Indestructible God King

Chapter 176.2 Long Yu (2/2)

Chapter 176.2 Long Yu (2/2)

Wang Ke could not remember a thing. He only remembered being blown away by a tornado, and round and round he went until he finally passed out. This lady saved me?

The woman nodded, seeing that Wang Ke was believing the story.

"Long Yu? So, you saved me? Please accept my apologies; I misunderstood you just now!" Wang Ke said with a smile. I still thought she was trying to scam some compensation out of me! After all, according to Wang Ke's memories, the prettier a woman the harsher the sabotage. However, it was a different story altogether if the woman had saved his life.

I was swept up into the sky by a tornado, but now I'm lying on a glacier somehow. Something must have happened while I passed out, something that could explain why I had no clothes on! And another thing! If I crashed into the glacier, why wasn't I injured? Chances are I fell into the water and Long Yu saved me.

"Oh right, I'm Wang Ke! Why are you here? And what's wrong with your body? Why is it so cold? And all that frost coming out from you? Your face is so pale!" Wang Ke asked in a worried tone.

The woman looked at Wang Ke doubtfully. You actually believed me?

"Immortal Ice?" Die frozen? That was a sentence issued by the Demon Sovereign?" Wang Ke asked in shock. Long Yu nodded.

"How vicious of him! I'm sure he has an ugly face; that's why he wears that demonic mask. How could he be so ruthless to such a beautiful girl!? That's too much!" said Wang Ke while feeling indignant.

The woman first threw him a stare, but she managed to suppress her anger and calm down.

"Don't be afraid. Let me think of a way to find an antidote to your Immortal Ice! Come, give me your hand; let me feel your pulse!" Wang Ke suggested.

Long Yu readily stretched out her fair wrist. He then placed his fingers on her pulse, and a chilling cold rushed to his fingertips.


Wang Ke instinctively pulled back, and looked bewildered at the frost covered fingers.

"That's so cold! I almost lost my fingers. Long Yu, how are you able to resist?" Wang Ke gasped in astonishment.

"Compared to the coldness of human hearts, this is nothing," Long Yu replied with a bitter smile.

"Uhh, a philosopher, too? Ive also given thought to such things!" Wang Ke nodded.

Long Yu had barely managed to conjure up a grieving mood. But now she didn't know how to follow through.

"Wang Ke, the cold effect inside my body comes in waves. Another wave is coming Can you give me some warmth again?" Long Yu asked.

"Piece of cake! It's nothing compared to saving me from the Miasmic Sea!" Wang Ke agreed to it immediately. He released a large amount of turbid essence Qi and ignited the fumes with a matchstick to provide Long Yu with some warmth. She then gave him a strange look as she saw all this.

"Feeling better?" Wang Ke asked.

"Yes, better. But, is your essence Qi supposed to be lit with a matchstick?" Long Yu wondered.

"Unfortunately, yes. My ancestors sabotaged me! At least I can light it up with matchsticks. The worst is that it can eventually light up on its own without matchsticks! By then I would leave this world!" Wang Ke complained out of frustration.

Long Yu: "...................!"

"Let's not talk about this anymore. The cold comes in waves, but when will it end?" Wang Ke asked.

"There's no end. Itll continue until it tires me out and I die!" Long Yu sighed. That was the distinguishing mark of Immortal Ice; it truly earned its name by being so deadly.

"Unless you die? How ruthless! I thought the Demon Sovereign was a good person. But now I see he really has a vicious heart!" Wang Ke grumbled.

"Hmm?" Long Yu appeared to be a little unhappy about it.

"Look! Youre such a beauty, yet he punished you with Immortal Ice? How does he have the heart for it! Long Yu, did the Demon Sovereign make an advance because of your beauty, and you rejected him? That's why he punished you?" Wang Ke asked curiously.

Long Yu: "............!"

"Long Yu, don't worry. I know a couple of Astral Infant powerhouses. My Revered Teacher is also one of them. Let me take you to him and ask for help!" Wang Ke said.

Long Yu shook her head, wearing a smile of self-mockery, "An Astral Infant? To help me? Haha!" Who would dare help me? And who can release me from the grip of the Immortal Ice? Its a power beyond what Astral Infants can expel! If they could, I would have already purged it back then!

"There's no use. I can only take the cold effect away if I had a dragon sphere!" Long Yu sighed.

"A dragon sphere?" Wang Ke was surprised by the revelation.

"That's right. A dragon sphere! Only some of the special draconic leylines can produce dragon spheres. Unfortunately, finding one in the Ten-thousand Great Mountains is no longer possible!" Long Yu sighed, then shook her head.

"Uhh, would this one do?" Wang Ke took out a red sphere.

Long Yu, after looking at the thing: ".....................!"

A dragon sphere? How can it be? Long Yu rubbed her eyes. This is so freaky. You are but a mere Innate Stage cultivator! How can you simply take out a dragon sphere like that? Don't tell me it's a fake!

"You... Where did you get this?" A wide-eyed Long Yu stared at Wang Ke.

"Ive had it for some time. I studied it thoroughly, but then realized I couldnt absorb its energy; my house almost blew up when I managed to extract a little bit. My plan was to wait until my God Wang Tower was done, to hold an auction there and sell this thing to some foolish rich guy at a sky-high price! But, forget it! You saved my life. Use it if itll help you remove the poison!" Wang Ke then placed the fist-sized dragon sphere in Long Yu's hands.

Long Yu was in a daze. A dragon sphere! I've been dreaming about it for so long! I spent so much time and energy but couldnt find one! And now, Wang Ke just gave me one? Just like that?

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