In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 424: Metropolis Doubt (8)

Chapter 424: Metropolis Doubt (8)

Benjamin did not restrict the guests at the mayor's mansion during the banquet, so the news of Old Parker's death quickly spread. Many people stood by the railing of the courtyard corridor, watching below and discussing the news with amazement and disbelief.

Many people were walking down to the second floor, wanting to get a closer look at the corpse.

People are strange. When the corpse fell in front of them, they desperately wanted to run away, but when the corpse was far away from them, they wanted to get closer and see what was going on.

The only figure going upstairs was Schiller, which made him stand out from the crowd. When Bruce left the room and came to the corridor, he noticed this.

Bruce stood by the railing of his floor's courtyard and looked down, seeing Old Parker's corpse.

He lay there on his back, with a large bloodstain on his chest, and a wound could be vaguely seen. It seemed that he was stabbed by a sharp weapon. Like Mayor White, he was thrown from a high place and fell in the middle of the banquet hall.

At this time, several agents were performing an autopsy with various tools. Some were wearing gloves and feeling around the corpse, some were recording with notebooks on the side, and some were using flashlights to search for clues around.

As Bruce watched all of this from above, he saw Schiller going against the flow, even though they had no communication during the banquet. Bruce understood his behavior logic.

You can't say that what is happening in the hall right now is not a murder scene. In fact, in most police and gangster movies or some detective movies, this scene is very common.

Looking down from above, the composition is like an old suspense movie. The corpse with a blooming bloodstain lies in a messy environment in a strange posture. The police are hurriedly investigating, and the onlookers have different expressions and are whispering to each other.

However, no matter from the timing, the process, or the result, it seems too ordinary. During the time Bruce was Batman in Gotham, he encountered more exciting gang revenge scenes than this.

Gang leaders like various intimidating methods to deal with their opponents. The more violent ones will throw their enemies into cement trucks or tie them to stones and throw them into the sea.

Family leaders like The Godfather will invite family members who violate the rules into the church to confess before God. After they walk out of the steps and stand on the church, they will be shot in front of them.

The execution methods of Gotham Gang, whether from the sense of ceremony or the effect, are much stronger than this scene.

Bruce almost felt Schiller's boredom. Even he couldn't help but wonder what they were shocked about when he looked at the shocked expressions of the crowd below.

Thinking of this, Bruce couldn't help but start to recall what would happen if this happened in Gotham today.

Just as he thought of this topic, Bruce touched the side of his nose with his finger, as if warning himself not to make such dangerous assumptions, but his thoughts still spread uncontrollably...

He thought that at the beginning of the banquet, when the host announced the list of important guests and read out the first name, the owner of the name would definitely turn into a corpse falling from the sky.

Immediately after, people would start suspecting and speculating about each other. When the second murder occurs, the cause of death will undoubtedly be extremely bizarre and peculiar, indicating the presence of a terrifying serial killer hiding among them.

At this point, someone inexplicably connects to the television in the hall and begins to recount how they have been ignored by society, proposing various rules and conditions that lead people to turn against each other.

Eventually, many people will be driven to madness, unleashing their untapped potential that has never been released in civilized society, engulfing others in a deeper darkness.

As everyone descends into madness and chaos, the maniacal laughter will explode like thunder on a rainy night. In the dark and profound rain, the explosion of flames will illuminate, signaling the arrival of a madman.

Bruce shook his head, took a deep breath, and exhaled, feeling a bit more relaxed. He thought to himself, "Thank goodness this is Metropolis."

After mentally rehearsing the scenes in Gotham, Bruce seemed to lose interest in observing what was happening here. He indeed needed to uncover the secrets behind this, but it didn't mean he had to engage in empty conversations with the agents and the old Luthor.

Bruce walked back to the room where Selena was fiddling with her wrist guards. Bruce approached the table, took out a box, and Selena stood up, flexing her wrists and ankles. She said, "Let's stick to the previous plan. I'll infiltrate each room and plant bugs, while you go to the surveillance room of this Manor."

Bruce took off his sweater, then opened a bottle of alcohol and poured it onto the sweater until it was saturated with the strong scent of alcohol. He did the same to his pants.

