Inexorable Chaos

Chapter 161: 35 Gaw: Deflon

Chapter 161: 35 Gaw: Deflon

Momochi glances back towards Voice Bone. Oh, he had heard the stories and rumors, that mix of fact and fantasy which inspires reverence for the Voices; of how their power is what prevents the Assassins Guild from moving against the Thieves Guild. He thought the tales were tall and far fetched. He believed that Voices were merely stronger than any named assassin. Hell, he sparred against the [Guildleader] and lost rather easily.


He looks back at the dark smoke rising in the distance. Now, he knows.

Madness. The entirety of the Assassins Guild stationed within Camelot is dead. Well, technically it isnt truly the main base of operations, just a forward one. But still, Bone destroyed it with ease, not even needing to pay the place a visit before it was wiped from the face of Orbis. It was humbling.

He looks at his students, all of them stunned silent after seeing the ruin. No one dares to speak as they lead the downright cheerful Voice to the Thieves Guild. Its odd that the Voice doesnt know where the Guild is located, but then again, this is supposedly the first time he has set foot in Camelot, so that may be the reason.

We are almost there, Momochi says, breaking the silence.

Yeah, Bone says, I kinda figured that out when we passed three brothels.

He turns his head to look at the buildings and the few sex workers in the area. What might have been a busy street most nights seems to have lost some energy. Many seem to have either gotten scared of the explosion, or have heard news of danger tonight. Those workers still out wear revealing clothes while calling out to passersby, all while members of the Thieves Guild sit and watch upon the building rooftops.

That might not be as precise a measure as one might think, Voice Bone. All of these establishments are owned and operated by different groups. They manage them while we merely offer protection and a platform for settling grudges.

For a price.

Momochi nods. The guild is not without expenses. Considering our numbers within the city, our common way of attaining funds is inadequate.

Voice Bone shifts his head, looking at everything and everyone as they travel from rooftop to rooftop. The [Thieves] on the lookout notice the group, but return to their work when they see Momochi.

Were here, Momochi says and stops the group outside a rather noisy bar.

The building it is housed in is around thirty feet tall with a dirty, haphazard look to its maintenance. To most, it would look like the usual shitty bar, but Quasi can see, feel more. A [Mage] or [Enchanter] with sufficient skills could sense the hidden enchantments, the alarms and anti-scrying. A greater [Enchanter] might even spot the more complex matrix beneath, hidden among the low-level enchantments. Hell, even an [Archmage] might overlook it.

Momochi leaps onto the buildings roof. The students and Quasi follow. He then places his hand on a trapdoor and pulls the handle.

Quasis eyes glow under his mask as he observes Momochi feed a sliver of mana into the door, activating a runic enchantment inscribed within the door, among its woodgrains. After a click, the door opens silently.

This way, Momochi enters and starts walking down the narrow spiral staircase. They walk downward for fifty feet, the staircase never meeting the bar. They arrive at another door, this one is even more thoroughly enchanted.

The [Ninja] places his hand and feeds mana into it. The door glows before opening.

The doors are keyed to each individual. The [Enchanter] would need to modify the [Runes] constantly with every new member.

Momochi nods, impressed. Correct. Tedious, but we pay and protect him for his services.

Protect? Bone asks.

Yes, he has a high bounty.

With that, they enter into the guild proper.

Clever, Quasi notes. Being directly part of the sewage system allows the guild to be far larger with fewer magical protections. An [Earth Mage] above would think the areas under his feet are part of waste management and not a guildhall.

Momochi turns to his students. We are taking a break. Go eat, rest, and reequip. We may need to leave sooner rather than later. Voice Bone, come. I will take you to the [Guildmaster].


Quasi follows the [Ninja]. He glances at the rooms he passes by. Sleeping quarters, dining area, smithing, enchanting, training gyms, even a sauna.

One room in particular strikes the [Hero]s fancy, and he stops. Its a chapel chock full of statues of Gods and Goddesses. The likenesses of Asteria, Hecate, Erebus, Selene, Etruscan, Ratri, and many others are carved here, but they are all overshadowed by two larger monuments one of Laverna and the other of Hermes.

