Immortality Through Array Formations

Chapter 66 - 66 Thousand Formations_1

Chapter 66 Thousand Formations_1

Translator: 549690339

When Mo Hua arrived at Mr. Zhuang’s mountain residence, the Bai siblings were already there, studying and cultivating under the tree next to the small stone table by the pond. Aunt Xue usually did not enter the dwelling but waited outside the door.

When Bai Zisheng saw Mo Hua, he threw down the book in his hand and ran over excitedly.

Mo Hua handed him a small portion of the food box and also a small pot of fruit wine, “You eat it later, you just finished breakfast.”

Bai Zisheng, with meat stuffed in his mouth, looked content, “It’s fine, I told Aunt Xue I had a poor appetite, so I didn’t eat much this morning.”

Mo Hua shook his head and passed the pastries and osmanthus wine jelly to Bai Zixi, who thanked him with her crisp and pleasant voice. She then ate the pastries in small bites and sipped the wine jelly, her demeanor graceful and dignified.

Looking at Bai Zisheng and then at Bai Zixi, Mo Hua thought to himself that although they were siblings, the difference in their manners of eating was too great.

Bai Zisheng used to pretend to behave with the propriety of a Disciple of the Worldly Family; however, after he became familiar with Mo Hua, he no longer cared about manners. His current dog-like eating manners utterly wasted his handsome appearance.

Mo Hua also brought some food and drink to Mr. Zhuang and Old Kui before starting to ask about solving formations.

Some simple questions Mo Hua had already asked Bai Zisheng, the remaining ones were more difficult problems that couldn’t be solved with just his Tao Cultivation knowledge.

For example, how to solve a formation using the formation eye and Formation Pivot, what the basic principles of solving a formation are, and how to solve some formations when they can’t be understood, and so on.

Mr. Zhuang was quite satisfied with the questions Mo Hua posed, “If you can ask these, it shows that you have carefully read through the classics I gave you.”

“Solving formations through the formation eye is very difficult, the Reversed Spirit Formation Pattern is difficult to learn and even more difficult to master, and moreover, it’s a secret passed down by Noble Clans, not easily disclosed. Even if one learns it, it’s hard to use because Spirit Gathering Formation Patterns vary with different formations. In practice, the Reversed Spirit Formation needs to be adapted to the specific formation, and it’s very difficult to grasp the finer points. And using the Spirit Gathering Formation Pattern to solve can easily lead to uncontrollable spiritual power in the formation, not only destroying the formation but also likely injuring the cultivator’s life.”

“You don’t even need to consider solving with the Formation Pivot, at least not if you’re below a Third Grade Formation Master. Solving with the Formation Pivot requires a very deep foundation in formations, and a study of the various Noble Clans, Sects, or different schools’ formation structures; otherwise, when faced with an entirely unfamiliar formation system, there’s no way to begin.”

“Therefore, for you, you just need to think about using Formation Patterns to solve, which seems complicated but is actually the most basic and simplest method.”

“Oh, oh,” Mo Hua nodded repeatedly as she listened.

“Mo Hua, do you think a Formation Master should study formations focusing on depth or breadth?” Mr. Zhuang suddenly asked.

“Isn’t the best to delve into a wide range and still achieve mastery…” Mo Hua answered weakly.

A mature cultivator chooses both.

Mr. Zhuang laughed, “The Great Dao is boundless, but one’s life is finite. Wishing to explore widely and master everything is wishful thinking. Usually, Formation Masters will make a choice, some prefer to specialize in one particular category of formations, seeking depth instead of breadth, while others choose to have broad knowledge, seeking breadth instead of depth.”

“In that case, specializing in one type of formation is surely better,” Mo Hua said.

“And why is that?” Mr. Zhuang asked with interest.

