Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

542. The World is on the Brink of Collapse!

542. The World is on the Brink of Collapse!

"Stop, who are you? This is the headquarters of the Twin Holy Alliance, no unauthorized entry!" As Lin Fei and Sun Blaze True Monarch approached the headquarters of the Twin Holy Alliance, they were immediately intercepted by the guards.

Exchanging a knowing smile, Sun Blaze True Monarch flicked his finger.


In the next moment, the expressions on the faces of the five guards from the Twin Holy Alliance's headquarters froze. Then, like a shattered mirror, their bodies disintegrated instantaneously.


The guards' bodies broke apart into countless pieces, blood pervading the air, and the pungent smell of carnage spreading swiftly.

The Twin Holy Alliance headquarters, under the watch of countless eyes, was now the center of a significant disturbance. This sudden and dramatic turn of events immediately alerted the members of the Twin Holy Alliance.


More people rushed to the scene, but upon laying eyes on Sun Blaze True Monarch, they shuddered in shock.

"The Holy... The Holy Emperor has come again?"

"It's that mysterious Holy Emperor, he's returned."

"Quick, inform His Majesty the Holy Emperor."

"Your Majesty, the mysterious Holy Emperor has returned..."

The people were all in a state of high alert as if facing a formidable enemy.

Indeed, it seemed that Sun Blaze True Monarch was well-recognized within the Twin Holy Alliance, even to those below the level of the Holy Emperor.

Sun Blaze True Monarch could only offer a wry smile at this recognition, commenting to Lin Fei, "See, these people all know me."

Lin Fei, however, appeared unconcerned. At their level of power, the idea of a surprise attack was unrealistic. Approaching unnoticed was impossible; True Monarch-level fighters had to face each other head-on, relying on their true strength for victory.

"Let's go, let's meet the Holy Emperor," Lin Fei suggested, and without further regard for the onlookers, they continued towards the grand hall of the Twin Holy Alliance.

"What? The mysterious Holy Emperor has returned?" The current Holy Emperor of the Twin Holy Alliance, upon receiving the news, showed a slight change in expression. "And this time, it seems he has brought an accomplice. Is this a call for help?"

The elder of the Twin Holy Alliance felt a surge of anxiety. Dealing with one Holy Emperor had been challenging enough; now, the arrival of an accomplice suggested a more formidable threat. Only a Holy Emperor could be the accomplice of another, implying that their Holy Emperor might now face two of these formidable beings, putting him in immediate danger.

"Never mind, he was bound to come eventually. I shall meet them myself," the Holy Emperor decided, his figure vanishing in a flash as he left the grand hall.

Soon, the Holy Emperor arrived outside the grand hall. Before him stood two figures; one was unmistakably Sun Blaze True Monarch, and the other, was unknown to him. Yet, judging by Sun Blaze True Monarch's demeanor and attitude, there was no doubt that this stranger was also a Holy Emperor-level powerhouse.

Taking a deep breath, the Holy Emperor of the Twin Holy Alliance called out loudly to Sun Blaze True Monarch, "Who are you? You have come to our Twin Holy Alliance several times now. What exactly is your purpose?"

Lin Fei and Sun Blaze True Monarch now faced the Holy Emperor of the Twin Holy Alliance. For Lin Fei, this was his first encounter with a Holy Emperor from this realm. The Holy Emperor, standing amidst the void, seemed to merge seamlessly with it.

Lin Fei noticed countless threads emanating from the Holy Emperor's body, each connecting intimately with the Holy Emperor Realm itself. This connection confirmed that the Holy Emperor was indeed inextricably linked to the True Monarch-level minor world, much like a Void Transformation True Monarch.

Sun Blaze True Monarch, no longer shrouded in darkness, smiled faintly and said, "So, after all this time, you still haven't figured out who I am? Or perhaps, you've guessed but can't bring yourself to believe it."