One moment, he tells Momochi. Without waiting for a reply, the [Hero] enters the room and walks towards the statue of Hermes.

He places his hand on the statue. Under his pants, on his shins, the feathered marks start to tingle and glow.

Quest Find a Statue of Hermes completed.

You are now a level 217 [Hero]

New Quest Obtained: Deliver the [Scepter of Was] to Cleopatra.

Are Momochi stops dead as he watches the Voices legs glow. The glow spreads to Bones entire body before the light flickers out.

You serve Hermes? Momochi asks in amazement.

Bone shrugs. Something like that. He turns around and walks out of the room Lets go meet this [Guildmaster].


A man slams his hands on his desk and stands up. What do you mean the Assassins Guildhall is destroyed!? he yells.

The [Ninja] flinches back. Voice Naewind, its true. The guildhall is in ruins and several buildings above have been severely damaged. I wouldnt joke about this! If you go outside right now, youll see smoke rising from the island.

Naewind rubs his forehead as he feels a headache coming on. First, a Name alongside thirty [Assassins] gets killed, and now the whole guildhall is up in flames? Who did the [Assassins] piss off? Was this all planned? How many people were even involved?

He shakes his head, debating if he should check everything out with his own eyes No, better to wait for the other Voice. More than likely he is already there.

As Naewind finishes his thought, the doors to his office spring open and Ear Momochi enters alongside a masked man. As he looks at the mask, the mark of Laverna on his shoulder starts to itch. Its a weird feeling considering she had spoken to him a week before and informed him that a masked man by the name of Bone is a Voice. With a masked man now within his office, he feels it safe to assume this is him.

Voice Naewind, Voice Bone wishes to speak with you, Momochi formally declares.

Now that he thinks about it, Voice Bone had entered Camelot about two days ago. And now, the Assassins Guild is in flames.

Naewind sighs and looks at the [Ninjas]. Ear Momochi and Ear Neltab, please leave us for now. I will find you later.

The two Ears leave, the door closing behind them. As it does, the [Ninja Guildlord] leans back into his chair and twirls mustache while doing his best not to glare at the other Voice.

The Masked Voice just stands silently and waits.

Eventually, Naewind tires of the silence.

Youre free to sit, he points at the chairs in front of his desk.

Bone scratches the side of his neck. He walks and sits.

The room uses runic enchants to disrupt any sound leaving and disrupting any scrying spells. That last part, regarding scrying, is very similar to a runic enchant I saw recently. I dont suppose you know of a man named Deflon Seron?

Naewind frowns. What do you want from the [Runesmith]?

Bone crosses his legs. He saved my friends life. I want to thank him and ask some questions.

After a moment, Naewind releases a breath. Deflon is working at the guilds forge. You can meet him later. For now, I want to know why the fuck the Assassins Guild is burning?

Right, Bone scratches his neck, Funny story Well, actually, not funny at all. They tried to kill my friend, and then me. I was entitled to some revenge.

Yes, and now youve angered the Assassins Guild further. Good work! I hope you know that they will not accept this insult lying down. Its going to be a Guild War.

Bone folds his arms. Then I suggest you explain to them why that is a very bad idea.

It takes a great deal of control to keep Naewind from standing up and punching the man in the mask.

Oh, right. How silly of me! Im sure our continental war will go just as splendidly as it did here, even our less poorly defended and reinforced locations. After all, its not like weve spent more time and effort reinforcing this base because of the danger inherent from working in Camelot. No, no, not like that at all!

Bone snorts. Then just blame the Gentlemens Guild. Im a member of their esteemed order anyway, and Im sure they will graciously accept the blame to avoid greater bloodshed.

Naewinds anger starts to lesson at those words. Shifting the blame would

That could work. Yes, that That could stop a war.

Naewind strokes his mustache, a smile forming on his lips. Yes, if they can avoid the blame, then they should be able to start expanding their influence to the island.

