In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 42: A New Job Invitation

Chapter 42: A New Job Invitation

In a small bar located on the outskirts of the affluent district in Gotham City, Schiller added a dash of lemon juice to his well-prepared golden cocktail. He raised his glass and said to Gordon, "Congratulations, detective. At least now you can act according to your own will."Bruce, seated across the round table, also raised his glass, and Harvey did the same. Harvey chimed in, "Indeed, a celebration is in order. You're the most upright cop I've ever met."

The four clinked their glasses together, and Gordon took a sip of his drink. His face turned slightly red, whether from excitement or the effects of alcohol was uncertain. He remarked, "The more it is like this, the more I realize how far I still have to go."

Bruce added, "Progress is always a good thing."

Schiller chuckled, lifted his glass to his lips, and said, "Is that so? It seems our recent pure-hearted young man has made significant progress?"

Bruce put down his glass and replied, "I recall, Professor, that you once mentioned you had no advice to offer regarding my personal love life."

"But I also reminded you to take care of your kidneys, and I don't mean just avoiding the knife. The view from Trick Street is indeed quite splendid; their neon lights are famous throughout the East Coast..."

Gordon's eye contact shifted between the two of them, and he raised an eyebrow, asking, "What cryptic game are you two playing?"

"Nothing, just a piece of advice for you: mind your own business from now on. Some people are very confident about their kidney function."

Gordon now understood and commented, "It seems Bruce has been quite active in the romance department lately."

Schiller set his glass down and smiled, saying, "Quite the opposite."

Harvey, privy to some inside information, nudged Bruce with his elbow and asked, "So, how's it going with that girl you mentioned? Have you established a relationship?"

Gordon immediately perked up, and Bruce touched his temple, looking at the three men who seemed eager for some gossip. Bruce said, "Don't do this, don't do this. What's with all this talk of a relationship? This gathering is supposed to celebrate Gordon's promotion."

"I think becoming the head of the Gotham Police Department is not as exciting as Mr. World's Richest Person finding a new girlfriend," Gordon remarked.

"That might be a bit of an exaggeration, considering how many girlfriends Mr. World's Richest Person has," Schiller added.

"But being the head of the police station is just as useless as being an ordinary cop," Gordon self-deprecatingly stated.

Bruce, exasperated by their antics, said, "Alright, I acknowledge it. I've taken a liking to a girl—not the kind of liking based solely on her beautiful face and figure, though she is undoubtedly beautiful with a great physique, but..."

Both Gordon and Harvey wore expressions that suggested they didn't need an explanation. Harvey added, "At your age, liking any girl without considering their appearance is a load of rubbish. Every man in the world who says otherwise is spouting nonsense."

Gordon adjusted his tie and remarked, "So, there's actually a girl who has captured Bruce's heart? I'd love to see who has managed to do that."

Bruce continued, "She's not particularly special, just a girl from the slums, much like any other ordinary girl. She likes shiny jewels and dreams of having a castle filled with gemstones."

"Do you prefer castles in Germany or France?" Schiller asked. "I hear Neuschwanstein Castle is quite nice; how about buying it?"

Bruce, unable to contain himself, tapped his glass lightly and said, "I'm not courting her! I'm serious about this. Stop looking at me like that. I acknowledge that in the past, I've been a bit... well, not just a bit, but I really intend to..."

"You're not facing her right now, no need for these flowery words."

Schiller quickly interrupted Bruce's confession. After all, who couldn't say such things?

But in reality, there wasn't much of a relationship anyway. After all, Batman is the main character; if the main character says something like that, it shouldn't cause too much trouble.

Bruce took a sip of his drink, an unusual excitement in his demeanor, and continued, "We have indeed established a relationship, and we've been going out for several nights in a row. She even gave me a beautiful gemstone."

"What about you? Haven't you given her anything?" Harvey inquired.

Bruce replied, "I'm considering it."

"That's a bit impolite," Harvey commented. "Do you look down on her because of her background in the slums? Pardon my bluntness, but not everyone is as fortunate as you. I believe, at least for you, class should not hinder love..."

"I certainly don't think that way."

"The issue is, if you don't quickly give her a token of your affection, she might think that way," Schiller remarked. "Any girl from the slums dating the world's richest person would likely lack confidence."

"Alright," Bruce said. "What do you think I should give her? I've been thinking for a while and can't come up with anything."

Harvey didn't know Catwoman's true identity because he didn't know that Bruce was Batman, and he was unaware of their history.

