Immortality begins with Becoming an Alchemy Grandmaster

Chapter 503: 216: A proud sun overwhelms the

heart, a friend bids farewell to the world—1

Powerful! Scorching!

The massive fireball really did resemble a rising proud sun, continuously

expanding and growing stronger.

Fear, recoiling.

It immediately enveloped the female cultivator overhead.

Yu Rou immediately stopped, her eyes filled with disbelief as she stared at the figure under the proud sun.

“Dan Chenzi?”

As she stopped, the proud sun gradually dissipated.

A cold, piercing gaze stared directly back.

Looking into those eyes was like staring into a cold pool abyss, mysteriously bottomless and incredibly cold.

Yu Rou said in a voice choked with panic, “Huo Hu mustn’t die. You… you can t

kill him.”

She glanced at the unconscious body in the vine prison.

Luo Chen sneered, “There’s no rule in the world that allows one to kill but not

to fight back. Isn’t that right, friend Yu?”

“But… the Huo Family… Huo Quan!”

Mentioning the name Huo Quan seemed to give Yu Rou back her confidence.

She gradually regained her composure. “If you dare to kill Huo Hu, the Huo Family will not rest easily. Huo Quan has been a Sixth Level Foundation Establishment for many years and has been in closed-door cultivation to strike at the Late Stage Foundation Establishment. Once he breaks out…

“He isn’t in front of us.” Luo Chen cut her off. “Standing in front of us, is you.”


It’s me!

Luo Chen’s bland words shook Yu Rou to her core.

Her gaze wandered. Nearby was Dan Chenzi with his killing intent.

Off in the distance stood Wang Yuan, atop a stone pillar, like a ferocious tiger himself.

Behind her, there was Li Yixian, sword in hand.

Just now, she saw clearly that Li Yixian was determined to stop her.

In other words, Li Yixian had chosen to align with Dan Chenzi!

If it were any normal time, she would have the confidence to use her Jade

Feathered White Hawk’s speed to escape.

But Dan Chenzi’s terrifying Evil Qi indicated that it might not be that simple.

His return alive indicated that the two Foundation Establishment True

Cultivators were incapable of taking him down and were even killed by him!

Under such an onslaught, she had absolutely no confidence that she could rescue Huo Hu and escape smoothly.

“Enough! Enough!”

She smiled bitterly and slowly retreated.

“You bear the consequences of today’s events. You won’t be able to bear Huo

Quan’s rage,” she said.

Watching her retreat,

Luo Chen suddenly spoke.


Yu Rou’s face changed, from bitter to fierce.


“Friend, do you… want to keep me here too?”

As she spoke, the spirit light all over her body blazed passionately. A feathered fan dropped into her hand.

At this moment,

She resembled an angry, ruffled hawk.

However, Luo Chen just shook his head.

He said calmly, “You can go. However, when you leave, you mustn’t mention the details of this battle to Huo Quan. If he comes asking, tell him Huo Hu is in my hands. If he dares act lightly, the Huo Family may find themselves without an heir!”

As he spoke, his gaze moved to two separate spots.

One was the deep part of the stone forest, the other was the figure standing on

the stone pillar.

Of course, Yu Rou understood his meaning.

But the threatening words made her, who was always in a superior position, feel uncomfortable.

Perhaps noticing her discontent, Luo Chen smiled lightly and uttered a sentence.

The sentence which made her heart jump uncontrollably and left her no choice but to agree.

“The Luo Tian Creed is merely a means for me to collect resources for my cultivation. However, the Yu Clan is your lifeblood.”

Yu Rou took a long look at him.

“I’ll remember!”

Thereafter, the White Hawk flapped its jade feathers and flew off into the distance.

Li Yixian watched this scene, feeling a lot lighter. The frustration that had been accumulating in her throughout the night instantly dissipated.

That friend with whom she used to have a good relationship, with whom she used to consider a sister,

Had been using the name “Li Family” to manipulate her all night.

She really felt manipulated.

That feeling, could any of her family members understand?

Unexpectedly, Luo Chen could!

Uttering the end phrase ‘ ‘Yu Family,11 likely caught Yu Rou off guard! Thus cooling her extremities.

Luo Chen was no benevolent soul.

Faced with two Foundation Establishment True Cultivators all by himself, he calmly returned, inhibiting one person and one monster.

Moreover, he dared to threaten the Late Stage Foundation Establishment Huo Quan.

This ruthless person, if pushed to the edge, might abandon the Luo Tian Creed, uncompromisingly face the Yu Family, and start to kill.

At that point, how would the members of the Yu Family gain experience outside? How would they do business?

It could be said that a family cultivator becomes strong because of their clan, but also weak because of their clan.


Exhaling a breath of Turbid Qi, Li Yixian felt a sense of renewal.

She looked at Huo Hu, unconscious in the green prison.

“He didn’t die?”

Luo Chen nodded, his gaze falling on Wang Yuan, who was moving closer.

The man’s condition wasn’t good, a chunk of flesh the size of a palm was missing from his abdomen, his overall state was somewhat listless.

It was clear that this battle wasn’t as easy as Li Yixian and the others had made it out to be for him.

Wang Yuan said gruffly, “He was struck by my Blood God Tribulation Pointer. He didn’t die, but he’s badly wounded.”

Blood God Tribulation Pointer!

The move that Wang Yuan had told Luo Chen about, that he had finally mastered after years of research. It was a Second Realm of Body Refinement attack.

The area of attack wasn’t large.

But it was fast, highly concentrating its power for attack, and could be used from a distance.

Especially that last aspect, it was particularly important.

Body Refiners in the second realm are not considered true cultivators due to Foundation Establishment.

This was because most of their techniques were meant for close combat, even if they could channel their Qj and Blood, it wouldn’t reach more than ten meters. It was rather difficult to threaten true cultivators who relied on their flying swords and were capable of attacking from dozens of meters away.

Before, Duan Qiankun used a hit-and-run strategy along with long-ranged attacks, exhausting Wang Yuan to the point of desiring death.

Now, he has barely filled in the gap of having a long- ranged technique.

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