Indestructible God King

Chapter 156.1 Unknown Person (1/2)

Chapter 156.1 Unknown Person (1/2)

Outside the Demon Suppressing Temple! In a valley some distance away

"Almighty Dragon!" Monk Jie Se cried out.

"Roar!" A deafening dragon roar was heard.

She Tianba and the Snake King's misery could be heard coming from inside the poisonous smoke.

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"Ahhh! How did everything end up like this!" She Tianba screamed in despair.

The Snake King too roared in despair, "Roar, it's all your fault, She Tianba! And Zhu Yan! You two dragged me into this deep sh*t!"

"Almighty Dragon!" Monk Jie Se used the same move again.


The powerful shockwave made Wang Ke's face twitch.

"This is such a freaky time to live in! Even a lunatic can reach the Astral Infant Stage? Can I still stay safely here?" Wang Ke muttered to himself in horror.

And so, he decisively turned around and returned to the Demon Suppressing Temple.

"How's the repair work coming along?" Wang Ke asked.

"Soon, just a little more!" his men replied.

"Don't worry too much about how it looks on the outside anymore! Speed up the work because we must leave as soon as possible!" Wang Ke urged.

"Understood!" His men immediately sped up to complete their tasks.

The temple roof was soon repaired in an even quicker fashion.

"Wang Ke, what... what should we do now?" Zhu Yan walked up to him and asked worriedly.

Wang Ke reprimanded him, "Do? Do your nose! You brat, you only know how to cause trouble for me! This is the fourth wave of people coming after your life! I won't be able to keep you alive if this continues! Get ready to leave!"

"The Snake King wasn't coming for me at first!" Zhu Yan gave him a helpless smile.

"Bullsh*t! Weren't you the one who drew him here?" Wang Ke shot him a stare.

Zhu Yan immediately shrunk his neck. There wont be anything but tears if I pursue the matter. The Snake King is really nuts! I helped him find Wang Ke but he wants to eat me; in what way is that reasonable?

Wang Ke turned to look at the Heavenly Wolf Sect disciples.

They were always after him for trouble, so he didn't care about their life and death. But damn, the papers you wrote vouching for me will hold no value if you guys die!

"All of you, pack up, carry Murong Luguang and leave immediately!" Wang Ke advised them.

"Our Eldest apprentice-brother is at the key moment of his breakthrough. How can we disturb him?" one of the juniors replied.

"That's right. Are you going to offer compensation if one of us interrupts his process?" another junior said reluctantly.

"Freaking hell! You guys are downright ignorant and ungrateful! I'm asking you to take Murong Luguang away for your own good! Even so, you show no appreciation!" Wang Ke scolded them in anger.

"Humph, why should we leave?" one of the juniors replied.

"That monk is problematic!" Wang Ke answered before continuing to persuade them, "He guards this old temple alone and says he's guarding a blood demon. But damn, the blood demon already fused with She Tianba a year ago! What the hell is he guarding then? Besides, he's actually an Astral Infant cultivator pretending to be an innocent dove until I was almost duped by him! A gentleman wouldnt stand next to a nearly-crumbling wall. Now's your chance to leave!"

"Humph. Master Jie Se is a disciple of the Blood Temple; he's part of the righteous faction; how could there be a problem?" another junior disciple retorted.


Murong Luguangstill in a meditative statesnorted coldly. He obviously didn't agree with Wang Ke's advice.

"Uhh, okay then. Suit yourselves! I'm off!" Wang Ke said.

I was trying to teach you a societal lesson, yet you refused to listen. Seems like youll only wake up after you suffer at the hands of others. Suit yourselves, then; in any case, your pain wont come my way. But damn, those documents will surely go to waste.

Wang Ke turned around and walked out of the temple.

The battle outside had ended at that moment; no more explosions were heard.

He could see Monk Jie Se towing She Tianba back.

The monk's captive had bruises all over his face; it was unsightly.

"Master, wheres the Snake King?" Wang Ke wondered.

"That beast detonated his inner core to squeeze out a last burst of energy to dig into an underground river and disappear. I pitied him, so I decided against pursuing him!" the monk answered.

