting on a rock in the middle of the forest.

What is it Ryun? She asked as she approached.

Ryun glanced at her, then turned back to looking at the forest. How was training?

She came a long way, Nayra answered.

Her spear work?

She is getting really good, in a few more years she will catch up to me, I think, Nayras spear work was one of the best in the Sect, only a few other members of her family were better, and that included her mother. Kri was being taught by some of the best in everything. She was far better than any of her peers.

Good, Ryun nodded. I want you to lead our troops in battle, he said out of nowhere.

Nayra blinked. I thought that you were considering someone from Zenshuen, one of their older commanders?

I considered it, Ryun said. His perks are suited for it, but yours are too. And with you on the battlefield well have a bigger advantage. The longer the battle goes, the stronger youll get until you match their High Rankers.

Nayra didnt respond immediately. She had learned a lot about the war over the last few years. It was not at all what she imagined. The strongest didnt fight in wars, they didnt walk the battlefields. Not usually. Some exceptions are to be made, of course. If one side didnt have anyone dangerous, if the High Rankers could act without worrying that their powers would be on cooldown. But in practice, it was the low tiered soldiers who fought on both sides, while the powerhouses watched and waited for an opportunity to strike with their high tiered powers changing the entire battle. Just like the opponents were waiting for them to do so, just so that they could catch them off-guard and eliminate them. It was a dance, a game of seeing who would spend their powerful perks first. Then a race to pounce on someone who overextends.

All of the Twilight Melody High Ranker level people would be watching from off the battlefield. They didnt have enough intelligence for the enemy, they didnt know what they could do. They would need to be careful. All it would take was one overwhelmingly powerful perk to wipe out a group of High Ranker leveled people if they overextend.

I am weakened, Nayra said. Without the Ethereal

Even without it, you can change a battle.

He was right, she knew that. She had led people before, and against this exact enemy too.

You are a Sect Leader, the people know you, they will gladly follow you. Zenshuen people they havent integrated yet, and neither has your family. It takes time, Ryun said.

Alright, Ill do it, Nayra said. She wouldnt run from this responsibility.

Good, Ryun smiled.

She was about to speak again, when something washed over her. A familiar sensation that she hadnt felt in a long time. Ryun she stopped herself, the sensation disappeared, just as quickly as it came. Ryun stood, and his eyes narrowed. He tilted his head, looking at the tree line.

She summoned Erishi Resav to her hand and got ready. She sensed someone approaching. Ryun raised his hand, stopping her, a small smile appeared on his face.

No need for that, Ryun said, and she frowned.

Then, a shape walked out of the shadows of the forest. A tall humanoid wolf, with black fur streaked with silver and violet and red patches on his sides. His eyes were silver orbs, and his claws tinged in red. He was taller than he was before.

Youve gotten stronger, two-legs, the wolf said.

Ryun chuckled. I see that you have as well, Ereclaw, old friend. I cant wait to hear about your journey.

How did you get through? Nayra asked. Their reunion could wait, there was a bigger issue at hand. He was dead, and she knew his immortality, that meant that he couldve only come from the Ethereal. She had felt it, just for a second, and then the block had settled back in again. Perhaps he had some answers.

My teacher sent me through, it was needed, Ereclaw said as he walked up to them.

Teacher? Ryun asked.

A great being, a dragon. He is the one keeping the Ethereal Realm closed.

Nayra blinked. Why would he do that?

There is a danger in the Ethereal Realm, someone very powerful, a shade. It seeks entrance to this Realm. This is the only way to stop it.

Oh? Ryun asked.

This is why Ive come, Ereclaw said. This shade sent someone through, my teacher believes that no good can come of this. I am to hunt them down before they can do anything to bring the shade here.

Its a big world out here, Ryun said.

My teacher granted me a boon, a skill, it tells me where this person is, Ereclaw pointed in the distance. I need to go there and find them.

Ryun looked in the direction where Ereclaw was pointing, and then back at the wolf. What a coincidence, we are heading the same way. Come, lets get to the city, there is a lot for us to fill you in on, and I am sure a lot for you to tell us too.

Together, the three of them started their return to the city.

Nayra Character Sheet


Third Heritage

Was born to the Rankers of the Third Iteration

+5% to all stats, 500 Greater Essence

Great Feat

Kill a tier one monster with at least 10x your total stats without help from someone with Essence before obtaining a Class, Path, or Skill

+Choose a Legendary Class, Path, or Skill. Gain a Unique Perk.


Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

Hero of Promise

Save more than 10 people with a single action

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

One Against Horde

Fight against more than 100 opponents and win

+10 to all stats, 10,000 Essence

Class Evolution VII

Evolved your class for the seventh time.

