Inexorable Chaos

Chapter Eighty Nine: Scarlet Fire

Chapter Eighty Nine: Scarlet Fire

[Lady] Rose stretches, causing her muscles to pop loudly as she makes her way through the broken walls and back inside her room. She sighs. The dust from the destroyed wall has coated every surface in her room. A small, but rather noticeable annoyance which just means her [Maids] will curse her name when they begin cleaning.

Moving to her wardrobe, she opens it and quickly grabs a couple of her garments that would not be able to fit her in her current form.

If only muscles werent so calorically intensive, then I could just stay in this form all the time.

She shakes her head.

Its this stupid land. The food is just not plentiful or nutritious enough, otherwise I wouldnt have to look like a whale.

Her gaze moves to the window, peering beyond the four-panelled glass. She can see the front wall and can somewhat feel her people as they fight for survival.

She would join them if not for the [Kings] aura. Untrained it may be, yet it is still potent enough to destroy the morale of the defenders if she were to leave the castle grounds. An unfortunate cost to her power.

Stretching her body one last time, the [Muscle Lady] and [Martial Artist] sighs one last time before activating her skill.

[Martial Art: Body Revision].

Her skill activates and her body morphs. She loses the potent muscles and replaces all of it with fat. She no longer towers over seven feet tall and her body regresses to a much weaker, but more sustainable form.

Once completed, she begins putting on a fresh set of clothes. She takes her time in her decision for which one, of course. While she might admit she wasnt following the image of that which society decided [Ladies] should have, she still liked to carefully choose her garb. For an exciting night, a dark red lined with bright streaks of almost-pink. Afterwards, she starts walking to her snack room. Rose had been feeling quite hungry, and couldnt delay the want for calories much longer.

It felt like a snap at first, but it wasnt really a snap.

A brutal tear, ringing in her ears. For some reason, her brain could tell that it wasnt a sound, but something that rebounded in her body over and over. An internal ache that wasnt as painful as it was very irritating.

And then she falls on the floor as her aura is brutally ripped apart in but moments.

What, she voices her disbelief, breathless from the experience.

Who did that?

A fourth aura had just made its existence known. Its sheer presence and potency had engulfed the entire city in a mere moment. Her own defenses seemed to be shred like paper.

No. Is that

Rose slowly stands up and begins to laugh.


How goes the war? [King] Tersus asks, while he sips a bit of wine in his spotlessly clean carriage. In front of him is his [Tactician Knight], a man who wears all white and keeps himself clean to the utmost. A requirement if you ever wanted [King] Tersus to take you seriously.

He took note of how his [King] called it a war when it was more similar to a battle or invasion, but didnt comment on it. It was not his job, after all, and the [King] wasnt known for being battle savvy.

The war is commencing perfectly. We have our Trebuchets out of the range of enemy attacks and our elites are here at camp so as not to risk getting dirty. Unfortunately, our [Soldiers] are dying rather quickly and our battering ram is currently on fire.

Tersus frowns at the last part.

And the [Assassin]? What came of him?

The [Tactician Knight] shrugs.

I see. Unfortunate. Please inform me if you obtain any more information about him. Tersus says while tilting his wine glass to his mouth.

The liquid flows gracefully between his perfectly maintained lips, past his tongue, where it slowly descends his throat, being savored in both flavor and texture.

And then his concentration is shattered like glass and the glorious alcoholic drink ends up caressing his lungs.

*Cough, Cough, Cough* The [King] begins spitting out the wine onto the white floor of his carriage and some of it on the [Tactician Knight] as well.


[King] Gravitus sits upon his mighty mare, gazing at the destruction taking place before him. His [Captains] are next to him, each watching the plan as it continues.

A [King], young man, is one who never shies away from his responsibilities. That is why I stand and watch as the siege commences. I do not take pride in slaughter, but I do take pride in my [Soldiers] ability to follow orders.