“Formation arts are profound and complex. Greedily chasing breadth will only result in superficial knowledge. But by specializing in one type, and thereby understanding by analogy, one can truly grasp the essence of formations. When faced with profound and obscure formations later, one will not be at a loss where to start…”

Mr. Zhuang nodded, “That’s correct, hence why the Noble Clans’ transmission of formations values specialization and shuns miscellany.”

Mo Hua understood some of this but still didn’t quite see how it related to himself.

“In fact, not only Noble Clans but all orthodox transmission of formations value specialization and do not seek breadth. First, master one category of formations thoroughly, then begin studying other formations.” After saying this, Mr. Zhuang paused, looked at Mo Hua again, and spoke, “But you are different; you now need to learn broadly and cannot specialize in one category.”

Mo Hua paused thoughtfully and mused, “Is it because of the Cultivation Technique?”

Mr. Zhuang looked at him with approval, “Correct, you have learned Tianyan Jue, and when you break through to the next realm, you need to solve Mystery Formations. By solving Mystery Formations, the Cultivation Technique can be cultivated, your Cultivation can grow, and your realm can be elevated. If you can’t solve the Mystery Formation and lose your foundation, everything about a Cultivator is just empty talk.”

“And to solve Mystery Formations, you need to learn enough Formation Patterns and master enough Formations. Many Mystery Formations are not actually difficult; it all depends on whether you know the corresponding Formation Patterns and Formations. If you know them, solving the formation is a piece of cake. But if you don’t, even if you have a high talent for Formations and are highly skilled in them, it will be of no help.”

“As the saying goes, ‘a skillful cook cannot cook without rice.’ For a Mystery Formation you have never encountered before, even the most profound Formation Master can’t proceed.”

Mo Hua had an epiphany, then scratched his head and asked, “So, Mr. Zhuang, what exactly should I do?”

Mr. Zhuang handed him a book. The pages of the book bore four simple and ancient characters:

Thousand Formation Collection

Mo Hua flipped through it and found that it densely recorded various peculiar Formations. These Formations were all below first-grade, with most Formation Patterns within nine strokes, including a few with nine-stroke Formation Patterns.

Most of them were Five Elements-related Formations, as well as some with odd uses that Mo Hua had never seen before.

Mo Hua opened his mouth wide, “This is…”

“This is a collection of Formations below the first grade. It contains records of the Formation names, grades, uses, and other matters. Browse it yourself, and if there’s something you want to learn, go to the first floor of the library to find the corresponding Formation Diagrams.”

“I have taught you the basics of Formation. You can learn on your own now, and come to ask me if there’s anything you don’t understand. Just remember one thing, you must return the Formation Diagrams you have viewed; do not lose them. Remember this well,”

Mr. Zhuang instructed.

“The student will remember,” Mo Hua nodded earnestly.

“Off you go,” Mr. Zhuang waved his hand.

Mo Hua bowed seriously to Mr. Zhuang and carefully tucked the Thousand Formation Collection into his chest, ready to leave when Mr. Zhuang called him back.

“Mo Hua,” Mr. Zhuang hesitated for a moment before saying,

“Originally, I should have chosen a more reliable Cultivation Technique for you, so that the breakthrough wouldn’t require so much trouble… That was my oversight.”

Old Kui, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked at Mr. Zhuang with slight surprise.

Mo Hua showed a startled expression, then smiled sheepishly at Mr. Zhuang,

“The student comes from a modest background, and I don’t have many Spirit Stones. This Cultivation Technique doesn’t require Spiritual Objects for breakthroughs, and it uses few Spirit Stones, which couldn’t be more suitable for the student. At least in the student’s eyes, the Cultivation Technique Mr. Zhuang has chosen is already the best in the world.”

“Is that so…”

Mr. Zhuang looked at Mo Hua’s youthful and handsome face, at his clear and sincere eyes, and couldn’t help but smile, his demeanor becoming as carefree as before, though his voice grew even more gentle,

“Go study Formations.”

Mo Hua bowed obediently, then trotted away with his small legs.

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