He put on the two pieces of clothing, picked up the half-empty bottle of alcohol, took a couple of sips, and then spat it out, ensuring that he was covered in the smell of alcohol. Afterward, he stumbled out of the room.

At this moment, almost everyone was gathered in the central corridor, observing the situation below. As Bruce descended the staircase from the side, he encountered no obstacles.

He speculated that the surveillance room was on the first floor, so he had to explore the first floor first. He squinted his eyes and mumbled some incomprehensible nonsense, appearing like a complete drunkard.

Just as he descended from the side staircase to the first floor and turned into the corridor, suddenly, he saw a figure standing at the end of the corridor, but it quickly disappeared. Bruce leaned against the wall and began to retch, but when he lowered his head, he raised his eyes and stared at the situation at the end of the corridor.

The person on the opposite side must have heard the noise when Bruce descended the stairs, so they hid on the other side of the corridor. However, after a while, it seemed that they realized that the person coming was just a wandering drunkard, so they came out again.

From Bruce's angle, he couldn't see the person's true face, so he decided to play along. He clutched his chest and continued to retch violently, then collapsed on the ground as if completely drunk.

The figure on the other side stayed at the end of the corridor, observing for a few minutes. But in the end, they started walking towards Bruce. Bruce pretended to be passed out on the ground, one eye closed and the other slightly open...

The first thing that caught his eye was a pair of exquisite leather shoes, and as he looked up, he saw a well-dressed person in a suit. Judging from the shape of the ankles, it seemed to be a young person.

Bruce felt that a pair of hands grabbed him under his armpits and dragged him to the other end of the corridor. He relaxed his body and didn't resist the force, but he could sense that the person on the other side wasn't particularly strong. After dragging him for a few tens of seconds, they had to stop and take a rest.

Moreover, this person seemed to have some resistance to the smell of alcohol, occasionally covering their nose and coughing. However, they continued to drag Bruce, walking and stopping, until they reached the corner of the corridor.

After turning the corner, there was a storage room. Bruce felt that he was being dragged into the storage room. In a moment of changing light, he took the opportunity to open his eyes and saw a head of red hair.

Bruce was dragged by those hands and thrown into a corner of the storage room, leaning against a pile of cardboard boxes. He waited until he saw the person turn around through the slits of his eyes before he opened them in relief.

He saw a tall and slender young man with red hair wearing a suit. He was walking out of the storage room, and when he returned, he was holding the same bottle of alcohol that Bruce had been carrying. He poured the remaining alcohol on the floor.

As he turned around, Bruce saw him fiddling with a lighter in his hand.

Bruce slowly adjusted his breathing. At the moment when the lighter sparked, he leaped forward and grabbed the person by the neck, pressing him against the wall.

He saw a young and shocked face. Bruce asked coldly, "Who are you?"

The other person seemed genuinely shocked. His chest trembled violently a few times, and his face turned red. Bruce pressed him with one hand and used the other to close and lock the door of the storage room.

Then he let go of his hand, allowing the red-haired youth to cough and cover his neck. When he finally caught his breath, Bruce was surprised to see the young man half-kneeling on the ground, laughing out loud.

"Hahaha, Bruce Wayne... Bruce Wayne..."

The young man kept repeating Bruce's name. Bruce took two steps back, holding his arms and frowning. He asked, "Do you know me?"

"Of course, hahaha, do you know how funny it is? That idiot... That idiot... The only thing he firmly believed in turned out to be fake..."

After laughing for a while, he finally stood up straight, leaned against the wall, looked up, covered his neck, and breathed for a while. He looked into Bruce's eyes and said, "Hello, my name is Lex Luthor."

Bruce frowned. He vaguely remembered meeting him at a party, but they were both young at the time, and their appearances have changed a lot since then.

Moreover, if Bruce remembered correctly, Lex appeared as a child with autism at that time. He didn't speak to anyone and just sat there alone.

"If I guess correctly, you may be recalling our last meeting and wondering why I, an autistic patient, can communicate with you so smoothly now?"

Lex always had a mocking smile on his face, which made Bruce uncomfortable and reminded him of another madman.

"This has to start with an idiot."

Lex looked Bruce up and down with his eyes and said, "It all started with an idiot who always thought that Little Wayne was a playboy and kept nagging in my ear..."

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