Gravitus points at the burning battering ram, See there. Tersus came to this battle with a single battering ram, expecting to take the gates with just that? The [King] shakes his head, What is he expecting, to whittle them down with those trebuchets? Sure, it could happen after several weeks. Though I doubt he has brought enough food for more than a week unless he plans to starve his men.

Gravitus sneers towards the carriage. His hate for the other [King] has only grown. The man is sending out his [Soldiers] to the slaughter. A true and utter waste. Apparently he expects several hundred huge ladders would be enough to overtake the wall. Even if a few got past, so what? It wouldnt mean anything compared to the cost.

Your majesty, I understand he is a poor [King], but his attempts to scale the wall with his [Soldiers], though ineffective, make a great distraction for our siege towers. We will be at the walls soon enough and then we will prove why you are the grea-

The [Captain] stops talking as his [Kings] expression changes, turning grave.

The [Kings] head quickly tilts towards the top of the wall, right above the gate. His senses perk up as something had just changed.

And then his mighty mare screams in fear, buckling violently and throwing the great and mighty [King] Gravitus face first onto the ground.


It all flows perfectly through Rathos. His aura descends upon the battlefield and the city. The three auras battling it out were easily suppressed, and now he has full awareness of all combatants present.

[Enduring Struggle], he says, activating a skill that increases the endurance of all allies within his control. Which is currently everyone on the wall.

Across the wall, the defenders find their stamina increasing, allowing them to fight harder for longer than they otherwise would. While not aware of where their spark of energy suddenly came from, they were not ones to look a gift horse in the mouth.

[Accelerated Draw]. Another skill activates, this one allowing the [Guards] and [Soldiers] to unleash their weapons at a moments notice, as well as also allowing [Archers] to shoot three times as many arrows in the same amount of time. The pitch of darkness the night sky contained seemed to be blotted out as the shadow of munition overtook the enemy.

[Second Wind]. Everyone's stamina is completely filled. Even Manos looks on in surprise as his formerly heavy breathing has completely ended.

[Battle Clarity], [Enhanced Reflexes], [Heightened Perception],

More and more skills are activated, causing the defenders to fight faster, better, harder. Those enemy [Soldiers] that had found themselves on the wall are finding themselves quickly pushed back. Many had started falling off the wall and onto the others at the bottom. Each time, it started a domino effect that could only be stopped by the sheer luck of not hitting another on their descent.

In less than a minute, all enemies have been removed from the wall.

Manos, go down and inform Scarlet to open the gates and rush out. She will be targeting the siege towers first and then the trebuchets in the back.

What? But how will they destroy those machines? Manos asks.

With their weapons. Rathos answers.

Manos pauses, confused. That doesn't make sense. Swords won-

GO! Rathos yells at Manos with the full might of his aura. The [Guardsman] shudders and then quickly turns. He starts running to relay the order.

Rathos continues gazing at the battlefield. He can feel the enemy leadership waking up. They know that something had changed in the battle. Unfortunately for them, they lack the elites on the battlefield to change it.

Not a moment too soon, the gates open and a swarm of allied riders on stolen horses stream out and around the burning battering ram.

[Night Vision].

Rathos activates another skill, this time making sure to also focus on the horses.

Now, as the riders led by Scarlet begin heading towards the first siege tower, Rathos points at them as they cross the dusty expanse. Their rides kicked up ground as they surged forward to the opposition. Under Scarlets direct command, they were a strict and veteran military force.

Rathos closes his eyes for a bit, feeling the familiar ability coming up from far within his core. His muscles didnt clench, his nerves didnt shudder. The sensation was one he was used to, one that came with using an ability so deeply rooted in himself. It took on the shape of his aura, interposed by his personality and foundations. And, with a few words...

[Designate Flamewreathed Cavalry]. was released.

Every [General] is different in more ways than one. The biggest difference is not the skills that they have available, but the skill that they obtain when obtaining the [General] class. One skill that is able to make an immense difference. A skill that could very easily change the tide of battle. A skill that has a very high chance of being legendary.