+200 to all stats, 150 000 Greater Essence


Reach the Lord Realm

+5 to all stats, 100 Essence

Monster Hunter

Kill 5000 different monster types

+50 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Soul Guide

Guide more than 10 souls to the afterlife.

+100 to all stats, 500 000 Greater Essence


Reach the Monarch Realm

+10 to all stats, 1 000 Greater Essence

The Daughter of Dawn

Reach at least a combined power level of nine tiers. And embody an ideal.

+1200 to intelligence and wisdom stats, +5% to all stats, Fragment of Dawn, 100 000 Greater Essence

Bane of Hastur

Kill a General of Hastur.

+100 to all stats, +1% to all stats, Hastur's Bane (Perk), 500 Celestial Essence

Twilight Melody Sect: Great Name

Become widely known as a member of your faction.

+150 to all stats,150 000 Greater Essence

Apprentice Sect Leader: Twilight Melody Sect

Improve 10 sect holdings in your care.

+5 to all stats, 1000 Greater Essence


Twin Link (Unique Perk)

Your mind is linked with that of your twin, allowing you to speak to one another regardless of the distance.

Valkyries Descent (Class Perk)

Once per combat, jump high into the air and then descend toward targeted area and stab your weapon into the ground, releasing a shockwave around you. Strength of effect depends on strength stat.

Heat Resistance (Class Perk)

Your body is resistant to heat. 20% passive heat resistance, gain additional 1% heat resistance for every fifteen points of endurance. (Currently 100.4%)

Goddess of Speed (Class Perk)

Once per combat, double your dexterity for two strikes.

Body of the Greater Wolf (Path Perk)

Your body utilizes your endurance more efficiently. Your stamina is counted as if your endurance is if it 2.5 of its base. All stamina draining costs are reduced by 2.5. +10% to endurance.

Thousand Cuts (Class Perk)

Every injury you inflict that draws blood heals 20% slower and bleeds for 10% more.

Rapid Recovery (Class Perk)

Once per combat, heal a non-lethal injury. Speed of recovery equals twice your vitality.

Valkyries Avatar of Fire (Class Perk)

Once per day transform into an avatar of fire. Doubles your size and doubles your total stats. Every kill you make while in this form, grants you double Essence.

Valkyries Swiftness (Class Perk)

Once per combat double your speed for thirty seconds.

Ferry the Soul (Class Perk)

Create a contract with a recently departed soul, carry it to the Ethereal Realm and provide protection until it reaches the afterlife. Fulfillment of the contract will permanently grant you a boon in the form of one of the Souls perks. The perk gained depends on the soul, as the soul will lose the perk it offers.

Valkyrie's Shout (Class Perk)

Once per combat release a powerful shout that stuns nearby enemies. The effectiveness of the stun depends on your opponent's resistances.

Valkyries Stamina (Class Perk)

Once per day recover your stamina to its full state.

Valkyries Might (Class Perk)

Once per combat double your strength for thirty seconds.

Dawnfire Wings (Class Perk)

Wings made out of dawnfire grow out of your back, allowing you flight. The wings last for a maximum of three hours, and will stay on cooldown for the same amount of time that they have been used.

Dawnfire Blink (Class Perk)

Once per combat, teleport to any place in a twenty meter radius around you. Upon arrival at your destination release a blast of Dawnfire that hits everything in a three meter radius.

Valkyries Call (Class Perk)

While in the Ethereal Realm, summon any recently departed soul to your location. The soul is not required to answer.

Vaporizing Cuts (Class Perk)

Every attack that draws blood, sends a blast of heat into the wound, vaporizing a tiny portion of your opponents blood.

Greater Steel Mind (Path Perk)

In combat your mind is additionally focused. Reading your opponent's movements comes easier to you. Mental attacks are 15% less effective against you. Effect depends on your intelligence stat. +10% to intelligence.

Fortified Scorching Core (Path Perk)

Your core is fortified and able to handle all heat-based Qi with no side effects, effects of low temperature on your body are decreased by 50% while you have Qi running through your body. Increased core capacity by 100%, +30% to Qi speed. +25% to wisdom and +25% to endurance.

Scorching Mist (6) Qi (Aspect Perk)

When using techniques, your inner temperature rises increasing your heat resistance by 25%. When Scorching Mist Qi courses through your body your heat based attacks deal 20% more damage. +20% to wisdom and vitality.

Blazing Conduits (Path Perk)

Your Qi conduits are developed for great bursts of Qi, and are able to handle a greater volume of Qi moving through it at the same time. Able to unleash techniques without the need for a breathing form and able to use up to two techniques at the same time. +10% to wisdom.

Quick Steps (Bonus Perk)

You gain 10% bonus speed when in combat.