Hearing Sun Blaze True Monarch's words, the Holy Emperor of the Twin Holy Alliance trembled, a sinking feeling in his heart. He had already formed a guess but was hesitant to accept it. His voice wavered slightly, "Are you... truly beings from beyond the Holy Emperor Realm?"

"Haha, haven't you already guessed it?" Sun Blaze True Monarch responded. "Telling you makes no difference, as you cannot leave the Holy Emperor Realm. Yes, we are beings from beyond your realm. We are True Monarchs from the Divine Realm! As for our purpose here, haven't you sensed it? Your world is on the brink of collapse. It's a world teetering on the edge of destruction. We've come merely to obtain some things before the collapse of the Holy Emperor Realm."

The Holy Emperor of the Twin Holy Alliance's face turned pale as he listened. In a low murmur, he said, "So it is true... the Holy Emperor Realm is about to collapse and be destroyed? No wonder I've felt constantly uneasy, my heart uneasy. I've even sensed a faint aura of destruction permeating the void. Various signs have indicated that something is amiss with the Holy Emperor Realm. So these are the signs of its impending collapse and destruction…"

The Holy Emperor of the Twin Holy Alliance turned deathly pale. If the Holy Emperor Realm were to collapse and be destroyed, it would mean his own demise as well. Deep down, he was starting to believe the words of Sun Blaze True Monarch and Lin Fei, yet the true nature of these claims remained uncertain to him.

Determined, the Holy Emperor of the Twin Holy Alliance resolved, "This time, at all costs, we must capture one of them."

Suddenly, without any warning, the Holy Emperor initiated an attack, unleashing a cataclysmic force. It seemed as if the entire Holy Emperor Realm trembled under the power of his strike.

Lin Fei distinctly felt the laws of the Holy Emperor Realm being drawn upon, not merely manipulated but actively invoked by the Holy Emperor. Even this invocation, short of full control, was terrifying in its magnitude. The laws of a True Monarch-level minor world were indeed formidable.

In an instant, an overwhelming pressure from all directions immobilized both Lin Fei and Sun Blaze True Monarch. Sun Blaze True Monarch's expression shifted slightly as he remarked, "This move again. True Monarch Lin, the Holy Emperor of this realm can draw upon the realm's laws. It's like we're fighting against the entire Holy Emperor Realm, not just one Holy Emperor."

Lin Fei nodded in understanding. It was clear why Sun Blaze True Monarch had been defeated each time. Battling against a True Monarch-level minor world like the Holy Emperor Realm was an immensely difficult task. If they were true Holy Emperors themselves, this tactic of law suppression would be ineffective, as both parties would have access to similar powers, neutralizing each other.

However, both Sun Blaze True Monarch, and Lin Fei were not true Holy Emperors and lacked the ability to manipulate the realm's laws. Therefore, they found themselves overwhelmingly suppressed.

"True Monarch Divine Form!" Sun Blaze True Monarch unleashed his True Monarch Divine Form, transforming into a colossal giant, with his strength amplified to its utmost limits. Despite this formidable display, he still couldn't overcome the Holy Emperor, remaining entirely suppressed throughout the confrontation.

Lin Fei, assessing the Holy Emperor's power, looked down to find himself tightly bound by the pervasive force of the realm's laws. Taking a deep breath, Lin Fei prepared for his countermove.


In the next moment, Lin Fei unleashed the power of his Particle Worlds. All three thousand five hundred Particle Worlds erupted simultaneously, unleashing an unimaginable force. This explosion of power drastically amplified Lin Fei's strength.

With the manifestation of Lin Fei's divine form, even though there were still numerous law forces trying to suppress him, they were now ineffective. They were like ropes attempting to bind him, but in the wake of the Particle Worlds' explosion, these constraints became futile, breaking apart inch by inch.

Suddenly, Lin Fei felt a wave of relief wash over him as if all the previous constraints had vanished without a trace. This dramatic shift in the battle's dynamics caused a significant change in the expression of the Holy Emperor of the Twin Holy Alliance.

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