"But he was going to destroy your Demon Suppressing Temple!" Wang Ke continued.

The monk shook his head and said, "Forget it. He has received his share of punishment. Buddha is merciful; he wouldnt annihilate his enemies!"

Wang Ke's face blackened. I will still be in trouble if you dont! The Snake King is so petty-minded! It's been so long, yet he still holds a grudge against me. This time, he detonated his inner core; now hell literally hate me to the core!

"Don't kill me, please! I fused with the blood demon's seed, but I didn't want to do it either!" She Tianba immediately begged for mercy.

"Don't worry, She Tianba. This monk doesn't kill!" said Zhu Yan as he walked out from the temple.

She Tianba raged in his heart once he saw his supposed partner.

"Zhu Yan, how dare you pull me into a trap!" She Tianba questioned his fellow demon angrily.

"I... I didn't expect this to happen either! She Tianba, endure for a little while. This master is actually very nice! You just have to listen to his teachings!" said Zhu Yan, lying to She Tianbas face.

"Really? Master, youre not going to kill me?' She Tianba asked fearfully.

"Amitbha. Buddha is all merciful! I don't kill. Youll just have to sit with me and let me enlighten you!" Monk Jie She replied with a smile.

"Good, that's good. I will definitely accept your enlightenment!" She Tianba was elated to hear that.

"Amitbha. Put down your murderous weapon and become a Buddha on the spot! You have a good Buddha nature!" The monk smiled joyfully.

She Tianba heaved a sigh of relief while Zhu Yan's face was twitching like mad. Words were rushing up to his throat, but he eventually swallowed them back.

"Master, it's getting late. I shall not disrupt you further. Your roof is now repaired. Why don't you take a look to see if everything is all right?" Wang Ke said to the monk.

"Thank you, Master Wang Ke! You really are a nice person! But it's still raining heavily now. Why don't you leave after the rain stops?" the monk tried to persuade him.

"Nah, it's okay. You must be real busy since you still have She Tianba to enlighten! I wont disrupt you any longer! Let's chat some other time!" Wang Ke insisted.

"That's right, that's right. May fate bring us together once again!" Zhu Yan nodded immediately like a chick pecking millets.

"But this rain is so heavy!" Monk Jie Se said with a frown.

"It's okay. It's getting hot anyway; the rain will cool us down!" Wang Ke didnt relent.

The monk looked at Wang Ke and his men, and eventually nodded. "Amitbha. May you have a smooth journey ahead!"

"Haha, thank you, thank you!" Wang Ke laughed heartily.

He waved his hands as he spoke, and out went all his subordinates. Zhu Yan was also quick on the uptake, standing by Wang Ke's side automatically.

"Oh yeah, you said that Zhu Yan is a troublemaker too? If you think you can't discipline him, you leave him with me for his enlightenment!" Monk Jie Se offered.

"No, thank you! I can be disciplined! I'm quite docile when it matters!" Zhu Yan objected in horror.

"Master, farewell!" Wang Ke nervously cupped his hands toward the monk.

After that, he dashed into the nearby forest like running from a plague.

Zhu Yan followed closely behind. Wang Ke's subordinates had also been fast when leaving the Demon Suppressing Temple.

She Tianba was slightly confused when he saw how fast Wang Ke had made his way out. What was that look on Wang Ke's face? Why was he so terrified? Didnt he say that Monk Jie Se doesn't kill?

And so, the monk towed She Tianba back into the temple. The Heavenly Wolf Sect disciples were inside, guarding Murong Luguang. Everyone gave She Tianba puzzled looks when the monk walked in.

"Amitbha. She Tianba, you fusing with the blood demon was partly because of my shortcomings. Next, I shall take on the responsibility of enlightening you. I hope you understand that the ocean of suffering is boundless; turn back, and you will reach the shore!" Monk Jie Se started his teaching in a serious tone.

As long as I don't get killed, your lecturing is peanuts!

"Master, you are right. I will listen to you!" She Tianba nodded obediently.

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