True BodyLotus Born Cloud (Path Perk)

Your body has been reforged into your true self, adopting attributes to reflect your path. Your path is that of one untouched by impurity, of pure heart and mind. As such your body is forged in that image. Your cultivation is no longer affected by the impurity of Essence you use, and always grants the most benefit. Your movements induce dreamy forgetfulness in those who gaze upon you. The power of the effect depends on their mind resistances. Physical changes. Your Body retains all the abilities granted by Lotus Born. Lotus Born Cloud is your truest self. Your body is soaked in Scorching Mist Qi, and you may assume the state of Scorching Mist. While active your body becomes a cloud of the Scorching Mist, giving off the Essence of the Scorching Mist, increasing the effects of your Scorching Mist Qi based techniques by 20% in your immediate surroundings. While in Scorching Mist Cloud state, you gain a +80% increased resistance to physical attacks, but you also gain a -40% to special attacks resistance. You are immune to mental attack and anyone caught in your Cloud will suffer a moderate mental attack that induces forgetfulness. While full Scorching Mist Cloud is active you have none of your physical senses. Running out of Qi while in Cloud form will result in death. Entering into your Cloud form when surrounded by essences related to mist will allow you to use them to heal yourself. You gain +10% to wisdom and +10% to vitality.

Dawnspirit Cry (Class Perk)

Once per combat release a cry that will increase soul protection of everyone around you by 50% for 15 seconds.

Great Lunge (Class Perk)

Once per combat, lunge forward and reset the cooldown on one of your abilities of choice.

Valkyries Mantle (Class Perk)

Passively gain +20% Essence from every kill you make even when Avatar of Fire isnt active. The bonus is added to that of Avatar of Fire when it is activated.

Dawn Stun (Class Perk)

Once per combat, send a blast of dawn flame all around you that will damage and stun anyone caught in it for 1 sec. Time varies depending on targets resiliencies.

Battle Trance (Class Perk)

Once per combat, enter a battle trance for two minutes. You gain increased awareness of the battle around you and +20% to all stats and your cooldowns are reduced by 20%.

Death Sense (Class Perk)

You are able to sense the nearly departed in a radius around you. You may gain insights about the cause of death. Radius depends on wisdom stat.

Death Empowerment (Class Perk)

You gain increased stats depending on the amount of death around you. Gain 1% to all stats per recently deceased body in a radius around you. Radius depends on wisdom stat.

Lady of Battle (Class Perk)

Once per week you can inspire every ally around you, increasing their strength, dexterity, endurance, and vitality by 10% for 1 hour.

Shield Focus (Bonus Perk)

You gain +15% to endurance while holding a shield.

Minor Strength (Bonus Perk)

You gain +5% to strength when in combat.

Minor Endurance (Bonus Perk)

You gain +5% to endurance when in combat.

Grace of the Commander (Bonus Perk)

Once per day you may use Grace of the Commander to bolster morale of everyone around you and increase their stats by 5%.

Greater Endurance (Bonus Perk)

You gain +15% to endurance when in combat.

Greater Defense (Bonus Perk)

You gain +15% to physical resistance while in combat.

Soldier's Gambit (Bonus Perk)

When you are critically injured, gain Gambit, for ten seconds your stats increase by 25%.

Brawlers strike (Bonus Perk)

Once per combat make a strike dealing damage equal to 2x your strength.

Minor Reflexes (Bonus Perk)

Your reflexes are enhanced by 20%, speed of response equal to 1.2x your dexterity.

Riposte (Bonus Perk)

Once per combat, gain the ability to execute a lightning fast attack after being damaged. Speed of returning strike equals double dexterity stat.

Moderate Strength (Bonus Perk)

You gain +10% to strength when in combat.

Aspect Manifestation: Scorching Mist Aura (Path Perk)

Manifest your Qi in the form of an aura around you. Dealing Heat damage equal to 0.35x (0.1x) your wisdom per second. Anything marked by the Scorching Mist Qi takes additional one quarter of total damage dealt over the next two seconds.

Valkyrie of Battle and Death (Class Perk)

You are tied to battle and death, you no longer age. Upon your death, your body will evaporate. Your body will be recreated in the Ethereal Realm as an amalgamation of Essences of Battle and Death. You will retain all of your power and will be able to enter and leave the Warrior Afterlife as you please. You will only be able to enter the Real Realm for: 10 years, per 100 souls escorted to the Afterlife. If your new body is destroyed, you will die a true death.

Death Maelstrom (Class Perk)

Once per week you can gather the death on a battlefield and release a powerful storm of Death Essence at your target. Any additional deaths will feed the storm and make it grow. The maelstrom will end when it no longer has any Death Essence to feed on.