Alright, Ill change up the narrative, but you need to make sure that the [Gentlemen] accept the blame, otherwise the Thieves Guild could still be blamed.

Bone raises his hand with a thumbs up. No problem.

Naewind grabs his papers and quickly shuffles them. Now then, do you have questions for me?

Who told you that I was a Voice? Bone asks.

Naewind lifts up his right sleeve, revealing his mark.

Bone clicks his tongue. Laverna. Of course.

He shakes his head. Welp, nothing I can do about that. Anyways, do you by chance know where I can find the [Scepter of Was]?

Naewind strokes his mustache. Hm, Ive actually recently heard mention of the item. If I remember correctly, a kingdom recently obtained it. I can have someone send you some details, if you wish?

Bone stands up. Perfect. When you find out more info, give it to the [Gentlemen] and tell them its for me. Ill pick it up when I return.

Youre leaving?

Bone waves as he walks to the door. Yup, I accepted a Mercenary contract. It shouldnt take more than a week or two.

Naewind watches Bone leave his office, rather confused by the brevity of the meeting and the few questions.

The [Guildlord] sighs and takes a paper, preparing a message for the other Voice.


Some people say that the gods work in mysterious ways. Those people are idiots. Theres nothing mysterious about them just refusing to tell you shit. The only mysterious thing about it is how they can never tell you anything.

At least Hermes is pretty straightforward. Go here, find this, deliver to here, all easy to understand. I dont need to work towards doubling the population of any groups either.

A [Thief] I passed by looks at me dumbfoundedly, but I ignore her. Instead, I retrace my steps till I stop at the room titled smithy.

I enter and am not at all taken aback when I find a tall, muscled, shirtless man, hard at work in the smithy.

Deflon Seron

Level 178 [Runesmith]

Deflon, my pal, my buddy, can we chat?

The [Smith] pays me no mind and continues his work.

Uh Deflon? Hello?

Nope, hes still working away.

Deflon Seron, Deflonious Seronious, Deflona Serona, would you please stop abusing that poor piece of metal for a few minutes so I can change your life?

The muscular man stops his pounding. He turns around slowly and glares at me.

Who are you?

Such a simple question, but do you have the mental fortitude, the sheer force of will to handle an answer? My true nature, such as it- No, wait, dont turn around! Look, Ill knock it off, I have to talk to you about something important. Here, I reach into my robe pocket and pull out a necklace.

Upon seeing the [Necklace of Obfuscation], the [Runesmith]s eyes widen. He quickly reaches forward and grabs the necklace from my hand.

Where, where did you get this?

I smile. Its my companions. She was given to a temple of Eir when she was a baby, along with that necklace.

Is she-

Alive? Yes, but Jessica doesnt know anything about her family.

The big man sniffs as tears start to fall from his eyes. Josephine survived. She actually survived.

The mans back stiffens quickly. She, she should go meet her mother.

Mother? Josephine?

The man nods. Her real name is Josephine Vita of Carpe Diem. Her mother is Juliana Vita, the current head of Carpe Diem.

Holy Shit her moms alive! And her real name is Josephine. And shes royalty wait. She doesnt have a [noble] class though.

He shakes his head, tears still streaming down his cheeks. Her late father was not royalty. He was my mentor.

The big man rubs the tears from his face, but are only replaced by even more. He takes a seat on the floor and leans his back into the anvil. He cries more.

I sigh and walk to him, rubbing him on the shoulder. Its fine. Shes safe. Everything will be alright, big guy.

The guy sniffs and tries to glare at me, but his face refuses to stop smiling. So much happiness is oozing from his form that even I am starting to get a little teary. Thankfully, I have a mask, so he cant see my moment of weakness.

Noticing a sound while I comfort the big guy, I look at the entrance. A veritable swarm of people gawk from the doorway. Many of them are in the midst of laughing.

I raise my right hand and give them the universal gesture, erect and pointing towards the sky.


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