But Schiller knew all too well.

Schiller suggested, "How about a pearl necklace?"

Bruce tightened his grip on the glass and took a sip before replying, "I have to acknowledge that I'm not particularly fond of pearl necklaces. However, if she likes them, I'll make sure to get her the best one."

After the gathering, Schiller returned to his apartment, needing to clear away the remnants of the evening, including the lingering scent of alcohol.

Schiller's travels between DC and Marvel were not without reason. After arriving in DC, he had two objectives in mind. On one hand, he intended to let Marvel's plot unfold on its own, while on the other, he needed to tie up loose ends on this side.

He was a cautious individual who preferred every task to have a clear beginning and end. Although the fact that the former police commissioner hadn't ended up in Prison took him by surprise, his initial purpose in returning was to resolve the lingering issues from the Jonathan case.

The former commissioner had now become Batman's target, and Schiller had no immediate plans to interfere. However, there was still one person unaccounted for – the missing Commissioner Victor.

Schiller was aware that Victor had been abducted by Sal Maroni. Despite this, Maroni might not necessarily want to end his life. A former police station chief had a wealth of valuable information at his disposal, and given Maroni's significant losses, he wouldn't let Victor die easily unless he could recoup his losses.

But Schiller had to eliminate Victor.

During the early stages of the Jonathan case, his abilities were insufficient, and when he stole the fear gas, he used the simplest method available: breaking and entering. Even though he had removed 99% of the evidence, he still had to eliminate the possibility of the remaining 1% being discovered.

Victor, in his efforts to clear Jonathan's name, had entered the evidence room on more than one occasion. This veteran police officer was the only person who could potentially expose Schiller's involvement in the theft of the fear gas.

It was worth noting that after Jonathan entered Arkham Asylum, the most traditional version of the fear gas concentrate had become obsolete. However, due to Maroni's massive losses, many members of the gang were eager to get their hands on such weapons. If someone were to expose who had stolen the fear gas, the gang would descend upon them like a pack of sharks smelling blood.

Schiller had originally planned to pay Maroni a visit, but before he could do so, an unexpected individual approached him.

Schiller followed a man dressed in black to a car and took a seat. A well-dressed man in a suit sitting in the front turned to him and said, "Professor Schiller, you have no need to fear. The Godfather has requested your presence because he requires your assistance."

The elongated luxury car soon arrived at a manor not far from the South District. Schiller followed his guide inside. The manor's decor was old-fashioned, and once inside, he ascended to the third floor. The guide knocked on a door, and a deep voice from within said, "Please come in."

Schiller entered the room and saw a tall man, or rather, an elderly man, with silver-gray hair. He was dressed impeccably in a suit with a tie, and a red poppy adorned his chest pocket. He exuded an aura of authority.

He extended his hand, which bore a ring, and said to Schiller, "Professor Rodriguez, I apologize for this intrusion. I've summoned you because I need your assistance."

"I am honored to be of service, Mr. Falcone."

Schiller approached Falcone, with a desk between them. Behind him stood two black-clad bodyguards.

Falcone didn't waste time and went straight to his request. "I have a son, who is no longer a child. My family and business both require him to take the reins, and I wish to hire you as his private tutor."

Without waiting for questions, Falcone added, "His previous tutor was shot three times in the chest and didn't make it. I've heard that you even managed to get Bruce Wayne to submit his homework on time. You seem to be a suitable candidate."

"Of course, I am not here to threaten you. I understand you've caused some trouble in Metropolis, and some people have followed the scent here, but by now, they should all be at the bottom of the sewer."

"This is my offer. What do you say?"

Schiller looked at Falcone, who seemed more like the early DC Comic portrayal of this mob boss. Falcone drew inspiration from the character of Corleone in 'The Godfather,' portrayed by Marlon Brando.

Now, compared to the image of Falcone in movies and TV shows, with his jacket and quirky sunglasses, this elderly man looked more like the Godfather of the ruling Gotham gang empire.

"I agree, but I have one more request."

"The former police commissioner has gone missing," Schiller said.

"You want to find him?"

"No, I want to eliminate him."

Falcone sat down, took a cigar handed to him by someone nearby, and took a puff, exhaling a cloud of cigarette smoke. He said slowly, "Victor... I know him. He's a cunning old trickster. Do you have some personal vendetta with him?"

"I believe that in Gotham, one doesn't need a personal vendetta to take a life."

Falcone chuckled while holding the cigar. "It seems you will indeed make a fine teacher."

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