Grand Call Warrior Souls (Class Perk)

Once per month, you may release a grand call to battle. Souls of any nearby warriors will hear the call in the Ethereal Realm, and if they so choose, they can answer it. If they answer the call they will cross over into the real world and fight for you as ghost that are only vulnerable to Ethereal Damage. The souls will have the stats they had in life, but no access to their other powers.

Battle Knowledge (Class Perk)

While in combat you gain a knowledge of the flow of battle around you, letting you anticipate your opponents attacks 0.1 seconds in advance.

Titanic Force (Bonus Perk)

Your blows deal damage equal to your strength plus 50% of your combined endurance and vitality.

Mirage Slip (Bonus Perk)

Once a day you may create a mirage of yourself that will stand in place, your body will turn invisible for 1 second.

Death's Chosen (Bonus Perk)

Once every month, you may increase the effectiveness of your Death related powers by 200% for 1 hour.

Adaptable (Bonus Perk)

Able to survive rapid stat changes, and also able to handle great increases.

Physical Appearance: Refined (Path Perk)

Your body and features are refined. Enhances your current capabilities. +10% to wisdom, +10% to dexterity, +10% to strength.

Ruler's Eyes: Dawn Marked (Path Perk)

You have achieved great power, and your eyes reflect your achievement. Their appearance reflects your inner spirit and allow you to see the greater range and differences in light and heat. Gain +10% to intelligence and +10 to dexterity.

Might of the Slain (Class Perk)

For every perk you have gained from a soul, gain a bonus to base stats depending on how powerful the perk is. Current: Strength, endurance, wisdom - 85 ; Dexterity, Intelligence - 220

I Mark You For Death (Class Perk)

Once per month, you may mark anyone for death. All damage you deal to them for the next hour is also mirrored to the Soul.

I Choose Who Dies (Class Perk)

Once per battle, you may bring a soul back to life by swapping its fate with that of another. The two souls must both agree to the act.

To the Gates of Valhalla (Class Perk)

Once a year, you may enter the Warrior Afterlife and remain there for no more than 1 month.


Chooser of the Slain ( Et )



Combat Ability

Dawnfire Mirage

Movement Ability

Ethereal Burst

Support Ability

Dawnfire Immolation

Additional Ability

Dawn Dash

Additional Ability

Ethereal Cross

Additional Ability

Death's Slash


Shepherd for the Souls

You are able to see souls. All Ethereal based powers are 20% more effective. All special attacks deal 1.5% of total damage dealt as soul damage. Gain +10% to strength and wisdom.


All fire based powers now create dawnfire, an intense fire that is extremely hard to put out and burns more intensely during the day. All fire based powers are 20% more effective. All special attacks deal 1% of total damage dealt as soul damage. Gain +10% to strength and wisdom.


All dawnfire abilities gain 50% more effectiveness in the Ethereal Realm. Your soul regenerates at 200% faster rate. Gain +10% to strength and intelligence.


Your stats are increased by 20% in battle. Any person you consider an ally gains 10% to their stats while fighting with you. Your base ability cooldowns are reduced by 20%. Souls of warriors think of you as kindred. Gain 15% to strength and dexterity.

Battle Soul

Your presence in the Ethereal draws warriors souls. The effect of your presence on warriors souls is increased by 500%, and lowered on all other souls by 50%. You gain +20% to stats while protecting recently deceased souls. Your Dawn flavoured attacks have their soul damage increased by 100%. Gain 20% to strength and intelligence.

War and Death

Your presence on the battlefield means death. Any soul that dies on the battlefield you walk will have their souls be transported to a safe place in the Ethereal to await your arrival. The safe place will be linked to the area of the battlefield in the Real Realm. The safe area will persist for 1 Real Realm month before the souls are forced out. You gain +50% to your Soul Resistance. Gain +30% to Strength and Intelligence.


Path of the Lotus Dance ( E )


Peak Monarch


Scorching Mist (6)

Base Technique

Mesmerizing Mirage

Branch Technique

Mist Burst

Fruit Technique

Curtain of Mist Petals


Path of the Final End ( M )


Peak Lord

Base Technique

Mantle of the Rising Mists

Branch Technique

Scorching Blast

Fruit Technique

Mist of the Scorching End

Passive Skills

Active Skills

Combat Mastery >> Spear and Buckler Mastery >> Enhanced Spear and Buckler Mastery >> Spear and Buckler Art >> Flowing Spear and Buckler Style

Block >> Shield Wall

Heat Sense >> Greater Heat Sense >> Thermoception >> Enhanced Thermoception >> Spectrum Vision

Swipe >> Enhanced Swipe >> Arc Swipe

Pain Tolerance >> Greater Pain Tolerance >> Toughness >> Enhanced Toughness

Throw >> Greater Throw >> Hurl >> Enhanced Hurl













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