The riders running across the battlefield instantly burst into flames. Their armor and horses quickly darken to a charcoal black as their manes and hooves burst into a deadly scorching flame. Each rider instantly gains several powerful passive mobility skills and all of their weapons are under the effect of [Incinerating Blade].

The [Flamewreathed Cavalry] triples their speed, quickly covering considerable ground. Any and all [Soldiers] must get out of the way or risk being trampled to death. None dare fight the burning riders, nor would they be able to win without a great many more levels.

The cavalry doesnt slow as they pass by the siege tower. They extend their burning blades, slicing into the wood with a spray of flame as they all pass by. Red and orange quickly climb the tower as the riders continue to the next one. [Soldiers] are screaming and yelling in panic as all discipline leaves them.

Another tower begins to burn within moments. Nothing seems to be capable of standing in its way. After another minute, the third tower in flames and the frontal assault has turned into a full retreat. Without the towers, morale has been decimated.

But the battle is far from over. The [Flamewreathed Cavalry] continues on their burning rampage, following Scarlet as she leads them towards the trebuchets in the back. Scarlets blade has the ability to create a cyclone of wind with each strike. The cyclone trails behind , carrying some of the fire that surrounds her. The raging vortex of fire is a sight to behold, even for Rathos.

He can't help but smile as she slams into the first trebuchet, setting the whole thing on fire all on her own.

Her vortex increases in size as more wind is suctioned to fuel the flames. The three other trebuchets fall shortly after.

Then Rathos notices another cavalry coming directly at his own. This one is rushing full speed from one of the [Kings] camps. Clearly, they are trying to take out his cavalry with their superior numbers.

Rathos frowns. He still has more than 90% of his skills available. If anything, their offensive was a sign of desperation.

He concentrates his aura and activates [Loud voice].

Scarlet, destroy their cavalry.

His voice, versed in aura, is only heard by Scarlet. She yells in a reply only he can hear over the crackling of embers and swerves the cavalry towards the approaching enemy.

Both sides speed up.

[Steelform Body], [Extended Blade], [Unwavering Defense],

Rathos voices many skills, improving the ability of his cavalry significantly, allowing each soldier to fight as though their levels had risen by fifty.

Use it, Scarlet.

Rathos watches, waiting and listening to her. As the current leader of his [Flamewreath Cavalry], she has the skill. One use, but it is powerful.

Scarlet takes a breath.

[Flamewreathed Stampede].

Every rider begins to lose their red and orange hue, but in turn they gain a magnificent blue. Their combined heat begins leaving a molten trail in their wake. The timing was perfect as its too late for the enemy cavalry to react in time.

Like an amalgamation of fire, the enemy dies in droves. Many died without even managing to reach the burning riders. The flame had incinerated the enemy within seconds. Others were not so lucky as their burning bodies are sliced apart by the eager [Flamewreathed Cavalry], completely immune to the fire they are generating.

More than half of the enemy cavalry had not survived. The rest were hunted and killed quickly after as they ran for their lives. Once destroyed, the cavalry begins to slaughter the retreating enemy [Soldiers], butchering and burning them with ease, while the two [Kings] can only watch behind their elites; elites that may have been able to stop such a massacre.

What is that?

Rathos looks behind himself, finding Manos staring at the carnage. His expression is filled with shock and fear. The whole battle had been easily turned around.

That is my legendary skill [Designate Flamewreathed Cavalry]. It allows me to pick any mounted unit and I can turn them into my elites.

It's powerful.

Rathos shakes his head. At one point, a grin of amusement at his statement would have formed, but the [General] instead was keeping his constant frown on his visage. No, it's quite weak right now. The skills target should be used on high level cavalry. This way, each individual in the cavalry has the capability and temporary levels of a second tier combat class.

Manos continues to gape in silence. His eyes constantly moving between the famed [General] and destruction happening below.

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