Immortality Cultivation: I Can increase My Stats Using Clansmen's Qi-Blood

Chapter 28 - 28 General, Tao Ji_1

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 General, Tao Ji_1

Qingshi Town, located in a luxurious mansion in the central region.

The one who served as the town leader of Qingshi Town.

Lived within this residence.

However, what was different today from other days was.

Outside this mansion, countless robust figures resembling tigers and wolves.

Clad in dark red iron armor, with ten-times forged steel knives at their waists.

The aura of these elite soldiers, faintly emitting a deadly menace, stood silently on guard.

“My lord, do you think the family powers within Qingshi Town…”

“Will agree to our proposed donation?”

Inside the mansion, within a somewhat extravagant room.

Yue Jun, with a head full of silvery-white long hair, who was the town leader of Qingshi Town,

was now bowing his back in a rather servile manner, his face full of eagerness to please.

“Will they agree?”

Upon hearing Yue Jun’s words, Tao Ji, wearing a shining silver armor and a Hundred-Forged Steel Knife at his waist from the Da Feng Dynasty’s thousand-strong army,

couldn’t help but let out a laugh.

“This is a mandate from the high-ranking officials above.”

“From the beginning, the family powers inside Qingshi Town have had no room for choice.”

“Either they pay up, or they face extermination.”

“They have no other options…”

Hearing this, Yue Jun’s brow could not help but furrow slightly. After hesitating for a moment, he still couldn’t restrain himself from speaking out, “My lord, the family powers within Qingshi Town should not be underestimated.”

“If we forcefully press these family powers for hefty donations…”

“Perhaps it isn’t the best solution.”

Tao Ji said, “Town Leader Yue, have your horizons become so narrow from staying in such a small place for too long?”

“Do you think my knife is not sharp enough?”

“Or do you think the army under my command is not strong enough?”

“A mere family power within Qingshi Town, with a wave of my hand, I can suppress them by force.”

“If they agree to donate, all the better.”

“And if anyone resists, they will be killed.”

“Killed until it chills their hearts, killed until they dare not resist, and the donation matter will naturally fall into place.”

Yue Jun looked at Tao Ji, who was clothed in the shining silver armor, as well as the elite soldiers standing outside the room, unmoving and expressionless as pines.

He shook his head in resignation, sighed quietly, and said in a low voice, “Since you, my lord, have already made a decision, let’s proceed as you have said.”

Thus, under the consultation of Tao Ji, the commander of a thousand, and Yue Jun, the town leader of Qingshi Town,

The matter of donations from the major families within Qingshi Town.

Was also carried out in an orderly fashion.

Since the reputations of the four major families within Qingshi Town were too resounding,

Whether it was the Luo Family, Zhao Family, Jing Family, or the Hu Family,

No one dared to take the donation matter lightly.

These four families knew that whether it was from the official side or from the various family powers within Qingshi Town,

All eyes would be on the four families.

Therefore, rather than delay things with endless excuses,

It was better to bite the bullet and shed blood in order to ensure the family’s survival.

However, while the donation from the four major families in Qingshi Town was straightforward, the family powers under them

Were somewhat reluctant to donate.

The four major families had many industries under their control.

Even if they shed blood once and were greatly weakened, as time passed, they could always recover.

But for the family powers beneath these four major families,

If they were to shed blood once, whether they could recover afterward was an unknown.

In the blink of an eye, several days had passed.

Qingshi Town, Luo Family Ancestral Land.

Within the courtyard where the Ancestor of the Luo Family resided.

Luo Changfeng, as the Ancestor of the Luo Family, was now sitting quietly under the Stone Pavilion, calmly flipping through a book called “Introduction to Alchemy” in his hands.

Standing silently beside Luo Changfeng was the current Family Head of the Luo Family, Luo Ping.

His gaze, inadvertently, gradually shifted to the old book held in the hands of the Ancestor of the Luo Family.

“Introduction to Alchemy?”

“The same book again…”

Whenever Luo Ping entered the courtyard of the Ancestor of the Luo Family, he would always see the Ancestor holding such a book.

“How are things?”

“What is the progress of the donation?”

“Which families have donated, and which families have not?”

Luo Changfeng glanced at Luo Ping, standing beside him, and the youth Luo Chuan, who was following behind Luo Ping and still looking slightly immature.

He set down the book named “Introduction to Alchemy” and asked in a low voice.

“Patriarch Changfeng, the donation matter is almost finished,” Luo Ping said.

“The other three major families in Qingshi Town have donated early.”

“The majority of the large families have also donated.”

“Some of the medium and small families seem to want to try their luck, so they simply found excuses to keep dragging it out…”

Luo Changfeng: “Is that all?”

Luo Ping: “Huh?”

Seeing the confusion on Luo Ping’s face, Luo Changfeng couldn’t help but sigh slightly and turned to Luo Chuan, “It’s better if you explain it!”

Luo Chuan respectfully bowed his head.

Then, he stepped forward.

He began to explain the donation matter in detail to Patriarch Changfeng standing before him.

“If what you say is true, won’t that mean that within three days, a storm of blood and violence will surge through Qingshi Town?”

“Yes, Patriarch Changfeng,” Luo Chuan nodded slightly.

“Have you investigated whether those families truly have no money, or if they simply… do not wish to donate?”

“Patriarch Changfeng, does it really matter whether they have money or not?”

As soon as Luo Chuan said this,

the courtyard fell into a profound silence beneath the Stone Pavilion.

However, this silence did not last long before Luo Changfeng broke it.

“You lad…”

Luo Changfeng looked at Luo Chuan, who, despite his still somewhat youthful face, had already shown his capability, and couldn’t help but say with a smile, “If that’s the case, then you may leave!”

“Yes, Patriarch Changfeng.”

Luo Chuan bowed slightly and cupped his hands in a salute.

After that, he left the courtyard.

And Luo Ping, the current Family Head of the Luo Family, looked at his Ancestor’s expression and then at his son, who was gradually walking away.

After being momentarily stunned, he also bowed respectfully to Patriarch Changfeng.

Then, he followed in his son’s footsteps.

Only after the two of them had left the courtyard of the Ancestor of the Luo Family,

Luo Ping, still somewhat unclear about the situation, suddenly asked his son Luo Chuan beside him, “Chuan’er, what did you mean by those words you told Elder Changfeng just now?”

Luo Chuan: “The general idea is, if there are still families that haven’t donated within three days, the elite soldiers will have to take action.”

“What?” Luo Ping frowned slightly, seeming somewhat surprised, “Chuan’er, didn’t you say before that if they truly had no money, there would be no issue?”

“Father, you said it yourself, that was before…”

As Luo Chuan walked, he suddenly stopped and looked at his father, Luo Ping, beside him.

He hesitated for a moment, and then sighed, speaking softly, “Based on what I know about General Tao Ji, who leads a thousand soldiers, those people likely don’t have the time or energy to investigate each family to see whether or not they have money.”

“Also, there’s…”

“What else is there?” Luo Ping pressed.

“Also, it’s just that…” Luo Chuan paused and then shook his head with a smile, “Never mind, it’s nothing.”

After all, Luo Ping, the current Family Head of the Luo Family, was his own father.

Could he really tell his own father that Elder Changfeng was becoming dissatisfied with him?

That his position as Family Head might not last much longer?

Even though these were the truths,

saying them outright would somewhat wound his father’s heart.

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